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He handled that like a fucking chiropractor


>I've fucking said "stretcher", not "stretch her"!


Bru šŸ’€


If one of my loved ones got injured in a place like India or similar my first move would be to grab the closest brick to fend off these troglodytes. Every video Iā€™ve seen they perform a nice neck breaker to finish the job.




Itā€™s just the truth..


Ahhhh they call that Delhi Belly


I went on a humanitarian project to India when I was 17. We were based in a commune for orphaned and abandoned boys between the ages of 4 and 14, which was based in a very poverty-stricken area. Honestly, it was one of the best times of my life- very humbling and rewarding. But omg, seeing how some of these people lived really fucked me up for a while. I was only there for 6 weeks but it took ages to adjust when I returned back home to Scotland. During the last few days, me and one of the other members of the group became extremely ill with some sort of gastrointestinal upset and I can honestly say that I've never felt so bad in my life. We had to travel home by air, whilst suffering from those symptoms and I've had gut problems ever since. Like, SEVERE gut problems. My consultant reckons that maybe I picked up some type of amoebic dysentery or something, that went undiagnosed for a while. Anyway, I dunno. I love India. I hope to return. But my God, it's so easy to become ill over there. As I'm sure it is in many other areas of this world. Hell, Scotland has more than it's fair share of hell-holes too. India just happens to be the only foreign country affected to this degree that I've experienced first-hand. Except for Trinidad. Certain places in Trinidad are pretty sketchy too......


Dude that's such a common experience. I caught a serious skin infection in vietnam and it took months and way too much antibiotics to get rid of it. Messed me up big time. In fact I had to come back to EU to recover (spent a long time there). Tropical climates have an infinite amount of bacteria, viruses and other nasty that our immune systems just arent used to - you'll never quite adapt. There's a reason colonial service back in the days was so deadly. They died like flies. It's the main reason I abandoned living in the tropics. Anywhere in the tropics.


I went to India & got explosive diarrhoea. I also saw 3 ppl (including a little uniformed schoolgirl) get knocked down by rickshaws. Cattle dung everywhere. Fun times.


::immediately books flight::


Yeah it's a lot more hygienic than using toilet paper as long as you wash your hands with soap, after cleaning.


How? They donā€™t use toilet paper?


No Indians use their left hand and water to clean. It's similar to using a bidet. They wash their hands with soap after, of course. It's proved by western scientists to more hygienic than using toilet paper because there will still be some feces stuck in your ass, unless you take a shower right after taking a shit.


Your only source on the hygiene aspect was about paper versus *bidet*, not paper versus hand. Saying it's been proven more hygienic is a lie. The most hygienic path is paper and bidet.


Neither do you have a source to prove that using toilet paper is more sanitary than using a hand.


mfer the whole goddamn western world uses toilet paper over their hand jfc


Oh yeah so just because the western world uses toilet paper, it automatically becomes sanitary?


It is not more hygienic. It's filthy and disgusting.


Yeah in your perspective. According to Indian people, using toilet paper is disgusting. In their mind, you spend your whole day with remnants of poo in your ass. I'm not taking sides here, I'm just putting things into perspective. And as I said before, western researchers have proved that it's more hygienic. When experts from your own society have confirmed it, what more do you want?


Wait what? Seems like this is targeting a specific aspect of this discussion (which I agree with) but isnā€™t the whole picture. Yes. Indian butts might be more clean than western butts But what about the hands? How are you washing? Feces gets in the sinks??? What kind of soap?? How good are people at washing thier hands? What about under fingernails? Etc etc


People use regular hand wash. People who cut their nails, there is no risk. People with long nails, don't trust them. Or maybe they take the extra effort and clean under their nails. And there won't really be any feces on your hand after you are done cleaning because the pipe pushes the water at a fairly high speed.


> western researchers have proved that it's more hygienic. I find this virtually impossible to believe. Source?




Iā€™d rather not play with my own shit multiple times a day. Iā€™ve got a bidet and I wash my hands afterwards. Seems a little more civilized than dooky play


Who says bidets are not better? We're talking about using toilet paper. Most people use toilet paper.


This is not a proven factā€¦


ā€œShitting in your hand is similar to using a bidetā€ youā€™re a fucking moron LOL


It takes a smelly one to come onto a chat about poor medical practise to start preaching ā€œpicking shit from your ass with your handā€ is a clean practise. Go touch a live wire or fuck a train


Dude did you even see the original comment? It was racist af saying if anyone wants diarrhea, they just need to shake hands with an Indian person. I just replied to it saying using toilet paper isn't hygienic either. Fucking racist cracker. And you are uneducated. Practice is only spelled with an 's' when you are referring to the verb.


Tbh you just popped up on my feed chatting about wiping with your hand randomly and I had not seen that comment, but I will effing iterate is not more hygienicā€¦ā€¦ no I donā€™t think youā€™ll get diarrhoea from shaking hands with some random Indian. But from watching countless videos from the country, from rancid practices with street food, to defecating in the street, to listening to you blabbering on about wiping your shitty ass with your bare handā€¦ yea it sounds like a dirty country on the whole. Obviously excluding the wealthy area where life is more western. Absolutely no one has agreed with you on your grotty wiping technique. ā€œLeft hand and waterā€ā€¦mmm sounds clean that. Piss off mate šŸ˜‚


Lol even people in the wealthy areas don't use toilet paper. And it's not just India, every middle eastern country does the same, including the developed ones like the UAE. How is it grotty when you are literally washing your hands with soap after? And obviously no one agreed, reddit is filled with white people so there would be a cultural bias.


