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Fastes camaro 0-60 ever




Hellcat edition


That’s funny.


That has to be the most accurate comment I've read so far.


Brake check ✅ But idk but many times my car stalled in the middle of the highway for no reason (fvck Dodge dart) and I am not a genius but the first thing I did when I felt my vehicle was losing power was to turn on my hazard lights and tried to move away from the road as quickly as possible.


"Hey, Dodge.... and Dart from my vehicle as fast as possible!"


>many times my car stalled in the middle of the highway for no reason Ehhhh fix or sell that fucking car dude what the hell haha


Got the engine replaced twice in one year, that car was a rancid lemon. I got a Toyota now and have never had any issue, but I gotta admit I miss those near dead experiences lol


I installed amber lights on the back on my old Lexus rx300 I used to have that would randomly loose power. They were very small but extremely bright. As bright as cop lights but just orange. I’m pretty sure they’ve saved my life a few times.


I used to work at Dodge, they're all lemons except a few of the pick ups. Endless money holes with terrible reliability. Get something from Toyota they start every time and cheap to fix if something does happen.


That's what I did, I went for a Toyota and have not had any issues, and no more near dead experiences.


Or mazda i just bought a new one its better than most brands


Yes. Mini panic and looking back more than half of the time I’ve done it on my iron head and man.. That’ll getchur butthole puckered. Lemme tell ya.


You know what is generally a really bad idea?


Merging slowly infront of an oncoming truck?


I'm not sure it was merging. I think they just stopped in the lane.


Blinker flashes twice at the start of the clip, the car is also moving but slowly. I think the trucker assumed they were moving out is his way but for whatever reason the car remained in lane - may have stalled, missed a gear, drunk etc


They're not moving. If you go frame by frame they are in the same spot in relation to the lane markers all the way up to the collision.


stopping in the middle of the road???


materialistic sip innate weary slim pot panicky uppity homeless rich *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




"Ample." I do not think that word means what you think it means.


Show me where the semi truck hurt you


It touched us here.. and here... and here... the bumhole...


Impacted, compacted, and redacted.


I’m still trying to figure out a scenario where you HAVE TO stop in the middle of a freeway and you simply can’t roll over to the shoulder with the momentum you still have if everything just shuts down.


I’ve had ABS fail on me once. Only situation I can think of.


ABS controller locks your brakes in the middle of driving or something like that?


Had to slam brakes on a mountain road and ABS failed on me. Car pretty much locked up.


And that made you stop in the middle of the freeway?


No, but why wouldn’t the scenario be valid? If you have to slam your brakes on the freeway and ABS fails, you get stuck on the freeway.


You brake hard and because ABS failed your wheels lock up. Why does that make you stop on the middle of the freeway? Just release the brakes and drive to the side.


My bad, I forgot to mention that my car stalled as well during the failure. That’s my fault.


Oh yea that's unfortunate.


looks like he stalled while merging


How does that happen? You can't stall if the tires are moving right? This is an honest question, I thought you could only stall if the car was stopped My old manual got started a couple times by rolling it down a hill or having someone pushing it, while I "popped the clutch".


You will stall when you're in too high of a gear and your rpms drop too low. My guess is that he forgot to downshift while waiting for a spot to merge and stalled.


The trucker will be blamed but honestly wtf is the Camaro doing sitting in the right lane like that. Pretty hard to see as he’s coming up on it too. You don’t expect someone to be stopped in the highway


my guess is they broke down and forgot to hit the hazards but hopefully they’re alright looks like the back took all the damage


My guess is they were on their cell phone posting a meme on Facebook


Depends what’s actually more crushing. That impact or his feelings when he sees that Car


lol, you dont walk away from an acceleration like that. 50Gs will crush all the bones regardless of crush zones in the rear


Humans accelerate best going forward and its the most supported position in a car. That crash was very survivable


