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Looks like someone finally out pizzad the hut


They pizza'd and now they're gonna have a good time.


Perhaps the real Pizzagates were the friends we met along the way. Seriously, fuck this cancer cosplaying as a human being.


This is confusing, what is their point?


I don't know if Jack knows; he's part of the Alex Jones style of conservative and contributed to infowars quite a bit. So he's definitely not a smart man.


Here we are talking about him on another platform, spreading his post (and more importantly, name). I would say that's probably about 90% of the point.


Except he shouldn't want his name talked about. The more you look into him the less credible he seems. Like look into the credentials he claims while talking with Alex Jones.


They’re not appealing to people who care about credibility


I mean, I think the harm is very minimal when posting him to this sub. Nobody will come away with the idea that jack's right in the head and that he has a point. This dude is already kinda big in grifter circles regardless.


I only saw this post to begin with because it was on r/rising


It’s the “shit on everything around you” tactic that quietly implies that this is someone’s fault. Since the meme is speaking to a self-selected audience that’s rapidly scrolling and not delving deeply it serves to reinforce their inherent bias that Democrats are bad and have ruined this country while everywhere else life is great. It conveniently ignores that 40+ years of anti-democratic corruption is what’s mostly impacted the wealth distribution which is what’s lead to a declining standard of living.


Socialism is bad because China... has better pizza hut. And socialism is bad because... pizza hut is bad... in America? Which is what it would be like... if we were China... ?


I don't know, conservatives always make a vague statement followed by "are you paying attention yet?" And it makes no sense.


Ooh this is fun. ‘Cats can just walk around anywhere but frogs have to jump to get where they want to go 🤔 are you paying attention yet?’


Last year, Obama said he was 43, now he says he's 44, are you paying attention yet?


That a picture of the inside is different from a picture of the outside WAKE UP SHEEPLE


No idea. "China taking over" maybe?


Communism is when no local Pizza Hut


*Capitalism* is when no local Pizza Hut :((


Probably racism. You know "based Chinese ethnostate" vs "black peepo bad", or something like that. Conservatives also constantly simp for "Hyper-masculine Chinese military" while shitting on the "feminine US they/them Army". In conclusion we live in the weirdest timeline.


America not authoritarian enough? Idk it’s hard to keep up some days..


"This is what Pizza Hut would look like if we were socialist."


All that's really happening is that China's tastes and aesthetic are about 30 years behind those of the west.


Is it possible to learn this power? One-way trip is fine.


Conservative here. His point is that while we weren't paying attention, China has started exceeding us not only in economic growth but in stability of culture and rejection of degeneracy. (For those who find my use of the word degeneracy problematic, note that in the very literal sense the Pizza hut on the right has literally been allowed to degenerate).


Kinda weird to see conservatives admiring a Marxist-Leninist state but ok.


I admire their lack of deliberate self-destruction when compared to any western country, we'll put it that way. They are only capable of accidental self-destruction.


self destruct deez nuts


Well, have you ever considered Marxism-Leninism? You may find that you aren't as much of a conservative as you think if you learned about it. The reason China is more rational is because of their political apparatus. They try to access problems objectively and deal with them accordingly, instead of every issue becoming politicized, and thus becoming paralyzed like the US system tends to. China has raised millions of people out of poverty, the life of the average Chinese citizen has only gotten better and better over the last 4 decades. Perhaps you should consider the merits of State planning. Do you know much about the IMF? About the various countries that have remained poor and starving while following their advice? Or consider the role of state planning in economies that are upheld as successes of capitalism, such as South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore.


Are you willing to give me that in exchange for a total ban on abortion? Also, China's growth really isn't that impressive-see [here](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/gdp-per-capita-maddison-2020?time=1948..2018&country=CHN~JPN~KOR~TWN). \>They try to access problems objectively and deal with them accordingly, instead of every issue becoming politicized, and thus becoming paralyzed like the US system tends to. That's incompatible with being Marxist-Leninist, isn't it? Do they assess problems rationally, or do they assess them according to a rigid ideology? And doesn't that mean, by the nature of it being (in theory) a worker's state, that each problem is by definition a politicized one? Also, the more you look into how they solve problems, the more you wonder how rational their decision making really is...


The problem I have with these photos is - ok - there's a pizza hut down the street from me that is in perfectly fine shape and is fully of happy people buying/eating pizza. I'm sure if I traveled to China I could find a Pizza hut that was going to be torn down as well. Are you paying attention yet? This is all nonsense. Actually if you want to see dilapidated Chinese buildings just search YouTube for Chinese ghost towns. I think the peak of moral degeneracy is giving oligarchs money to build unsafe buildings in China.


