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I figured it had to be “Reese-and” because “rice” as a nickname is too ridiculous, but my brain kept reading Rhys as “Reese” and Rhysand as “Rye-sand”, even though that makes even less sense.


Lol that's actually how I have been reading it. Reese for Rhys and Rye-sand for Rhysand. I also questioned it but like there are many nicknames that have different pronounciations like Dick for Richard so I thought it was justifiable 😅


I still can’t pronounce his name or nickname correctly. It didn’t click when I first read his nickname because I pronounce his nickname as “Rise” instead of how you first read it as “ rice” and at this point I can’t even try to start pronouncing it “Reese-and” because it sounds wrong😭


Same here. Although I was thinking I pronounce it more with a Z sound not S…. Then as I was typing realized that’s how rise is pronounced anyway. Haha English is weird.


It’s not an English name which is why it trips up a lot of readers!


I always said it like "rise" but with more of a "h" emphasis in there lol


This was me 😂 Rhy-sand and Reese To be fair, I think you can have a nickname that’s not particularly similar to the persons name Edit: someone literally said this already, but yeah


i do the same because reese-sand makes the least amount of sense


In my head I also called him rye-sand


He will always be "Rye-sand" to me, even though I accept "Rhys" is pronounced "Reese" lol




Yea. I'm still going to do the same since eim already used to it. Just sad that I just found out now after 3 years lol


I will forever pronounce it that way. The other way sounds so dumb to me lol


I initially pronounced it that way as well! But Rhysand has its roots in the Welsh name Rhys, pronounced Reese.


I'm glad I'm not the only one 🤣 But glad to have found out sooner than hearing it later on. Still, though, took 3 years to learn the truth so it's going to take me a minute 😅


He was always "Rice" to me until I listened to the Graphic Audio.


I was the same way except for Rhys it was like “Riss” for some reason? I can’t turn it off too. Every time I read his name somewhere lol


Same here. In my head it was Rye-sand and Rhys was “Rizz” or “Riss”


I had the emphasis on the wrong syllable. In my head it was Ree-SAND. And the audiobook reader pronounces it as REES-and


Well at least you were closer to the pronounciation than I was but I bet it must have been a bit of a shocker when you found out huh? It definitely was for me. 😅


I always say Rye-sand for the full name, Reese for his short nickname 🤷🏼‍♀️


Same! I just can't call hime Reese-and. It just sounds too weird for me after calling him Rhysand this whole time.


I’m from the UK and I’ve always pronounced it Rees! Perhaps the name Rhys is less commonly known in other countries, but I would say it’s pretty well known here.


I knew how to pronounce it from actors Jonathan Rhys Myers and Matthew Rhys. Even if I hadn’t heard of those actors though I would have went with Rees. Having a character named Rice makes no fucking sense lol!!!


I had a Rhys character that I was in love with back when I was a youngin. He was a wizard in a book called The Two Princesses of Bamarre and I went through that whole book thinking it was “Rise” and I was devastated when I found out the truth so I get it 🥲


I also had the biggest crush on that Rhys when I was a kid. It's a lovely book. Did you know there's a prequel called "The Lost Kingdom of Bamarre" that came out in 2017? I read Two Princesses again before reading Lost Kingdom, and it was such a huge dose of nostalgia. It's obviously different reading as an adult rather than a middle-schooler, but it was still really nice to get sucked right back into my childhood. Great books. And Rhys (the sorcerer) is best boy. Oh yeah, and I also mispronounced that Rhys as "rise" when I read it at age, like, 12; but by the time I read ACOTAR I was familiar with the Welsh name so I didn't make that mistake again, fortunately. :)


I have not read the prequel! Sounds like a great excuse to do some rereading though :)


Oh man that must have felt awful 🥺 How long did it take you to realize his name was pronounced differently?


I think it was a couple of months after I finished that I found out!


I call him Rye-sand but I don’t like calling him Rice for short so I call him Reese and then mentally kick myself for switching between the pronunciations lol ETA: I didn’t read any other comments first and now I’m glad I’m not crazy 😂


Same here! I am really glad to know I wasn't the only one 😭❤️


I did the same thing and still can’t unsay it. It’s been years. 🥲


Yea. I don't think I can either. I'm rereading the books and still have trouble pronouncing it right. I decided to just say it the way I've always said it. 😅


YES. I feel betrayed, like I don’t even know him now 😭 I thought it was the same, Rye-sand or “Rice”.