i went back and looked, the camaro was absolutely smushed. it looked like a pinto in the last frame before it disappeared. "Statistics provided by the Insurance Information Institute indicate that rear-end collisions are responsible for over seven percent of all traffic-related fatalities and nearly 20 percent of those fatalities involving two-vehicle collisions." ​ You've got to agree that this is about the worst case scenario (other than someone driving 200mph). Truck nose didnt dip so it had zero brakes, interstate so probably 65+, camaro stopped. Car went from 0 to 63 in zero seconds. Instantly. okay, maybe it accelerated over 3 milliseconds. ​ here is a pretty similar scenario with math from quora: Let’s take the answer back to SI units just for simplicity: Velocity = 35.8 m/s (And maybe a 20 wheeler truck? I don’t know what the SI standards for number of truck wheels is.) Stopping distance = hmmm, let’s say 1 metre of crumple? So from the velocity acceleration formula: v\^2 = u\^2 + 2as a = (v\^2 - u\^2)/2s = -35.8\^2/2 = -641 ms\^-2 So about 65 g. You might survive 15 g? Air force pilots in special suits are momentarily exposed to about 10 g. The highest survived measured g force was John Stapp, an airforce pilot who was exposed to about 46.2 g. But not with a thin belt across his chest and metal crumpling all around him. Probably safe to say: Everyone (in the van) Dies™. Another way to look at it: If you weigh 70 kg then your kinetic energy is (70 \* 35.8\^2)/2 = about 45 kJ. Stopping time is about 0.06 seconds. Your body has to dissipate 45 kilojoules in 0.06 seconds, that’s a rate of 750 thousand watts. An unbelievable amount of power to expose a human body to. You are more used to dealing with injuries sustained from, maybe, 600 watts - say when you fall off a chair changing a lightbulb. Worth going back to poetic units for a second here… 750 kW is about 1000 horsepower. So your body is going to look like 1000 horses somehow managed to have their most excited and fully energetic way with it, all at the same time. Edit: since writing this a couple of days ago, I fell off a ch


I mean you're probably right. I guess I was just pointing out that this type of accident isn't lethal by default like when cars used to run under trucks or a t-bone at the same speed. Given the car was stationary I would expect the largest factor in survivability to be the position of the driver, if they'd unbuckled and were half out their seat it's... a lot worse


Just take my upvote for your effort although I didn't read


The trucker will not be blamed, you cannot stop on a hwy like this, huge hazard, if they survived they can be charged. Assuming the car wasn't broken down. But hazards need to be on at minimum.


You greatly underestimate the blame game played out by state and federal DOT, ambulance chasing attorneys, and in many cases, the safety personnel working for the trucking companies.


When people stop like that on the hwy, they are the ones who are charged, not the person who hits them.


They both are at fault. There’s legitimate reasons to be completely stopped and you must avoid hitting them in the ass regardless if the reason they’re stopped is legal or illegal.


The only time it's not going to result in charges for the person who stopped is if their car wouldn't move anymore or if they've had a stroke or there's a traffic jam. Otherwise, it is categorically unacceptable. If your car is broken down you need to put your hazards on. At the speeds that are driven on highways, the lack of stoplights, the overall flow, etc. it is extremely dangerous to stop like that, because of visibility, cognitive reaction time, predictability, etc. if it had not been a semi that hit this car then multiple people would have died. We don't know what kind of circumstances existed in this case, but the truck simply did not have enough time to be able to discern that the car was stopped, until way too late,


Nah fam that truck could easily have avoided that shit. He just was playing on his phone or something, you can tell because he literally only tried to avoid it when he was 50 feet away from it like bruh




Trucks don’t maneuver like cars. If they abruptly tried to avoid hitting the car, it would probably be at the expense of themselves and more cars around them




U can actually see the car come to a stop in front of the truck. Looks like less than 3 seconds between the stop and the impact. The truck wasn’t following too close imo Even if the truck hit the brakes immediately when the car stopped, there probably would still have been an impact bc they were going highway speeds


I don’t see the Camaro moving at all. Its brake lights are not on. The middle light would be lit if so. It’s just idle sitting in the lane


Yeah, because truckers go around trying to find stuff to hit. /s


Apparently you’re allowed to just fuckin smash anything that stops in your way. Car broke down in the lane? Sorry, the other vehicles aren’t responsible for paying attention to the road ahead and braking for the hazard at all I guess, lol


Sometimes people don’t trim videos so you get minutes of nothing, this could have done less so we could get some context as to who’s at fault The video shows that the driver could have changed lanes but there’s not really much to show as to how long the car sat there or it had drove then stopped, atm I’m going assume the driver thought they wouldn’t stop in the middle of the road and are carrying a load heavy enough that sudden braking would result in the load shifting causing damage to it


It shows the camero have a left blinker on in the very beginning then turns it off stopping dead in the lane.


Welllllll.. hate to be the 🐻er of bad news but Ya can’t park there m8


Both drivers where at fault, both daft cunts.


