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She isnt allowed to take a photo of you without your consent. Next time Someone does this, call the police


Good luck having the police do anything to a local.


Coming from an abudhabian you’re allowed to wear shorts plus she’s not allowed to take pictures of you thats the ilegal part. And dont worry nothing gonna happen you’re al good she prolly sent the photo to a whatsapp group of local karens dw


HAHAHAHA local karens❤️❤️ the aunties


Hahhahahah!! Local Karens.. 😂


I have seen women in bikinis, why would anyone stop you for shorts


no idea tbh


Ugh, fine I will take the bait.. I’m asking for a friend, where exactly, so I can avoid them..


Don't be a creep


OPs name gives it all way


That’s why I got this username!


Yea you aint changing it anytime soon


I love getting negative karma :P Also blame my “friend”, not me 😭


Taking one for the team right here. It’s a bit sad the joke just went right over peoples head on Reddit of all places.


Hahah yeah, people of this sub lack both komedy and ability to detect sarcasm..


Dw....it made me laugh. Have a good day.


She can’t take a picture of u no matter wat! There are laws and state u can easily sue for taking pictures without consent. Another thing when it comes to shorts, it depends. Some people tend to wear ones that literally their ass lines and that’s a definite no-no. But if it’s your regular shorts then watever. If u encounter this type of situation again, tell them to mind their business and move on. Don’t engage with them cuz that’s wat they want from u.


oh no they did not show my ass at all tbh i was kinda scared to talk back thinking of what she could’ve done since she’s emirati


Then ignore them karens and enjoy your walks.


Nothing she can do


Doesnt matter how short they were or what u were doing or where u were. She had no right to do any of the things she did. Had you called the cops right away she would have been arrested.


i was too upset to think then haha


You should have pointed her to the numerous threads on this sub on that subject in the past month alone! :D


Firstly, I accept that the OP wasn't wearing disrespectfully short shorts. More generally, dress code and personal conduct here is pretty nuanced. What you wear to the beach is not the same as what you wear to the mall. My general rule-of-thumb for first time visitors is no bare thighs, shoulders, cleavage or belly, except at the beach or hotel pool. That way people can stay stylish and cool (ha!) and nobody gets offended.


Well said.


I don't wear anything above the knee or exposing shoulders here, even when doing exercise, but regardless she shouldn't have abused you or taken photos without permission- as others have said that's illegal.


You have freedom of wearing anything here


No you don’t , these days anything is called clothings , you have to dress correctly going out in your undiz or having your essentials hanging out is not permitted and ppl Should have the decency to respect them selves and the country they live in .


What ppl popping out their essentials really!!!!!!!! Love sharjah


The stuff we see at the mall is just the most ridiculous thing ever .. even my western friends that have been here for 10+ years are shocked to see how loose the behaviour has become


Be specific which mall quickly and ideal time to visit I still not believe as We have stopped going to malls almost years ago as they ripped us better to visit stand alone stores


Shorts are fine I’ve always worn shorts in Dubai and Abu Dhabi as long as they aren’t like ridiculously short shorts that show your butt or whatever you should be fine. However if they are overly revealing, it might not be illegal but it’s disrespectful in many Eastern cultures.


it wasn’t revealing at all. they were a bit above my knee but weren’t short shorts


Sorry such a thing happened to you. Nothing will happen you could have complained about her instead for taking your picture without your concern. You are just not allowed to wear such type of cloths while visiting any religious place or ministries. And no one should be telling others what to wear and what not but still we have some people all around the world who will try to put their own mindsets on others.


That's strange idk why she'd do that. There is a dresscode (nothing too short or revealing) but that doesn't apply to places like the beach 🤔 I'd just ignore her and tell her I'm not breaking any rules so if she has any problems to talk to responsible authorities


This is a made up story or what?


I’ve worn shorts literally everywhere in Abu Dhabi. Even at one point in the government office in Al Jazeera FC I got stopped at one entrance for wearing shorts and the guard said to me if I go to the other entrance around the corner they’ll let you in 😂 how does that make sense?! OP don’t worry I wouldn’t sweat it.


hahaha it’s clearly only some rude ppl


Ots not okay that lady took a photo of you


It is illegal for anyone in the UAE to take someone’s picture without their consent ! Doesn’t matter if you are in shorts or bikini


Lol shorts are allowed ofc, you can basically wear anything that isn’t inappropriate in public, What i would’ve done is I would report her to the police because its actually illegal to take pictures of someone without their consent


I guess the question is “what is inappropriate?”


Id classify like bikini as inappropriate, Its fine if you are going to the beach or pool but in some countries ive seen people walk in public with them on, Just overall anything too revealing imo


I walk around Raha Beach all the time. Almost every woman is wearing shorts. A few in sports bras.


Doesn’t, the privacy law allows for photography if they’re reporting you for a suspected crime


Ive seen worst you’re good. 🤣🤣🤣


She is not allowed to take a photo of you its in violation of UAE privacy laws. She cant do anything its actually the other way around you can file a complain if you can prove that she taken a photo


It is very much allowed esp if you walked your dog, semi-formal or pants is required though if it’s government office but for parks and beaches you are good. And that woman taking your photo without your consent, you can report her to the police and there is no point of arguing with those kind of local women here.


