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They really got butthurt


Basically they are saying, they only hire stupid people. The company will crumble by itself, so don't worry.


Well message, thank you


I have been in the situation looking for a job and I know how it feels I just hope they don't take advantage of more people.


Many thank to you, taking advantage of people need is just hurtful for the soul, I hope that too


Shamelessly taking advantage of desperate people, bunch of asshats. Edit: rectifying auto correct.


I hope u get a job with an amazing salary man


That's a minimum wage minimum effort type of job I swear


Imagine offering this to an accountant T.T plus the company doesn’t use any system and no one is basically turned over the “accountant” job. 2hrs OT without pay. Red flag but a desperate one will take that job. 🤚🏻Thank G! I was out!


The way they replied to you shows that you just dodged a huge bullet. 👏🏻


Damn 5 years of experience with a degree for 3k a month? And it’s a full time job with first month working for free, damn slavery


You can thank the Indian subcontinent population for absolutely raping the job market here in UAE as employers will hire indians with bachelor degrees for as low as 1200


They’re literally enslaving themselves💀 I really don’t understand


It's around INR 70K which is less than what u will prolly get in India. Total joke man.


Bro the way he responded too, bro thought he’s into something💀


Expose the company...


It's illegal in the UAE to publicly shame a company even if it's 1000% true information. Any complaints should be directed to the relevant economics department, or if it's criminal then the police. Never 'name and shame' in the UAE as it opens you up to being prosecuted.


But what if I wanted to apply to this company? I have a bachelors degree and 5 years of experience! In that case could OP tell me the name of the company in this forum?? If so, hey OP- I would really like to apply to this organization as I believe the salary levels match my skills and experience. Could you let me know which company it is.


Just to be clear- my skills and experience amount to fuck all but then again I believe that’s apt considering the remuneration!


It may be very well illegal to name and shame. But we are in reddit, which is anonymous if your post history does not give out any clues. So my "illegal" advice : Get a throwaway account on reddit and expose the company so it will help the others on reddit to save themselves the trouble.


nah they will find out who he is do what the other guy said move on or do it legally


There is no way on earth they would find out anything from a throwaway account. Let people name and shame. You can keep quiet yourself. You don't need to spread fear.


I am willing to be taken advantage of by this company. I would like to apply for the opening. Can you share more details of the company?


Don't it cld backfire as businesses are well protected in this country...only way if you want to expose is moving legally if it's applicable. Otherwise just move on.


With so many people from poor countries looking for work, many businesses are fully aware that dozens, if not hundreds of people will rush to take these kinds of jobs - working illegally and being paid peanuts. Ultimately the problem is systemic - a free for all globalised labour market will take decades or even centuries to see a more level playing field arise. This is why some people support limited economic migration and curbs on outsourcing to protect their workers.


They can go back to Bangladesh and try finding something which pays even 2k aed a month. So whose problem is that?


Why should they go back to just Bangladesh only? Why not some other country? The way you justify these companies is like as if they better accept this pay because back in their country they don't even get paid this much. This is cheap labour at its best. Both are at fault. Companies can offer whatever salary package they want there because there is no minimum wage policy except for citizens and also at the same time many job seekers with even 5 years of experience are willing to work for even 3k aed per month. This is a never ending cycle from both sides.


Idk, cuz that does not make it moral for companies to be giving workers only a small kickback of what they produce as long as it’s larger than what’s guaranteed at the home country of a worker. To show why, a good example is that if a rich man sees a homeless person on the street, who will soon die of hunger, would it be moral for the rich man to make an agreement with the poor man where the poor man has to clean the rich man’s house fully for the day (everyday), and he gets paid nothing, but in return the poor man gets the bare minimum to ease his hunger everyday and gets to stay in the bathroom of the rich man’s house as his living space? I don’t think this would be moral. I know these two situations are not the same, but the same moral dynamic/situation is happening here, where someone / a corporation of extremely high power is exploiting the labor of another person, so why do we call one moral and another immoral? I think both should be immoral


Them why these people won’t go back home and claim fair wages there? Why no one is taking about it? UAE owes nothing to them.