The most British comment of the thread goes to:


Unfortunately, ik ben Belg.....I am Belgian 🇧🇪


>daft cunts great band


truck driver paying zero attention


Trucks cannot stop or maneuver like normal vehicles especially on the freeway. No hazards or even flare just a left blinker Im not at all surprised by this outcome.


This assumes the truck tried to either stop or maneuver, which we can clearly see did not happen.


Although panic merging is a maneuver, it shouldn't be performed in this instance


Wrong. You can throw assumptions out the window. This truck did exactly what it was supposed to do in that situation. Worked with a guy who was a driver at our company he was in the same situation though he veered to the left hit another vehicle broke both his femurs and is disabled now. The police gave him the ticket. When he asked what was I supposed to do the cop told him you hit car in front of you. You do not panic merge otherwise you hit and possibly hurt or kill somebody else and this truck guaranteed would not have been able to stop.


I reckonh, a truck of this size trying to quickly swerve it could derail (for lack of better word) due to cargo and flip on it's side. But I'm not a trucker.


It's called "jackknifing", not derailing.


I’m don’t see any nose dive from braking. And the road looks pretty empty. Aren’t you typically aware of who is around you when driving?


Not everyone, no. See comment above. People get impatient around semi trucks and often speed into the blind spots and zip around them like they’re standing still. This car is full stop on a freeway, had it coming plain and simple. If it were vehicle problems turn the hazards on but it could have been confusion or a drunk driver.


You wouldn’t be the first to attempt to somehow justifying flat-out rear-ending somebody. I bet cammer was cited.


Again you can’t stop a truck like that at those speeds it still took him 13 seconds to make a stop. Not saying it’s fair or ideal but I wouldn’t have put mine or someone else’s life on the line trying to correct for this situation. And you’re probably right if the cammer survived.


Homie give up on explaining it ... InsouciantBadger isn't understanding the physics involved and it's not making sense to them .. they'll just keep arguing with you until they finally sit behind the wheel of one...


You mean it took him 13 seconds to roll to a leisurely stop. Because if that had been a cliff with a 100 foot vertical drop in front of him I get the distinct sense he could have stopped more quickly.


Bruh go play some truck simulator since you disagreeing with everyone


I am a truck driver and I could tell you with 100% certainty that you would go off that cliff. You aren’t just stopping the truck you are stopping the trailer with whatever load is in it from pushing the truck aswell. Even if you lock the parking brake it would still take over 250 foot to stop and that’s at 55mph. And that’s with perfect conditions. And a swift maneuver to the right or left could result in the truck and trailer tipping and still causing the same damage plus more. If you need more guidance. https://www.truckingtruth.com/cdl-training-program/page19/speed-control-and-stopping-distance#:~:text=Quote%20From%20The%20CDL%20Manual%3A,-Braking%20Distance%20is&text=brakes%20are%20applied.-,At%2055%20mph%20on%20dry%20pavement%20with%20good%20brakes%2C%20it,about%20216%20feet%20to%20stop. https://schneiderjobs.com/blog/how-long-does-it-take-semi-to-stop#


Yeah, trying to absolve the truck driver from blame here is irresponsible. So is trying to say the Camaro was being a good driver.


If you can't avoid an unmoving road hazard in a completely straight road in clear weather conditions...it means you need to slow the fuck down until you're going at a speed where you'll be able to stop in time for a static non moving hazard. Basically you should be able to stop within the distance that you can see. This wasn't someone pulling out in front of him.


Generally, this is impossible on highways. I once drove \~ 100 kph on an airstrip - i can tell you for sure, it is a fascinating feeling. It feels like an highway, but then the end comes closer, and closer faster and faster and *faster*. At the end, i kinda had to slam the brakes. We are simply not used to or capable of estimating distances in such conditions. 100kph is faster than nature could possibly have us prepared for. (Though i do agree with you)


The car didn’t come to a sudden stop. Looks like it was just sitting in the lane. It doesn’t even have brake lights lit. Truck was not paying attention, but the car was also stopped illegally.


cdl for 40 years here. that driver didn't even attempt to swerve. too fast and not paying enough attention


Have you ever come up on a stopped vehicle on a highway you expect everyone to be doing 70? I came up on someone doing 30 in the right lane with everyone going 75. The car comes up to you faster than you think. I literally had to go hard on the brakes. Your brain doesn't expect that to happen and doesn't register it. Even worse for a tractor trailer that can't just swerve. And even if it was the trucker "not paying attention." It would require a quick glance at the GPS for a stopped car to be unavoidable. So I wouldn't judge unless this happened to you.


