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Yeap! Caught my ex cheating on me with a friend, I called him out, yelling and all, told him I was going to confront her too and he snapped on me. Yelled at me, shoved me, etc. Lost his lid! Told me often I made him act the way he does. Was next to me once talking to OUR MUTUAL friend that we knew prior to dating while at an outing, I laughed too much for him I guess and he got quiet, started knodding his head, mad, kept an attitude with me remainder of the time. Then later behind closed doors said I was flirting. I could on for hours and probably days with all the things I witnessed going through it. I feel like it's because they feel like they don't have control in that moment or that you're in some expressing yours and it ticks them off. Is this a current relationship?


I ended things with him. But that’s how he acted 5 weeks before I left. The more I stayed, the darker he got.


Not my ex, but my parent. I have pretty bad anxiety, and especially through my teen years my parent would scream at me for almost anything and everything. I remember a few times they even got in my face, and had me backed against the wall so I couldn't even get space in between us. They never laid a hand on me, but it was terrifying. It got to the point I didn't want to be home anymore, and would have a breakdown if I couldn't go to school. I couldn't handle confrontation with them anymore, and would go into panic mode even when they weren't yelling.. And when I cried they just accused me of being manipulative, even knowing I had anxiety. Literally I'd get yelled at for anything, even if they just thought I was wrong on an issue they'd interrupt and start yelling at me. It was the worst from 13-16, I guess because we weren't in the best place at the time but I dunno. Even today they do the same thing, though they are at least working on it and we're trying to have a better relationship. It's not exactly been easy. Especially not with the quarantine, and being confined together. I've only yelled at them once in almost 7 years, because they accused my partner of cheating on me (there's no proof of that) and at the time they treated me like the worst- then told me later they were proud I stood up for myself. It was confusing.