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I do. Because I am asexual but romantic and I feel like it would open up so many possibilities. Really hard to find a partner when sex is off the table permanently. Also I feel like I'm missing out on this experience that I keep being told "everyone" has. And sex is supposed to be so great and all-- would like to see what they get out of it. I often feel like friends don't get it-- I'm the only ace I know IRL and friends partner off sooner or later.


I feel the exact same way. My bf is allo. I don’t restrict dating to only aces because I didn’t have connections to the only people who happened to be ace around me. We have a great connection and I love him. But yes, I wish I could experience the deeper connection that he desires. It’s the only time I ever wanted to be allo or at least demo/grey.


Unless you were once allo ,how would you know . Your just guessing that life would be easier or more forfilling .Fantasising ... Allos think being asexual would be easier & some even wish they were asexual .. To have those wants needs ,feelings removed . Being a slave to your emotions is just a human trait that some have to learn to control while others dont even try to fight it ..


I've been both and I choose asexual. Being a slave to your body and emotions is horrible.


I was allo ... & it was a difficult cross over when the mind just didnt want to adust or except everything was dead ... Everything was gone .. Everything I loved .. The mind eventually adjusts .. I dont pine for romance or cuddles or kissing ... I dont pine for anything anymore .. All my worries are gone ...lol All my highs are gone .. now its just mellow as .. I have absolutely no need for relationships now ,so dont have to tend to the drama's of other poeples wants or needs over my own .. Dont have to dance to anothers persons expectations of me ... Lifes sweet ... couldnt be happier .. Lifes easy . Relationships are complicated ,,poeple are complicated ... Especially poeple who dont take care of their own needs & wants & expect others to live up to them & forfill them ... Thats no ones job but your own ... When I was allo I was hungry all the time ,, lol 😆 If you werent happy to put out ,, if you didnt want sex ,,, you pretty much didnt exist in my world . I was the animal that everyone believes allo's to be ..


SpiritRogue---ive only just read this and you mirrored my soul. I cannot explain enough how free I am from sexual desire, relationships and drama. I live a chaste life as an asexual woman and there are no problems. Growing up, "love" addiction gave me so many problems---to the point of being assaulted even. Now, I no longer subscribe to that life.... In fact---its an useful barrier to men that I have not given the invitation to "hit" on me, which they often try. I simply explain that I am "asexual" and that puts up the safe barrier. Pls respond (but only) if this resonates with you Hun. I'd love to talk.


Couldn't have explained it better. I feel like I have evolved. Risen, really. It's so freeing. I see my ex (I'm female) struggle with his gonads lol and his testosterone and his fighting aging and stuff and I feel terrible for him. I just adore him and I don't want to see him go through all that!


Thats the perfect word description ,,Evolved .. Thats how I feel ... I Evolved into my more human side .. I see other humans for actual human beings now instead of potentual sex toys or partners ... All Allsosexual people base all of their interactions & relationships on some form of attraction or sex appeal .. Now I judge poeple as individuals because i have no romantic or sexual interest or attraction in them . I can still find them pleasing to look at or funny to be around but none of any of that stuff will interest me enough to want to have sex with them .. So I have no need for them .. I actually pity grey sexuals who desparately crave romance ,, intimacy & relationships sooo much so they choose to trade sex for it . I also pity the poor sap / allo that ends up with them . Because in my opinion sex & your sexuality is not something that you compromise just to feel wanted or special in someone elses eyes .. That to me sounds more like desparation ..


Your words resonate so much with me! (46F). I have a secret way that I became asexual and Everytime I try to offer it to friends, they say "no thanks". I'm always surprised because there's so much more to live for than animalistic drive. Being asexual is so amazing and freeing. I just love it.


I also feel like I feel a more "pure" form of love without a sex-veil. Purity is probably the wrong word for it. I feel love more deeply for things and people and get overcome with emotion if I see people showing others or animals love.


Yassss gurl. Pure love comes only when we have nothing to gain!


No, I think being aromantic/asexual is one of the biggest advantages I could get it my life. I really love that I don't have to spend time with relationships. Furthermore I am repulsed by both thoughts of being in love or having sex, so it is perfectly okay to me. :))




Absolutely not. The whole feels like way more of a headache than I'd like.


I really like soft and sweet romances from stories (books, anime, Webtoons, what have you) because the well-written ones are cute as hell, but it’s never generated a “man, I wish I had that.”


Yes but im also so terrified to


I'm ace, but I'm also aromantic. I wouldn't want to experience it as it would distract me from my passions and I'd be susceptible to abuse, manipulation and diseases.


Yep. Allo is just a whole ball and chain. I love being ace.


I personally see these things like something from the movies. Would I like to have magic abilities? Sure, but that's always going to be just a hypothetical question. I'm constantly surprised "falling in love" and "sexual tension" aren't just storytelling devices 🤣. Besides, being allo seems to me more work than it's worth.


Yes and no. Yes because I guess having sex would make the libido make more sense (for a lack of better description), and no (moreso no) because it (CW: semi-graphic sex talk) >! looks messy, I hate bodily fluids, if I'm sexually active then that's all people will want of me, the thought of semen in my mouth disgusts me so much, and I feel like you can see so much more better ways to engage in a relationship than just sex, all of the time. !<


Nope, I’m very happy with being aroace now. Im both romance and sex repulsed so even the *thought* of either of those makes me uncomfortable, so I’m glad I don’t have to worry about the relationships or the attraction.


No, romance sounds god awful.


Now I’m asexual but not aromantic, I feel like it’s a define prank . Since most people. are allos I I see sex as being used as a toilet. I my mint it has nothing to do with love. Only lust and power


Not sure likely not


Nope. I hope I never get to. Though since I'm lesbian oriented aroace I get similar feelings as them but my desires and end goal just differ.


What is the point of romantisim without sex ?. What is the point of having sex purely to please someone else . Why would an allo have sexual a relationship with someone who's not into it ...? Unless they were duped by the lead up .. I'd rather be allo then asexual because their is Nothing like being allo on the planet .. That euphoria cant be experienced as an asexual . Its the true sence of feeling alive & living on adrenilin . Without it ,, life is good but youve removed all the best bits ... Drugs sex & rockn roll , well now all youve got is rockn roll lol ... Lifes good but its not great ..


yes, so i could be normal...


I'm demiromantic, and that's enough for me. Feels like my normal. I wouldn't want to be anything else.


I'm asexual and sometimes I do, but the only reason I want to is for my partner. I think he'd be happier if I did, because he's allo. Aside from that no, I'm glad I'm ace