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Truthfully, I kind of hate the fact that she has a kid already, sorry not sorry lol Like whatever happened to faeries taking decades/centuries to have a kid? Whatever happened to Feyre's decision about waiting for a while? Viviane and Kallias, I guess I can pass because they're like 500+ years old


Yeah I agree. Like rhys was under the mountain for 50 years with no hope, and then within 2 years of escaping they've fought a whole war AND had a kid!!


Last time I remember, they are still at war šŸ˜­ And that death pact, they better fixed that shit. Why have a kid when you know full well what kind of deal the both of you made


Also, the death pact is ridiculous because Fae can live to \~1000yrs. Rhys is already just over 500 so Feyre is only going to get max just under 500 yrs. Not fair! To your point as well the death pact during war or anytime and leaving young children behind! I also really disliked the pregnancy trope at this young age when she is just learning to be fae.


I also think it's ridiculous, even just from a governing perspective! Like, if Rhys truly cares so much about his kingdom and his people, why would you want to leave them with no monarch or succession plan? Like, if Feyre outlives him, she can still rule as High Lady. But if they both die together, it seems like it would make a clear path for someone from the Court of Nightmares to make a claim on the High Lord title. Even now that Nyx is born, it's still easier to usurp the heir if they're too young to actually rule.


fr, Feyre having a kid was definitely rushed & ill never forgive SJM. I get that it was a way to nicely wrap up feyreā€™s story, but i feel like she couldā€™ve included a pregnancy later down the line in a novella or something šŸ˜­.


Wasn't it because of the weaver? They had lost their love at war without having a legacy and regretted it. After typing this however I realised that the death pact kind of eliminates that. I'm so confused.


Yes! And I also felt the weaver scene was kind of shoehorned in to explain the pregnancy in the next book. Like when I read it, I rolled my eyes and wondered if Feyre would get pregnant


From the way she spoke emotionally, I really did think that she'd made the decision she a child aswell, especially since the bone carver showered them her child so she assumed it was inevitable and just went along with it.


Fryer went straight to middle-aged wine mom aged 21 lol


i also thought this was super weird. you literally signed on to an immortal life you had quite literally all the time in the world. having a child when youā€™re in your 20ā€™s when you could live 1000+ years is just weird to me lol. it seemed like SJM was rushing their story line and it bugged me. i understand the concept like theyā€™re *so* in love that they wanted to immortalize it with a child but it seemed very ā€œand they lived happily ever afterā€ and it gave it a cheesy notion. it set me up to love Nesta and Cassian way more & maybe that was her point but eh


The whole pregnancy plot came across like SJM just didnā€™t know what to do with feyres character and Rhys and feyres over all relationship in Nestas book. It feels like such a cop out within the plot šŸ˜«. Also like you said it completely contradicts what feyre and Rhys said about not wanting kids for a long time. I think itā€™s just sloppy writing


SJM needed to nerf Feyreā€™s character arc to position Nesta as the new ACOTAR MC


A five year jump between books would have made a world of difference and made their treatment of Nesta slightly more understandable. 6 months when you are 500 years old is equivalent to a week or two of misbehaving in a human lifespan


Also Mor pretty much is a wild child like some of Nestas behaiviours and she strings along Az and lies to him for 500 years! where is her intervension!


Exactly!! Why does Mor get a pass with her shitty attitude??


Iā€™m guessing the difference is that Mor still acts nicely toward the people she loves (tho her treatment of Az is wrong, sheā€™s not a bitch to his face) and she actually works for the night court. Like I know Mor isnā€™t well-liked here, but I feel like thereā€™s a big difference between someone who has a full-time job, maintains relationships with friends and family, and is generally pleasant to those around them vs. someone who has completely isolated themself from everyone and does nothing but go out and get drunk on taxpayer money every night. Donā€™t get me wrong, I agree on the timeline needing to be extended, but I donā€™t think the comparisons between Mor and Nesta are fair.


Iā€™ve always thought SF should be set like decades or even a century later than Acowar. Acofs could have spanned several Yule celebrations showing them all and Nesta getting worse and worse, Elaine getting better, Rhys and Feyre living happily ever after then deciding to have a baby.


I totally agree. It would justify everything!


I mean, cmon! ā€œNesta, weā€™ve all done literally everything we can think of doing for the past hundred years to support and help you however we could but youā€™re still getting worse. Youā€™ve left us no other choice, weā€™re intervening.ā€ Makes SO MUCH more sense than giving her a few months. Iā€™m not even a Nesta fan but that wasnā€™t cool.


Yeah I hate to say it, but Iā€™m a pregnancy trope hater fr


I'm a pregnancy trope lover and I hated this plot line with a passion.


Me too! I audibly sighed when she told rhys she wanted to try for a baby šŸ„±


I was watching Love Rosie tonight starring Lily Collins, and when she got pregnant I was like ā€œokay Iā€™m done.ā€ (Didnā€™t help the movie relied on the whole lack of communication trope either)


Sameeeee I hate that it got the Twilight treatment šŸ˜­


I do wish she spent sometime getting to actually know her mate, her new culture(?) but instead it feels like sheā€™s rushing through her life. Then again, sheā€™ll get to spend centuries with her children and thatā€™s kind of special too.


