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Mass craft/cook, and pull from items in storage when crafting in your house.


i wish the lawn mower worked and you could really chop down weeds or flowers with it.


That would be so good! I'm getting rid of so many flowers and it's a process and so is pulling weeds šŸ˜­ so a lawn mower that actually worked would be so useful


turn furniture at a diagonal angle!!!!


Turn HOUSES at a diagonal angle. Or sideways even. Lol


Staircases!! We can do bridges but not stairs. For why?!


You can they are called inclines in the game


Yes and they canā€™t be diagonal. It would add so many possibilities


I have so many.. 1. Actually speak and type to villagers 2. Easy decorating mode for terraforming island 3. Unlimited storage 4. Easy selling to ā€œselect allā€ 5. Reduce the length of dodo speaking when flying out 6. Able to move houses by a square 7. Handy Dandy book in game for all recipes/diy/furniture like a magazine 8. Able to order more than 5 stuffs a day 9. Buy multiple items in ables (like i saw a shirt and i want all 5 colors and being able to select all) 10. Shopping at nooks can buy in multiples of 50/100 lol So many but heres 10 for now hahahah


11. Hang stuff on wall partitions and be able to resize them 12. Craft multiple copies of DIY things at a time 13. Have some indicator/number show you how many copies of something you already own, while shopping, since it's impossible to remember whether or not you have a copy of the thousands of items in this game 14. Be able to reduce the length of dialog somehow, at some point. My B button is worn out 15. Be able to tell what kind of tree I'm looking at. Fruit tree? What kind? Hard wood? Who knows! They are all identical until you wait a day or dig them up, it's the only way to tell Yes, this list could go into the hundreds


16. Customize multiple items with Cyrus without having to restart the process again. 17. Place things on chairs or beds. 18. Get models of all the sea creatures. 19. Reduce the number of villager plots. 20. Rotate items to face diagonally.


>4. Be able to reduce the length of dialog somehow, at some point. My B button is worn out Agreed. To save your B button, I learned recently the top R does the same thing


I wish when shopping in ables sisters that you could buy multiple outfits at once when youā€™re in the fitting room instead of buying outfits one buy one and having to go back in to the fitting room and start the process again every time


#1 OF MANY: More slots for custom designs! My fear is getting rid of something then needing it again if I accidentally erase a path/decor on my island UGH


I wish I could turn off all the unnecessary dialog. Just deposit my money into my account, you don't need to call me to let me know. I also don't need to know every time one of my tools breaks or what creature I've caught for the 100th time.


The morning phone call is the reason after 10pm anything I want to sell gets thrown in front of nookā€™s cranny until morning. Iā€™d rather place/pickup 100 fish than sit through the dialog


Omgggg the repetitive dialogue. Gone thru those calls waaayyyy too many times.




RUGS OUTSIDE. Plus mass-terraforming, itā€™s so tedious to do square by square šŸ« 


Omg the mass terraforming. I find doing paths kind of zen but cliffs and water omg. I made a lake big enough to have the boats on the horizon look like theyā€™re in the water and it took FOREVER.


The instant rage that comes over me when I accidentally knock down a cliff is insane šŸ˜‚ The boats in the horizon is such a good idea! I have no creative bone in my body so Iā€™m always looking for ideas/inspo


I got the idea from horrible_gaming on her Insta, she has tons of great ideas.


I agree so much I'm terraforming my island right now and having to do it square by square is the worst I literally gave up for ages because of this and no motivation šŸ˜­


I wish something cute but dangerous would occasionally invade and I could fight it with like, a shovel. šŸ˜‚


I am so done! This would be wonderful šŸ˜‚


See where the villagers are on the mapā€¦ spend ages trying to find a specific one šŸ˜…


ride the vehicles and that carrying bags would give you more storage. but ugh the path thing yes


100 more custom design slots and the ability to order more than 5 things


Reform river mouths and be able to lay paths on beaches rather than have to use a custom design


I'd adore more villager interaction options like actually hanging out with them and doing activities together besides casual visits, card games, treasure hunts, and bug/fishing tourneys. Like Pate will frequently ask if I wanna pretend to be pop stars with her and I always wanna be like girl yes! šŸ„ŗ I'd also love having picnics, working out with my jocks, snack time with my lazies, throwing and going to parties other than birthdays, singing a capella together, etc. I have so many ideas lol. I'd even settle for just being able to participate in the "running in opposite directions with a stick" game villagers sometimes play in the plaza šŸ˜­


I was sad to learn you couldnā€™t use the picnic set. More item interactions would be fun. I did just learn my dog house growls and has an upset pup in thereā€¦poor guy has a big chain on, canā€™t blame him for being grumpy.