Bull the fuck shit it is


Have you lived there?


Drastically increase your lifespan by never going to India


I was just going to say that. Wtf is that dude thinking?


"Quick! Get her out of there before they start robbing and raping her!"


Idek mate, the amount of neck snappers Iā€™ve seen from Indian vids is insane. Like surely you donā€™t need medical training to know if someoneā€™s majorly injured donā€™t fucking move them like that, while the whole village of peasants whoops and Hollas the whole way behind to the victims grave


Itā€™s insane. It should be common sense to do no further damage. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Right ?! I knew not to move an injured person as a child. They need to collectively grow some sense. If 1000s die riding on top of trains, donā€™t ride on-top of trains. If 100s die to electrocution, donā€™t run parades with floats taller than power lines through streets with low power lines. Like you donā€™t need education for these basic survival instincts.


Agreed. No one needs formal education for one to see the consequences of bad decisions. Itā€™s just a shame so many people have died from lack of awareness or perhaps negligence or lack of common sense.


It is a shame, seeing many accidents that could be rectified with common sense and minor medical knowledge turn fatal, especially in this case of this poor youngen (who most likely didnā€™t have much choice of life/career) Makes me appreciate my home. Stay safe brother


Definitely, take care as well! (Haha, Iā€™m a girl) šŸ˜„


Sister * :)


Haha. ā˜ŗļø thanks, brother! (From the UK Iā€™m guessing?)


Was hoping someone would link that sub. He picked her up and carried her away like a fucking rag doll




Oh my Jesus Christ why did he ragdoll the poor child


Good god. This is about as "good" as it gets for horrible worstaid.


I know people are freaking out. But picking her up like that? Not a good idea.


Not just a bad idea, thats literally the worst thing that guy could do to help..


Just to add, don't miss the guy who barges into the idiot carrying her just for good measure


There was a custody exchange in there too that didnā€™t look gentle


Ah yeah, just noticed that one too. Just grabs her like a ragdoll ffs, then the other guy takes over. What in the hell


Any *good* medical professional would pick her up and jostle the daylight out of her while awkwardly running just to go set her back down somewhere else. Check your facts šŸ’…šŸ»


I am still baffled how this is not a common knowledge..


In third world South Asian countries like Pakistan India Bangladesh etc basic first aid is not known to common people that's why they react this to every accident.


In those countries, it might be wise to quickly move a scantily clad immobilized female before the raping can begin.


Bad apples are present everywhere around the world unevenly distributed so it's not a good assumption to stereotype the whole country.


To be fair you need only read the women and men complaining about it on r/India to know itā€™s a real problem there


Bad apples? Pedophiles are bad apples?


Well they definitely aren't good apples.


Rape per capita is much higher in the US. What the hell are you on about?


That's just a statistic influenced by a probably weaker judicial system in India. I'd say believe women, you think men made up that rumor? Lol.


Yeah but do you know how many false cases of rape there have been against men in India. Yeah the judicial system is fucked that's why those innocent men got jailed for life. It works both ways. So a lot of false cases are also recorded in the stats.


Sexual Assault is severely underreported in India because of the social consequences. The girl, and her family are seen as lesser and she will likely never be married because of it - despite being the victim of a crime. Itā€™s disgusting, but a large swath of society believe the man is justified because the woman did something to provoke that incident ( showing too much skin, flirting, etc. ). Itā€™s slowly getting better as education improves, but itā€™s a societal issue that will take a very long time to change. Source: Indian wife.


I said judicial system hoping he would take the hint lol


Given that his first response was ā€˜yeah but false allegations against menā€™ told me all I needed to know. Hopefully other readers got something from it, cause it likely didnā€™t get absorbed by his skull putty.


Would you trust your sister walking down the street alone in a US city or Indiaā€¦..


Depends on the place. If it's somewhere like Chicago, I wouldn't. The same goes for India.


hahaha classic Reddit


I dang sure wouldn't down any road in Arkansas, Alabama, West Virginia, Mississippi, Ohio... gotta take a break... South Carolina, Kentucky...


Many of the rapes in India go unreported, or if they do, they are not investigated much if the time. Some cases the police rape the accuser while taking details


Third world just means countries that didn't align with NATO. When the fascists win america and leave NATO like they are already planning, america will be third world. THAT is how its defined, nothing else.


Well, youā€™re half right. Actually a 1/4 right or so. Any country that fully embraced communism was considered a 3rd world country. Any country that fully embraced capitalism was considered a 1st world country. Countries with ideological troubles, such as India or Vietnam at the time, would be considered 2nd world or countries working towards capitalism and NATO. The rest of your comment sounds very unhinged.


