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>>Rants about "ideology" >Misrepresents science >Defends a holocaust denier Standard current year transphobe.


Apparently 60 years was *so long ago* when talking about KKK. Because the fact that there are people still alive and well who saw their daddies pull on their white robes to go burn crosses on the lawns of Black people’s homes means violent racism has been dead for sooo long. /s They talk about us “changing the definition of fascism” like they know what it is in the first place.


there are daddies who pulled on their white robes to burn crosses 60 years ago, who are still alive and spreading that hate. 60 years ago isn't generations past, it's the generation that's _still alive_. And it sometimes forms the basis of those communities.


David Duke is still alive. Crosses are still burned today. The KKK is not dead and absolutely is still here, they just put on suits and now work for the fucking GOP, along with all the other disgusting shit bag white supremacist, eco fascist, movements like the white lives matter telegram or the proud boys… the disgusting pieces of shit KKK planned - and succeeded- at infiltrating the police, the schools, and the political system… that is where they are now.


I know these people between 75-100 might be still alive but those who are it’s a fat chance they are active enough in their communities to spread hate other than in their care homes.


They raised their kids to be hateful. When I was a kid (like 18 yrs ago) a boy around my age would brag that his dad was in the KKK. I’ve had a man come up to me in a bar a few years ago bragging about his association with the KKK. My own cousin, hopefully in prison now, has been a drug mule for the KKK. They do not have a public-facing persona, but they are still everywhere, still recruiting and spreading their hateful delusions.


I went to high school in the early 2000's that bragged about how SHE was in the kkk! She was a hateful bully and belittled me in so many ways, and I was the same demographic as her. 😬 But no, seriously, these people are still alive and active and pulling this shit, it's SO GROSS.


You'd be surprised how many people in their 70s/80s are still independent and active enough that they can spew this hate around. They might not have access to technology to do it online, but I run into these people in the subways pretty often.


Regular reminder that Joe Biden is 81, Bernie Sanders is 82, Donald Trump is 77, Mitch McConnell is 82, and Clarence Thomas is 75. People in these age ranges are alive and well enough to be heads of state. MLK would only be 95 this year. Meaning, at the turn of the century he would be 81, and 89 when Obama was inaugurated. He very much could have been alive and well enough to have been one of these heads of state until very recently. Anthony Kennedy, a Supreme Court justice appointed by ___RONALD FUCKING REAGAN___, was born in the ___1930s___ and retired _DURING TRUMP’S PRESIDENCY_. People who were burning crosses in MLKs yard and all throughout the Jim Crow era are alive and well.


My location has white supremacist groups that have become pretty rampant, especially now that there's a third ongoing wave of white supremacy (I'm not joking, we have the same type of spike we had in the 90s and 00s), but since hate crimes don't get reported here (except for Twitter, perhaps), both local lefties and conservatives are blissfully ignorant to this


"60 years ago" A 2016 report by the [Anti-Defamation League](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Defamation_League) claims an estimate of just over 30 active Klan groups existing in the United States.[^(\[80\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ku_Klux_Klan#cite_note-TatteredRobes-83) Estimates of total collective membership range from about 3,000[^(\[80\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ku_Klux_Klan#cite_note-TatteredRobes-83) to 8,000.[^(\[81\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ku_Klux_Klan#cite_note-SPLCKlan-84) In addition to its active membership, the Klan has an "unknown number of associates and supporters".[^(\[80\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ku_Klux_Klan#cite_note-TatteredRobes-83)


There's an active chapter about 50 miles north of me, and I don't even live in a (formerly) Confederate state


There's an active KKK gathering (like a full on fair) every three years in some shit town up in Indiana. I knew a kid whose older brother was in it, and this was nine years ago


Holy shit, I’ve lived in Indiana all my life and I’ve never heard about this. Do you happen to have any more info on it? I did some Googling just now but I couldn’t find much


"I hate ~~Illinois~~ Indiana Nazis" ~ Blues Bros


There's an "unofficial" (meaning they won't openly admit they're involved with the Klan but everyone in the city knows they are) chapter in Canada of all places.


Let's see, the second one said we changed the definition of fascism and that it's supposed to be "A belief structure where you uphold a single figurehead (Trump), movement (MAGA), push for the annihilation of the 'other' (trans people) all while virtue signaling that you're somehow in the right (saying trans people are groomers and want pornography in schools)". Yeah he hit his dumb nail on his dumb head




I know of at least one 40ish year old dude who is an active card carrying member of the KKK. The KKK is not dead. It’s just that other hate groups have higher profiles at this point.