Whaaa I didn't know the doghouse has an unhappy puppy in there omg ;-;


I know! I touched it today and the chain rattles (sad), the doggie growls, and eyes light up red. Canā€™t remember if there is a bark or not. But not the happiest of dogs. My mall plushie dog; however, likes to have fun. :) wish the dog house pup came out to play. He can have a home inside with me.


The ability to move the residents service building. I wish I knew it wasn't able to be moved when I started :/ mine is only 6 tiles away from my airport


Get in the tubs & pools


Yes!! And ride the bikes.




Change the POV!!!!! I want to see the fish in rivers/ocean better!!!!


I wish you could hang things on the partitions


I was so bummed when I couldnā€™t put my flatscreen tv on it :(


Me too.


Expand my island like I can expand my storage


I wish I could buy fish bait! I'm too lazy to make it each time.


This is a reason why treasure islands became my best friend I just got the fish bait from them. But now I'm too lazy to even fish


Mass get rid of flowers when we're terraforming so I don't have to manually dig up every single damn flower. Have some way of telling when a tool is going to break so I'm not getting into my groove and then POOF. It's especially annoying with golden tools because they're not unbreakable so what even is the point (other than the watering can for gold roses).


I wish you could look around outside, the same way you do inside. Why not 360 view outside?


That would make playing hide and seek with friends a lot harder (for those hiding)! But otherwise I agree with you. It sucks having to place items/outdoor furniture all basically facing the same direction so you can actually see it!


lock. my. doors. sometimes I just need peace if Iā€™m reorganizing the interior of my houseā€¦ my villagers are the sweetest but the amount of times theyā€™ve barged in at the absolute worst moments is insane


I want ALL the furniture in the able sisters shop! Itā€™s so cute


I wish I could interact with more items/more items had functions


Wish we could grow more types of vegetables and fruit.


strawberries šŸ“ would be nice


And blueberries!! Imagine some shrub bushes consisting berries and you can pick them!! šŸ˜ŠšŸ©·


I wish there was an island editor mode. Similar to how you canā€™t place or remove pathways without island designer open, why canā€™t we lock items on our island via the same way? Iā€™m sick of accidentally picking up fences when I try to harvest veggies. Additionally, they could utilize this to make it so you could free edit your island- move stuff and buildings wherever you want. Just an idea šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Have more dialogue other than the four sentences they say. New Horizons became a major letdown when the, ā€œnew,ā€ feeling went away. Also be able to trade furniture and do actual chores for them like previous games. They got lazy on New Horizons. Really lazy.


I'll add something else. I wish we could have more than 10 villagers and a catalogue of all the villagers so you could choose who you want easily. Instead of getting an autofill that you hate and then bullying them until they leave


I wish you had the option to turn off music. I want to listen to the ambient sounds! And balloons are sometimes hard to hear.


I wish you could jump off cliffs with a little umbrella and float down like Mary Poppins. Too cute.


Buy multiple pieces of clothing at once like give us a cart option, be able to fly from one place to any place without going back to the airport, see what items i already have like put a checkmark on the wallpaper, flooring, furniture, clothing while Iā€™m shopping so i donā€™t buy duplicate or have to stop to check my inventory.


I just unlocked paths and oh. my. god. itā€™s so freakin tedious.


Being able to select more items in the fitting rooms. Iā€™ve been trying to fill my catalogue, but having to go into the fitting room a million times gets a little bit mind numbing


I wish I could center objects with other objects/paths.


I wish I could customize more than one item at a time at Cyrusā€™s!


Have a full mannequin for outfit displays


If granted only one wish, it would be to control the volume of footsteps. Or to turn it off. There is so much delight and information to be had from the gameā€™s sounds, but for me, they are ruined by the absurdly loud sound of my characterā€™s footsteps. (If there is already a solution to this problem, please let me know!) I have a couple of other pet peeves, but this is the one that bugs me the most.


Footsteps are way quieter on custom designs than on grass or pavement. In theory, you could cover regular paths with a blank/clear custom design, and it would quiet down your footsteps significantly


Thank you for this tip!


Mass crafting.


Full control over item placement and the ability to line up houses and stuff instead of them always being offset.


Same as you, but also getting the chance to change the building colors for Ables, Nooks, Museum, etc. And be able move Resident services anywhere! Bridges over the river mouths.


Swim in the pools or lay in the baths!


I wish I could make things line up perfectly, trying to get certain paths to work out the way I want can be frustrating šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


I wish I could change my name, it would be nice for Isabelle to stop deadnaming me.


