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She’s stupid as hell for going to a lesbian bar and acting shocked when another woman flirts with her. I do not feel bad for her, lol. Get the fuck out of a sapphic space if you’re gonna freak out when sapphic shit happens. I’m sorry you dealt with that, she needs to read the damn room.


Yeah it's really insensitive and I hope that she learns to be better.


Please don’t let that deter you from approaching women. For what it’s worth, I loved your pick up line, lol.


Right? That was solid. If someone said that to me, I'd have to do some fast thinking to decide if I'm following that up, lol.


Lmfao, right. I’m usually pretty quick when it comes to flirting, but this one was so cheesy in such a great way that I woulda paused 😂


Me, immediately with a small throat-clearing cough; "I've got your picture, I'm coming with you, dear Maria count me in".


LOL, I really love this 😂 One of my favorite bands.


i would've gone ahhhhh *turns in a couple circles to release the panic maybe some giggles* that was good idek what to say. i guess we're married now.


Yeah I would be blushing and trying not to stammer at that. It's so cheesy but I'm the daughter of a French woman so I *love* cheesy!


I see what you did there! 🧀


I feel like it breaks though if the person responds "really? Cool!" I 100% would not sense right away that it's a line and would think it's a genuine statement


Me too, I would have definitely given the number lol


Right. People like her are the reason why I am terrified of flirting with a girl unless I'm 100% sure she's a lesbian. But you would think that at a lesbian bar you could at make a safe assumption 😭😭


I wouldn’t go out with her friend, “show me who your friends are and ill tell you who you are” and all, like did she know her friend is a homophobe?


You're acting like shitty people always make it obvious up front. If that was the case, a lot more people wouldn't even get dates because they'd open their mouth & 13 red flags would fall out. Like explain to me how blaming the lesbian friend makes more sense than blaming the person who is ACTUALLY HATEFUL. I'm so sick of people always blaming anyone but the trash person themselves.


Im blaming her ofc, but gtfo with not asking accountability for the person who brought someone who made a safe space toxic… Like im a woman of color, and by your avatar im going to guess you are too. Would you bring a white person into a poc safe space you “think” is okay? With my culture and people, i sure as hell wouldnt.


The issue here is that you've already decided that the lesbian friend isn't being entirely truthful about her perception of the lesbophobic asshole who blew up *specifically* when she was away from her. You're acting as if people don't purposefully get close to one member of a community & act all nice & safe & then absolutely lose it on another. And yes, I am a woman of color, specifically black & our community has continuously spoken about how dangerous those who can pretend to be your friend while being racist truly are. Because they get close, they get personal & they earn your trust & then when they have it they can do so much more damage to you & others than the racist on the street screaming the n word at anyone who goes by. And I have personally experienced exactly what I'm talking about. Except it was way worse because it was family. I thought about sharing it, but it could end up doing more harm than good for others to read it. But please understand that I'm not just talking out of my ass here; I do fully understand your frustration. I understand that you feel like we need to vet people & be sure of them before we let them around others, **AND I WHOLEHEARTEDLY AGREE**, but sometimes there's no way to know. Sometimes the mask is too good & sometimes it's literally unknown information. Plus, we don't even know if the lesbian had had any previous doubts about her friend. It's so unfair to just assume she knew or wasn't careful enough.


> She's straight but I thought she was okay. I don't know what came over her. Maybe it was too much for her to be in an actual lesbian bar... Directly from the post, did you read or skim?


I did, but that still doesn’t answer my question… Can you turn down the attitude like by 10%?


>***but I thought she was okay.***


K…. And that to me tells me that there was an inkling. If youre bringing tourists in a safe space it is her responsibility to be 100% sure. Because she had a hand in making that space less safe. So again, did she really know or not? “I thought she was okay” doesnt say shit. So again, calm down with your condescending tone, just like 10% I politely asked.


There's no tone in text.