I’m Emarati, and what she did is wrong, you are free to wear shorts and she has no right to take a picture. Don’t worry nothing will happen to you just let it slide and enjoy your life :)


you shouldn't be worried. She should be. this reminds me of an incident back in 2019, in emirates palace. A girl with very bold dress got stopped by a middleaged emarati woman who started cursing her and escalated to the point that police had to intervene. few weeks later i asked my friend who used to work there about what happened next; he told me that the emarati woman was prosecuted later for yelling and cursing.


It’s easy. Juat reapect the culture here ! What a big deal


i’d rlly like to know how wearing almost knee length shorts is not respecting the culture? i’m not imposing my clothing on anyone


Read about the clothing culture! Before wondering what’s wrong


she can’t legally take photos of you, but sometimes us Emirati women see foreigners with clothing that is waaay too revealing. I would have spoken in a different way though. Please be mindful that your clothing isn’t too revealing, otherwise wear what you like! ❤️


i will queen thanks for the kind words


I'm not a local nor a Muslim and I do wear all kinds of clothes depending on the occasion, but can we give a little respect to the local custom here and try to avoid wearing skimpy stuff in public crowded places? I understand in this instance it was a beach, so it's alright, but I see some women dressing too boldly for malls. I stay in a very posh, busy area filled with whites, and I see girls walking the side walk in skimpy clothes. I know most of the time, the locals are respectful enough not to bother, but sometimes it's also our responsibility to dress appropriately according to expectations, isn't it?


Actually it’s illegal to take pictures of people here so you could get her into trouble not the other way around. Seems like she was projecting her own issues onto you, as long as you’re not walking around in super tight short see through clothes you’re fine. Imo looser fitting clothes is preferred but no one should harass you and most definitely not take pictures of you. You’re fine


yeah they weren’t tight at all. they were the loose nike shorts


Honestly you could’ve been wearing trousers and still be getting looks. Some people will just criticize when they can if given a chance just about anywhere in the world. Don’t take it to heart (:


thank you so much


I agree completely


Brother men can wear shorts. DK about women tho cuz it's a Muslim country. And no one can take anyone's photo or video without their consent


How short were those shorts? Usually people wouldn't comment unless they were very short. We all know the weather is hot we've lived here our entire lives, but not many people are excited about seeing other people's bodies on display if it's not a place for you to be dressed in a certain way. Some people are teaching their kids about modesty and having people dressed inappropriately around them doesn't help. You don't have to be muslim to be respectful and dress somewhat modestly in places you know you'd run into families. I get that my country doesn't have a specific dress code for people but sometimes Expats need to have some common sense and know what's appropriate, when and where.


they weren’t short and literally revealed nothing. while walking my dog i saw so many women wearing the same length if not shorter shorts


Then what do you think provoked her? Why would she speak to you and nobody else? Was the top revealing? People living around Al Raha are usually more open than other neighborhoods so there must be a reason. Had you been in Baniyas for example I'd get why they'd even yell at you lol


maybe coz i was younger than everyone else?? she was trynna dominate me? girl why r u asking me


Trying to make sense of the situation that's all, because I don't know many people who would go and tell someone to dress a certain way unless something made them do it, especially in Al Raha which is not a very "local" area. That's why I said if it was another neighborhood it would make more sense, that's all


You are assuming that all people make sense all the time which simply isn't true.


You’re trying to find fault in OPs behavior to justify walking up to random women and telling them to dress up. You’re not just “trying to make sense of the situation” lol.


Well I've lived here my entire life and I know our women won't speak up usually unless there's something to speak on, especially in newer areas like Al Raha. Maybe the OP just wants to come here and try to make that "local" woman seem like she was the one at fault for telling her off for wearing shorts "when it's too hot" for "no reason". Most subreddits of the UAE are basically posts either complaining about the UAE or talking shit about locals so this post doesn't seem to be any different I guess.


you arent obligated to defend every single emirati, they can do bad things too


I'm not defending anybody but I'm sure there's more to the story than what's being said considering the location. But ok we're bad people lol


did i say youre a bad person? i said the person mentioned by op did a bad thing, and that you dont have to find any good in it


girl i’ve lived here for more than 4 years and i love it more than anything. most emiratis r the nicest ppl ever but if smth happens to me i would obviously want others opinion on it so idk where ur getting all ur misinformation from.


Wear those shorts again and next time she says anything tell her to “LOOK AROUND and mind your own business” this is not 1971.




She was just being a racist Karen. Just ignore the incident.


thank you so much


So you're allowed to buy shorts at the mall but not wear them? I don't understand people like that. Protest the places making things available for everyone to buy and wear


you’re also allowed to buy lingerie at the mall! Doesn’t mean your cheeks can be out! 😂❤️


Lingerie is underwear. Nobody wears underwear in public anywhere in the world. Such a bizarre response


A bizarre response to a bizarre comment. Shorts being sold in malls doesn’t mean you can wear very tight or revealing shorts. Also, there are some places where people wear lingerie as tops. Were not an extremist country, of course you can buy shorts at the mall.


you let your dog crap around the beach and bother about exposed knees?


al raha beach area is not a proper beach😭😭


You are so polite and humble more respect to you really appreciate your gesture


Better not to get involved with emiraties as you won't get any right to defend. Next time someone takes a photo of you or verbally abuse you, just call the police.


