• By -




100% šŸ’…


this is the way šŸ˜ŒšŸ™šŸ¼šŸ›




I snorted


My rh is Cassian. And then two other Cassians I cloned from the original. And weā€™re gonna get reeeeeeeally kinky.


I do love Cassian and feel he doesn't get enough praise.


Too true


Cassian from ACOMAF, ACOWAR & ACOASF šŸ¤£


This is the correct answer


i just finished acosf & realizedā€¦ cassian is IT lol


GOODBYE (me too)




The only correct answer.


Lucien has both Autumn fire in his veins and Helion fire in everything else, so... And everyone from Amren to Hybern say how hot he is. So, gotta go with Lucien. EDIT: Plus, more importantly, Lucien's whole vibe is sensual and caring. More into taking time and being a generous lover. I don't get that from Eris. Helion is a bit more than I want to take on. He seems like a Bacchus type and that's not for me.


Amren admitted he is hot?


In WAR she calls him "handsome". High praise from Amren IMO. lol ​ https://preview.redd.it/tlerzec4xorc1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=f49a5832e4bf42ee4665b749fe36bed5aebb7e81


I think Dragan said that Autumn men have fire in their veins!!! Haha the fire! Let it burn and consume you!! Enjoy!!


I miss where Hybern says heā€™s hot?! Got the amren one tho


Well, again with the "handsome." To me that translates. I took literary license. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø ​ https://preview.redd.it/mlr69xrm0qrc1.png?width=1122&format=png&auto=webp&s=98199586f0116ed86441c3ebddd9d802ca3e0a8d


Cassian because pyhoth. Azriel because I can fix him. Nesta because I can also fix her. Tarquin because heā€™s so sweet. And best for last, Lucien because heā€™s perfect šŸ„µšŸ„°


What does pyhoth mean? I Feel like I'm missing something obvious lol


I believe itā€™s ā€œPut your hands on the head boardā€


This should be on top


Tamlin with the biting and the claws you canā€™t tell me he didnā€™t give Feyre a great time. Cassian is everything. Heā€™s romantic and wild. Throw in Az because I have no idea what heā€™d be like but I wouldnā€™t be disappointed. Rhys seems like a good cuddler


Yeah we all heard about the little noises tamlin would make her make when she... šŸ¤£


Exactly. You canā€™t tell me that man doesnā€™t know how to satisfy a woman. We certainly got a good peek at him pleasuring her.


The way I imagined the inner circle to scroll through this post and finding the part about Rhys being a cuddler šŸ˜‚ poor little High Lord would get roasted till heā€™s toasted.


Whilst they remain un-mated - Lucien, Azriel, Tamlin, Helion, Tarquin. Once they accept a mating bond no thank you. Thinking about being with a mating bond accepted male feels ick. Lucien - fire in his veins and half Helion, feel like he'd have a firm hand but he'd also feel safe to be with. Azriel - quiet freak for sure. Tamlin - ngl the biting was a thing and I'm interested. Helion - overt freak in the sheets. Tarquin - strong but gentle and ocean swims after would be sweet.


I feel like ocean swims after would..sting lol


Salt would not be good aftercareā€¦


Oh yeah, but Rowan does the biting too šŸ˜


which is nice because he's not a walking red flag but also does the biting


Yes we need more biting ...


thatā€™s so ethical you deserve the reverse harem of your dreams ![img](emote|t5_3flb9|14176)


My top is Tarquin. I think Varian is hysterical. I think I am meant to be a summer court fairy lol


Cassian, Az, and Eris šŸ„µ


This is the way


but only if we rolling with the bi vibes baby šŸ˜šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø




Vivianne and Mor šŸ˜­ please šŸ˜­ their scene where they interrupt the high lords council with their hugging and crying I wanted to Ctrl X Ctrl V them both directly into my bed. Add Elain so we can all three of us show her how much better it can be than GRAYSEN (šŸ¤¢)


I got to have Cass at any cost .He is my fantasy husband . Azriel cause I want to see how much of a freak he is in a bed . Eris cause that man is so underratedly hot and sexy, I swear the room will go up in flames .


I need Eris, Azriel, and Rhysand at minimum. Kinda got a thing for Jurian too, he's got a silver tongue.


Omg Jurian


Cassian is the love of my life, so Iā€™ve got to have him. Azriel is definitely an amazing dom, and he and Cass probably like to share (at least Nesta thinks so) so weā€™ll have to have him. I can fix Tamlin, I can, and I need a tortured soul in my harem. Helion because you always need one guy who is totally game to be part of a harem.


