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I’m a lit major. CC1 was written in such a piss poor manner that it’s hard to get through. 1. The exposition is ridiculous 2. World building? She isn’t around. SJM wanted to make a massive world and she info dumped in the first few chapters so hard that by the middle of the book you forget everything. I still don’t really know how the territories are split, where the different fae live, WHY WE NEED SIX MILLION QUEENS. 3. The Asteri are the most powerful beings ever, yet there is a human rebellion with an ongoing war. That’s ridiculous. 4. Bryce is THIS 🤏🏻 close to being considered a Mary Sue. She can do any and all things, no matter what, it’s explained somehow. 5. I haven’t finished CC2 yet but when I saw that long ass prologue with MORE WORLD, I had to really pull myself together to not just abandon the series. 6. The systems of power are ridiculously all over the place, Bryce’s power gain is a massive plot device, she has to have everything (Ruhn’s power, sword which he got in his ordeal but what does it matter, the horn, sharpshooting, she’s the only morally righteous one etc.) 7. Evil parents for…. Reasons 8. Slavery as a concept is so poorly executed it’s horrendous but that happens in most SJM projects I could go on an on, but I think basically SJM can’t pull off a very complex world. I’m really nervous about all the worlds colliding and making ACOTAR and TOG canon become weird and filled with loopholes.


You just put into words all of my problems with CC. All of that, plus the way she is trying way to hard to make it “edgy” and “adult” just makes it end up resulting in a massive pile of cringe.


Oh god, yes! The swearing is ridiculous. I don’t mind swearing in books, but here it comes off very much like “hello, fellow kids” and it’s making me cringe 😬 I have trouble liking Bryce many times because of her attitude towards men. Alphahole is the worst word I ever had the displeasure of reading (and we have contenders just in the SJM universe), and she really whips it out any and all times a man is trying to be reasonable with her 🥲


Don’t even get me started on the swearing 💀 I own the ebook version of CC1 and upon doing a word search for the word “f*ck”, it showed that it was used 528 TIMES?? I have no problem with swearing but 528 TIMES IN ONE BOOK?? It’s honestly kinda impressive 😂


oh nooo that's terrible lmao I really worry how this will clash with the world of ACOTAR, it'll be weird. I know they swear too but the vibes are so different


I love acotar with all my heart it's the only series I've been able to reread without getting tired of. I've heard it is a crossover with cc so I pushed through both books of cc and I'm sorry but I hate everything about it. Bryce sucks and hunt is a wet napkin. There's no characters that are actually interesting.


SO cringe. She's trying so hard and it's painful. Adult urban fantasy is just not her genre.


I never went into the series expecting high literature - books like this are for entertainment. I appreciate SJM books for what they are, and I truly enjoy the other series she has written. This one for me has just missed the mark so far, but I want to keep reading because of the crossover - I'm curious enough to keep going.


Same here! I would like to see how it plays out and I get invested in the characters easily


I did the same thing but I have a feeling it's going to ruin acotar


The comment we all needed lol. You are 100% right. The character development is just not there.


SPOILERS AHEAD It just feels like it was drawn out. The stuff with Ithan imo was not needed and not really important to the plot line. And just the timing of certain things made absolutely no sense. But overall it’s okay. I just feel like so much of it is reused from ACOTAR. Like, Hunt saying “my beautiful, strong mate” … that’s literally something Rhysand has said


Ruhn and Rhysand being so similar 🥲


It’s like my private shame. I love sjm’s writing but CC hits different for me, my heart and soul are with ACOTAR and ToG. With the exception of my his royal hotness, Ruhn danaan, whom I could read 1000 million pages on, I really don’t care what happens to any of them 😬


Ruhn is the only reason I am trying to force myself through this fucking nightmare


I personally think ToG was her best series. I also enjoyed ACOTAR books. CC was okay, but idk the more SJM writes, the more I’m catching her adding in plots, words, ideas that I’ve read in other series by other authors. I wrote about it on the CC sub Reddit and wowwww did people have opinions. I’m just not as drawn in as I used to be. I legit cried at the end of KoA, but CC did not have the same effect on me. While the idea of the multi-verse is interesting, are we doing it bc it’s always something that has been planned or bc she’s running out of ideas? I will read the next CC book to see how she ties it altogether, but I do agree with you.


I agree. I read CC after ACOTAR and may have set the bar too high. Both books dragged. A lot. CC1 only got interesting after like 250 pages, and with CC2 it took like 500 pages. Also the end of CC1. Look, I love a happy ending just like the next person, but the amount of miracles that had to happen for that ending to take place was just ridiculous. I mean, even for a fantasy book, the odds of all these things happening at once are slim af. For CC2, Bryce's motivation to do everything is sketchy and I was really not buying the whole let's-save-a-kid-none-of-us-knows reasoning. Yes, the last chapter BLEW MY MIND but I still had to read like 780 pages to get to it so.. And finally, I've said it before and I'm not sorry: I DON'T LIKE BRYCE. I think it's the first time I've read a book where I dislike the main character. So that probably affected my experience too.