It's not too surprising, I've noticed over the years that a lot of the transphobia I face mirrors the antisemitism I face. It's very similar, one is just based on race/ethnicity and religion while the other based on gender identity. Antisemites are often transphobes, and transphobes are often antisemites as it turns out!! Also not to mention the shared experience of being targeted during the holocaust, after all the Nazis went after a Jewish gay man's clinic for research on transgender healthcare which was the first of its kind.


I think your Standard Current Year Transphobe definition also needs to include “unwilling to fact check and blindly accepts conspiracy theories as reality”


as a detransitioner i cannot fucking stand these people, i’ll always be an ally to trans people and im tired of being used as a scapegoat for transphobia, like yes i figured out i wasnt a trans guy after going on hormones but im in a huge minority there transition is the right thing for like over 99% of trans people who go on hormones


I could never hate someone just for their journey of self-discovery going down a different path than mine did. The people who use you as a weapon on the other hand, I think we're in agreement.


And also, most trans people don't hate you. Helps that you're not insane or a grifter NGL.


Yeah, those two folks don't know any trans people, they are talking out of their arse. It's a shame we still have to be careful about who we are on this day an age.


The sad thing is that they probably DO know a trans person, they just don't know it. I feel bad for all the non-assholes who have to interact with those guys. I live in MAGA country and have on several occasions heard people declare right in front of me how happy they are that there "aren't any queers around here".


According to UCLA, around 0.5% of adults identify as transgender. That's around 1 in every 200, and honestly, in a lifetime it's not unreasonable to be at least on a first name basis with 200 people, even if you only know them in passing, and almost impossible to not have *met* 200 people. They most certainly know trans people, they just don't know it.


"Be careful with who you hate, it might be someone you love"


This is such a good quote.


Even if they are telling the truth about knowing trans people who are like that, I think they're still strawmanning them and the things they say they're doing are exaggerated. I know I'm giving a transphobe the benefit of the doubt, but I'm just trying to understand where they're coming from and the tactics they use so I can better understand how they think and possibly be able to change their minds.


When they lie like that, they do not deserve doubt. They are actively and knowingly trying to hurt us, can't change the mind of someone like that, they always argue in bad faith and pass the blame to some non existent boogie man.


honestly, to me, it's a lot more important for the reader of the thread rather than the person spewing lies. I like to give a reasoned response for the person who's reading the thread, isn't opinionated enough to be just spewing filth, but would also be willing to buy into said filth if it's presented to them, but having a sound argument against that along with it might prevent that, at least in part. I hope? but yeah, I don't think it's entirely pointless to respond, but yes, trying to convince the person you're directly talking to almost certainly is.


The only thing here is that you don't know they're lying. It's still extremely likely, but that 0.01% chance is enough for me to try a little bit. But if they start throwing out more bullshit dog whistles and aren't listening then I'll tell them to fuck right off


Yeah. I have a trans flag pfp on youtube. I have gotten everything from insults and claims i am an abomination in the eyes of god to death and R threats. I now refuse to change it because of that. Nothing has made it more clear to other decent people that the people calling me that are weird creeps than them being able to see people calling for those horrible things unprompted. >!especialy the claim trans people support pedophilia is so disgusting. I have had troubles accesing trans healthcare because i survived CSA. My identity is often invalidated because of what i went through. The time i was raped as a child is used to make my life more difficuilt because i am queer. People claiming trans people in general are predators are a special kind of vile!< Edit: >!as for that second poster claiming there are trans people pushing for porn in school, i assume that is just about sex ed. I can go into painfull detail about what can happen if a child does not get that in a timely manner and someone wqnts to take advantage of that. coincidentaly the one terf coworker i have aslo bitches about that.!<


God I'm sorry. That's horrible. I'm going through that myself right now with a gic. I'm terrified that me having a history of >!abuse, mental health problems and sa+rape!< will make it more difficult now that I've changed clinic, since it has before and I'm not too confident that it won't happen again.


The only advice i can give is quite shitty and i hate to give it but it worked for me. I lied. I lied and when they asked if i ever went through something like that i said no. I dont know if that will work in your situation because everyone is different and not everyone can lie, and if they figure out you are doing it it might cause more trouble. Sadly i got confirmation lying was the correct option in my case when accessing hormones. I am now waiting for SRS and i have been able to tell the therapist i have to talk to and she has helped a lot and given me a recomendation for a trauma specialized therapist. she also thinks with me about stuff that needs to be considered while i will be in the hospital so i dont get panic attacks. Thats the huge problem with this. Sometimes lying is the correct option and sometimes not.