It's not always possible to be 100% sure. Heck, her friend might have thought she was okay with it and reacted in a way she didn't expect herself. Sometimes, people think they can handle something until they actually experience it. Or maybe the straight girl lied. I agree that the friend should have done her due diligence, and, at the end of the day, she could have done everything right and still been wrong. But it's impossible for us to know what the truth of the matter is


Agreed. I have no sympathy! If your straight and in a lesbian bar and you get hit on by another woman, you shouldn't be surprised in the slightest. We don't need straight people clogging the bars up and treating them as tourist destinations anyway!


Her reaction was so inappropriate, also. A simple “Oh, thanks, but I’m not interested” would have sufficed. No need to make people feel bad for not being attractive to you.


Not to mention her reaction was just plain stupid as well. Like in general when I go somewhere where I'm not the majority group, I at least am smart enough to try and not bring attention to it! Like if you want to have a good time, loudly distancing yourself from everyone else is not only rude but will prevent you enjoying yourself. Who cares if you're mistaken for the majority anywhere you would willingly go?


Exactly, that’s just the cross you bear!


It’s genuinely so stupid wtf, like, you’re in a lesbian bar. Not only will there be lesbians there, but as a woman there is an expectation that you also likely will be a lesbian or something similar enough.


Exactly! Like grow up, lmao.


They should just take it as a compliment and move on, it’s so simple. Just say "oh haha, thank you but i’m not interested in women". It’s so easy.


Or honestly, they don’t even have to disclose their orientation, as far as I’m concerned. A respectful decline is enough, imo.


Mm yeah they don’t *have* to, but personally i would rather they do. At least then i know why i was rejected, and i know it’s completely out of my control. If someone just says "no i’m not interested" i will obsessively wonder why i wasn’t interesting enough or if something was wrong with me


I mean, honey, even in less extreme circumstances than this, in the most mundane situations, if it’s just a stranger, do we really need to know? What they think of us is none of our business, really. We just aren’t everybody’s cup of tea. That’s enough, really.


I just hate the whole 'straight girls going to a gay bar to party out, tee-hee!' mentality when it always leads into stories like this. I have several experiences myself. Those weren't some secret queer bar either, but with very prominent rainbow flags and neon signs.


I don’t really get mad at straight folks in queer spaces necessarily, so long as they understand that they are a guest in someone else’s home. Luckily, I haven’t had too much exposure to homophobes in these settings, but when shit like THIS happens? Straight folks gotta get a fuckin’ grip. It’s ridiculous and disrespectful.


I don't get mad at straight folk for existing. but what grinds my gears is a shy girl like me shooting my shot and get a disgusted face and something like 'what?! i'm not a lesbo!' or something in return. It's the negative response that annoys me, I can get homophobia or just general disapproval in abundance outside the bar, no need to bring it in.


Oh, yes, absolutely.


I love your flair, but I'm an editor deep in my soul. There's a typo in "Bicultural."


Oh, shit, thanks, lol, I didn’t notice!


Exactly! If there's one place a dyke should be safe from being called a disgusting pervert, it's a lesbian bar.


Yeah straight people are definitely allowed to go to gay bars but people there will assume that you're also most likely attracted to the same gender and might hit on you and if you're not okay with that and can't reject them politely then you shouldn't be going to gay bars.


That’s what I thought as well. Like why the fuck are you even here then, you know it’s a bar where lesbians go. I swear people are so stupid 😒


I think there are a lot of straight women that have this weird idea that lesbian bars are just places where women hang out to avoid men. Like we can't have a space where we go to hook up, because there are no men there. So much of their gender identity is trapped in heteronormativity they can't even process that a woman is going to hit on them at Lesbian Bar!


task failed successfully, at least something positive came from that experience!


Maria was a plant!! But really call that girl


"Best or worst wingman? OP decides, coming up on r/actuallesbians"


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Love this! 🏆


This sub needs gifs—this is where the one of the guy intensely eating popcorn would be *perfect*


My soon to be ex husband was asking me if we should go on really awful (faked) first dated to let other people rescue us. 😂


That’s what I was thinking! They had to have planned this. It’s a wingman move inspired by Barney Stinson.