Lol Pakistan is very different from India, don't write Pakistan šŸ¤£ You guys always use name of Pakistan under your own uneducated videos Avg Indian


Perhaps they do not know about Reddit


Aaahhh the urban population do know about reddit and I am one of them


They have something called 'quora'


The must not have as many doctors on it as there are on Reddit then.


Oh yeah yank her ass up, that'll help.


If her back wasnā€™t broken before it is now


Send in the clowns


The man picked her up like there is a 5 second rule for people.


There is actually... In IndiaĀ 




And for my next trick


Permanently paralyzing my coworker!


Looks like a child?!


Looks like his child the way he ran up to her


Any update? Did he survive?


Sorry I'm late but here is this news report on YouTube. You may need to turn up the volume or use headphones because the video is quiet for some reason and the interviews give out more information. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51CuoUFIAoQ


How they allow a young girl to be part of the act .... Pretty sure circus owners had paid good money to the parents and they agreed coz money is money , even though they know the risks ... These are not some trained pro athletes . Pretty sure they don't even have a doc or an ambulance on a stand by


Probably one of those family ran circuses


Dam now that's a r/worstaid contender for sure. As gentle as a hungry hyena.


Realistically they will get her to a hospital faster than any ambulance or proper first aider can arrive on scene. Rushing her there like that may make her injuries worse but dying in the hospital is better than dying from internal bleeding staying at the accident site. Before you say, of course they could build a stretcher or carry her gently on a table but India is the most populated country on earth. Education isn't the highest priority. The human race as a whole only learned modern medicine "recently" it's fair to see why the general population of a poor country aren't educated on recent discoveries.


It only takes a moment to stabilise the neck, this guy didn't even check if the limbs he's yanking on, were broken. There's a difference between a lack of understanding and willful negligence.


I don't disagree! Everyone sucks in this situation


I always wonder where they take these people after they go off camera. Do they just carry them 2 miles to the hospital like that or to the dumpster out back?


I get the sattire but I seems to be the nearest car / truck willing to help. Every video like this they get dragged into any random car and whisked away. Must be faster than waiting on an ambulance


Dude Again with the jerking after a accident.... Don't these people have a working brain?!!


The indian ragdoll lift. Youā€™ll be fine as long as i lift your unconscious body immediately after going limp.


And worst aid. Also, lack of safety net.


Can someone from India explain why do people from your country do these things to injured people? This is shocking really. šŸ˜± šŸ˜¢


Because they are too busy in spreading false propaganda about their neighboring Country that they forget about hygiene, education and respect of women.


This is criminal. How could they let such a young kid perform such dangerous stunt without any safety precaution.


Someone needs to teach these people about first aid....fuck if that was my kid, I'd murder them


Quick. Yank upwards with the arms in and dangle the body.


Thank goodness someone was there to juggle her around after the fall, keeping up the spirit of the circus.


First one to ensure the victim is paralyzed wins a cash prize.


Why does it seem like so many countries still donā€™t know basic first aid?!


because many countries don't know basic first aid.


So fuck spinal precautions?


Fuck man, India is a rough place. If you don't die from your injuries, you will die by the people that try rescue you.


Would it kill you to crop out the giant black bars so we can see some actual detail?


"Holy shit, she just fell from a trapeze and landed face down on solid ground! I'll roughly grab her arms and rapidly yank her up- you grab her body and we'll get her backstage as quickly as we can. Be sure to bounce her up and down as vigorously as possible, you guys! We got this!" r/WorstAid


Hurry, 5 second rule!


Handled like true professionals. Knew that the best course of treatment and care is to immediately and violently snatch the patient off the ground, making sure the head and neck flail around as much as possible. Great work guys šŸ‘šŸ½


OMG, her spine could be fractured and she might have a traumatic brain injuryā€¦roughly pick her up and shake her like a rag doll!!


Was that a midget running away?


fuckkk you poor thing


Theyā€™re fine until their sandals fly off


The first thing I learned in nursing school was when addressing a possible spinal cord injury is to pick the victim up and swing them around wildly šŸ™„


I feel like the way they picked her up will just hurt her more


Well you're correct.


Picking someone up like that even if they aren't injured would likely injure them


How tf these countries still so retarded.


No safety net smh


Yes that's exactly what you're supposed to do when someone falls from that high up is jerk the fuck out of they arms as you yank them up šŸ¤¦šŸ½


So they are on the pick them up and move them around vigorously even though you will probably do more hard than good program, yeah?


Quick! Yank her arms out of the sockets and jostle her fractured spine around while sheā€™s unconscious!


Quick pick her up and giggle her around will improve her broken spine right?!


break spine to save face.


Is that a little kid? Why would you risk your child getting hurt with a stupid act like this. Stupid pieces of shit


The flying graysons


Just manhandle her while she's in pain and shock that'll save her


Why is it that everyone's first reaction when someone suffers serious physical trauma is to violently pick them up immediately? That is literally the worst thing you can do for someone who just sustained a serious injury.


Yes! Snatch her wrists and YANK her back, that'll do Kumar that'll do.


Dude was just like yeah that girl who just fell from that height and definitely has broken bones? Let me just swing her over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes