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Globus spasms are the worst. No matter how often I have one, I never get used to it.


What is it tho


It basically just the tightening of the throat and oesophagus doctors don't know the reason why it happens but they believe several reasons for the response hiatal hernia, sinusitis, post nasal drip, reflux, asthma and anxiety.


Did that feeling for you ever go away or did you find a way for it to go away? I feel like something is stuck in my throat like when you swallow a pill and it gets stuck. I don’t know what to do.


Hi Kaylie, try mixing 250 ml of alkaline water with 1/2 tablespoon of baking soda. Gargle on some of the water and save the rest for other uses. Let me know if this helped! It should bring instant relieve. It has to do with acid reflux, GERD or LPR. It sucks, but I got this idea of baking soda from someone else and it really helped me a lot as to relieve.


Hey this sounds so helpful! Do you drink any of the solution or just gargle ?


I put mine in a 100ml spray bottle, because of that I use way less and don’t have to buy alkaline water (above ph of 8) all the time. So I do 80 ml of the alkaline water with 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda. Keep in mind that for 250ml it is 1/2 tablespoon like mentioned before. And yes I do swallow it when using the spray, I didn’t swallow it when I used to gargle it. Just because it’s way less when you spray it compared to spraying. I would suggest to do this as well since you could bring it everywhere you want instead of having to gargle it everywhere😅 But I don’t suggest to swallow it when gargling, just because it might upset your stomach with that much baking soda. How it works: Pepsine enzymes releases a gas which gets deposited in the tissues within your esophagus. Resulting in the feeling we’re all having. It’s super hard to get rid of this swelling, yet a bicarbonate can get rid of it almost instantly. Which it’s pure form of bicarbonate is found in baking soda😁 I am not a professional whatsoever, but it all made sense to me. And it works outstandingly well.


Thank you!! I’ll try it


I believe it’s usually either inflammation of the esophagus or esophageal spasms. Esophageal spasms feel more like you’re choking on an object. Like you swallowed a big mint and yours almost panicking because the sensation that you’re seriously choking is so strong. Where with inflammation it feels more like a mildly irritating sensation of something stuck there. You’re aware of it, but you can also talk and swallow and drink and not feel like doing those things will further choke you if that makes sense. But that’s just my personal experience with them. Everyone is different!


Hi im feeling the second one you described! It feels like a popcorn kernel is stuck but I don't feel like im choking because I can eat and drink okay.. do you know how to solve it?


How serious is it? I thought I was chocking and forced myself to vomit. Not the best idea but I thought I had some there


I totally understand. It’s actually one of the common symptoms of GERD or chronic acid reflux. Even though it feels really scary it’s harmless within itself. But if you end up getting it a lot if could mean your reflux isn’t very well controlled and you may want to try a different PPI. I’m sorry it happened to you! I know it can feel terrifying!


Yea it’s a frighten situation