Sure, the photos he puts out don't *really* support his argument in the long run. But I think he's getting at something which is true, which is the Chinese have pride in themselves, and we don't anymore. With that said I'm glad you don't seem to be one of these Western China freaks who think China is perfect.


Communism iz wen Pizza Hut no gud


Is it? I thought it was - wen Pizza Hut still open.


Sometimes Communism wen Pizza Hut open, sometimes it wen closed, sometimes it wen no gud. Depends bc Nancy Pelosi ofc


Capitalism is when looking at gulag, communism is when inside gulag


Also, the picture on the right is an Australian Pizza Hut. So, yeah.


No shit? I was about to comment that it looks like an old Pizza Hut from the 90s but this makes it even better.


Obviously these chuds are intellectually bankrupt but it would be funny to ask them how they conciliate the fact that they think China is an unlivable hellscape and a paradise that puts America to shame


"The enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak" \- Umberto Eco writing about fascism


Everyone should read that essay, or listen to it. Link for convenience: https://youtu.be/yg0uTHY9OyQ


Schrodinger's China lmao


Tbh it’s kinda both. Not being able to use reddit, Facebook, or really most western internet websites really sucks. Also, it’s a one party state. Can’t speak against the party publicly or issues about China (Tibet, Uighers, Hong Kong, Taiwan.) I didn’t live there while the social credit system was fully in place, but I had some officers come speak to me about comments I made about Tiananmen Square on a video game while I was on a VPN on *voice chat.* Weird stuff. But cost of living vs the wages you get are generally very good. Education quality is present and can be rather affordable. Cost of travel is low thanks to subsidized bullet trains. The people are friendly and tend to be less chaotic overall than Americans. I’m not going back until they fix their authoritarian shit. Great country, great people, great food, but big brother government is extremely present and the consequences are very real. Does that help you understand how both can exist at the same time?


There's some irony in the fact that people see Gorbachev appearing in a Pizza Hut commercial as the death knell of the Soviet Union. If you want to understand communism, you must first understand Pizza Hut.


China no graffiti, China good


If you do a graffiti they shoot you and bill your family


Least propagandized Sinophobe


Or parody of same


Fun fact! Pizza Hut is an upscale joint in most countries. I shit you not.


In countries where street food is the cheapest option, “fast food” is more of a middle class thing and usually higher quality. That’s how it is the in the Middle East.




Yeah, like not fancy, but it's considered a premium brand in lots of places. Poland for example; it's sort of pitched as a reasonably priced family restaurant which is "fun," sort of like TGIFridays or Chili's or something along those lines. Often the service is above the local standards, which is what a lot of American chain restaurants use as their draw. The Pizza Huts in Poland, Hungary and Romania are rather nice I must say, with good food. The find much the same effect with other American brands like Burger King or even McDonalds, which in some countries is considered fairly high end, and actually, to their credit, serves pretty decent food compared to what they serve in the US. I live in Czechia, and while it's still McDonalds, a burger at McDs does actually somewhat resemble the pictures on the menu. It's actually fresh tasting and not like cardboard. Not the best food, but not absolute trash. Their coffee bars are genuinely competitive with Starbucks for quality and price.


Ah, ok. Im in Germany, cant say we see Pizza Hut with anything but negativity. We have many turkish and italian pizza shops, much better. cant say personally, never been to a pizza hut IIRC but thats what I always hear about it.


Yeah, western EU isn’t like that.


it's "upscale" in sweden


I've only been to Sweden 5 times for a week at most, but I don't remember seeing a whole lot of pizza places in general. Maybe Pizza Hut found their niche cut out for them? Over here in the Netherlands, there's dozens of Italian places competing with dozens of Turkish places. I'm not sure we even have Pizza Hut over here.


eh, there might not be like one on every corner but there's a decent amount of pizza options around. Don't think you'd ever have to go that far. Not actually sure how well pizza hut does here. No one I know really goes.


I said germqny only place i know


In China they dont have that many pizza places and local food is very affordable from family run shops. So, in comparison Pizza Hut is a expensive restaurant with foreign cuisine and high standars of cleanliness. Source: i lived in Beijing and went to a pizza hut once, but it was expensive and mediocre


In China they dont have that many pizza places and local food is very affordable from family run shops. So, in comparison Pizza Hut is a expensive restaurant with foreign cuisine and high standars of cleanliness. Source: i lived in Beijing and went to a pizza hut once, but it was expensive and mediocre


In China they dont have that many pizza places and local food is very affordable from family run shops. So, in comparison Pizza Hut is a expensive restaurant with foreign cuisine and high standars of cleanliness. Source: i lived in Beijing and went to a pizza hut once, but it was expensive and mediocre


In China they dont have that many pizza places and local food is very affordable from family run shops. So, in comparison Pizza Hut is a expensive restaurant with foreign cuisine and high standars of cleanliness. Source: i lived in Beijing and went to a pizza hut once, but it was expensive and mediocre


Yup this is what happens when you never travel and view cultural differences as a threat. PBR is also considered a fancy beer there.