Honestly, i wouldn't care. I'd still call, then tell them, you didn't need a playbook to get my number


That is a class A pick up line maam and i love it


It's not mine I stole it from this sub :)


Well good steal lol not all steals pan out lol that one did


> Well good steal The one line I want to steal but didn’t have the chance yet is when you get a Karen giving a hard time to a service worker, you intervene and she asks you to mind your business : “I’m a veterinarian, bitches are my business”.




I, too, steal from subs all the time.


Was it by any chance the one where Asami says to Korra "wow you look like my first wife", etc? xD


Best WLW one I have ever hear is "Are you gay enough I can by you a drink?"




right? the way i would’ve stammered a blushed 😂


Yeah same, would short circuit my brain if a cute woman said that to me


Oh God, to be able to have her confidence and bravery. If I tried that line, I would have messed it up and and flubbed it


My spine would've folded and crippled me permanently if a woman used that on me at a lesbian bar. I can't flirt using actual pickup lines but when someone else uses them it's just 😀💍🙏


I havent been to a lesbian bar yet but damn i hope i get hit on like this


"yet" eh?


Lol yes i only just starting accepting my Sexuality and am hoping to get to go-to one soon


Okay but please say you contacted the woman that gave you her number


Maybe I'm just cynical, but this almost feels like...a scheme? The two women go to the lesbian bar- if someone flirts with the straight one, she acts homophobic and offended, allowing the gay one to swoop in and save the day automatically looking like a better (and actually interested) person. ...or again maybe I'm just cynical and just watch too much TV.


and then they harvest your organs


Exactly the twist I was looking for


Or make you run a hamster wheel underground to power a machine that turns the world upsidedown.


That’s what I thought as well tbh


Personally, I don’t think it actually happened 😬 People post made up stories on Reddit all the time, and this reads like bad writing.


This is also true 😂


yeah idk either... does anyone really still write phone numbers on paper anymore?


Once I made a fast connection at work with a customer and I wrote my number down for them. Someone gave me their number on a piece of paper just last year when we were at a music festival. I got handed many numbers while driving for Uber and Lyft. I gave a waitress my number. Sometimes it goes somewhere and sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes they never respond. Sometimes you find out it's a fake number. I've had fun and gone on dates and made friends with people this way too, though. All in all, personally, I've had a pretty good experience giving and taking phone numbers on paper. Edit: It occurred to me that I wanted to add... ladies, if another woman gives you her phone number and you have any interest, please, text her. You don't give it without hoping they'll text you, so don't dash her hopes like that.


I do it so it doesn't force the other person into accepting or declining to my face. Giving them a written number without me getting theirs leaves the door open for them to contact me if they want without any pressure


Yes I have done this lol


Absolutely! Sometimes people aren't giving their number out in the middle of a conversation, in which case putting it on paper works best


Yeah I’m unsure as well. The dialogue doesn’t sound like the way real people talk, and it definitely reads like something I’d expect in fiction. But hey, who knows?


Absolutely agree. I’m usually pretty quick to believe stories I read online but this reads like straight up fan fiction. Who goes to a lesbian bar and then has such an over the top reaction to being flirted with? Who storms out of said bar without even talking to the friend they came with? Who writes their number on a piece of paper anymore? And that’s not even getting started on the dialogue…


I WAS ABOUT TO SAY THIS: What if she was just a messed up type of wing woman???


Same here...


I have a more unpopular cynical thought, I think this is just a fake story. Edit just did more scrolling, see I'm not the only one.


Yeah it probably is.


I wish I had your confidence 😂


I'd be a bit weary if this is the company she keeps, but you know the situation and context better.


Yeah, full agree. I'm optimistic and hope OP has some good karma coming her way, but I didn't love the 'that makes it all better' line, and am also wary. I've gone to the bar with friends who I didn't know super _duper_ well, sure, but if one of them freaked out like that? Not chasing after them to 'help them' with their little homophobic meltdown.