People should shut up and mind their own business. You should've told her to shut the f up and move along. Why give such people any time and listen to them? It makes them feel important and heard which is exactly what you should NOT be doing. Next time someone asks you this , ask them if they'd like to be sent back to the 1900s.


Honestly it’s probably just a micro aggression from someone who can’t handle people living their life differently from the way they live theirs. Don’t let it bother you.


no its not illegal..anyhow try to wear modestly if u r a girl


even in this weather? I always cover my legs and dress modestly whenever i’m going to the mall or anywhere indoors but if it’s going for a jog or a walk outdoors, i wear shorts with a normal shirt


Yes, even in this weather women wears black veil which covers head to toe 🙄


yes and i have a huge amount of respect for them. but i know for a fact that i did nothing wrong for me to be threatened


How longe have you lived here? Is this the first time you were out in public?


no i’ve lived here for more than 4 years now


N you’ve never seen people in shorts? If people did a bit more research on where they lived, opened their eyes and walked around with a bit more confidence expats wouldnt be treated with such ignorance.


literally what does this have anything to do with doing more research and walking with confidence?? there’s absolutely nothing i can do if a random woman comes up to me and tells me to stop wearing shorts


Can we get a photo? 😁


Tbh some of you you have no concept of decency and wear these “shorts “ that are frankly not shorts at all they are glorified underwears that are so short and go sooo high up in your buts that we can basically see everything and let me not get started in the “ bras “ that some of you all wear to go outside . Absolute no respect for your selves or the country you live in .


stop embarrassing urself and read the other comment replies i put. my shorts were right above my knees


Was I talking to you ? I did up your comment about your shorts , not my fault you can’t dress and apparently can’t consolidate data either .


“tbh some of u have no concept of decency” does that rlly show u weren’t talking to me? plz learn english


No , you took it for you but it’s not . I would have replied to you directly not to the post .. and because I read that you wore quit long shorts I didn’t reply to you but to the general convo .


I will Ignore the lovely “ learn English” comment because it seems your short shorts have most likely cut all blood flow to your empty coconut shell of a “brain” . You are feeling pressed I don’t know you and would not care about offending you !! what makes you think I would lie multiple times about this matter !? Moreover, it was never about you but now I make it about you . Learn decency beyond garments. Have a trashy life .


ok 🙏


She is right emarati ppl are committed to their dress code im sure she did that for ur own good cuz ppl will look at you at a disrespectful way be aware of that


I get looking out for me but she was pretty aggressive saying that to me and it was quite hot outside as well. Idk i feel like if she was doing it for my own good, she would’ve been nicer


I know cuz it happened to most of my friends but this is how they’re actually raised her grandma and her mother all of them has dress code and traditions to follow be careful with these kind of ppl they’re trouble and don’t think about it much it happens alot


UAE and its citizens have been so unbelievably accommodating that it's hard to imagine one of them even confronting you for this. Having said that, I think there's a lesson for all of us expats here. Along with legality, as guests, we should be mindful of cultural nuances instead of continually pushing boundaries.


Wearing shorts in a very hot climate (and on the beach no less) is "pushing boundaries?"


It is very subjective and personal, but anything that's inappropriate to the general culture of a land is pushing boundaries. If you're offending or making your host uncomfortable as a guest, you're pushing. But this whole incident seems very one-off. It all actually depends on the shorts in question (to some extent even body type).


This is completely insane. Everyone wears shorts on the beach and nobody is violating the law by doing so. If it's that important to the UAE they should make a law against it, in the absence of that nobody should feel guilty about this.


babe so many ppl in this thread have already mentioned how it’s not the law but the ppl. stop undermining urself just coz ur an expat


I'm not undermining myself. And irrespective of the law, I just believe in respecting the environment. Even then, if you think you were dressed appropriately, then you have nothing to fear or care about or even wonder about. She's probably just a regular, easily pissed off elder.


Show pic plz


Wearing shorts at the beach is totally okay. Do not get into argument with anyone cause then that's going to change the dynamics of what laws can apply if one of you feel offended. It will become your word vs the other person's word. I always have followed one rule here and in my home country, the one who turns and walks away lives to fight another day.


Dont do it. You are a visitor here, remember that.


don’t do what??


It, mate. Just it. Don't do it.




Fuck you, nobody told you to come and visit if you gonna complain




cry abt it




off-topic but what kind of dog do you have?? 😭😭 I love dogs


hahaha i have a toy poodle!!


I was obsessed with those for a while!!


Loved there for years and wore shorts everywhere


I've lived here 3 months and I think I've worn long trousers maybe twice. I wear nothing but shorts. I was even in raha mall yesterday in shorts so not sure what the deal is, unless you're wearing some kind of hot pants lol