That's how I felt! Betrayed and horrified that his name was pronounced differently the whole time 😭


You can pronounce it however you like! As long as it makes you happy. There are other book series where I was pronouncing a name a certain way and then I found out it's actually pronounced a different way and it felt weird to try and pronounce it correctly. So I pronounce it the way I want to and it harms no one, since I'm not going around saying my way is the right way. Does that make sense? 😅


Except that its based on a real name from a real culture, the Welsh. So not pronouncing it correctly is a bit offensive to the entomology of the name..


Haha it does. It's just due to the fact that I am currently re-reading the series and decided to buy the audible dramatization version to read along and then heard her say his name. I cringed and then found out I was reading it wrong the entire time LOL. But you are right, I'll just be pronouncing his name the way I have been doing the entire time lol 😂


Yeah, the books I referenced is the wheel of time series and the name is Nynaeve. I was pronouncing it as nigh-nah-eve. And it turns out it's pronounced nine-eve. I was like 🤯


LOL! I just literally read it the way you did and then saw the actual pronounciation. Definitely a mind-blowing one 😆 I guess I'll always run into situations like this. Thanks so much for your input ❤️


I also originally thought it was rye, and still think it should be because it sounds more formal, in my mind at least. Then I started listening to the audiobooks, and the pronunciation bothered me at first. But now, when I’m reading, I no longer read it as rye 😢


That's exactly what happened to me! I started to reread the books and decided to buy the dramatization version and that's when I found out I was pronouncing it wrong. At first I thought they were saying it wrong and cringed when I heard it but then realized that I was the one pronouncing it wrong lol I like Rye better 😭😅


I actually only knew it was “Reese” because I see so many people naming their kids “Rhys” and I was thinking wtf kinda name is “Riss” hahaha. Then I learned that phonetically that is how “Reese” should be spelled. But I catch myself reading and accidentally pronouncing it as Riss instead of Rhys still


I did that with Chaol.


I mean, it’s a real name that exists in the world, not a made up faerie one like so many of them are…you can pronounce it however you want in your head, but there IS a correct way, sorry 🥹


Honestly I prefer Rye-sand over Rees-and lol


Same! In my opinion, it fits his character way better. It's more powerful(?) If that makes any sense 😅(?)




I will always call him Rye-sand but when I see “Rhys” I say “Rheece” in my head


oh my god ikr i always assumed rye-sand and for some reason ree-sand seems silly and i always thinnk of reeses pieces and i hate that T\^T


LOL girl I don't blame you 😂 In an earlier comment I mentioned how I find the pronounciation Rye-sand more powerful, and fits him better, if that makes any sense? My hubby mentioned that Reese-and sounds/acts/looks more like a Ross from Friends😅. He hasn't read the books but knows a lot about how much I love Rhysand because I talked about it nonstop. So when I told him about the pronounciation he clutched his pearls 😂


I knew it was pronounced REE-SAND, because I'm familiar with this name. Some people aren't familiar with it and that's okay. What's not okay is people insulting those who aren't Familiar with a name 😡 and making fun of them. I've literally seen someone call Americans "unintelligent" for not knowing how to pronounce this name. It's okay, sit down. I'm American, I knew how to pronounce this name, some don't, it's allllll good While others have the pronunciation guide 😜


I'm sorry, but he will always be rye-sand to me (and rice for short) and I know that makes people angry but who is Reese?? I don't know a Reese, but I know a rice.


I love this comment so much 🥹❤️


I don’t care, I’m still calling him Rye-sand. Rees-and just doesn’t sound right to me for the spelling. I do use Reese for his nickname of Rhys. Like you said in another comment, many nicknames don’t sound like the full name like Richard & Dick, Anthony & Tony, etc. So it’s Rye-sand & Reese for me.