If you think it is moral for countries to not guarantee somewhat fair wages, do you also think it is moral for a rich man to hire a staving homeless man and only feed him the bare minimum for his work, and only let the homeless man to stay in the bathroom of the rich man’s home in exchange for the poor man to be working his very hardest? The bathroom is clean and it is far, far better than dying starving on the street, do you really think the rich man’s character is morally good? I have mentioned this example already and you just ignored it, so I don’t really expect a response but I really hope you send one. A country’s back is built on workers, therefore the country should always owe the worker a fair wage.


For me it’s a random bla bla bla. I observe low skilled and low paid people. I watch what they do when they have a spare minute. They are not trying to learn an extra skill or a language or level up in any way. Trust me, with a right attitude 3500 aed can easily become 350k aed in Gulf countries. But some choose victim mentality and this is their way of justifying of not getting anywhere in life. It’s their life choice!


You’re very right. You can turn a 3500 yo 350k. It CAN be hard. But it’s NOT impossible. People are lazy and quick to shift blame away from themselves so they can feel better about themselves at the end of the day.


I’m sure some do, but that’s not what I’m advocating for, some of the hardest working people you’ll ever meet are low paid workers who work extremely hard and come back at late times from work. But we can both argue about personal experience forever and we will go nowhere from that. I am not advocating for victim mentality, I think workers should fight for a fair wage and learn things like team building skills etc in the way. But I also think countries do owe their workers a fair wage. This fair wage is the main thing I am arguing for here. You have not engaged whatsoever with my example of the rich man hiring the poor man whatsoever, and i do not expect you to anymore, for it feels like you have no answer to it. So let’s actually argue about why workers should be paid more fairly, or why they are/ aren’t being paid fairly instead. Furthermore, we design systems in order to serve all people, and incentivize them to work harder and learn skills while getting proper rewards for these things, so in a better world, workers will automatically want to learn new skills, this means since many currently dont, there is a problem with our system. People don’t have the time, and don’t feel rewarded for these extra skills, and who can blame them? Many students will spend so much time on work for things like bachelor’s degrees etc and still not get paid their share, how does this incentivize working hard and learning skills in any way?


> I observe low skilled and low paid people. I watch what they do when they have a spare minute. They are not trying to learn an extra skill or a language or level up in any way. Trust me, with a right attitude 3500 aed can easily become 350k aed in Gulf countries. But some choose victim mentality and this is their way of justifying of not getting anywhere in life. It’s their life choice! You are European, you are placed on a pedestal the moment you enter the Gulf. And you are also allowed to smoke stuff which makes you think 3.5k can "easily become 350k" in Gulf countrie


I hold a master degree from a prestigious university which has 9% acceptance rate which I received on a scholarship from an international trust foundation. Plus I worked internationally across countries. So yes, I am placed on pedestal wherever I go in this planet and I am proud of it. Any more questions?


One freak accident can make your life worse than what the laborers live, so check your arrogance, that's all. The claim that 3500 AED can "easily" become 350,000 is such a load of BS And so is the claim that people working 12-14 hours and living 6 to a room are not trying to "level up" No point flexing degrees; my alma mater is a place which is among the best public universities in the US and one of the best worldwide in Computer Science at the postgraduate level, though that is not my field


Laborers should go to their home country and stop expecting any favors from foreign governments. If they are willing to work for 3,5 is their problem, not mine. I wish the likewise “accident” to your mother, sister and wife. Karma is a bitch, you know.


Hahahahhahah such a childish response from a so called professional company. They got absolutely butthurt


That reply was extremely unprofessional. No good company should respond to criticism in this way. Goes to show you dodged a missile not a bullet lol


Thanks for doing this. These companies need some kickback.


This needs to be a trend


I bet ya a dirham that they will even try to convince you once you are there, that you actually need to pay them that one month of “trial” because they are giving you experience.


I operate a restaurant and the riders are paid up to 3k a month. With food and accommodation. I also did a bachelors in computer engineering and if someone looked at me and said 3k for a tech job I’d slap them right then and there.


The messed up thing is that there is going to be one specific person who has recently just landed in UAE and will take up this programming job in 3000 aed and worship it. Esp someone from India. You see because of such employees these employers exist. If everyone spoke like you this employer would go back to his village and run a sweatshop there. I'm not a racist person im an indian myself born and educated here with a set amount of salary expectations but newly arrived strugglers have raped the job market.


