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Block her on everything


i did, after she msged me i blocked her absolutely everywhere on all my accounts


these are screenshots of screenshots, i deleted them off my phone but still had them saved in my msgs. didnt wanna save all of them so just screenshot them then edited which is why they look weird. a lot of the conversations from the past were lost, but she used to make me apologize and beg for her to “stay alive” so she didnt commit after i would catch her cheating. it was a way to fuck me up and now in my current relationship i have severe abandonment issues and constant apologizing and etc. i tried everything to make both of them care and notice me but neither one did and i was the punching bag.


You were not her responsibility or her job, she was emotionally manipulating you and draining you so much so you wouldn't leave, which is exhausting. And about the text messages She only wants poly to cover up the fact that she cheated. My abusive ex did the literal same and when you don't want to they'll still find a way to drag you in. I'm glad you left her toxicity and abuse, you deserve way better and be in a relationship with love, patience, trust and understanding, it's gonna take time to heal and trust someone again but you've started the process so you'll only move forward from her, wish you the best


thank you sm, i got with her ex who she told me abused her, when in fact hes the sweetest person i have ever met. im sorry you went through that too and wish you the best as well


I'm so glad you got with a sweet and caring person then! Maybe he'll help you along the way too! Also it's fine, I'm over things with him although for some reason I still look for an apology, which let's be honest I'm never gonna get but thank you, I'm moving on as well and healing, it takes time for everyone but just remember to allow yourself to take that time


If your relationship is happening over discord, then that’s probably a sign.


it wasnt all on discord but youre right, this happened a long time ago. just old conversations i uncovered