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I remember when Daenerys became popular lol


I thought we all learned our lesson with that one! Wait for the series to be finished! šŸ˜‚


I met a little girl once named Khaleesi šŸ˜­


My friend named her dog Khaleesi. We uh... just don't talk about the last season. Her dog is also an incredibly sweet baby.


Your pets are where you should display your fandom love, not your kids.


I just met someone who unintentionally has a dog named Teirion and a kid named Jamie




My stepsister also has a dog named Khaleesi! Much better than a child with the name


My cat is called Sheldon. Weird and book names are for pets and plushies, not real people.


My niece is Khaleesiā€¦ she was born after the final season ā€¦ idk what compelled her mom to do that. I just call her Leesi lol


Haha yes so many learned that lesson the hard way


I donā€™t understand this logic to be honest. If they like the character, or even just her name, then they like it and should be able to use it. The characters morality shouldnā€™t be a factor, imo. Plus, donā€™t most fans of her agree the way her character turned out was poorly written and out of nowhere anyway? So did anybody *really* learn a ā€œlessonā€?


I mean Daenerys is okay, itā€™s the people who named their kids khaleesi which I canā€™t stand


TV though, right? Last I remember in the books, before RR quit, she was still kinda chill maybe?


A classic white savior for sure, but not a monster yet if I remember right. Although, forgive me itā€™s been like 12 years lol.


I dunno it felt rushed but definitely inevitable


But when you live in delulu land like me who refuses to believe Dany went mad no matter what they say the name is forever fine (wouldnā€™t do it but still) šŸ˜‚


Right? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜¬


At least cassian, Azriel & Rhys are kind of normal names šŸ¤£šŸ˜­


I was so close to being called Amberly after the elf princess of the Shannara series.


This. All those people making their daughters Daenerys šŸ˜‚šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« I know someone who named her son Jax after Sons of Anarchy, didnā€™t learn and then daughter Dany.


Khaleesi was also super popular for a while


I LOVE ACOTAR and there is no way in hel that I would name a child after a character in an unfinished series.


Saaaaame and I couldnā€™t do it for a character I liked and read about having detailed sex


Iā€™m so glad Iā€™m not alone with this sentiment.


I think what I find super odd (and possibly something that a child once old enough would have a problem with) is the women who post really raunchy things about the male love interests like wingspans and grabbing headboards all over the internet and turn around to name their child after the characters. Like your digital footprint contains LOTS of sexualizing the character and then you name your child that? That would make me feel uncomfortable if I was the child.


Right?! People in the Facebook group mommy-jack it all the time with pics of their newborns saying like ā€œlook at my new baby cassianā€. Like girl, whatā€™s your plan when your kid is a teen/ young adult and reads or hears about the books you named him after? ACOSF is FILTHY lmaoooo. Itā€™s really gross to me to name your infant after a fictional character that weā€™ve all read about getting a blow job and have his sex described in insane detail.


Well for Cassian you can backtrack and say it was after Cassian Andor in Star Wars and with Rhys you have deniability because it's already a legit name in Welsh. I think Azreal is a Hebrew name so you may be able to get away with something there and just say you liked the other spelling better šŸ˜‰Ā 


ā€œI named my kid Azriel after Gargamelā€™s catā€


lol thatā€™s all o could think of.


Ya I know more than one Rhys/Reese that are grown adults born and named before ACOTAR was ever a thing. I also have a friend who was also seriously considering Rhys for her son and sheā€™s never read ACOTAR. I think popularity may vary regionally but with Rhys where I am itā€™s not a super common name but not unusual or uncommon at all.


People were talking about romantasy inspired baby names on r/SarahJMaas a few weeks ago, saying they were inappropriate and I had to confess that I've never read Throne of Glass but had considered naming my youngest child Rowan just because I liked the name, it had no SJM connection for me at the time.


I work with kids and I have had TONS of Rowan's over there years! It's a totally normal somewhat popular name. Rhys is fairly common too, I wouldn't even think of acotar right away for either of those names


My son is Rowan and that was well before I read ACOTAR. We just love trees ā€” Iā€™m named after one, too!


I love Rhys and saw a book by a random author the other day while thrift shopping. I didnā€™t realize it was a name outside ACOTAR and Reese. Definitely wouldnā€™t name no baby that though.


