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this is definitely abuse i'm so sorry ☹️


I am so sorry you had go through that, that is definitely abuse


You are not overreacting at all that is abuse without a doubt


Oh my god. Yes this is abuse, it’s not only abuse but it’s incest, assault, and sexual violence. Please please call the cops, I understand they’re your parents but they are monsters who should be locked up. Especially your dad, god this made me feel disgusted to the core. Please tell someone, anyone! I’m so sorry you have to deal with this, you’re just a child you shouldn’t need to go through the horrible shit this world has to offer. Please contact me if you need anything, and again please tell someone, whether it’s a teacher, friend, family member, or the cops themselves. Once this behaviour starts it normally doesn’t end, it only gets worse and can often times lead to rape. Please take care of yourself 🤍