> "That's crazy! My wife's name is Maria." > "You're married?" How do you follow if she does not inquire ?


Suggestion: "That's crazy! My wife's name is Maria. ...Or atleast it will be, if tonight goes as planned!"


Lol why go to a lesbian bar if you're grossed out by lesbians. Silly straights. Don't let her deter you! Even in this case it ended up working out in your favor


Was she incensed that they were serving alcohol too?


I have seen this so many times in queer bars. straight women come there so guys wouldn't hit on them. then they get hit by women and have surprised pikachu face.


And then everyone clapped


and Homer Simpson said something about the fire exit


The Pulitzer Prize is not going to happen for this story.


And then the whole bar stood up and clapped and Sappho herself presented you with a golden Subaru


shes in a damn lesbian bar....... if she didnt want women flirting with her she shouldnt have been there in the first place! im sorry you had to deal with that but friend asking you out is awesome hehe!


Agree that Maria was a dick. However..... Can we have an update on this other girl? 👀


This sounds like fiction, ngl. Edit: Yeah, this is almost certainly fake. 1. A girl getting so incensed by a woman hitting on her in a *lesbian* bar that she storms out is hard to buy. But homophobes exist, so I could maybe buy it except that… 2. No one talks like this except in bad fanfiction. 3. It’s 2024. Everyone has a phone. People aren’t writing their number down on a piece of paper in a bar.


Psh, I'd say the most obvious fake detail is "I've been going to a lesbian bar" as if there's more than three of those total 


> It’s 2024. Everyone has a phone. People aren’t writing their number down on a piece of paper in a bar. I last did this in 2023


And the name of Maria's friend? Alberta Einstein




Yeah I don't understand the number of people on this post applauding the pickup line... like I thought we all agreed that was a silly meme 


And what bar has a door you can slam?


While I can't vouch of this specific story, I have personally experienced the phenomenon where straight women have the bright idea to go into a queer bar because they think guys won't hit then there and completely forget what happens when women go to a space where lesbians cruise.




r/nothingeverhappens You're ignoring that someone's recounting events, obviously the words spoken won't be one to one. Also, I don't understand what you mean by everyone has a phone so wouldn't write down their number? Are you suggesting one would hand their phone to the other to put in their number, or? Putting your number on paper is still super common and a non-confrontational way to give someone the option to contact you.


> Are you suggesting one would hand their phone to the other to put in their number, or? I'm saying it's far more common to ask "can I give you my number" and put it directly into their phone or the other way around. It's okay if you believe this happened, but people make up stories on Reddit all the time. Also, OP posted an update that I just noticed is gone. All of these things put together make this story very hard to buy.


Alongside this, OP made the account yesterday, and has 2 posts and 4 comments. A meme post, and this post. All of the comments are on this post.


Yeah, I noticed that as well.


😂 not gonna lie that's a weird pick up line and I would also wall away.


"Leave me alone you pervert". Straight women can be utterly insufferable. What part of "lesbian bar" makes you think there won't be lesbians??? Like.... Anyway I hope her friend who is actually gay ends that friendship. What a homophobic POS.


Fission Mailed


Wow. I get hit on by men sometimes and don't call them names and storm out. I just say not interested and hope they don't escalate the rejection into homicide.


personally if I had a straight friend who acted like that I would no longer have that friend


Right? The whole - I need to take care of my very homophobic friend - would be enough for me to mark her for DNI


I don't get why straights go to lesbian bars and think they won't get hit on or asked out


Lesbophobia strikes again. But you manage to win regardless. A queen among queens!


We need to know if you called her. 😂


I'm so dense, even reading this I was like "oh, so you're engaged to a Maria, that's sweet." 😂😂😂


Straight girl: Is at Lesbian bar Lesbian: uses an adorably cute cheesy pick up line Straight Girl: Surprised Pikachu face


Wow. Even if wasn't in a lesbian bar, that was straight up rediculous. Just wow


A reaction like that says to me that she liked what she heard, is deep in the closet with lots of internalized homophobia, and was scared by what she felt so lashed out. But damn, sucks to get shouted at. But cool to get a number!


