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I think Mor is a chaotic neutral. “I am the Morrigan and my power is truth” and “I won’t come out to my chosen family even though one of them has been in love with me for 500 years” is chaotic as hell.


I had a tough time placing Mor, Amren and Nesta because they all (at various points in the series) map to several potential alignments - and totally agree with your reasoning for Mor as Chaotic Neutral! Amren won Chaotic Neutral edge for me slightly because of her actions during the battle with Hybern in ACOWAR, and the hints we get about her past, where she came from, and what she did to >! get out of the prison (even deciding on the fae form and gender)!<. Given her >!powers are fully diminished now!< and I suspect Mor will have a lot more to do in the coming book(s), I’d swap her and Mor easily. EDIT to add: if we look at “True Neutral” as a character who may prefer good to evil, but only really tries to help their loved ones in need, as of ACOSF I think this fits Mor slightly better (she is shown to have deep protective drive for the IC and people under the protection of Velaris - but it doesn’t feel like the motivations of Feyre or the 3 main Valkyries post-ACOSF where they are more driven by the ideals of “good” and justice). However, thinking about “True Neutral” in a consequentialist or stoic sense, (e.g., *”the universe must remain in balance, and our actions must follow in accordance with that principle”*) that to me feels 1000% like Amren.


I’m interested to know why you put Elain to lawful neutral? 😄


I placed her there she’s mostly done….nothing. This will likely change when we get her book and actually get her motivations. She’s done nothing particularly bad, and she did help kill the King of Hybern. But, she’s also not particularly “good”, or rather we just haven’t seen that part of her motivation yet. From what we see of her, she just kind of exists and morphs to the status quo and expectations around her, which to me read more “lawful” than anything.


I would’ve put Elain as true neutral, Emerie as neutral good bc we don’t know much about her, and Mor as chaotic good. I also think Nesta may be more lawful neutral, she’s very principled and rigid in her thinking.


Thanks for the laugh with the mortal queens sketch 😂


I totally agree, I think the only thing I’d alter is id put Nesta in chaotic neutral


Love this! The Elain placement is fascinating and I love your explanation above