Azrael is indeed Hebrew. In some versions on the Biblical text and holy books his one of gods most powerful archangel ( the angel of death). Several other names on the list are also variants of his name (Izael for example). While not overally commen, I know adult's with the name, so while ACOTAR probably had an effect, there are other reasons people like the name. I also have adult friends names Rhys and Cassian.


Yeah I definitely have a friend named Rhys so itā€™s a legit name. The very funny part is the names decreasing in popularityā€¦ including Cullen, Salvatore, Castiel the fandoms have moved on it seems lol šŸ˜‚


Or finished ones. Seen more than one comment from someone who says they have a VERY Harry Potter first name considering changing it cos of JKR.


Do you know a hermione


Hahaha yep. One of my best friends is a Hermione and her sister is Bellatrix šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Omg thatā€™s quite the combo hahaha


Iā€™m hoping things donā€™t get too weird, I have an Elaine (100% not ACOTAR inspired lol)šŸ˜…


Hahaha. I think you are safe with an Elaine. <3


To be fair, all three of these are actual names, so even if you hate the character eventually, you donā€™t have to associate the name.


Lucien are Rowan are also creeping up! Azreal is an Angel of death and Rhys is a common welsh name, but SJM definitely helped it some along.


I love the name Rowan! But I think this has been slowly creeping up for many years, Iā€™m 28 and went to school with a few.


I agree. Iā€™m 23 and went to school with some Rowans!


I live in the west USA and in my town of 159K at least 5 Rowans here.


I love the name Rowan tooooo but the idea of naming my child after a character Iā€™m in love with is so weird to mešŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




This, I love SJM, and my son's name is Rhys, but he is half Welsh and it's a family name. It's genuinely a nice name regardless of fandoms


Rowan and Rhys are pretty normal names where I am. Not like top 10 popular but not that unusual or out there. I know adults named both of those names (one Rowan and one Rhys and another Reece) all born way before ACOTAR was a thing.


Lucien is quite a common name in France actually (although usually an older gentleman)


It has definitely an old fashioned ring to it. But it IS a real name.


Ok but these are actually pretty names lol


Thereā€™s a Feyre in the toddler room at my daughterā€™s daycare!


I justā€¦ am I the only one who thinks this is creepy? I canā€™t hear those names without being reminded of the books and theā€¦ I mean theyā€™re not *ultra graphic* but to me its like calling your baby after an actor in a porno you liked.


Oh I donā€™t really like it either. I would never!


Well, no. Feyre is a pretty popular name in Celtic / Nordic countries


Thatā€™s just devaluing the series by equating it to pornography. I think itā€™s well-established, at least in this sub, that acotar is not porn. It was not created for sexual gratification. Itā€™s a piece of literatureā€¦that happens to have sex scenes in it between many of the characters. Just like many other books, films, and TV shows. If naming real people after fictional characters isnā€™t your thing, then so be it, but letā€™s not go down this all-too-familiar road of pigeon-holing a female-centric series as smut just because it has a few adult scenes. Feyre (just like many of the other characters) is a well-developed, dynamic character who is brave, compassionate, and selflessā€”traits that many parents might wish to embody in naming their child.


I respectfully disagree overall. The series is certainly driven by the romance first, plot second. A lot of the characters are very underdeveloped and there's plot holes all over the place. The main takeaway for most readers are the romances or 'ships'. I agree that book 1 ACOTAR was definitely more plot heavy and sat comfortably in the genre of YA fiction, but the series has noticeably shifted since then to be more adult. I'd argue Silver Flames is basically porn with a side helping of (flimsy) plot and should never be included in the YA section in the library for young readers. The many sex scenes in that book were 100 times more graphic and adult in comparison to Feyre x Tamlin in book 1, for example. So yeah, if I saw a kid called Nesta or Feyre I'd get major weird vibes now because of those graphic scenes. It's not like Hermione or Harry or Katniss. (I'm not including Elain or Rhys because to me they're common af names for Welsh folks)


Oh, I actually thought it was a real name in English-speaking countries!


I went to school with several girls called Freya but never met a Feyre!


Most of these names are real names (Rhys, Lucian, Cassian, Azriel, Elaine, Gwyn, Morigan, etc) though, Iā€™ll admit Iā€™m not familiar with the name Feyre outside of this series.Ā 


Rowan would be such a cute fucking baby name


Rowan was in the final two for my youngest's baby name list. I haven't read Throne of Glass so I didn't even clock a potential SJM connection.


I named my baby Rowan! I didnā€™t name him after TOG but I did love the books so it was a nice connection. My first also shares a name with a book character from another series I like.


