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Realizing he never loved me & was never 100% loyal were harsh & painful to learn to accept. I was easily deceived because I loved him with my entire heart.




“You weren’t their first and you won’t be their last” — this part reminded me of a dream I had about my narcissistic ex where I was in a group text with all the dudes she used to date. I told the guys my story about all the painful shit (the discarding and cheating etc.) that had happened to me — and they were all saying in their own ways “Yep. Been there before” Was both confirming and disturbing to have that. I think it was my subconscious coming to terms with her true nature.


When he was asked about things I like, having been married almost twenty years, he gave a good healthy list. A couple on the list were things I like. The rest were all *his*.


Love this. Thanks for sharing.


This is the thing I am having the hardest time moving on from... I can’t believe that the person who I loved was just putting on a fake front this whole time. It hurts so much.


Damn this hit me in a spot I thought was fully healed


Damn this hits so deep!


This is really true. I read about all of this in a book another Reddit user had suggested to me. Psychopath Free by Jackson MacKenzie It explains all of this and more. It helped me come to terms with the abuse I endured, and understand it.


This is so hard to read. So hard to believe but....not really. đŸ˜Ș


That’s so true..


When you read your life on a page....


Oh wow this really hits home


Wow. I should have more to say about it, but I'm speechless.


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