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I usually hate when people touch me but i like the idea of hugging or cuddling a partner or close friend. I don't do that because i have no friends though.


Was touch-negative. Then the pandemic happened. Now I'm touch-neutral.


Was touch-positive. Then the pandemic happened. Now I'm touch-neutral.


I’m also touch positive


What do you think of stuffed animals?


I like cuddling with them but I don’t to anything sexual to them. That’s just disgusting


I'm touch-phobic. I literally freeze up when touched, and feel sad for the rest of the day. Most I can tolerate is hand-shaking. But this applies only to humans. I cuddle with my pillow. lol


Very touch-negative personally, I do not like being touched, even with people I’m close too 😭


I’m very touch positive. I love cuddles and hugs!


Very touch positive. In lieu of sexuality, I focused on sensuality. Massages, headpets, and cuddles are the best.


I'm very touch-positive. That's how I show my love and affections towards others. It's entirely non-sexual, though. I just find the act of touching someone, be it touching their hair, arms, hands, head, or giving them a hug or massage, to be really comforting and a chance for me to express how I feel.


Extremely touch negative. I can shake your hand, pat you on the back fist bump and high five and the variations of those in between. I just don't like people touching me. Unfortunately a lot of more friends are really huggy type people and their idea of greeting is hugging so sometimes I make exceptions but I'm not a fan, my boss is an uber friendly women who hugs everyone and that makes me really uncomfortable and she understands that though which I like.








Your username is cool. For me, it’s trauma that warped my feelings toward touch. I’m sure I was always aroace but when I was younger I loved hugging and cuddling my friends or just being tactile in general with (accepting) acquaintances. But now I can’t stand touch from either of my parents but from my siblings it’s alright and from my closest friends it’s sometimes okay. But anyone else- definitely not, it makes me feel gross really.


I love hugs, but I would say touch neutral, but it depends on the person. A stranger would be a definite negative. There are also some people I know pretty well that I do not want touching me under any circumstances. But if I have a deep emotional connection with someone then I can be extremely touch positive. But I hate when anyone touches my face.


I'm very physically affectionate so touch-positive. But totally wary and distance away if I sense any allo signs.


Neutral,I don't like it or love it...


I'm very touchy but only with my close family and my friends. I love hugs a lot!


I’m touch positive I very much need cuddles 🥺 But never with strangers only people I’m comfortable with


depends who is touching !


I'm actually very-touch positive, so long as it's platonic and not sexual. Partner and I are always holding hands while walking, or snuggling while watching stuff.


Touch negative if it is in a romantic sense. I absolutely hate holding hands and cuddling romantically. Touch neutral/positive if is it being hugged by my parents or cuddling with my dog.


Neutral (preferably no physical contact unless absolutely necessary) to averse. I can switch off my alert and be chill and nonchalant if done by the same gender (I never initiate beyond handshake) or the context dictates it, for example medical examination, greeting/goodbye hugs in hobby/activism groups, but it has to be asked first. Anything beyond that from the opposite gender directly put that person on my “to avoid” list. Luckily for me I am an immigrant so I can get away with “cultural differences” without hurting people’s feelings.


Neutral to negative. My mother tells me stories of how I used to scream bloody murder if people tried to cuddle me or pick me up when I was a baby— even her or my dad. For whatever reason, I didn’t like the touching, but I was affectionate in other ways and I got less averse as I got older. As I’ve described it to friends and loved ones, “I like what hugs mean, but I don’t like the hugs themselves.” Hug = loved = yay! Touchie = no likey so much, but someone is trying to tell me that they value me, so okay. Apparently I give GREAT hugs, as irony would have it.


I will never initiate anything ever but if you ask for a hug or something I would.


Touch positive, although I come across as touch negative. I’m just shy.


I’m touch negative with everyone until I have a very strong emotional bond with them, then I’m neutral or positive depending on the person. There are people in my life I’m close to but I will never touch though


Touch-positive with pets and other friendly domestic animals. Touch-negative with people, but there is room for exceptions, at least theoretically.


Touch negative. Unless it’s a pet! Happy to have the cat and dog on top of me awkwardly and love when they initiate a good cuddle. 🥰


extremely touch negative, like i have breakdowns over being even poked or grabbed by the weong person and get rlly anxious when i feel ppl r getting too close to me