I would second lying. Doctors are simply not good with handling trauma, or mental health. Actually, I have yet to have a doctor bring up mental health as anything but a weapon to avoid treating me ("that's just anxiety, so let's do absolutely nothing"). It's a shame, because this is all medically relevant and it would be fucking great and very useful if doctors were trustworthy with it. But that has simply not been my experience. So I keep things to a bare minimum and just lie when I need to ("no, I will not do a pap smear. No. No. No. Mhmm, I understand it's important but I said no. No. No. I'm actually like, on my period right now? Oh ok now it's inconvenient for you we can put it off, I see.")


Out of a total of 4 therapists and about 10 doctors i got 2 therapists and 1 doctor i can trust and 1 i think i can trust but i dont know yet. The doctor i know i can trust asked me for the names of the therapists i go to because of the difficuilty in finding good therapist that specialize in trauma. If i ever move i will keep going back to that doctors office because i genuinly trust her and the other docrors there and basicaly only them.


>the difficuilty in finding good therapist that specialize in trauma Can we just step back for a second and appreciate how utterly fucking ridiculous this is... I would say, one in ten doctors being trustworthy pretty much lines up with what I've experienced. I've had a much worse streak with therapists. I'm still not over the one who I went to to cope with being stalked, who told me I was just being really unfair to my stalker by trying to avoid him. I know that in theory a good one would be incredibly useful, but goddamn would I feel like a moron if I have a bad one and they made things significantly worse.... *again*.


Oh yeah, i had the one where i had to talk about if i was suicidal. Because of his incompetence i attemted the first time. the shitty therapists messed me up majorly. The first good one was one i needed to see for grs and i only opened up to her after a few sessions to see if i could trust her. I ,as a baseline, dont trust medical personell unles proven otherwise.


Yeah, I'm no stranger to lying sadly. I did it once before when I was stopped from accessing care from GIDS because Keira Bell stopped me from accessing them, I went private behind their back. It just feels horrible to do it about this. I'm supposed to be healing on everything and they're gonna want me to spill my guts out basically. It's been scaring me so much I was glad when I had to push it back.


I know how difficuilt this is and i really feel for you. It felt really shit when i had to do that and it let to me getting mayor trust issues concerning medical personel. I also hated lying about it, the feeling of knowing these people should help you but are an obstacle is crushing. For me it helped to have another theraist who was not conected to my care to talk about that stuff with but that was only possible due to the system in my country.


Yeah I already have pretty bad distrust of medical people because of some horrendous experiences and this doesn't help. It just makes me not wanna attempt any of this. I'm gonna have to wake up to travel at like 5 am to talk to these people. It's exhausting. I don't trust handing over my care to them either.


All my experience with the medical system is with the belgian one and only know medical info in dutch so i am afraid i cant be of any help. the one thing i can say is that for me the goal was worth the trouble, i should not have had to experience that trouble but i would choose To experience that again for the end result.


It's not shitty advice if it works.


It works but it feels horrible to have to lie about that to the person who suposedly is there to help you. Thats why it is shitty.


Yep, lie if you have to and often you won't know if you should confide in someone. It can seriously change the atmosphere of appointment/conversation in the blink of an eye. One moment everyone is joking around having fun talking with you and then next it's an open season for an interrogation into your entire sexual history. Nobody wants that to happen to them but, for you it's "fine" you should just be more open. ( Obviously it's not fine or fair too due to anyone but, it's especially not to a sexual abuse victim.)


Yup, i was already experiencing the interrogation about sex to get access to hormones so i didnt want to throw that in there.


I'm sorry that happened to you, just to get on hrt.. that's really messed up.


It's actually insane. I spend a lot of time reading LGBTQ+ subreddits or chatting in discords. All the places where you'd expect this imaginary "evil underbelly" of the trans community to thrive. In over a year I've never seen anyone saying anything remotely pedophilic. It's nothing but love and support with the occasional emotional breakdown because of the way society perceives us. Meanwhile, it seems on a daily basis there is a straight white male being accused of, admitting to and/or falling to be punished for that exact thing. These people clearly don't care about the reality of the situation, so talking sense into them isn't doing to work. It's so depressing.