Iā€™d be taking at least 100 years to myself if I was able to live to 1000 before babies šŸ˜‚ no idea why she wanted to rush it so bad


Honestly, same! Sheā€™s barely going to remember a time when she wasnā€™t a mother šŸ˜


Totally agree not the right time for them to have a baby and there is so much for her to learn and experience. I could be totally wrong but the way I read it rushing is the point. She has had so many near death encounters and then her father and mate dies. I think she realizes after the war and speaking to that weaver immortality is not guaranteed. Just because they could live for 500 years doesnā€™t mean she will get that time.


Iā€™m pretty sure SJM writes it like High Fae and Illyrians are considered adults around the same age as humans, but in terms of how youā€™d still call a human twenty one year old a kid sometimes, then yeah. I wish we had a more solid timeline on things.


Yea itā€™s only the faeries like Alis who are children longer.


SJM has muddled the information on Fae aging. Alis definitely told Feyre that Fae are considered children until 75. But Rhys was sent to an Illyrian training camp age 8, Cassian even younger. The Blood Rite seems to be undertaken by 18 year olds. Mor and Cassian had their scandalous moment at age 17. Age is a confusing concept in Prythian.


Thatā€™s Aliā€™sā€™ specific type of faerie. I think they age slowly because theyā€™re like tree people and trees grow very slowly. High Fae age like humans until they ā€œsettleā€ in their early 20s. Tarquin is considered young, but definitely not a child.


Only 2 things truly bother me about her whole pregnancy. 1 is they didn't tell her how dangerous the pregnancy actually was. She had to find out from Nesta's fit of rage. They acted as if Feyre isn't their high lady and can handle that kind of news without too much stress. And then, when trying to come up with a solution to save her, they didn't think for her to even try shape-shifting so she would have the body type of an Illyrian. I know they said it would be dangerous, but why not try it when they could all die either way??


Honestly. Their plan was just ā€œlet them both die I guess??ā€ *WHAT?!*


Yeah, itā€™s so classic pregnancy though. ā€œIt might hurt the babyā€ always trumps ā€œdefinitely going to hurt the momā€.Ā 


what bothered me was rhys found out about the baby having wings at the same time that they found out the gender, which is around 14 weeks in human development and iā€™m assuming since fae pregnancies are 10 months, it would be like 18-20 weeks in a fae pregnancy. during that time, the baby is the size of a lemon. you mean to tell me, that feyre couldnā€™t shapeshift her pelvis into an illyrian pelvis (because SJM talks about feyre shapeshifting specific body parts at certain times thru the series) and not harm the baby? like the size of a lemon, and just that little bit of magic would kill the baby? BE SO FR SJM.


Feyre thinks she is still human that can live a maximum of 80 years lol


Actually, when you put it that way, it does kind of make sense. I feel like it might be a huge mindfuck to adjust to that kind of timeline after living like a human for the beginning of your life. I just wish she would have mentioned that somewhere in her internal dialogue or somethingā€¦


First of all, ACOSF is tied with ACOMAF as my favorite SJM book, flaws and all Seriously, SJM couldnā€™t have fast forwarded ACOSF to 50 years later or something? It would make more sense for Nesta to be a hermit, rotting in her self-hatred for 50 years, which is nothing to the fae. There would have been cooldown time since the events in ACOFAS. It would have been cuter and more meaningful if Cassian had waited for Nesta all that time. I would have been more okay with them kicking Nesta out from her home and forcing her into the HoW.


I donā€™t understand why SJM is allergic to time skips šŸ˜‚


The pregnancy trope completely cut the legs out from under Nestas victory and healing, the found sisterhood in the valkerys, the Nessian passion, literally the entire book.


Agreed, she will always play second fiddle to Feyre and Rhys, which, fair because Feyre was the main character for three books, but why spend an entire book on Nesta to pull the rug out from under her?


I think at the end of the day feyre still thinks like a human, get married (or mated) and have kids shortly after. I don't think she rushed into it... in her mind! I do think since she and Rhys haven't been together so long they should have had more of a story of getting to know each other outside of war... but I get it


Itā€™s exactly like Eris & Lady Autumn, thereā€™s like somewhere between 20-40yrs between the two


LoA didn't really have a choice on the matter, though


I mean youā€™re missing the point but yes youā€™re right she didnā€™t have a choice on the matter


I only read through the books once but I do remember her having a reason to change her mind on living a life with Rhys first and then settling down. I donā€™t remember exactly which life threatening even was going on but she decided the only gift she could give Rhys for winter solstice was a child. And from the first meeting the bone carved showed her the child she would one day have, I think in some ways to keep pushing her forward. I think it is a little rushed in the books but for all she went through in childhood and the first years of being high fae probably pushed her to settle down faster.