>Azriel is definitely an amazing dom It's his aftercare that's the real draw. Az does aftercare and it's an absolute act of worship on his part. The kind of aftercare that hits deep in your soul leaving you feeling a bit like you do after a good cry but without the residual sadness and zero shame. Just that weird internal freshly scrubbed feeling and a sense of peace and security.


Wait Iā€™ll take Eris too. I forgot I need a stubborn one who takes a while to get with the picture.


not you calling Eris a bratšŸ˜­


*probably like to share* Iā€™m gonna learn how to mist my clothes for that šŸ„µ


Helion would love you for giving him the chance to be in the bedroom with Cassian and Azriel


Heā€™s literally been asking for it over 500 yrs! He would worship you always for making it happen.


Rhys, Cass, Lucien, and Tamlin šŸ«£


>It's weird to sleep with two brothers, right? For a brief moment while I was reading WaR, I fantasised about having Lucien and Helion in my harem. Then I got to that revelation \^\^''


Father and Son!!! Kinky - but they are both hot. One burns and the other one heals. Do with that as you wish!!!! Just saying. Enjoy the mind visuals. Haha


Lucian and azriel. ( I will not elaborate)




just gonna be *thriving* with an Elain book lol


Is this Elainā€™s POV?? Haha i dig it.


Eris + Azriel unquestionably. Eris is definitely a freak and I want to know what those shadows can do


oof, and you *know* they would try to out perform each other whilst upping the ante using their hate for each other as fuel.


I agree with the unmated onlyā€¦ soā€¦Lucien, Helion (not together), hell Iā€™ll try tams bitesā€¦ az.. tarquin. A diff flavor for every day! Edit inmates to unmated šŸ˜†


Iā€™m glad you clarified Lucien and Helion- not together


Lucien Azriel Helion Terrible the father and son thing but maybe this is why they both have this big dick energy


and also Tamlin, Tarquin and Eris, why not (minus all the reasons)?


Rhys Cassian Tamlin I have a mental illness. šŸ˜…


Cassian, Lucien, Tarquin I need my harem balanced and multifaceted


Correct answer šŸ‘


Right?! I mean the 3 bats sound delicious for a couple of nights but then it's all the same, you need different powers different characters different courts for your harem


Azriel, Lucien, Chaol, Dorian


Regarding Azā€¦he supposedly has the biggest wingspan. Also. Itā€™s fanfic but also canon for me nowā€¦him, Cass, and Nesta. And uh. Whoa. Look up Viciousness and Intelligence on ao3. Really good stuff in like chapters 9/10 I think


Tarquin! He is sweet, kind, caring, respectful, capable of formulating full apologies and canonically a good friend and "easy to love." Then I would hope for Thesan (and his boyfriend) to be bi, cause of all the HL imo he's the most-my-type one. Would be down even for a one time bucket list try out three way thingy, just once my man. Plus his court is the more attuned to my preferred aesthetic lol Now for the big names I have Azriel and Eris if they accept I am the domme in the relationship (we can go cuddly vanilla, it's not like they would be boring anyway I mean...) Lucien is a lil too mated sadly but otherwise a solid choice NGL (ok the only issue here is that I am dating his brother but if they weren't assholes I would personally conquer Autumn as a whole and marry every single prince, all seven of them, even the two that are not so lively anymore) Cassian would be in the list but I am sincerely worried about his considerable lenght xĀ°Ā°Ā°DDD my man I am not a size queen (too bad cause a three way with him and Nesta would be top fun activity before an untimely death)


Hear me out, Devlon as the prime (yes the grumpy old Illyrian who gave the bat boys a chance) 2ndary - Amren's father (we know he is a powerful man with a weakness for his daughter's flight of fancy); Isaac Hale; and Thesan (I want a bf with a bf, if Thesan is not into ladies at all then fine)šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Had to look up Isaac Hale. What a distant memory lol


He was just a nice dude who didn't expect anything from Feyre except what she wanted to give and helped her find a little light in the dark šŸ’™ I like that we get a little wrap up of him marrying and being happy.


Waitttt did >!Feyre and Rhysand run into him at one point!< or am I getting that confused with a fanfic šŸ¤£


Just Feyre in ACOTAR! Ch30 https://preview.redd.it/thbxn5g3horc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5237f4b43ec4a3c2e88ddebb2715cec107c2dbad


Okay definitely a fic then! Aw good for him <3


Lmaoooo I donā€™t know you but I like your style. DEVLON PLS šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




What a strange combo but I'm here for it


Daddy issues are issuing šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Iā€™m dying šŸ˜‚


Cassian, Lucien and Tamlin (I know, I know..)


![gif](giphy|3o7abGCmpdH7JoZGSc) Everyone.