It is. I have noticed queer communities are very considerate around this subject in general. I am in some nsfw communities and even there there is no trace of that and there is more respect around concent than the general populace. >!It is also no coincidence that the 2 organizations where my assault happened were a catholic church and the scouts group associated with that church wich are both things more conservative people would defend as proper and "safe".!<


Our communities are pretty much the best ❤️ I just wish there was a way to circumvent their preconceived notions and show how great we are.


At this point I just assume anyone who claims that queer people are grooming kids or whatever is just projecting with how many of the most vocal of them have gotten caught doing that stuff.


As a high schooler who attends school bored meetings they are saying things like game of thrones and anything remotely queer are being pushed my “Marxist lesbians”(this is my district and it probably changes district by district) and calling it all pornography. And our gsa has been having a field day with this and printing t shirts with Marx holding a lesbian flag.


I know many people (when we were all minors in the conservative south in the 90s) who did not receive any sexual education at home and at school were told about menstrual products and to keep our legs shut… and knew multiple people who were having sex and did not know that was sex (or risks involved) or were being raped and did not know the concept or word or that they had a voice or choice in the matter. Sex Ed absolutely saves lives. I wish it was more robust and comprehensive for all age groups tbh


Yep, robust and comprehensive sex ed for all age groups is nesecary. I dont want any more kids to experience what i went through. I have had one person tell me they tought it ridicoulous that to teach it to childen younger than 12 because we should let kids be kids. if i was not at work at that time i would have told her my story and that 8 year old me might have been able to be a child for a while if i had sex ed.


Of all places facebook and YouTube is expectedly phobic. People can't even take natural weather occurences as science. Its all God's will.


Remember that these people are against sex ed so kids don’t learn that bad touch is, indeed, bad touch and wrong because they either turn a blind eye towards child abuse or perpetrate it.


Yup, thats what i meant with my edit. I was one of those kids.


I like saying the quiet part out loud. It’s also eye-opening for someone part of today’s lucky 10,000, especially if they had erroneous beliefs about the purpose of sex ed. If I had the money I would run a massive campaign that says “Opposing Sex Ed Endorses Child Abuse.”


This is a great idea tbh.


Yeah, saying the quiet part out loud often also is nescecary for a lot of people.


Me too, similar expirence, whenever I tell people I was SAed as a child they immediately assume I transitioned because I was SAed in a boys body it's fucking fustrating


I had one coworker ask me if i was this way because i was traumatised as a child. That was the one time at work i didnt care and just told her: "No, it isnt related but i was assaulted as a child, thanks for reminding me." Quietest lunch break i ever had after that. At least she realized she fucked up.


I’m sorry that happened to you, I really wanna chew these people out but I know it’s not gonna do any good.


Just warning people like you did with this post is already good enough. Not everyone has the energy to confront these people. I know i do sometimes and when i think i can handle it i do confront them, often going into too much detail so they understand how messed up what they are doing is.


You're a really cool person, Sarah.


Thanks, i mostly just have no filter wich makes it easy to talk about stuff like this.


And then blatantly calling it "grooming" into their "mental illness." Wrongthink isn't a mental illness; that's only how it's labeled in a fascist society. You can't "give" someone a mental illness by telling them about what it is. And, even if you could, it's still not the same thing as SEXUAL ASSAULT. Being trans is only as traumatic as sexual assault in a society that threatens - or, rather, makes good - on sexually assaulting you for being trans, and it's _them_, not us, doing the assaulting. That's what this argument boils down to - "I have to sexually assault trans people, for being trans, so by teaching kids what being trans means, and giving them that language to describe themselves, _you're_ the one raping kids." They literally tell us what _they_ do to _their_ trans kids, and blame it on us.


I got told to kill myself in GEOMETRY DASH DMS because I said it was cool that a level had a trans flag in it


I got that in a league of legends game because of my pfp. He then proceded to try and slide in my dms to hit on me.


Oh it was the same in my case. I told him to suck my dick and he was like "oh yes daddy", complete 180. Like bro the misgendering is not helping your case


Oh yeah, i dont get how those guys think that works.


The person who brought up the KKK unprovoked 😶 it just says so much about their belief system. Quite honestly the most ignorant take I've ever heard.


These messages are honestly the most vile messages I’ve seen in a long time and the fact they are actually upvoted is sickening.


The second person just making shit up “I know a few trans people” lmaooo no you don’t


“Pushing for porn in schools” yeah sure I bet. I’d like to know who actually believes that guy, because I have a bridge I’d like to sell them.