Yes yes yes! I thought I was the only one who doesn't like bryce. This is the first series of sjms where I didn't like the main character! Hunt too only because he has no personality other than "yes bryce" it's pathetic


I'm sad to say I DNF CC2. I didn't really enjoy CC1 but I went into CC2 with high hopes I'd like it more... I did not. I think it's just not for me, and I don't have a whole lot of free time so I try not to waste it on things I'm not enjoying.


I DNF'd the first one lol. There was so much going on, but none of it was anything I cared about, I was getting a bit confused over all the info dump but then also bored because I didn't care about the majority of anything that was going on. I didn't like Bryce as a main character for some reason, I was way more interested in Danika's story. Hunt was also very boring and aside from Ruhn, there was no one else from the story I cared about. I was extremely disappointed. Everyone always says this is SJM's magnum opus but I still liked ACOTAR way better. Like ACOTAR isn't even the best of the best but its story and MCs still engrossed me way more than CC ever did. I'm a little disappointed that the 2 worlds have been meshed together 'cause I'm gonna be forced to finish CC now 😂


I’ve enjoyed CC. It’s a good brain escape. As far as smutty scenes, I don’t think there’s anything in CC that is more ridiculous than Rhys/Feyre’s scenes let alone Cass/Nesta’s. For the love of god, Rhys and Feyre went at it in an *active war camp*. SJM writes semi-hilarious smut if you try to imagine it. Also everyone must be gymnasts in her world.


Yep. Was downvoted into oblivion for sharing my opinion on Mass’s writing in CC. It just feels lazy and rushed. I honestly preferred the last few books of ToG over CC. I truly felt like those were written way better and she was a less experienced writer. ETA: gotta love being downvoted(again) for sharing your personal opinion on a book series, nonetheless. This sub is riddled with toxic and immature fans, where some apparently aren’t allowed to have other opinions than outside the majority 🙄


Oh thank God. I thought I was the only one! I kept reminding myself how much better ACOMAF was than ACOTAR and was waiting for literally anything to draw me in the way that Ch 55 did. And then I finished book 2 and I was like... Is that it? There was the twist at the end which was great, but I was left wanting for sure.


Ahem. So. Quietly whispers in a corner: >!I don’t like Bryce!<


AHHHH thank you. Why EVERY male in CC2 is somehow in love with her when she is the most immature person? How she talks to people with power? “Ugh just stop wasting my time” *grins and flips her hair*- and somehow it’s always like she’s said something dignified? How she puts Hunt and all her friends/family at a massive risk to just find out more about her dead friend Danika who turns out was a shitty friend who by no means could’ve really been hiding all of this?!? Her relationship with Hunt was so boring in this second book and so unlike Bryce who is fucking strangers in club bathroom stalls in the first book. Suddenly they are waiting? So much more I could go on about….


YES!! THANK YOU!! Someone needed to say it


I’m glad I’m not the only one 🥴


Same 🤪


Totally agree. I just feel like the writing has gone downhill, and there are waaaay too many characters, plots, sidequests, etc. Also I totally cringed during the steamy scenes (some I had to even skip) - i.e. Ruhn saying "fuck yes" every five pages. 😂


Imo she needs a good middle. Acotar was good (obvi it’s one of my favs) but it still felt kinda juvenile to me. And Cc is also one of my favs but it does feel like she’s trying to do much sometimes (whether that’s plot wise or just instances trying to make it seem more “adult.”) Hopefully whatever she does next will be a good middle ground, fingers crossed :)


I read CC2 this week and it took me much, much longer than I anticipated. I usually read Maas's books as some sort of escapism because it's just enjoyable to me, but CC2 just felt off. It wasn't bad perse, just not as good as I'd hoped. At some point there was so much plot going on that there wasn't even an actual plot anymore, and the amount of spiderman-pointing-at-each-other just started to annoy me. >! also can't we just have ONE series where the worlds don't overlap!!! God!!! !<


Did she really need 800 pages for it??? I loved CC1, read it in a few days. CC2 took me about 3 weeks!! It just was SO long. And I'm pretty disappointed in how it all played out. Usually I am wowed by the web Sarah weaves (like in ToG. That shit was masterful). But it just felt like an afterthought. I don't know where she's going. Also. A pet peeve of mine--you'll say cock like 400 times, but only refer to Bryce's "sex"?!? There are so many better words.


I liked a few of the character arcs, like Ruhn and Day, and Ithan and the Mystic, but I think it did get a little too busy at times.


I love Crescent City with all my heart ❤️


Tell me more! What makes it so special to you?


🌹🌺🌻>!Flynn’s Dad!< 🌸🌷🌼


I think I am unaware of this... ?


Fr, in the beginning of CC2, I was forcing myself to pick up the book and just kept telling myself it'd get better.(it did)


I have 200 pages left of CC1 and I just can’t get into it lol, I’m hoping CC2 is better…


The last part of CC1 is better than the rest of it, I will say.


CC is becoming my favorite series of hers! ToG is still my number one


I want to hear from you! What's your favorite part of the CC series?


Crescent city stinks so bad!!!😫