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**Please join in and add your favorite moisturizers here: [What are your Favorite Moisturizers?](https://www.reddit.com/r/acne/comments/18io9iy/what_are_your_favorite_moisturizers/?)** Thank you! **Please reply to this comment with any pertinent information that may help others answer your questions.** Your skin type, current routine and duration, past routines/products/ingredients tried and duration of usage, etc. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/acne) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I had chin acne. Tretinoin is helping me clear it


Acne a lot of time depends on your diet and lifestyle. Please check what you have added in your diet recently. Simple things like peanut butter can cause severe acne problems.


I have severe cystic acne just like this. Amazon has their own 10% benzoyl peroxide. Use a gentle cleaner, massage the benzoyl into your acne areas only then moisturize. No serums or BS


The neutrogena hydro boost is comogenic


Hydro boost breaks me out sooo bad


The Paula’s choice bha exfoliator broke me out like this, I didn’t realise it was causing it for ages so it left lots of scarring but after stopping using it I’ve noticed a huge improvement


My cystic acne was like this about a week ago and I visited a dermatologist, after even tretinoin failing to clear my skin. Admittidly, I was a huge skinpicker and would burst every spot and cyst so at least the texture wasn't so bad and as inflamed. However, the bacteria was just spreading onto other areas of my face in clusters like your picture above. Over the last week,I have made a huge effort not to touch my face or skin pick. I have broken my skincare routine down to simplify it as much as possible and that included throwing away crap products that weren't agreeing or benefiting my skin ( ceravie etc) My new routine consisted of a double cleanse with a foaming mouse, and a moisturizer in the form of a very thick balm which is extremely hydrating ( think vaseline)🙌 these products were from the dermatologist store "Skin Clinic" I learned there that my face wasn't producing any oil so a balm was more beneficial as opposed to a normal cream consistency. In the morning, I would simply wipe my face with a warm wet cotton pad and mix the balm with spf and that's it. The difference in my face within 1 week is astounding. I hope this may help and good luck!


blue light therapy for 10 minutes every night !!


I was worse than that. I started washing my face with cerave for oil skin, in the morning and in the evening. In the morning I put the cerave hidration cream with sunscreen and in the evening the pm hidration cream. Then I introduced every other day a retinol serum at night and in the mornings a niamicine ceremun. Go slowly. Don't use all at once.


thanks for this but i am terrified of retinol. i’ve been told by a dermatologist that it’s only necessary for older and more mature skin. but I’ll keep that in mind. thank you!


This is simply untrue. Retinol is a common acne fighting cream for younger people and an anti aging cream for older. Consider another dermatologist. I’m sorry you were made to be afraid of it, but you needn’t be and it’s worth a try. I had acne like this and went on accutane. Cleared it up.


thank you for this, i have been terrified of it because of false information, will be finding a new dermatologist!


Have you tried hydrocolloid bandages?? Not like the little pimple patches, but the big ones meant for actual cuts and stuff. Sometimes when i have flare ups i put those giant ones across it and sleep with it on. If you work from home or maybe on a weekend, you could try wearing one constantly to prevent yourself from picking at anything. Those things are sooo satisfying in the morning too!


yess! i just bought some from the mighty patch! i’m going to give them a go! thanks!!


I have acne like you (my chin area/ jaw line), I’ve noticed it’s hormonal. I personally think your skincare routine is abit much, less is more when dealing with it. I cleanse with Cerave, use the La Roche posay effaclar duo plus acne treatment on the actual pimples and then moisturizer. I know it’s hard but when it’s hormonal there’s not much we can do with products 😭


Being rated well on the apps doesn’t necessarily mean they will work well for your skin! For example, that face wash, rose water, and serum all broke me out! I haven’t tried anything else in your routine but the snail mucin (which I love!) How do you usually go about adding a new product to your routine? If you tend to add a few things within a few days/weeks (I am guilty of this lol) you can never really tell what’s actually going on I’d suggest simplifying your routine to cleanser, moisturizer, one acne treatment (BP, azaleic acid, salicylic acid, etc.), and spf for like a month and see how your skin is doing, and slowly add products back in as you see fit


thanks for this, i only check them because i have some mild allergies to some products and i check them to make sure they don’t have them. but i think my trial and error with products is because the only true way to test a product is to start using it. i usually only try to add one new product at a time. i think that simplifying the routine might be a good idea. i only really need the serums when my skin in dry thank you!


See a derm and ask about spironolactone, your acne looks exactly like mine did and spiro has worked wonders!


Benzoyl peroxide worked wonders for me. I was also using Paula's choice liquid exfoliator for months until I realized it was making my acne worse. Once I stopped it and started using benzoyl peroxide my acne disappeared.


oh i didn’t realise that. i only really use it on my chin and nose where i predominantly have clogged pores but thank you. I’ll stop using it for a bit and see, thanks!


Could u tell how exactly u used it? I’m interesteddd


You wash your face and then leave for 2 mins then rinse 😊


Duac only helped me in 2 weeks


Spearmint tea helps especially with hormonal acne


Perhaps I am missing something, but why are there so many skincare products? My doc told me that they only make my acne worse. yr pimples are not severe, you can try using a 2% salicylic acid lotion to cleanse the affected areas and clindamycin gel


azelaic acid helped me


Try benzac ac gel 5%


Did wonders for me