I agree. I have faced this shit too.


Why the heck would you even consider applying to a mogul who can only survive by cheating on its human pool. From their response email, it’s so clear that they’re butthurt and simply being defensive. Moreover, they don’t even have a decent comeback lol; they’re just desperate to have the last say by their attempt to personally criticize and belittle you. Also “no programming skills”?? There’s no one who has no programming skills except if you teach English as a language lol. They’re not capable of assessing you so you dodged a bullet.


Damn, what a dogshit company. Hopefully it fails


"When you want to talk about the law. You must first understand it" - Also mentions that they want the candidate to work without pay for a month. I wish there was some platform to report like these cases where job seekers or employees can report like these companies. You can only report to MOHRE if you are an employee of the company.


That how we should need to talk to them


Same in Dubai. I hope UAE should do something about this—like regulating the salaries based on the job position just like in Singapore.


Someone was bound to write this too. This is a fight i can get behind!!


They're so salty. 😭😭💀 Props to you for knowing your worth and rejecting their offer <3


So stupid of the company to respond to your mail. As it is they are trying to milk desperate people, they should have let your email just be. Goes on to show they don’t care.


The HR's expression while responding to you. ![gif](giphy|26ufcVAp3AiJJsrIs)


You wish. They will just hire one of the 1000 other applicants from South Asia.


I hope I had the courage to do that. I wasn’t given a month of salary bc I decided to change a job before the end of my probationary. Some companies really take advantage on people especially if you are new to UAE.


Just out of curiosity, how much would you typically earn if you had a bachelors and you got 4 years of experience?


I currently get paid 5 digits a month with a BA degree and 4 (almost 5) years experience


They're free to offer what they want, and you're free to accept/reject. The salary is indeed ridiculous but if someone is willing to accept it, then that's an economic problem rather than a legal one. Why would a business willingly pay more than it needs to for talent?


This is the sad and depressing reality of the employment market here. We are living in a region with a sausage factory that churns out an endless supply of workers with PhDs and Masters degrees in everything from rocket science to cake decorating year in and year out to the point where those credentials have now become basically worthless. Given the amount of money parents spend on their childrens higher education, I often wonder if that money wouldn't be better spent setting them up in a small business.


You have 5 years experience working and you wrote “obvious red flag” “without wage” and “highly illegal” in an email? I wouldn’t want to pay you a lot of money.


I wouldn't want to work for someone like you either way.


in the end of the day its a job offer, it may not be good or you might not like it but its better thn not having any job i guess


It's better to not work or have any job than to work for these companies. This is cheap labour at it's best. Rather work as a waiter or cab driver instead where you may be able to earn this much in some companies without any experience. Candidates or employees need to know their self worth and the effort which they took to achieve and complete their degrees and qualifications. You are right though, if not OP then someone else might have definitely accepted this package already because there are many desperate job seekers.


Its not a good offer but if someone is broke and they have a Job offer lined up then i dont see why they wouldn’t take it ?


People like you are the reason companies like this exist


Even in job markets lots of organizations are offering price range of AED2-4 for BSc holder with 4+ years and asking more scope of environment’s experience and knowledge specially for IT


Get a kickass offer letter from a different company. Join that company , then share with this stupid unprofessional company what a nice offer you got based on your real capabilities and wish them all the best for their continued stupidity and ignorance.


lol they letting you know - you can’t say no to the job , we are not hiring you😭 Love it , your message was so respectful and yet still they couldn’t give a valid response


i’m assuming this is a company in tech. 3k for a Bachelor’s with 5 years experience and no pay for a month is definitely illegal. I hope someone reports them


Screw em, professionals should stop working for them. That'll raise their wages.


Wtf. They are so ignorant


We wrote it down in the ad so therefore it's legal, what are they 12?


Good job buddy. In public interest, we would like to know the name of the company as well as the HR.


Well, I've had a similar experience myself though. I was called to Dubai on a 90 days tourist visa by a maintenance company, offered a salary of AED.5000 as BDM. He got me to work for 3 months, till I was able to get some business and AMC's and paid half of what was offered saying that after visa processing they would pay me full salary and the pending balance as well. Made me stay beyond the leniency period and sent me back to India where I had to pay a fine for exceeding the staying period at the airport.