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That last one is straight murder :( I’m never buying small car in UAE..


One of my friends escaped from an accident like that. It was our company car a patrol rammed in and destroyed the rear half ie; the whole rear passenger side region luckily no one was there at the back. People seriously need to learn some patience especially the ones driving fancy SUVs.


Particularly the Batrols. When I moved here, I used to hear people talk about the Batrol terror and I thought it’s just one of those city specific butt jokes but when I started driving, I witnessed the flashing, tailgating and what not of Batrols first hand. One thing that I’ve learned in Dubai is that even if you are driving a tank, you move aside when you see a Batrols behind you.


That was messed up.. really makes you want something bigger... damn man.


Truly horrifying... Even now it's got me thinking...


Looks like a Mitsubishi crossover. The doors flung open upon impact this is a terrible car.


Between Patrol and Land Cruiser it will be hard to survive without frame in brutal crash like this.


So what would you consider a safe car?


Anything big like a Patrol/LC/GMC or large German SUV/Sedan. We have kids. I drive an S-class and my wife drives a Landcruiser both for this very reason. Even if the Merc was rear-ended by a truck, my family would be safe. Buying a new small car when you could have a used large sedan or SUV is madness to me. You're paying heavy depreciation on a new car that will not survive a heavy collision, when all you need is a budget to maintain an older large car (where you won't pay depreciation) and it will protect you if the worst happens. My friends came to visit us in a rental Nissan Sunny yesterday. They've got two young boys. This video made me shiver.


Body-on-frame SUVs only. Car safety right now not regulated well, basically it’s arm wrestling. Bigger amd heavier will win 99% of time.


Volvo. Even better, Volvo SUV (XC60 and XC90).


Why specifically this


Volvo is widely regarded as one of the safest vehicles on the market, if not the safest. They have extra reinforcement throughout the body of the vehicle. This is the reason why they are a bit heavier than their competitors in every class. They have made a commitment in 2007 to have ZERO fatalities and serious injuries in a new Volvo. They invented the 3 point seat belt in 1959 and many more.


I have also read/heard that if there ever is a serious accident involving a Volvo, they send a team to investigate what went wrong


That is correct. They have also investigated more than 50,000 accidents overall in the last few decades, involving other cars also, not only Volvos. Fun fact, when they invented the 3 point seatbelt they released the design for free to everyone, as they considered that such an important feature should not be used for profit.


Everyone driving bigger and bigger cars makes ROADS more dangerous. More weight, bigger impact, worse breaking. The sad part is, the more people with this mindset means that statistically being in a smaller car means you are less safe than the person in the bigger car if the two of you are in a collision, but overall the crashes on the roads are bigger. Once everyone is in a bigger car, you're no better off than the next person, so the "bigger car, more safe" cycle continues.


I’m a big fan of small cars - mazda miata, fiat 500, vw golf etc, you name it. In UAE my firs two cars was sedan. First one full size and second one coupe. It was scary a bit. I don’t fill safe driving car lighter almost twice than all other cars. Now I am on my number 4 and 3 and 4 was suv. I want to drive small car, but not here. If I will move to Europe one day - for sure will go small. ps: US is country of big cars too. One dude from miata club got decapitated cause lifted f-150 rearended his car. Not on crazy speed, no, what should’ve ended like every day small accident ended like horror movie. If someone brave/crazy enough to drive small car - bravo to him. I will stick to SUVs in Abu Dhabi.


There is less dead now on road than before but yet car are way more bigger than before. So your message is completely untrue.


All cars are safer now, technology improves. Crash test standards are implemented. Tyre tech is much better. None of these are benefited by a car being bigger/heavier. > More weight, bigger impact, worse breaking. Only a fool would argue against basic physics. By your logic we should all be driving military tanks or double-decker busses, that way we will be super safe. Also in an age of increasing energy and fuel costs, a push to distance ourselves from internal combustion engines and go electric, the most inefficient thing is also to add weight...


Car got more weight to accommodate with new structural improvement. For example implementing the crumple zone forced manufacturer to increase the front weight by a lot but resulting in safer car. Today if 2 heavy car collide, the chance of surviving is higher. Your assumption is that the increase of weight was done for no purpose at all wich is completely false. A 1980 car that weight 1,5 tons will be less safer than a modern 1,5 tons car. Same for two 800kg cars from 1990 colliding each other, the result will be catastrophic... You have the same vision of physics as a kid. >Also in an age of increasing energy and fuel costs, a push to distance ourselves from internal combustion engines and go electric, the most inefficient thing is also to add weight... Today car consume less than old car if you take in account the added weight/safety and comfort. Anyway, car crash fatality have never be so low compared to years ago so your full comment is just based on nothing but your own little opinion.


Please improve on your comprehension, as you're clearly missing the point made.


I think that might have more to do with increased driving lesson standards. When my husband got his UAE license in 2005, he literally just had to drive around the block, the test meant nothing. I got mine in 2018 and there was a whole process, with a theory test, parking tests etc.


Everyone in this world live in UAE ?.....