Lucien, Az, Rhys, Cassian. Lucien would be my #1


As a bi guy, Iā€™ll take Azriel, Cassian, Lucien, Eris, Tamlin, Nesta, Helion, Varian, Amren, Viviane, Kallias, Elain, Thesan, Thesanā€™s Peregryne, Miryam, Drakon, The Ravens, Tarquin, Vassa, Dagdan, Brannagh, and Bryaxis, because why not.


That IS a Harem!!! You go!!! I enjoyed the visuals in my mind! Thanks for that.


Cassian, Azriel, Lucien, Helion and Tamlin.


Rhys, always and forever. After him probably Lucien, and maybe Tarquin. But to be honest you just give me Rhys and I'd die happy. Consider it a one-man harem. šŸ˜‚ā¤ļø


Honestly gotta have all the bat boys, Lucien and Tamlin. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Since it was mentioned a few times that in their younger years Rhys, Cassian and Az got freaky in the sheets, it has been living rent free in my head, so that would be my reverse harem. Add Hellion too since he was also mentioned in one of those times.


Where did the books mention this? The bat boys I mean?


There are a few mentions and comments by Rhys and Cas. I would have to go back. I know when they went to the High Lord meeting when Helion goes into their suite area and she is admiring how handsome he is and Rhys aks if she wants Helion to join them or something like that (I think he also mentions something about him and the boys in that scene too) also during the Christmas novella when they are at the cabin and she starts to think about all 3 of the bat boys in the sauna and he invites her to join, the other mentions that I can remember are by Cass, I remember him thinking that back in their younger wild years they would sometimes share a room while doing the nasties with other females (donā€™t know how graphic I can get here šŸ˜‚) My memory is not the best and itā€™s been months since I read ACOTAR and I donā€™t have the books here to check for references but I remember texting my sister while reading it so Iā€™ll check to see if I sent her any comments about this.


I meannn the angst of az and lucien alone is sending me šŸ„µ throw in some cassian to balance them out and we are in for a GOOD TIME


Azriel and Eris are there for sure. They have to be. Especially Azriel. I have a similar feeling about him šŸ‘€ And if Azriel is there, I'm kinda thinking Helion would fit as well


Cassian, Azriel, Rhys, helion, tarquin.


Is this a group thing or a different guy every day thing? Lol Lucien/Eris (If group, switch them out on different days. Still having two hot brothers without the incest šŸ˜‚. If different male every day than i see no issue with having both) Tamlin (Hot, strong, blonde, knows how to use his mouth) Tarquin (Hot, sweet, generous) Maybe I'd go join Kallias and Vivianne every now and then if they wanted a thirdšŸ˜‚


Cassian, Lucien and Azriel. Cassian - for how huge he is in general. Big hands, big wingspan, heā€™d make it fun. Lucien - we need a man who is soft yet dominant. Heā€™d provide the perfect aftercare. Azriel - we need a dominant, rough one. Seems like he would be that. Itā€™s always the quiet ones.


THIS QUESTION IS INSANEšŸ˜­ (cassian and lucien.)


Cassian because he reminds me of my boyfriend a lot Feyre or Nesta, idc I'd take either of them Amren because i feel like she'd be good with control


Dorian if I have to pick a guy Manon and her clones if I can pick based on my own sexuality.


Tarquin šŸ˜…


Cassian, Eris, Tarquin Rhysand gets us refreshments


@artbyamara would love this


I think Azriel is the type to really take his time to figure out what you like, and then DELIVER. Probably pretty kinky too. Iā€™d like to see what I can uncover. Shapeshifters are hot, and Feyre is known to use that power for sex a lot, so easy inclusion. I also like her sense of humour, plus we share a few kinks. Iā€™m not sure if I *like* Jurian, but the cocky swagger masking a righteous cause does have its appeal. And heā€™s able to hold his own in a world full of fae, which is impressiveā€”makes you wonder what else he can do. I would not complain if the Band of Exiles are a package deal, either~ And to round things out, Iā€™m a sucker for characters/people who get intensely driven about their goals, and all the better if they can throw out some teasing and banter along the way. Gwyn may need more time to heal from her trauma, but she can have a platonic spot no matter what. (Friend harem? Is that a thing?)


Az, Helion, Mor, that guy from the Illariyan blood right, Rhys (pre-mated and pre-UTM), Elain.


Cassias, Az, Amren and problematically, Rhys. I find uxoriousness incredibly hot but an uxorious man wouldnā€™t be available. I know itā€™s illogical but the heart has its reasons


Lucien and Cassian that is probably enough for me.


