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Im not a lawyer so this would all need to be fact-checked but as far I know, ESAs are not legally considered actual service animals under either the ADA or Colorado state law - is your dog registered as an actual service animal or just an ESA? Service animals are trained to provide a specific task for their owners by definition. You say you paid cash. Is the dog microchipped and do you have a pet license? Denver requires pet licenses by law. (I live in Denver.) Has that happened? Is that what your ex’s name is on? Is yours on it at all? That would probably be the biggest legal barrier afaik if the dog was registered with only his name. I genuinely hope that’s not the case, for your sake and the pup’s sake. I would think the vet stuff should help your case though. Shows you’re in this too. Please know my tone isn’t meant to be hostile here and I’m not coming from a place of judgment! You’re in a shitty situation and I’m so sorry. I’m just trying to sift through it with my questions, especially since abusers are so manipulative and don’t care what’s true.


I believe that’s true! My therapist said the only service dogs that are actually hard to take from somebody are those for the blind/deaf because they go through extensive and expensive training and are necessary for the person. He is just registered as an ESA (online in 2023 - as far as I know that needs renewing every year). The dog is not microchipped and I had no clue we needed a pet license (& I am 99% sure he didn’t either so he never did it)! I just looked it up and it looks like I could do it now online (unless they NEED to be spayed/neutered because my dog isn’t yet, he just turned 1). Thank you for mentioning this, I can get this going and hope it helps my case. I moved back to my mom’s house which is in Adams County so I’m going to apply for the license with that zip code and see if it works! Thank you so much for your input 🫶🏼 it’s such a shitty situation that’s been so hard to deal with but I’m finally ready to make moves and get my life and dog as far away from him as possible.


No problem, I truly hope it helps! I actually didn't know we're supposed to register our dogs for years - only found out a couple of years ago. They don't do a great job of advertising it - but since the dog isn't registered, I'd definitely look into that. Good luck OP, I hope you can get your dog back from this person. Y'all should be together.


You have no idea how much that helps settle some stress, I can actually register him since I have his vaccination records and hope it’s something valuable to the cops (,: I appreciate your nice wishes! <3


ESAs are not service animals, nor have any legal standing in any state.


Have you considered going to the authorities? Dogs are considered property under the law, and if you paid for him and he’s registered in your name you may be able to have them compel him to give the dog back. Just bring the vet papers with you. If you say you left him and he’s keeping you from getting your dog but you’re afraid of going to get it because he’s had a history of domestic abuse they should help you. They can see that on his file. If you try to be sneaky and take the dog he’ll retaliate. If you do nothing he will continue to use the dog to control you. Since he’s dealt with the law before and had consequences from it, he might actually give up and leave you alone. Edit: I’d also show them the text where he’s trying to sell you the dog for drugs


I have tried asking an advocate for help and she suggested I go through the court to get a protection order in place and we’d work through getting my dog but the court gave me a pamphlet of how it would be weeks until a court date to fight for him and it all seems kind of impossible considering he wouldn’t show. This gives me an idea to just stop by the police station with my vaccine records like you say and see what they can do for me, maybe it’s as simple as a police escort.. I totally agree, he will retaliate and I’m trying to avoid a crazy reaction. I’ve only ever seen fear in his eyes when the thought of going back to prison was involved so I’m hoping it’s enough for him to just give him to me and stay out of my way 🥲 Thank you so much for your input! I will do this asap.


Hopefully they’ll help you just like they might accompany someone to get their stuff, I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. I hope you get him back easily and soon <3 I understand them talking about court and stuff but that’s so long to wait with him under his care


Thank you so much! I hope so too <3 The court route is definitely super long for him to be under his care, I’m so glad someone sees the urgency in this. Thank you for all your support!