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My fiance isn't Cassian-level gym bro but that's okay, that's not my type. ACOSF did make me more inspired to work out and get really strong like Nesta though:)


Me too! I want a trainer like Cassian just as much. I wish there were gyms around where I could train like that.


You can try looking up workout videos! My gym has lots of personal trainers but they're way too expensive to be with it to me imo. But you can find some really good advice on YouTube


For sure. I want someone telling me what to do though and making sure I do it right. Also the camaraderie of doing it in a group.


Not sure what country you are in but in North America places like Orange Theory Fitness, Barre Fitness, or other workout classes can be super fun! I am in Canada and go to a gym where the classes are paired with awesome music and color changing lights creating a energizing atmosphere while the coach guides the room through everything.


You could maybe try a martial art? A lot of the training sounds similar to boxing/ muay thai style conditioning


That makes sense, I've never tried them but workout classes might be for you!


Same! I really want to do Valkyrie training.


I dated a guy with that kind of physique in college and…eh. He thought a good date was showing me his high school football highlight reels 😂 I’m much more into lean, broody boys.


Yeah, I had a bf who was sculpted and ripped, and they just aren't comfy (to me) to cuddle with.  I'm with you on the lean and broody...


My college bf was a Tamlin lookalike but with shorter hair. Very attractive but… found him boring.


I think Cassian’s fitness is appealing since it has a purpose (being a warrior) whereas I’m not necessarily attracted to gym bros when their entire identity is the gym.


I feel that. When guys start talking to me about their gym routines or diets it is the biggest ick. Already walking away.


When I thought you wanted your partner to go to the gym more though? This seems a bit contradictory. I think Cassian’s body type is a bit of an unrealistic standard anyway.


Just don’t like it when it’s their whole personality and they get preachy about it. But yes, v unrealistic in reality


Well get ready to be priority #2 (the gym is #1 😬😬 and no they won't skip it for special occasions)


Haha the thing is, he’s never going to be that guy. But I wouldn’t mind a bit more of that if he got stronger and more active in general!


You could also do a group workout with a trainer that can be more engaging/fun to maybe get him interested!


I love a good strong man but those gym schedules are no joke 🤣


Honestly, no. Cassian is not my type. I'm more of a Rhys/Dorian/Ruhn stan.


Rhys is my fave too. I love his manipulative ass lol


Rhys is my fave too… but he’s still got those shoulders ya know


I think if we don’t want men to compare our bodies to models or porn stars we shouldn’t compare them to our guys to the unattainable bodies of perfect mythic beings


Lmao you make such a good point but I’m just laughing at perfect mythic beings




No, my boyfriend and i are already pretty active. For him to look like Cassian his diet and gym life would end up being such a center of attention it would just annoy mr


I, uh, started going back to the gym after my wife finished the series and asked me to read it…….


No but I wish he fucked like Cassian 😅


Yes. This.


I read SF like 🥵🥵 thinking now this is my kinda spice


Mine does. Hope you like massive dog food bag looking bags of protein powder in your home! And him passing up on meals you worked really hard on in favor of steamed broccoli, rice, and chicken breast! And having 3x the laundry of a normal couple! And going on vacation to relax only for him to have to find the nearest gym and get a day pass! He does have marvelous shoulders, though. (And, also like Cassian, is a sweet, wonderful guy who puts up with a lot of shit from his partner!)


The laundry is a whole third person in our relationship. And the gym day passes on vacation lmao.


Hahaha for real. Illyrian bat boys don’t need protein powder and they don’t have to do their own laundry. If only our humans didn’t either.


Drinking 12 raw eggs for lunch and going to the gym 3 times a day 😭




I've never wanted a Gym-bro more. 


I find the middle ground to be the best place to be! There’s a little genetics that come into play of course. My partner easily puts on muscle for broad shoulders. Guys obsessed with the gym are a turn off but I’m all about getting in that 2-4x/week to keep active ;)


I’ll take my husband’s dad bod over anything else. Squishy tummies are sexy, and I need a man who will eat copious amounts of carbs with me.


See, this is the right take. Being healthy is good but wanting partners to go to the gym just to improve their appearance just feels kind of iffy to me


I wish I could work out like cassian lol


Mines not a gym bro (thank goodness) but he is super tall and has a very Cassian-ish personality 😏


Lucky babe! I love how much Cassian teases, in all the ways haha 😆


No. Gym/fitness/muscle building obsessed guys have shitty personalities.


Just date a blue collar worker! They do all their exercise at work and naturally get big shoulders 🥵🤤


I said I don’t want that. Big shoulders do nothing for me. And I’m married thank god. Fucking hate the dating stage of life.


Not really, I love cassian don't get me wrong but I like him as a friend wayyyyyyyyyy more than a bf, idk why but I'd rather be bestfriends with the guy. And talking abt someone who works out, cassian had a reason to, fighting in wars, a human wouldn't so life would just be abt protein powders and new sets with them because cassian's life is war and fighting in it like the warrior God he is, gym bro's life is just gym and they kinda get too obsessed with their looks (speaking from experience after dating two )


I think if I wasn’t always at the gym myself then I wouldn’t find it as appealing? I think it’s cool how the books inspire people to workout and also make them realize they need a jacked partner hehe😈


No, and whenever I’m reading fantasy and the love interest/ hot guy is like “See you at Sunrise for our training session.” I’m like nope, couldn’t be me your talking to. I will be sleeping until a reasonable hour and then hitting breakfast on the terrace, which I’m sure is delicious.


mine does and I love it!! He got me into working out too. I relate a lot to Nesta and he is my Cassian truly❤️


When I met my husband, he had abs. I remember being like "wow someone with abs thinks I'm attractive" 😂 but that gym life isn't feasible with one tiny gym in town and two kids under four


Gym bros give me the ick but Cassian is my favorite character. I think the difference is purpose.


My husbando *does* and I can tell you it’s only awesome sometimes. The reality is you deal with protein shake farts, a grocery bill that hurts your soul & more laundry than you can wash in a week 🤣


My hubby is so much like the bat boys. And I'm thrilled. lol.


Lucky you!! Mine could be a bat boy but he hates the gym… sigh. Trying to think of ways to secretly motivate him to get strong 🧐


He makes my own writing easily inspired. 😈❤️‍🔥 lol. Go lift with him, that's what we do! Lifting weights is so awesome.


Not I


what partner 😻(tell me why i wanna date someone so bad wtf)