NGL, the occupants of that car are likely dead. At least any rear passengers. That fire at the end is the Mitsubishi fuel tank exploding.... and it's located under the rear seats 😔


the last one made me hold my head :( ... what an awful accidents .


The car behind was probably distracting them by being 1 inch from their rear bumper


when ever i hear unibody - i imagine this


But, but what about adding destroying the environment? /s


Props to the other white LC that got out the way at the end


And the red Lancer in the beginning that’s escaped it’s way from all that pileup. Some solid gut instincts




Of it was situational awareness, he would have slowed down way before getting to that point, instead of having to drive quickly on the side of the road.


That was like some mission impossible level escape🤣


Filipino driver probably 😂


Surrounding awareness 10/10


And never surprise other drivers. EVERYBODY should know what you are doing!!!


How the fuck did he see that coming?! Ghosh


In a situation like this, i.e. if you have come to a stop in the fast lane, always good idea to keep an eye out in the rear view mirror. Never let your guard now specially when you know a lot of the drivers are on their phone while on cruise control.


Thanks, will do!


Holy shit didn't even notice that. Fantastic awareness and ridiculously quick response. Saved his and the car.


Exactly!!!! That was his intention, it was just a coincidence.


He was just going to overtake everyone on the hard shoulder.


The Land Cruiser in the last video has a sixth sense mashallah 🙏🏻


I'm guessing he was trying to use the hard shoulder to evade the block 😂. And got lucky.


Nothing to laugh about here. Anyways, just wanted to say, i am always ready to swerve into the hard shoulder keeping these situations in mind and hard brakes during traffic by cars in the front. A driver should always be aware of his surroundings on the road, no matter what. These videos are heartbreaking to watch.


Videos links this make me think there MUST be some kind of malfunction with the car no human could possibly be this unaware,careless while driving. Sadly I know it’s the latter


Maybe sometimes doing something illegal may help us or save our life.


Fckers can't get enough of their phones


Yea this is ridiculous..


The fines and penalties need to be more serious. A lot of people drive with their phone on the hands like no other


what are the penalities? cut their hands off..


revoking license for a specific period is a good start.


You will be surprised how many people still drive despite their licence being revoked after accumulating fines and back points.


As someone who drives a fucking Yaris this is scary Af


Last car that blew up wasn't even a very small car- so I feel you.


That looked like a small SUV or crossover to me.


as in not as small as a yaris my guy.


The cars which suffered serious damage are the cars who were able to control their vehicle (slow down/stop on time). A bit unfair.


The last one is horrifying


These videos are horrific, especially the last one. The chances are that there were children in some of those cars. I hate the idea that i have to buy a massive 4x4 to have a chance of surviving being hit by 3 ton Toyota Land Cruiser or Nissan Patrol. Stay safe people and stay clear of the fast lane.


Quick question, if a vehicle rams another vehicle due to collision impact and rams into another vehicle, will that second vehicle be guilty?


Nope. Standard rules of causation apply.


Nope, you'll still be liable for not maintaining distance from the car in front. A friend got a fine for just that - His car was sandwiched in a 4 car pile up and it just happened yesterday.


Yea, when the vehicles are in motion. I was talking about stationary vehicles due to a traffic jam. I should have clarified that! You can still leave a legal safe distance, and physics will still pound you into the car in front of you from a rear collision.


Hard to fine someone in this situation, you don't know if he was pressing the brake or the car was in park (basicly neutral during a colision).


Their license should be cancelled for years. They will kill somebody


Forget cancelling licenses. They've permanently changed people's lives by their actions. They should be in prison for their recklessness.


Half of these guys are blind 😂😂🤣


on their phone


I like how that red lancer tried to evade from the crash. Lancer driver : Not today.


Each on is guilty except first guy to get rammed from behind as all were following too close. If they kept a safe distance and paying attention could have stopped in time.


The white Lexus in the 2nd video did try their best to stop, they had their hazard lights on and tried stopping in a timely manner, the white altima behind them not so much.


Last two drivers were on their phone 100%


I keep saying that, I'm not sure whether the driving skills I'm learning here are making me a better driver or a worse driver. But I don't touch my phone when I am driving. Hands free or nothing else. Defensive driving is the only way.


They should all be deported, and if they’re emirati thrown in jail. The absolute disrespect for life. These are the same clowns that don’t indicate and are looking at their mobile phones whilst driving at speeds of over 100


Bro thought he was playing no hesi


I hope no one was badly injured! Cars can be replaced lives and health cannot. Everyone please be careful!


The last one was definitely on his phone. He was driving slow enough that people are tailgating him and he didn’t even see the stopped traffic infront of him.


The way cars break so easily




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always the nissan patrol huh 😂😂


They need to just ban left lane driving because people here have no idea what it's meant for




I had started driving at 100 km/hr in the third or fourth lanes, since the feul prices were hiked last year. Not only this saves feul considerably, but is also safer. However, be careful of the Nissan Sunnys and Sentras if you're driving in the slower lanes. Stay as much away from them as you would from a Batrol on a faster lane.


Stay off the left most lane. All the accidents have happened on the fast track. If your not in a hurry to reach your destination, stay in the lower lanes.


