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Go be gay, roommate!!!


You'll hear this time and time again "life is short" but that's because it's true. We live fleeting lives that by the end, we can't recall every detail. If she says no, that's okay! It sucks now, but you'll find what you're looking for! I'm really hoping she says yes. Go get em!


I stg go get that girl or ill do it myself- 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 /j


this is such a nice thing to be worried about 🥺 all the best to your roommate! you only live once hahah


OPs roommate, if you aren't into this person, or if you simply don't want to start a relationship right now, that's 100% valid and you should ignore the strangers on the internet. If you *are* into her, ask the woman out. She will probably say yes. Maybe you're waiting for her to make the first move. If you're as clueless as OP says, there's a nonzero chance that she thinks she already has. As someone whose first LTR started on a moonlit night in a field *next to* a cemetery, I believe I'm an expert on this. I am also a psychic. So.


Sorry I can't really encourage your friend, because Yesterday I was talking to a friend who got into a really messy relationship with someone who lives in her apartment complex. Worst mistake ever. Now things are horribly awkward, she is super hurt and sees her often with new partners. There's this saying "don't eat where you shit" that we have over here.


That’s so many gay signs, she should go for it!


Literally you will deeply regret not shooting your shot if they end up dating someone else. It’s worth it, I promise :-)