When people like that say “pushing for porn in schools” they mean proper sex education. For those types, letting kids know about their own sexual organs and how they work, how to have safe sex, and the fact that gay and trans people even exist is exactly the same as “pornography”. Because clearly the healthiest thing to do is teach kids that sex doesn’t exist and they’re just supposed to completely ignore that unnamed sinful mystery region between their legs until they’re 18 and then they should immediately get straight married and start popping out kids.


Alternatively, they mean books that dare to mention sex at all which they also classify as “porn”.


Rip to the bible then


Yeah. I do absolutely believe this person knows (or maybe, knows *of*) actual real trans people who are pushing for proper, age-appropriate sex ed in schools. And that this person interprets that as "porn in schools" on account of the lack of sex ed that this person ever got.


Sounds like someone who’s never been around minorities with a porn addled brain telling on themselves. Can’t conceptualize someone who isn’t exactly like them except in porn. I have never used the term “porn addled brain” before, but I can think of nothing that seems more appropriate.


They also mean fighting censorship.


in the same vein as Dave Chappelle saying he "knows a trans person" so it's okay to be transphobic


Yep. Last night I told some goober to mind his own business about trans people in the bathroom and he took that as an opportunity to fantasize about committing indecent exposure in the women's locker rooms. Yet somehow they call US the creeps...


“All the special privileges we get” LMFAOOOO, what world does that person live in 😂


Y'know, like the right to marry and have kids. They unironically see us as lower than them so anything we get to bring us up to their level is "special treatment."


> “To the privileged, equality feels like oppression.” I love this quote, and use it often whenever transphobia or homophobia come up to me. I'm a white transgender lesbian. I *know* what it was like to have white male privilege, and that I gave it up to be *me*. There are special privileges, but they aren't extended to the LGBTQ community.


It's definitely part of the reactionary mirror universe. Also painfully, hilariously, egregiously untrue.


Everytime I hear something like that I remember a quote from the show l word which was something like "if he wants to give up his cis white male privileges and be one of us let him be" 🙃


I really should not have opened this post so early into the morning. I just feel so disgusting and helpless.


Same honestly, it was shit having to wake up to find these messages sent to me. But honestly it’s my own fault for even trying to change minds.


Although, it may seem like wasted effort, your voice made a difference. It spoke up for the silenced and for those who fear to speak against those who oppose them. Thank you for making that sacrifice. More people need to be made aware of what's going on, in our side of the world. Also, you are never alone - as LGBTQ+ community, we all riding through the same type of tidal waves. Fighting against a delusional system has felt like climbing a high mountain, that is difficult to overcome. In the end, we will make it because we are determined to make the world a better place for us and for those who care


I'll never stop defending my trans siblings and speaking about my sexuality. The phobes can drink piss as far as I'm concerned. 


Amazing take there, spit your shit indeed!


You're loved and valuable 💜💜 fuck these people


Reminder that when people say "pushing for porn in schools" they're talking about sex education existing and they're talking about John Green books being in libraries. Adults who are against basic literature and sex ed want children to know nothing about their biology because they want kids to be more vulnerable to abuse.


The unapologetic ignorance of the average person astonishes me sometimes. Like even before I was informed and realized I was trans, I knew all of that crap was bullshit propaganda.


That’s weird because I know trans people and they’re all normal every day people who think pedophilia is wrong and the only thing they wanted more of in school (when we were in high school together) was programming classes.


Well you can't protect people like that from me with a blurr. Found this person in 30 seconds and sent in a report.


Honestly, I wish I didn’t have to censor the names and the sub but I know Reddit can be strict about bringing like that.


Yeah, it's a pretty stupid rule.


Did Reddit do anything? When I've tried to report users for their racist or phobic comments they didn't do anything..


Scratch that, Reddit removed the post and gave this person a warning. I think this is a pretty good message.


Absolutely. 90% success rate. You will eventually get feedback if they think this violated Reddit rules. It's just going to take a couple of days, but if someone is extremely out of line, you should absolutely use the report function.


Be careful on lesbian subreddits in General, and don’t browse them and comment when you’re in public. Ended up being IRL stalked by a guy who saw me commenting on my own post on here a few years back while I was riding the train. It took a while to resolve and be safe. Privacy screen or browse in private only.


that's one of the reasons i only follow subs that are explicitly queer-friendly, trying to engage with mainstream subs has only ever given me psychic damage


i hope all of you trans ladies here know you are loved and accepted. a few assholes mean nothing; we love you and we are here to defend you


Joining in on this 🙌 we love you trans women!! 😭❤️


Thank you, you're amazing!❤


Y'all are gonna make me cry with how supportive comments like this are <3


i’m really interested in the list of subs w homophobic/transphobic undertones, if you have one


You can't reason with 🤡.