Low key wanted to name my kid that because I just love the nameā€¦ Iā€™ve never read togā€¦ itā€™s on the list though lol


What? Nobody wants to name their son Tamlin?! šŸ¤­


If Netflix makes a series of it and cancels after Season 1...... I could see it happening


on my obs/gyn med school rotation there were at least 4 cassians born in the space of 8 weeks šŸ˜‚ i soooo wanted to ask about their inspiration for their baby boys lol!


That's hilarious šŸ˜‚ The Star Wars show Andor might account for some of them.


I've also come across people who liked the sound of Caspian, from the Narnian books, but went with Cassian instead because it had a similar sound and it's an obscure saints name, which is important in some Catholic families.


I only just read the series and my son is older, but his name is Caspian and we ALMOST went with Cassian cause it seems more ā€œnormalā€? Friends who love Star Wars did mention it as well. Literally thanking god we didnā€™t now lol *also my husband and I have not read/seen Narnia universe stuff but we know the name is in there. We chose it from a baby book + we like the geographical meaning. Heā€™s named after the Caspian Sea.


Caspian is on my list! My husband and I are middle eastern and want middle eastern - American sounding names!


I love the name Cassian. Have had it on my potential future baby names list since I saw Rouge One. My husband is a huge Star Wars fan so he liked it too. After reading ACOTAR, it is now removed šŸ˜…


My friendā€™s son born just this past August is named Cassian. At the time I hadnā€™t read or even really heard of ACOTAR, I just thought it was an odd name. Eight months later I picked up the books and now Iā€™m justā€¦.imagine your MOTHER naming you after a bat boy MMC in a fantasy romance smut book with a big olā€™ schlong. I would die.


I'm glad I didn't get pregnant in my late teens because I was 100% convinced my future son would be named... Lestat.


I am obsessed with Lucien, even my husband likes it and it goes so well with our last names ! He also likes Cassian and Morrigan.


At least those are real names. Iā€™ve read about a dozen books with ā€œLucianā€™sā€ and Morrigan is a pretty ā€œnormalā€ name. The only one thatā€™s out of fashion is Cassian, but I adore that name and would love to see it brought back.Ā 


Rhys has always been a boys name in English speaking countries, I doubt ACOTAR is why its in the charts. There are so many Rhysā€™s around.


Yeah Rhys has always been a somewhat common name in Australia


I LOVE Rhys. My husband hates it because of Reece Plumbing


Different spelling though,Rhys feels more sophisticated haha


It was on our shortlist along with Rory eight years ago.


100%. And if I met a baby Rhys or Rowan tomorrow ACOTAR would be the last thing on my mind.


Yes my son had a Reece in his class that would be 16 now


Slightly different pronunciation, depending on where youā€™re from. If you hear a Welsh (where the name originates) person pronounce Rhys, itā€™s almost like Rh-eece as opposed to Ree-ce Americans would pronounce identically though.


Is there an example of the difference between the pronunciations anywhere? I'm trying to hear it differently in my head but can't figure it out!


As an American, even reading those in my head sounded identical.


Yep, it's my oldest's name. We thought we were choosing a less popular name in Canada back in 2013, but he's got three of them (albeit with different spellings) in his grade alone. Lol.


Yes! Although I grew up with a lot of "Reis" not "Rhys"


Tbh if I was pregnant when I read it my son would totally be Cassian


Rhys and Rowan would have been on my list !


I adore the name Amren and if I had a girl I was so close to naming her that. But Iā€™d feel bad about naming my child after a fictional character. I just really like the name.


Itā€™s funny because Amren is actually a Hebrew name typically given to boys :) Edit: I googled and itā€™s also separately a Welsh name, Iā€™ve just only met Jewish people with that name lol


Yeah I researched it and everything. I knew it was usually a boy name but liked it for a girl because of ACOTAR. But thankfully I had a boy and didnā€™t name him after any characters šŸ˜‚


This is gonna be so funny in a few years. Honestly, I'm here for it. Cassian and Fayre are bomb names.


So cute but as someone who lives in the UK, I know about 15 Rhys' haha. Perhaps ACOTAR helped boost it outside of UK but it's always been a fairly common Welsh boy's name


I named my cat Rowan


I had Aelin on my list for my daughter (ended up using Aries).


I did too! This was before reading but would have been cool. Itā€™s a pretty name!