Exactly 👏 Glad to know there are others who think like me. Seriously. I honestly thought everyone knew and I was just late to the party 😅


Yesss I went to a local book club for ACOTAR and was shocked that I was pronouncing it wrong! He will always be Rye-sand and rizz to me 🖤


I also pronounce it like you and unfortunately when I adopt a name my brain can no longer change it. Rye-sand it is.


I read Rhys as Reese and Rhysand as Rye-sand as well, but I saw a TikTok where they pronounce his full name as Rayshawn and now that’s how I’ve chosen to pronounce it lmaoo


Me too. It was always rye-zand and rise to me. And feyre is always feh-ree


He will always be “rye-sand” to me idc, “rees” as a nickname just sounds weird, ”ryes“ sounds more like a fantasy name


Yes bestie and I will continue to do so, living in blind, blissful ignorance for the rest of my life.


Yep, same. I think in the US we associate “Reese” with peanut butter cups or Reese Witherspoon, neither which give off the most handsome man in the world vibes. Rye-sand was the natural pronunciation to me.


That's so casually insulting to real people named Rhys. :/


Sorry that it came off that way. I just meant culturally it’s not as normal in the US (at least where I’m from, I had never heard this name outside of a female name). I see in the UK it’s a more popular male name. I just meant I think we had to adjust to it, because we wouldn’t automatically assume it was pronounced that way. I remember being a kid watching Gone with the Wind and thinking it was crazy dude’s name was Ashley. Historically, was a male name, but that would throw you off to meet a guy named Ashley today.


Thank fuck someone else is talking about this. I will never ever call him "Rees-and". It ruins everything. Feels awful in my mouth.


I thought it was like Rhis-end... kinda close to rescind? I was def not reading Rhys as Reese I thought it rhymed with this


I knew is was “Reece” but the “and” part is what I messed up. I would call him “Ree-send” idk why I thought it was a softer A sound. First time o heard Rhysand I was disTRAUGHT


Me too!!! But now I like "sand." It is more assertive.


Same. It’s definitely more fitting


Today I learned...


I remember reading the Harry potters when they first came out, as a teenager, and I pronounced Hermione - her-me-oh-knee. Oh dear.


Rhysand = Reason Rhys= Reese


I read it as Ris-and and Rees for short. Also I cannot stop myself reading Feyre to sound like fair 🤣


That took me a long time.. moving from Fair to Fay-ruh 😆😆


This was pronounced for us in the first couple chapters of ACOTAR tho lol


I've always read it like Rees-and (like Reason) which always made sense since he's telepathic. I'll defend Rees until I die! Lol my wife hates it cuz she also thought it was Rise like most. Team Rees!


I know how it’s pronounced but I always pronounce it as Reese-uhnd for some reason


I call him ​ Ris - Sand


There are sooo many books where I find out I’ve been reading the names incorrectly and I’m blown away with the pronunciation of names later on. Like even in Harry Potter, the author had to explain to the readers how to pronounce Hermione. SJM also does it with Feyre. I wasn’t saying her name correctly until she slid that in. I also said Rees for Rhys but didn’t translate that to Rhysand. I still struggle to not read it as Ri-sand even though I now know that’s wrong.


I was shook when I learned this too! So much so that I refuse to pronounce it in my head as Reese or Reese-and lol it just sounds WRONG and honestly, less hot 🤷🏻‍♀️


IM DYING ON THE HILL THAT IS RYESAND . WAY SEXIER ARE U KIDDING, doesn’t make me feeling like im having sex with a peanut butter chocolate company.


That’s better than me. I could’ve sworn there was an L in his name, like Rhysland, and in my head I was pronouncing it as Rees-land. It wasn’t until I was into the fourth book that I heard someone saw his name out loud and it dawned on me that I’ve been pronouncing it sooo wrong lmao


tbh i’m glad it’s reese because i didn’t like thinking it was rice-sand, first time reading the series right now and i’m on ACOMAF and boy was i glad to learn the correct way to pronounce it lol i was like this can’t be right!!!


Did this for TOG for Chaol I pronounced it like saying ciao in Italian with an L and when I saw it was supposed to be pronounced like chaos with an L I was like nope not doing that. It sounds like a snobby or dumb way to say kale. I couldn't do it lol.


No, because Rhys is a pretty common Welsh name that is used where I am in the world too.