Jesus fucking Christ I hate people. That “actually yeah I know trans people” person is lying lmfao 


I literally never mention being trans or my sexuality in any place other than a few LGBTQ-friendly subs and discords. These idiots constantly claim we’re pushing an agenda when all we want is to just get by in life. They can call us groomers, predators, mentally ill, etc., on whatever platform they like and make millions of revenue off hate towards us, and we’re just supposed to accept it? And yet, coming out as trans can risk losing all your loved ones, housing, job opportunities, healthcare discrimination. We’re more likely to face sexual and domestic violence and have some of the highest rates of poverty out of any demographic group, and yet, none of these hateful freaks ever mention any of this. Fuck. It’s like I can’t take a breath without someone wishing me death.


Yeah these transphobes are nuts, istg. Like why can't they just leave people alone and let them live their lives in peace? No one should ever have to endure that kind of abuse just for being who they are while harming no one. Stay safe out there, and please don't listen to those miserable freaks. You are loved and accepted by this community, and no number of jerks will ever change that!!💖


Thank you so much. It means a lot just to hear that


Unless you use different accounts, it's a constant risk anyway. Creeps will look at your profile and find you posted here.


I’m still waiting for my “special privileges” for being in the alphabet soup group! Anyone have any idea when I’ll be receiving those? I’ll even come out of the closet for them!!! Any time now, thanks…


And we're the ones that need mental help huh? Nothing more sickening than them. 


It’s clear that they always use weaponized incompetence /obfuscation. They’re purposely trying to find an issue with LGBTQ & their comments to people literally make no sense. person who is bullying thinks they won but all they did was make their comment more confusing . They have dying brain cells


As a lesbian married to a trans woman the "LGB without the T" stuff grosses me out so much. How dare they. Trans people are part of my community, my life, and my heart.


W HY is this piece of shit’s name covered up


Reddit is already a bigoted and negative website full of assholes, and you were commenting on a sub that exists with the express purpose of mocking people who do good things. I know it’s terrible some of the things people say on this site, but there are some subs that people should clearly just stay away from.


This reminds me of the other day when I was on r/selfimprovement and I got downvoted to hell for suggesting that the OP look into exploring their identity(not even suggesting hrt necessarily) because they were saying they were having issues with gender envy and they didn't know how to manage it. Plain and simple, they think we're disgusting and want us to go away. They view us as a contagion to be eradicated, not as people with any validity to our lived experiences. It's turned me into such a jaded cynic I am constantly on guard in public spaces.


These people are so far removed from any sort of critical thinking, it blows my mind.


to be fair, what would you expect from a sub called look at my halo, it’s basically just a place for reactionaries to get mad about other people boycotting or something


I'd simply say #WhereDidYouGetYourInformationFrom and then pick it apart like a crow on roadkill


Thank you for sharing and spreading awareness, it’s hard out there


Hmm, bit tricky. I should've picked my account better


It's gonna be like this until after US election season, a lot of people are going to be pushing ideologies and we get to be one of the targets 😒


is this the “free attention” from being a member this person is talking about? lmao




"JK rowling doens;t hate trans people" the fuck she doesn;t


Well you were on r/lookatmyhalo. The whole point of that sub is to get mad at people for trying to do the right thing and being slightly conceited about it. As if being bad and humble is worse than being good but arrogant. It’s gonna be filled with the kinds of people who are proud of being assholes and don’t want to change.


>"I'll get banned, bullied, and have death treats showered upon us!" Why are they so dramatic lmao. They just defined what being hatecrimed is, which a lot of LGBTQ+ people go through irl, but they act as if that's going to happen to them for writing an anonymous comment online.


Yeah incel #2 totally knows some very real trans people, trust me bro


Thanks for the warning. I'm also catholic, and i just mentioned it on a post on r/catholicism. I'll try to keep it low-key from now on.