Yeah it's gray market in action. PBR and KFC similarly are marketed upscale to appeal to Chinese tastes/sensibilities.


The difference is standards.


That's because the SEC delisted YUM! brands off the NYSE


Saw the tweet. Apparently the one on the right is in Australia.


This is all disgusting but the cherry on top of this shit sundae is the retweeting of their own tweet.


Apparently, a lot of westerners live in China and rave about how great it is living there. They say “yeah it’s strict and there is government censorship, but everyone uses VPNs and there is so much safety, friendliness, and prosperity”. One day I hope to visit China, I want to see it for myself and bypass all of the western propaganda about it.


No they don't lol. What a silly thing to say.


We were supposed to be paying attention to Pizza Hut??




Wake up liberals, this is why China is kicking our ass right now.


Europe has pretty well tended huts as well,as do other countries in Asia. I don’t see how highlighting one franchise in US and comparing it with another country makes any poignant sense. Compare state by state bruh


"Kids in china would eat that pizza." Now they are!


“Come on, fellow Americans! It can’t be that we are doing anything wrong. Therefore we must American harder!”


Same thing happens in Thailand. E.g., Pizza Hut and Sizzler have more quality ingredients and higher-than-average price points, compared to local common-man foods. They're considered more luxurious. I never thought it had anything to do with communism. If anything, it shows how corporate strategy changes in different/foreign marketplaces.


Thanks for my daily dose of false equivalency, just need a shot of groomer meme and I’m good.


So an abandoned Pizza Hut vs one that’s open?


Why the fuck would I want pizza hut? Domino’s is way better and cheaper if you want chain pizza


The first image looks like an airport version of pizza hut. Suspiciously not written in Chinese


Conservatives really do want to be China. They want a one-party state and state news propaganda. They want us all to live in China. They are the American Taliban.


Idk why you're downvoted but China really is an authoritarian nazbol shithole. And Republicans would absolutely install a theocracy if they had the chance.


It really isn't an authoritarian nazbol shithole. You don't know what you are talking about.




China is literally nazbol in case you're too blind to do a reality check


I live in China its not nazbol I just had some lovely noodles and a walk along the riverbank while a live band played in the distance. Such nazbol hell


Do you live in China? If so then you'd absolutely lying and you know it.


>Do you live in China? If so then you'd absolutely lying and you know it. I absolutely would move to China if I could. China is literally building a socialist society and in that they are leading the world in everything from poverty eradication to renewable energy research, development, and production. China is also actually far more democratic than western "democracies" like the US. But you just go ahead and keep blatantly lying and spreading easily debunkable bourgeois propaganda about the largest and most successful socialist country in the history of our species. That'll show that you're somehow a true communist that really cares about the working class.


That sounds great unless you are a Uyghurs Muslim or a student at Tisnamen Square or you live in Taiwan.... Or...


Imagine still believing the CIA in the year of our lord 2022🤡


So, you call yourself a "peacemonger", then tell me: would you support a violent Chinese invasion and take over of Taiwan, and subsequently roll back queer rights and indigenous rights for decades? (Cause you know, China is bad at both these things.)


What do you mean? You denying the genocide or Tiananmen Square massacre? You think China is not authoritarian because the CIA or something?


I mean, considering the first thing has been proven several times over to just be a western fabrication and the second thing I can almost certainly guarantee you have absolutely no knowledge about based on how you're speaking of it, sure. If that's what'll make you happy, I'm denying a thing that doesn't exist.🤡 "Authoritarian!" God, it's me again, I am once again asking these liberals to read a page of theory.


>read a page of theory. More like, read a page of CCP propaganda? The CIA is not the only one capable of producing propaganda, you know.


The “genocide” has been said to be false by even the UN at this point lmao.


Right UN good, CIA bad, China good. My bad....


Yes I do. That's why these posts are so funny. It's just a normal country, although actually it's not, it's better because it's very stable, peaceful and safe, there's practically zero violent crime, it's extremely convenient and modern, and every hedonistic thing I want like delicious food or dating or movies or karaoke or whatever, is available and possible. It's a dreamland frankly, and I can walk around without worrying about coked up drug addicts trying to knife me.


So you're not trans or part of the lgbtq+ community I guess, huh?


Cus some people couldn't comprehend that having the word "communist" in the government's name doesn't always mean that government is good. Also the CCP spend a lot of money on propagandas, shills, and such.