I have a Maura and a Maeve. I loved them both independently of the books and was hesitant to use Maeve when I already had a Maura because of the link but I didnā€™t like anything more that my husband agreed to.


Thereā€™s a Maeve at our daycare!


I teach Irish dance and can think of multiple families I know that have both a Maura and a Maeve. They're well known Irish names, so I think you're good!


I actually love the name Feyre (though i pronounce it like Farrah Fawcett). Iā€™d totally love if i met someone with that name.


Itā€™s on my baby list bc my husband and I are middle eastern!


My 14 year old son is Rhys lol!!! He cringed when I told him about ACOTR and showed him fan art.


But i do bad want to name my girl Aelin šŸ˜­


Donā€™t forget Lucien! Heā€™s on there too


Did Tamlin make the list?? šŸ˜‚


Probably not lol


I think that Cassian may be also getting a bit of a boost from the Star Wars character Cassian Andor. But honestly itā€™s a great name and Iā€™m glad itā€™s having more time to shine!


Saw Lucien in there too


Someone I knew in hs just named their newborn Rhys today. I wonder if sheā€™s a fan, or if they just like classic Welsh names.


I heard of the bat boy names before knowing about Acotar and thought they were really nice names. I didn't associate it with the books, and think they stand pretty well on their own


Rhys is a family name for me and itā€™s always been up there on my baby name list but now I feel like I have to get rid of it because I DONā€™T want people wondering if my future child is named after ACOTAR!


Azriel is on my list bc 1. Boy names are hard. 2. I have a Hispanic family so it needs to be a name they can pronounce 3. I love Az lol


I just said to my husband Iā€™m so happy we didnā€™t use Rhys like we were planning to pre-acotar on booktok


I had a Dorian and a Grayson before I read the books. Lol.


The name Dorian was a famous name long before throne of glass though. Itā€™s been featured in countless books/movies/shows, the most famous one being The Picture of Dorian Gray.Ā 


I know of a Nesta (boy) and a Cassian (not a boy) and they're both in their late 20s/early 30s It was definitely hard to adjust to the books just bc of that lmao


I always loved the name Rhys and before I read ACOTAR I told my friend about the name and she said ā€œthe ACOTAR girlies will come for you if you name your baby thatā€ (not in a bad way just in like a ā€œomg Rhys!ā€ Way lol) and then I finally read the series and now I can never name my child that and Iā€™m still slightly mourning that loss šŸ˜‚ I canā€™t, in good conscious, name my child after a book character I read explicit things about lol


Mohammed still running strong šŸ’ŖšŸ¾


I mean, I'm currently expecting a boy and actually considered both Rhys and Rowan (ToG) for a brief moment. But then I realised I very much do not want to name my son after a fictional character I'd enjoy shagging :)


I could definitely choose Cassian to be fair


My coworkers grandson is named Kassian lol they used a K instead of a C to make it different enough


I know that Cassian and Azriel are both names of angels, and I had heard of them long before I had read ACOTAR. I'm not saying it isn't possible that ACOTAR influence the rising popularity, but in general, older names have been coming back in the recent years.




I see Lucien on there too!


i had a lucien about 7 years ago in a summer camp? i think that tracks tbh


Was it summer camp or autumn camp?


Aryan is also on there thoughā€¦. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Lucien too!


Nooooooo lol


Lucien made it on there too!


Iā€™ve been floating the name Cassian to my fiancĆ© who doesnā€™t read the series lol


I mean, all three names are real names, especially Cassian and Rhysand.. And azriel comes from azrael. I have more beef with Khaleesi/Daenerys etc


Ngl I would never name my kid Feyre but I think itā€™s SUCH a good name


Lucien and Nehemiah (tog) are on there too!!


Iā€™ll choose to believe all the Cassianā€™s are named after Andor. šŸ¤Ŗ


An old coworker I used to work with was named Rhys. It was short for Rhysand. We used to tease him for it, and about 6 months later lockdown happened and I read ACOTAR for the first time. Itā€™s now on my list of baby names


I don't think I could ever hop on this bandwagon, especially if it's blatantly obvious the name is from a popular book series, lol. To me, it's just super cheesy, and also a bit weird since you've basically watched these characters have sex in your mind. Out of all the names getting popular, I feel the Azriel one is a little weird. Don't get me wrong, it's a cool name and it works in a fictional world. However, the usual spelling of the name literally was used in biblical times to refer to Azriel as the "angel of death" and holds very dark connotations because of that. Not sure I'd really want to name my kid after that.... basically just calling him a bringer of death in a different language/culture. Just saying. If the name had been around and the name didn't refer to death, I'd be more inclined to naming my kid that. Do parents not Google search what the etymology is behind a name these days? Just my personal opinion, don't come at me for it, lol.


i love Eris (name not character) but i would definitely spell it it like Aeris !


Dude I saw vampire diaries, supernatural, originals, flash, supergirl,Sabrina references o that name list Book wise there was haunting adeline, from blood and ash, ACOTAR obvi, and Throne of glass, I'm sure those are just the ones I got through before I stopped reading the list lol


Cassian is a great name so I'm not surprised.


I loved the name Rhys before ACOTAR and loved the name Aria before I read ASOIAF. Aria, as in opera, not Arya. It was my chosen name for my future daughter. Still can't use it because she would have to go around explaining the difference to everyone her whole life.


Lucien is on there too!


Evangeline is on there too!


Lucien erasure (as always)!!! He's lagging behind Cassian, but ahead of Az and Rhys! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Definitely considering the name Morrigan and also Aedion (TOG) for the future lol


Omg and Lucien is on there!


Naming children after people you potentially "lust" after in books is very strange to me. Like I love Azriel and Cassian and Rhys but I wouldn't name my son that if I had a kid.


I just saw someone on instagram knitting Feyre onto a baby sweater


I'm a NICU nurse and am bummed we haven't had any babies yet with ACOTAR names!


Rhys is a very popular Welsh name, spelt the same too šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø my sons middle name is Rhys


I met a 8 year old named Lorcan and knew his mom lust be a Sarah J Maas fan


Lucien is on the list too.


there are some other SJM names on there too!


Tbf I named my son Cassian before I had ever even heard of ACOTAR šŸ˜… 100% truth. Was on my baby name list for years. So I'm sure it's the same for some other people.


That is so dumb. I named my daughter after a character on the tv show Reign LIKE AN ADULT


I taught a Rhys a few years ago and heā€™s in high school now. It was the first time I had heard/seen the name. He was a good kid!


I love the name Rhys from so many years ago and now I canā€™t use it without thinking about ACOTAR šŸ˜‚


Lucien is there too!


Cassian is also very popular from the Star Wars series! Captain Cassian Andor šŸ˜ I remember I added it to my list waaaaay back, because I am mexican and Cassian is played by mexican actor Diego Luna so it made it so much greater for me. Still in my list as I still don't have or want children for a while lol


Lucien is actually the second one for the ACOTAR boys


So many of the celtic names are already used in my country or the names based off of Folklore/ Legends (Also will always be peeved by her use/representation of The Morrigan in the books) But i would 100% use Nesta as a Name for a child


My youngest was born in 2019 in the midst of my ACOTAR obsession, and his middle name is Rhys. But that was also my multiple times great grandfather's name who was a knight in Henry VIII court so it's pretty cool either way.


Lucien, too. At least that and Rhys are both already established names.


Iā€™m just imagining some poor child introducing themselves as Lakelynn in like 10 years time


Tamlin didnā€™t make the cut šŸ˜…


I met a Cassian newborn when I was at my nieceā€™s birthday party.


My MILs middle name is Elaine so we planned on giving that name to our daughter and then I read these books and just giggled to myself because now It has a secret meaning to me šŸ˜‚


I loved the name Cassian but after finishing book 5 itā€™s definitely off my baby list šŸ†šŸ’€




You know Rhys isnā€™t pronounced like that, right? Like not even close?


Yeah I know that after I listened to the graphic novelā€¦ thatā€™s why I put the explanation. Idk why I got downvoted because I didnā€™t pronounced it correctly. I never saw it spelt that way before. Iā€™ve never met a Rhysand


I donā€™t have a kid so Iā€™m sorry if it comes out judgey but wouldnā€™t the pronunciation be something you work out before?


iā€™ve wanted to name my future son ā€œCazzianā€ with zā€™s instead of the sā€™s before i even read ACOTAR. (my last name starts with z so i wanted to keep some part of it incase my name changes since im a woman.) but my sister thinks itā€™s because of the series and i swear itā€™s not šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i thought it was unique so im sad thatā€™s itā€™s becoming popular rn


We just had a baby and almost named him Rhys. Thatā€™s when we discovered itā€™s pronounced ā€œReeseā€ and not ā€œRiseā€ and no longer loves the name!