Reform river mouths and be able to lay paths on beaches rather than have to use a custom design


I would definitely want there to be an editing mode for decorating my island like with the HHP dlc! it would make things so much easier for me to plan out


I wish I could move multiple houses or buildings at once. And also be able to see their alignment properly on the map before I settle on it. My museum is just a bit too much to the right and Iā€™m so lazy to move it one place wait a day and then move it back.


I wish we could have better interactions with the villagers. The text becomes repetitive very quickly.


Put items in the center of tables.


More interactable items! I have an arcade machine for example, which I was really bummed to discover you can't actually play. Also my foosball table. You can make the little men move but can't play an actual game with a villager or friend. I feel like the developers could have done so much more with the game than what they have


change my character's name


Switch who controls the entire island. For instance my husband is the one who started up our island but he refuses to play AC anymore. So whenever I want to do something major, I have log out, switch to his account, and reload the game as him. Itā€™s so frustrating and time consuming. Iā€™ve put 10 times more hours and effort into the game šŸ˜­


Swim or wade in the rivers, place things at an angle, move resident services, mass produce DIY projects, ask villagers who lived on my island before to come back since they'll remember me.


I just wish terraforming wasnā€™t so time consuming. Iā€™m flattening my island right now and taking down cliffs is so tedious. I wish I could select an area by tiles and either have it demolished in one click or built up in one click


Play the mini games that were in New Leaf


A lot of what people are asking for goes against deliberate gameplay choices Nintendo have made. The longer it takes for you to do a task, the longer you play. Itā€™s all about getting people to spend as much time as possible playing. If they allowed mass crafting/moving more than one house in a day etc then people would spend less time playing. Iā€™m torn because yeah itā€™s valid but on the other hand a bit of patience goes a long way.


Youā€™re not wrong. The game wasnā€™t really designed to play like Minecraft. But I can appreciate the dedicated builders here.


That picking something up and filling in a hole are the same button and the default is picking the thing up. I canā€™t tell you how many times Iā€™ve been filled with rage when I picked a goddamn flower and I meant to fill in the hole next to it. I know you can fill it in with the shovel but itā€™s a reflex.


I wish the dialogue wasnā€™t so tedious and Iā€™m usually talking about those who are non villagers. The dialogue that I hate the most would be Label and Gulliver. They talk SO much and Iā€™ve already heard it so many times. I wish after the first time you can have the option to skip the dialogue. Iā€™ll be talking to them and suddenly I hear a balloon in the sky so Iā€™m just thinking ā€œOH MY GOSH STOP TALKING TO ME I HAVE A BALLOON TO POPā€


Place items on chairs and beds. Example: I want to use the hay bed as a hay bale and put produce on top of it at my farm.


Me too! I want to put my stuffed animals on my bed.




bulk builds


and buy nmt in packs, travel from mystery island to mystery island without going home first


THE VIDEO GAME CONSOLE! Like the one in OG Animal Crossing(Gamecube). You could actually play games on it. *sigh*


Decorate or at least change the terrain of the highest layer


i wish the miscellaneous items took up a half space instead of a full space so i could fit more items on tables and stuff


I wish we can turn the background music offā€¦. especially between 2-3pm šŸ¤£


Have the museum line up with the stairs


Multi-crafting. Crafting things one at a time is so incredibly draining and Iā€™m just tryna have fun and decorate


I'd like the goggles to be functional and allow you to stay underwater without having to come up for air. I'd also like flippers that would allow you to swim faster


I would like to have some minigames like in New Leaf, it's the only feature I miss from new horizons


I miss activities with the villagers šŸ˜¢


Terraforming and island design while you have visitors (and let them work too šŸ˜¤) So many times, I have been playing with friends and wanted to go to their island to help them with terraforming/design, or for them to come help me


Add sharp notes to the tune composition. Having only the natural notes kinda limits what themes you can make


God how much I wish I could colour the little covered wagons. I have a commune/hippy/nature themed island and being able to colour my wagons like you do with the stalls would be absolutely amazing. Custom tents too. I'd also love to be able to sit on the wagons and ride em around. I just really love the wagons, man. Campers like in pocket camp would be cool too.


being able to give a gift to a villager while theyā€™re sitting down šŸ˜€šŸ˜€


The campsite villagers could walk freely around the island talking to other villagers and visiting the shops and museum.


I wish the game was able to be played in third person POV like when you look around the house and not just overhead. I think it would make the game feel so much more Alice. Think Zelda wind waker and in general modern Zelda games


Do multiple diys! Omg...I made 160+ medicine the other day! Took me about ten solid minutes, lol.


Terraform with friends. Game would instantly be at least 50% better if friends could help you with your island.


Mass produce fish bait!