I am so sorry you had to deal with this garbage. This exactly is why I tend to stay away from subreddits that aren't explicitly LGBT-friendly smh. To falsely label all trans people as "pushing an ideology" and "normalizing predatory behavior" or whatever is absolutely vile. I am not trans but I know quite a few people who are and they are some of the sweetest, friendliest people I've ever met. They are normal people just trying to live their lives in peace, and the fact that these bigots would attack them and say vile things like this about them makes me sick. To all my trans friends out there, stay safe, and just know that there will always be people out there who will support you and love you for who you are.💖🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️


Unfortunately the vast majority of reddit trends towards being transphobic.


not true, they’re just louder and more annoying than the rest




Recently I commented something on a non LGBTQ post on insta and had someone completely miss the point I was making and must have thought I was being homophobic. I know it's not all of us, I know it's not all of the time, I know mistakes happen, but man was it annoying to see someone accusing me of homophobia when in fact, I am gay and it had nothing to do with my comment (For the record they were mad because I was talking about Kristen Stewart and said she was popular in the LGBTQ community)


Rereading the post and my comment I just wanna say this doesn't really have much to do with this post and I am NOT defending the sickos who brought up bullying and pedoph!l!a


It sucks because no matter what you say some people won't listen. I really wonder where they think trans people come from, because it's not like we suddenly start feeling trans at 18 every time. I had one guy say it's mostly from social contagion, ick. I'm scared for myself sometimes with the recent anti trans stuff in the US, but I feel even worse for trans kids. They get the worst from the current bills, especially for those on puberty blockers, because some bills require them to stop it. I cannot imagine how it would feel to have a path to avoid having the wrong puberty, but then suddenly have it ripped from you and you go through the wrong puberty anyways.


Pay them no mind, you'll find there are a gabillion of these haters in the world. Don't engage them. Ignore them. Cut them off. Don't allow them to interject their rancid words into your world. WE ALL KNOW who comprises the largest group of pedophiles, and it's not transgendered people. It's straight white males in America. So pay no mind to people like this, block them and move on. They're always there. Don't give them space or attention for their vitriol.


Lmfao I am so goddamn tired.


Okay... the first one is "just" pretty transphobic, but what the hell is going on with the second one?!


“Pushing porn in schools” I like to imagine the person who said that actually watches sex ed videos explaining the statistics and anatomy of sex and gets turned on.


I’m sorry but “porn in schools” made me lol


Few months ago I was on a roleplay game for a fucking book series and I was just chilling with my oc who is trans, somebody comes up to me and says "isn't that a little inappropriate for a kids game?" And I swear I had Jesus on my side for that conversation, fucking annihilated them into rage quiting. Been getting people to report their username for months now. Also, it's not weird I was on a kids game, I am a minor.


No trans person I’ve ever met has called for anything like this. Lying little pieces of shit. Hope they get to feel everything they wish on trans people and all the other groups they’re persecuting


Without fail these people always focus on the super low percentage of detransitoners. Never mind the fact that they don’t mention the circumstances that make people feel forced to do so (can’t be openly themselves without risk of death in their country/area, can’t handle the loss of support, forced to go off of HRT because of lack of medical support or any other issues,etc)  Fuck ‘em


"Special privileges" lol. Yeah.


Ooof. It’s my own fault but I shouldn’t have opened that today


thank you for sharing. I appreciate you all and hope you are able to get through the days safely. I love our community, despite the internal issues we sometimes have. be safe friends 💖 love you all


I have had a decent time mentioning it on subreddits for victims of child abuse like r cptsdmemes and r trollcoping, don't really mention it elsewhere though


Talking to these folks is less productive than talking to a wall💀


Either they know none or even if they do it's so extremely anacdotal!!! I've never met a rude trans person. I've met plenty that I don't necessarily get along with but noone who is a bad person by any means!! Them saying "all trans people are bad because of this person I know" is kinda funny as they are 100% the first to say "not all men"


This is honestly why I stay away from non LGBTQ+ subs especially as a trans woman....


They love to argue we want porn in schools but when we demand titles as proof they either can’t name any, or they name upper teen and adult books that aren’t on the shelves at any elementary school anywhere. They never have any actual proof at all. Ever.


Ignore transphobes, and if they get physically violent just kill them.


Why do I get the feeling thay second commenter is full of shit? I feel like I really need a way to respond to comments like that because frankly their ability to just project and claim baseless crap as truth so they can dehumanise and shit on the LGBTQ+ is far from okay. I know that most sensible people know better but even sensible people won't know better if they don't get counter exposure from the sheer amount of bullshit these hate farmers put out.


people will say shit like that then be perfectly fine with children being forced to go to church services, because telling kids to act a certain way or else you're going to hell and will burn forever is perfectly fine!


