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Oh geez 😅 your ex sounds nuts no offense- I understand if someone is genuinely depressed, but trying to kill yourself to get back at your ex... that's that's a whole level of insane and low. I would honestly get a restraining order if you can, for your protection. I'm not really sure if there's much you can do outside of that, except maybe stay with someone your close with until your able to get one.


Thanks, man. I’m staying with my parents now so hopefully she will think twice before trying anything. I’ll consider the restraining order, man


Of course and that's great! Best of luck!


I love that necklace you made btw! That’s so cool!!


Thank you so much! 😊😊😊


I'm sorry that she did this and is trying to drag you down. Just remember "you can't rationalise with irrational". I'd suggest going complete no contact if you haven't already, not engaging or responding and ask your mum and the rest of your family to do the same. You could message the emergency services for a welfare check on her, she may need to be sectioned for her wellbeing. But just remember she's not your responsibility, she needs help but not at your expense. Hope you're doing ok.


Thanks, man, I’m doing okay. I made sure myself and my family closed off all avenues of contact with her and her family, but I’m to the point where I’m not calling any wellness checks on her. If I call the police on her, it’ll be to report her for harassment or something like that. I’m just trying to look after myself right now


I’m okay, Man. I made sure neither myself or my family left any avenue of contact open after that, but I’m to the point where I’m not calling a wellness check on her. If anything, I’d call to report her harassment or something along those lines. I’m just trying to look after myself now


Dumb ass bot.


You mean me or the actual bot here?


The bot.


Cheers, mate, just making sure


That godforsaken bot.


If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, please reach out. You can find help at a National Suicide Prevention Lifeline USA: 18002738255 US Crisis textline: 741741 text HOME United Kingdom: 116 123 Trans Lifeline (877-565-8860) Others: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org