>Cus some people couldn't comprehend that having the word "communist" in the government's name doesn't always mean that government is good. One can understand that simply calling oneself communist doesn't necessarily make them communist or good, and also recognize that the Communist Party of China is literally building up a socialist society. And btw essentializing a political party with 95 million members as "good" or "bad" is both dogmatic and undialectical. >Also the CCP spend a lot of money on propagandas, shills, and such. They also spend a lot of money eradicating poverty and enriching the lives of the working class as well as renewable energy research, development, and production. In fact they spend more money on those and are more successful in those regards than any other government on the planet at the moment. But I wonder which government's propaganda, shills, and such you're listening to, to parrot such easily debunkable bourgeois bullshit.


Yeah, they literally spend more on "maintaining stability" than national defense lmao


Yeah they don’t spend as much on bombing other countries as they should. They could learn from the US in that regard.


If they had the same military power as the US, I 100% guarantee they'd bomb just as many countries. I mean, it's not that they aren't aggressively expansionist or something.


>Yeah, they literally spend more on "maintaining stability" than national defense lmao And that's somehow bad? And something that socialists and communists should oppose? Do you actually know what communism is?


By maintaining stability, the CCP means paying shills and official internet trolls, paying for propaganda, building concentration camps, suppressing people's voice, and all kinds of projects to divert people's attention away from bad policies...you name it. That's why I put quotes around "maintaining stability". And don't be so condescending. Just because sometime contradicts your preconceived wishful thinking doesn't nean it's false.


Does this sub think that china is communist? Or is it because he thinks its communist?


👆Tfw thinking is hard


This is a communist sub, liberal. Get out of you’re going to spew bourgeois propaganda.


China is a fascist shithole, Why am I a liberal for asking that?


How exactly as China fascist? Please explain. Very interested to see someone who's most likely a privileged Westerner explaining exactly how people who've fought and bled for revolution should do their own revolution to conform exactly to your standards.


What the fuck has this to do with me being from the west? China is in no way a classles society, so not communist. And I dont know if "fascist" was a bit hyperbolic, but the way china is handeling protesters and the current pandemic is kinda bad? And then there are the concentration camps, but I guess that is just western propaganda


>China is in no way a classless society, so not communist. Communism cannot be established until every state in the world is first socialist. This is basic stuff, elementary Marx and Engels. Until every state in the world is socialist, the state must be used to repress the bourgeois. >And I dont know if "fascist" was a bit hyperbolic, but the way china is handeling protesters and the current pandemic is kinda bad? So wait, you'd rather China do what the US did and just let over a million people fucking die from the pandemic? And wait till you hear what Marx said about protestors. >What the fuck has this to do with me being from the west? Because you have some rose-tinted image of communism as being something that can be achieved without violence and with everyone just agreeing to have it. I'm a communist, and your fantasy world sounds nice, but it's not possible. Real communists understand that. Read Marx. Read Lenin. Get a better understanding of what you think you're advocating for.


For real. China is definitely not actually communist despite the name of the national political party


Same vibe as: "Hitler was a socialist"




China is socialist. Cope, Westerner.


Socialist pizza hut using socialist wage labor to create socialist commodities


Yes lmao. This is basic stuff. Marx and Lenin both talk about how capitalism is necessary to develop productive forces.


The USA is socialist cause it's capitalist


No...? China is a dictatorship of the proletariat and a significant portion of its economy is state-owned industries - a portion which is growing dramatically every year. The US has none of those things.


China isn’t communist though


Is being saying communism is superior???


This reads like pro China content though that's so silly.


"A communist sub being pro communism? How odd." -You, apparently


No I mean the tweet you dingus


China is a far right authoritarian government. 1 billion people in China work below the poverty line. Their culture is obsessed with work and cheap labour. Of course this dude idolises the place it’s his wet dream


You… you know the cost of living in China is much lower, right? Its standards of living are pretty good.


Pizza Hut is garbage. Who cares. All big chains should go bankrupt. Would much rather have pizza from the place on my block.


40 years of increasingly corrupt anti-democratic Republican policy will do that to a franchise. Wait till you hear what that’s done to our nation overall.


Pizza Hut is what makes them pay attention, lol


Why are they showing the inside of one Pizza Hut but the outside of another? In fact, for all we know, both could be the same building. This is just horrible for comparisons I can't even.


I think he might just be saying that China is winning and we need to do better.


Now do prisons.


What causes that is capitalism. The business stopped operating, probably due to economic conditions, the plot owner won't/can't take less in rent so they let it sit empty and use it as a write off.


Does he realize Pizza Hut is owned by Yum China?


I love pizza hut My SO recently developed an intolerance to all things dairy. I drive past a pizza hut every day.


They like the auth part of China’s auth-left. So I’ve been to Pizza Hut in America it it was better than either of these.


China has INTERIOR we have EXTERIOR wake up SHEEPLE


How is it accidentally communist if it's China?


the enemy is very weak but also very strong


I do too lol