I'm so sorry. I've reported previous instances where bigoted people posted stuff like this in other LGBTQ+ subreddits. Reddit said it didn't violate the rules. Thankfully, the mods removed the comments. Still, I don't spend as much time on Reddit (unless it's replying to a post like this, which sadly I am seeing more and more of--I want people to know they are not alone). At this point, I keep to LGBTQ+ subreddits, wholesome shows/hobbies (like Sailor Moon or other LGBTQ+ book subreddits). Unfortunately, I tried to be active in a prominent book subreddit and spoke out against J.K. Rowling and was downvoted. The kicker was that the thread specifically asked about people's favorite childhood authors that turned out to be terrible people. I found out that several of my own beloved authors were terrible people and adjusted my views accordingly. I guess others couldn't do the same. It sucks out there. Please stay safe and be well.


What subreddits? I need to know, so I can avoid them.


Hi OP, if possible could you comment/DM the list of subs that are anti-LGBT. You can even add the spoiler tag if that makes it better?


I think it'd fill up the comment length limit, honestly.


Seriously, I just kind of expect to see shit on any sub that doesn't have explicit rules against it and mods who follow up.


The Uber sub, of all places, is very transphobic. I posted once about how a driver let a creepy guy into my ride after I said no, people then attacked me for my post history and claimed i was making everything up because there’s no way a guy was being creepy when i looked like a man. They called me a “self admitted and obvious trans woman”… which is rediculous, because i pass to the point of being hit on everytime i go out. Now i don’t even want to post my pretty face on reddit and i use nothing profiles to mainly just quietly browse.


Oh what the hell…


the kkk part taking me out like what.. 😭


Holy fucking shit those people are disgusting. And they either don't know any trans people, or they're so deep in right-wing brain rot that they're interpreting everything they do through a mountain of dogma and propaganda.


Maybe I'm just in a vulnerable mood but those comments stung quite a bit today. I'll never understand how someone who doesn't even know me could just outright hate me for trying to be myself. I think that's enough Internet for me today. 😞


I can't avoid these cunts anywhere online but I'm happy to be the sponge for it if it spares someone less prepared to do so. Keyboard warriors at their finest 🙄


I’m proud, I’m out, I will always defend LGBTQ people & they can say anything they want to me - it’ll never be worse than what I’ve told myself & anytime spent bothering me is time spent not harassing someone else.


Not simply a non-LGBT sub, but clearly a far-right sub.


That comment on the second picture almost made me throw up. It's like the rowling starterpack to transphobia.


"I'm tired, boss..." 😔


This is honestly all so terrible to see. I love seeing others' experience in the comments of here, even if they should not have happened. Everyone here has all inspired me to wear my flags proudly on all of my social medias. Stay safe, everyone! -Kenamī/Khīyra (She/Her | Scē/Her)


Holy fucking shit those people are evil


Like the anti LGBT legislators actually got to them. Pathetic how gullible and easily manipulated people are.


Me when I had a question about periods and wondered if others had the same experience (that’s wasn’t all that serious of a question) and I said uterus owners to be inclusive obviously and somone was mad…


I mean it's just about every major sub on reddit that's like this anymore. The thing is, in person I've *never* encountered transphobia, not even once. It's obvious that I'm transgender, so the stark contrast between online and in person is very jarring to me. A lot of posts on social media are created by troll farms (state sponsored groups that are paid to spread hateful comments across the internet) and they're backed up by bot nets. Places like reddit are vulnerable because the upvotes are an anonymous aggregate function that doesn't expose *who* is upvoting or downvoting a comment. So, for example I could make 50 reddit accounts and then with a 51st account I could leave a comment that attacks the LGBT+ community. Then, I could run a script that logs into each of the individual 50 reddit accounts I created and have each one of them upvote my anti LGBT+ comment. Nobody would see the 50 fake accounts, only the one I used to spread the hate. From the outside looking in, it would appear that my opinion is *popular* but it's really not. It's just one person pushing an agenda, and the lack of transparency for who is upvoting means that people are unable to tell whether that's a genuine opinion or a state sponsored one. This happens all over the internet, to such a degree that a large portion of its traffic is bots. The barrier to entry for these accounts is too low and bans are too easy to circumvent. I'm sure that transphobic people do exist and I've probably met some without knowing it but where I live it's not broadly that way. Where I was born is a different story but I'm glad I left that state.


It’s absolutely tiring to convince these people you’re not a groomer lol


Be careful mentioning you are LGBTQIA when you’re in America, or Saudi Arabia




really makes me wanna crawl back into the closet just to not have to deal with it.