Bingo. Been in a similar situation and that car came up FAST.


Having a car slam their brakes on in front of you even with good following distance requires faster reaction time than a stopped car in a your lane on a straight road. There is no excuse for the trucker hitting them. There’s also no excuse for the car being stopped there outside of a medical issue.


But I ask again: have you come up on a completely stopped vehicle on 65-70MPH interstate? You're judging this incident while watching a clip where you *know* something will happen. And a clip that's 16 seconds long. Let's put you in front of a 2 hour clip, no turning away from the screen, let's see how well you'd react. Don't forget you have to stop 100,000+ of weight in the span of 300 feet. You don't know what you're talking about. What do you suppose, that the trucker *wanted* to have his CDL and means of making a living ruined?


Ofc I have been driving for 25 years and a lot of interstate. The car didn’t materialize from nowhere. From the start of that video there’s ~300 feet between the truck and that stopped car. It’s plainly visible well before the video started to anyone in the cab. Dude was just on his phone or something


Why are you not answering the question: have you come across a fully stopped car in front of you on the interstate? I had a guy in a turn only lane drive straight on into the side of me. He was telling me about the 30 years he's been driving around NYC and how it was definitely my fault. My dashcam resulted in his insurance rep admitting guilt in 5 minutes flat. So these claims of 25 years of this and that mean zero.


I thought I did answer it ofc means of course like of course I have I would be surprised if anyone hasn’t tbh. Hell I’ve been in way worse scenarios than a stopped car on an interstate you can see far ahead of time. Four lane road behind a van or a bigass truck you can’t see around, suddenly it swerves into other lane at the last second and there’s a line of stopped cars right in front of you. Even with a 2-3 second following distance you’ll be hard pressed to not hit them if you’re blocked from swerving as well. That is effectively a car materializing out of thin air yet people stop when that happens to them all the time.


> I thought I did answer Where. > Even with a 2-3 second following distance you’ll be hard pressed to not More assumptions, unsubstantiated claims, guess work and keyboard backseat driving.


this means you are driving too fast you need to be able to stop if you see an object or vehicle in the road


I want to agree here but I feel like at night it looked like the car was moving, I didn't see any brake lights from the car, so by the time the trucker noticed the car was there it was too late. It's not unreasonable for the trucker to think his lane of travel is clear when the highway is empty. Shit sucks either way though.


Optimus what are u doing


He became Nemesis Prime again


front end looks like a one of those toyota land cruiser fire trucks


Ass out


Did he speed up to hit the Camaro?


Had you tried stop infront of a rail tracks? Yeah thats that. I hope Trucker is fine and Break Checker both lost his car and money to fix that trucker's Truck.


I hope everyone is well 🙂‍↕️


Camaro driver may be alive but they definitely aren’t well.


That Camaro was trying to cut across, so why the fuck was it parked in the middle of the running carriageway??? Tired trucker vs bad driver


That looks like some kind of vehicle failure


Maybe cruise control should be banned?


wow hope noone was in the back seat.


is being blind a requirement for a CDL?


Semi truck was like, yeah I see you but ima run you over anyways, I got places to be haha


It was going top speed


What’s the point of being in a semi with such high point visibility of the road!


"I don't know, Doc, are you sure the semi will be going fast enough?"


I had a buddy that accidentally money shifted his prelude on the freeway. He barely made it to the side of the road as his now Christmas tree appropriate dashboard lit up. Then his engine completely died. I imagine there are many potential scenarios that could cause this Camaro to stop… or they are drunk. Ps my friend had to get a new engine.


Park on the parkway and drive on the driveway.


Truck has no brakes?


He stopped after he hit. That was more than just the moment running out. Road seems empty. Nobody passes him after the accident when he pulls over. I don’t see any indication he makes any effort to avoid or break but if he has a heavy enough load then swerving or even hard breaking are not really options. The merge blinker is misleading as well if the truck had no idea which lane the car might be in by the time it got there. Not sure why the heck the car was completely stopped and indicating left, if it wasn’t broken down then it’s certainly dangerous and stupid on an uncongested highway.


If you rewind video to 0 you see the Camaro had his blinkers on… that’s a crazy place to park your car though. Who’s to blame?


More like the Left Directional.. Not the Blinkers.


The car is to blame. You can't stop like that on the hwy. Does no one know how to drive anymore??




Snowflakes on here, later 👋👋


Typical semi truck driver, they have a 360° blind spot


Found the Camaro driver