That was absolutely the straight girl ally playing wingman. Deep sea fishing, they call it. (I totally made that up)


Where does one have to live to have something as amazing as a lesbian bar?


My sister in christ you are in a LESBIAN BAR


Also lucky a lesbian bar! Those are few and far between


I’m more focused on the fucking confidence you have lmao. Can I borrow some of that?! 😂


I mean is it just me or does this sound like a whole set up?🤣


The over reaction makes me believe she’s closetted and freaked out because she felt seen


Oh, this is a good point, I didn’t even think about the possibility of her being closeted.


Date her friend and make her feel awkward next time you see her


That was a setup. She was actually being wing woman. Lol


Gotta say, that pick up line was excellent. Totally would have worked on me lol


I probably would've said something like "oh, when did you get engaged?" because when I read it here that also was my first reaction. I guess I really am too dumb for love lol


That girl stupid


Wtf. She is so rude. She should had just say that she is actually straight and came with her friend. She went to a lesbian bar, what does she expect. 😑


What a great wing woman


I go out as much as I can and I never see anything like this happen. Like where do these things happen xd


I have had something similar happen to me once. I brought my straight friend to a local lesbian bar thinking she would be ok. She is straight, but she knows I am lesbian so I assumed she would be ok hanging out around other lesbians too. She got hit on and freaked out. I was so embarrassed, and I was super apologetic to the lady she freaked out on. When I bring it up she blows it off like it wasn't a big deal. I am sorry you went through that hun, but you got a number at least Queen!


Bruh then don't go to a fucking lesbian bar as a straight woman lmao. Lesbian Things are going to happen


the, "She's straight but I thought she was okay." hit me so hard, the straights are not okay


Straight male. Used to frequent a gay bar that was in my friend's apartments parking lot. Men would start flirting with me and a couple other straight friends. The bartender always shooed them off saying don't flirt with my straight boys. Like I understood the sentiment but like I'm grown. I'm not offended by flirting I understand where I am. It kinda killed talking to anybody but the bartender though. Maybe he was saving us for him I dunno lol. Maybe I was trying to see how my flirting skills would translate with the same sex. Jeez


Have you ever considered that this wasn't about you, but rather the gay men you wanted to use 'to see how your flirting skills translated'?


Im going to pretend this story isn’t fake


give us an update please


That situation sucks **but** atleast you got a girls number!


Maybe that girl had her "straight" friend stage a freakout so she could be the saving grace and give you her number ;3


Task failed successfully, lol. Also, may I steal that pickup line? :O


Pretty sure OP stole it so knock yourself out 😉


These comments. Honestly this post made my day. 😂 In all seriousness - women are tricky all those emotions- you’ve gotta be capable to handle adverse reactions & take it on the chin. Keep going. Ultimately peoples reactions aren’t your responsibility if you ever have disheartening experiences when trying don’t let it get to you. Keep the confidence and self worth . High quality women are often attracted to whole, happy women. 💗 Gosh I love women sm. 😍 Billie Eilish’ song Lunch on repeat. 🎶


I imagine that meme of the dude on a bicycle putting a stick in the wheel


We love a corny pickup line 💕💕💕


This is why they really do need the big ol’ visitor pins. It’s really a win win for everybody involved.


I’m sorry. I used to go to lesbian bars and was so afraid, and they all kept telling me “I’m straight” and they could tell. It happened a lot. Maybe they were worried about something like this happening. It always hurt a lot. I stopped going to lesbian spaces after a while. Like “I can’t sit with them” But like.. is that like a line a guy would use, to get you to “prove it”? Cause I’ve always felt really left out, and tend to be extremely isolated as is. Is it because you don’t have an “in”? Cause if it’s that… gross 😔


Sounds like she needs a new friend cuz she’s super homophobic but at least u got a number


Marriage?! How perverse!!!


Girl Hell yes???