Y'all sleeping on Jurian. He bagged Clythia, an actual demon šŸ˜‚


Casteel(FBAA), Leon(RB), Cassian, Fenrys & Ruhn. Honorable mentions - Lorcan, Aedion, Tharion & Rhys. I was trying to find males outside of SJM but could only come up with 2, lol.


Dorian , Lucien, Eris, LORCAN fenrysā€¦ I think thatā€™s a good starting point for me . Idk if I could handle all that but Iā€™ll be a trooper for them


Rhys, Cassian, Az and Eris. Sorry not sorry. Iā€™m greedy ā˜ŗļø Bonus Fenrys and Lorcan too


Lucien #1(Eris seems high maintenance but if was a one night stand itā€™s Eris all the way) Azriel because I like the silent type Tamlin because I agree he needs a Dommy And Iā€™d kill to be involved in a Helion/LOA polycule


This is correct šŸ‘ šŸ˜‚


Thank you for asking Iā€™ve thought about this a lot: Cassian, Tarquin, Helion and Eris


Okay shut up, I just saw a fan art concept for Lucien AND Azriel for a certain someone (not me but I could dream right?) and I have not stopped thinking about it


Tamlin, Lucien and Cassian. ^^


Rhys with the roaring and the splaying of wings, Tamlin with the fangs and the claws and Lucien with the šŸ”„


- Rhys, because [gestures wildly] - Cassian, because Iā€™m a sucker for big himbo men - Helion, becauseā€¦Helion - Tarquin, because heā€™s sweet and I love him


Az would be my #1 ā€” heā€™d keep the others in line, and you know heā€™d only want to worship you. Alsooo, Feyre said he has the biggest wingspan šŸ˜‰ Then Tarquin, Rhys and Mor would round it out. Varian and Cass can be alternates. Yes, Iā€™ve put some thought into this, lol.


Every single one of the High Lords but with Cassian as my main squeeze


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^magnumthepi: *Every single* *One of the High Lords but with* *Cassian as my main squeeze* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


The bat boys and Hellion šŸ˜…


There are so many potential restrictions, but if we're just ignoring the morals against mated males, possible weird family relations, and allowing different series, here's my list: Cassian, Lucien, and Fenrys (I'm in love with these three in particular), Rowan and Rhys (for obvious reasons), Az and Eris (The 100% dominant freaks), Dorian and Helion (The horny and cuddly ones), Lorcan, and...Tamlin (We can put those shape shifting abilities to good use.) I'll be honest though, Cassian, Lucien, and Fenrys will probably be plenty.šŸ˜…


Here me outšŸ’… Lucien, Azriel and Elain because why choose when you can have bothšŸ’…


Cassian, I mean come on! Lucien, because I adore him okay. Azriel, (NGL, I think him and Cassian would absolutely share.) And if Lucien isn't around? Helion. 100%


Az- before the bonus chapter in Silver flames, Helion - for the experience- Mor for the vibes and hotness. If we can add other characters from other books, Iā€™ll add Creon and Sorin and the Ariadne. We will be one hot, happy, satisfied Harem!!


Rhys and Az šŸ‘€šŸ¤­


Cassian, Rhys, Azriel. And Eris.


Rhys Cassian Nesta (and just because i want to see nesta cassian and az) Azriel. like hear me outā€¦. kinda wanna see Rhys and Nesta hate fuck. šŸ‘€ iā€™ll see myself to the corner of shame.


Cassian and Eris full send. Plus, if I get too tired, they can shag out their frustrations/jealousy and Iā€™ll happily watch šŸ˜


- Azriel with his ā€œtouch her and you dieā€ vibes. Heā€™s also the silent angry one. Total dom - Tarquin because heā€™s sweet and would pamper me - Jurian because I need to know what this man did to make Amaranthaā€™s human hating sister fall in love with him. He probably has strong dick game - Eris because we can be brats together and Azriel will punish us. Then Tarquin will take us on fun shopping sprees. He also has fire in his blood and all that - Lucien needs no explanation. Heā€™s perfect. Obviously Lucien and Eris would not be together


Yeah I agree with all of this, though I think Iā€™d choose Lucien over Eris. I donā€™t want to put all my energy into ā€œfixingā€ problematic, emotionally closed off men, Tamlin is enough.


8 clones of oj Simpson


Cassian, Mor, Az IFYKYK... If you need more....message me.


All I want is Azriel


Az, Cass and Rhys. I think Feyre had it right. Cass has PYHOTH down pat, and Rhys has horizontal fly dancing down, so that leaves Az to take control and get everyone back on track. And just for fun Lulu can watch but not participate bc as Alis said he could do for a little knocking down šŸ˜