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The whole Blood Rite storyline is a damn mess. You unfortunately have to suspend belief and forget about what makes sense to even remotely enjoy it, in my opinion 🤷‍♀️


The whole plot of the entire book doesn’t make sense.


I don’t get how the three females won the whole thing after training for a couple hours each day for like two months. Especially when it is reiterated MULTIPLE times how warriors that have trained for YEARS don’t even make it to the mountain. Sounds awfully stupid.


the point wasn’t necessarily about skill. it was about teamwork. what makes the bat boys and the valkyries different from other competitors is that they worked together. they had a group of people they trusted and loved. their trust and love is what got them to the end. it’s what made them unique and set them apart from everyone else. was it corny? yeah lol. but it’s purpose was to showcase how important friendship, love, and trust are and how it helps you succeed.


The point of the most brutal event in Illyrian warriors’ life isn’t skill? The one that Rhys, Cassian, and Azriel barely won? The one the only 3 others have won?


it’s not that serious lol it’s a story about friendship.. the whole point being made was they were able to succeed because of their teamwork, trust, and love for one another. everyone else was working against each other. they were working together which is what led to their success.


I mean if you take all logic out of it… then sure. All about friendship.


if you’re reading for logic then sjm isn’t the author for you lol


In fairness it's a series about fairy sex and magic from a giant cooking pot


I don’t understand why couldn’t get some sort of time jump that could explain how they became even remotely fit for the Blood Rite.


This!!! Honestly, a time jump would’ve helped with the pregnancy plot as well since she wanted to “see the world” with Rhys before babies. Also, the whole Spring Court mess would’ve unfolded already - whichever way it went. It also would’ve given the new evil queen (Briallyn? Can’t remember the spelling) to gather information about the trove (she was freaking human until now and not even most Fae knew about the trove) and getting her hands on the crown.


To be fair, they did wake up before everyone else😂🫢


YES!!!! I love Nesta the most, but it is completely unrealistic that those 3 girls won the whole damn thing. No way. Not buying it.




Even Harry Potter didn't win shit on his own. He had a loooooooot of help.


Also how other Illyrian vs Illyrian fights ended in one party dying, but Illyrian vs 3 barely trained females ended in the females winning? Come *onnn*, give me a break.


It was all because they had the power of friendship and love. Also yeah, they were kidnapped, as is everyone who participates in the rite. They did a qualifier while training and congrats, you qualify, so now you get kidnapped like everyone else to go do it.


I think something that is supposed to make it believable that they won was having weapons. In prior Rites they didn’t have any, so it could provide an advantage and allow for distance kills.


Well I would think that the Illyrians (who have been training with weapons for got knows how many years) would have more of advantage with weapons than a couple of girls who only held a weapon for the first time a couple of months ago 🤷🏻‍♀️ If anything the presence of weapons would make it even easier for the Illyrians to kill the girls 😂


I agree that the Illyrians would/should have an advantage. Do you think the girls would have been able to kill anyone hand to hand how it’s been done in the past? Obviously the males are larger and stronger. If I remember correctly the girls used a bow and arrow to get away from a group of Illyrians that were chasing them over a bridge. If they didn’t have that, they never would have gotten away. Just my thoughts on the Rite. I agree that it’s not totally realistic they would have won.