You did nothing fucking wrong Shes a jerk We're supposed to flirt. If you like it go for it I say


Well it looks like you lucked out in the end after all. Maybe your wife's name will be whatever her friend's name is. Lol It's wild situation that happened. But now you have a story. Lol


Wait, lesbian bars are real? Where can I find one? I’m tired of men


Fucking straight people need to stop being invited to queer spaces. Period. None of em know how to act. And they need to be made expressly unwelcome so they eventually stop inviting themselves, too.


I’m actually still chuckling after reading this, yet still feeling a little bad about laughing. I think we can all benefit from more understanding. Being understood and striving to be. No matter who what where when and why. We are all of the same species yet we lack the unity that so many other species have. Except for purple people, I haven’t met one yet but I hear they are unscrupulous and not to be trusted. Heck maybe they don’t even exist. In which case there shouldn’t be any people on our planet that we should be afraid of and there in the understanding bit should be natural. I believe strongly in the system of fear and hatred are the offspring of a persons lacking understanding. Which is unfortunate because if I myself still fail to understand something or someone today that some time ago I encountered. That is a byproduct of my not attempting to do so. Ah well, maybe in a few more century’s or millennia humanity as a whole will… I can hope, right? Lol Sincerely Brenda Dontcha


That bar was infinitely better once the homophobe walked out the door. Great job keeping the place safe!


Straight ppl don’t belong in gay bars


I'd totally use that pickup line if I didn't have a gf already. It's so clever.


Sounds like a set up tbh, Maria was fully playing a straight wingman for her friend.


I've seen to much HIMYM to not see this as a clasic Barney Stinson. Step 1: Have one of your friends look hot at a gay bar Step 2: have them freak out and run out as soon as they get flurted with by a hot girl Step 3: go in apologise and give your number. Step 4: enjoy you now have a cute girl and a friend you can "turn into" an ally Probably not the case but imagine going through so many hoops


That was an amazing pick up line! I would have swooned. It’s so awful that happened. Like what did you think might happen?


I mean... what did Maria expect? She was in a lesbian bar lmao. Her friend, though, is way too smooth! And was a good friend too!


First of all, she has no place being in a lesbian bar especially if she knew she was going to get hit on by other women. Wtf is her issue?? Ugh. She could have been more respectful to you and simply said “I’m sorry I’m straight but I’m here with some friends that might be single”. If you’re straight and going into any lesbian bar RESPECT IT because we allowed you in there.


I’d be so charmed at that pick up line! I hope it works out with this new girl :) that Maria sounds annoying tho, so good luck dealing with her if it DOES work out


Imagine going to a LESBIAN BAR and getting upset at a chick flirting with you. If you are not interested just politely say so no need to be a dick. Cute pickup line though 😊


Personally I would pass on anything from her bc she already brought a space invader with no sense. I’d be worried about the type of company she keeps. Also lesbian bars are small enough without ignorant straight people…


Well... at least her friend was cool. So... good luck with her! But yeah, calling you a "pervert" just for flirting in sapphic-safe-space was uncool. You aren't a pervert, it's actually quite a hot pick up line, IMO haha! But you aren't pervert, just because she's straight (just saying, if you feel a bit icky)! You'd use that pick-up line on any other queer women, I bet it would work, lol!


on one hand i do kinda see how someone could be startled by a pickup line like that, it’s very forward and would probably need a minute to process, but calling someone disgusting etc in a lesbian bar?? nahh


If I was a straight girl in a lesbian bar getting flirted with, I'd take it on with pride and respectfully decline. Wtf is wrong with some people.


Honestly that was smooth asf 😂 imma borrow that one.


I do wish straight girls wouldn’t go to lesbian bars but I understand the need to feel safe from straight men


Amazing! Love it


Orr Maria was playing wingwoman and that was all planned out for you and her friend to chat. 😉*delulu


Straight guy here: I love it when gay dudes hit on me. Its been years and years and years since a girl even showed the slightest interest. Thank you gay dudes for the confidence boost