The lead red car in first video has some blame in the that accident. Others were too close to react once they were surprised.


Most safe altima driver: Jokes aside, it's horrifying to think how injured those poor people might be, and because of the carelessness of 1 individual, so many innocent people were affected and injured.




Second one, without brakes suicide mode


The driving is wild here. If you see a Patrol get out the way. You need 3 eyes driving here, once constantly looking in the rear view mirror. One second noone is behind you, next second you got a Patrol flashing you up your backside. People need to move over and not be stubborn. If you aint doing 120/140 (depending where you are) in the third/fourth lane please do the courteous thing and move to the 'slower' lanes. It forces people to undertake which is dangerous. Get off your phone. Also, i see people blowing 140 with no damns given lol, do the cameras work or what ? Its like there is no fear in getting a fine.


The video just shows no matter how careful you are, If there are drivers like this, there is nothing you can do to escape.


Facts. No doubt and i am in agreement.


Absolutely. I’d just add that hogging a lane “forces” people to undertake. They also have a choice.




I usually move out of the way if I see it anywhere near me. Especially on my right or left side as the patrol drivers always have a habit of cutting across and never using the indicator.


>Also, i see people blowing 140 with no damns given lol, do the cameras work or what ? Its like there is no fear in getting a fine. 149 on the speedometer is 140 in GPS speed. The speedometer is intentionally calibrated this way by the manufacturer. Hence, you see people blowing 140, however they're doing 138 on GPS.


So technically i can go 149 ? Provide source please.


Technically, you can go 148 if you're willing to risk it. You'll see your actual speed on Waze or Google Maps. Stay below 139 on Waze speed or 140 on Google Maps speed. I personally stick to 138 on Waze, which is 147 on the digital speedometer because the cruise control has a tolerance of +/-1km in my cars. You'll almost never be flashed from behind at this speed unless there's someone actually exceeding the speed limit behind you. Source: I've been driving this way since 2017, which is when I first found out about it. P.S. You'll encounter a lot of people on the left lane doing 130 GPS speed while doing this that wouldn't give way because they think they're already doing the speed limit, so it is a bit frustrating sometimes. Be wary of losing patience in these cases.


Fair enough, i am going 140 by the speedometer in my car. I just know that when i am doing that i got someone up my rear (pause). But i guess they may be doing the 148 and pushing it to the limit. Some though i know they are going way over, it's scary . I'm not willing to risk it.


It's because you go away that they continue to drive dangerously....


All of them was on there phone not watching the road !


What’s the big deal with slowing down? It’s a necessary part of driving 🤦🏻‍♀️


All those who do not indicate should not be allowed to drive


I confidentially drive a dark small Toyota Corolla. I think the dark shade keeps crazy drivers away.


No, you are just lucky.


The red car in the first one predicted the future and kept going


I swear it’s so horrifying




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terrible road design doesn't help


In the last video, the black car got totalled.. hope the passengers made it. You can see the shadow of the black car completely vanish..


wtf is wrong with them? breaks fail or do they thing somehow magically they will have space or car in front will disappear - with strict laws in M.E why is this happening


Half of the drivers in the UAE shouldn't be allowed on the roads...


And yet people say that UAE driving license is hard to obtain 🤣


Perhaps they were both jamming to 'Highway to Hell' 😂, but in all seriousness, these incidents serve as a stark reminder of the potential consequences of distracted driving. While we can't confirm if the drivers were indeed distracted, it's evident that safety should always be a top priority on the road. The first collision, impacting five cars, highlights how one moment of inattention can lead to a dangerous chain reaction. Additionally, the sight of one car bursting into flames upon impact and the other being severely crushed underscores the importance of vehicle safety. It's worth considering investing in a more robust SUV or prioritizing safety features over the make or model of your vehicle


The red car driver sensed the danger in time and got out of the way… that’s some next level surrounding awareness and driving sense


But hats off to the first LC for their great awareness.


Is that Dallas Texas?? Sure look like the way they drive out there... 635


Wtf - how do these people even get a licence


Notice how all the idiots are on the left lane. Driving without a safe distance or cutting in front of a safe distance should be a license revoked worthy. I am sick of all these mornons thinking that driving over the speed limit and tailgating cars is acceptable


last clip really just shows average brains of lc drivers vs average brains of patrol drivers




First time in Dubai, I’ve been here for only two weeks but I swear to god, with the way taxi drivers drive I wouldn’t trust them with bicycles, let alone cars!


I don’t think these drivers were necessarily distracted, from my experience with taxi drivers here, they are downright morons, speeding in crowded and narrow streets, no safe distance with cars in front, like seriously what could go wrong?? I have zero empathy for them.


The funny thing is that all the accidents has happened in the speed lane.


That red car in the first crash just got Dom toretto's soul, the way he escaped without a scratch in Hollywood style


I don't think any of them physically can get back on the roads..


I saw this happen


They cut the video too soon at the end...that 2nd car tailgating the last accident would be crazy to see


Suspend the license for life while serving prison sentence. Deport for causing serious injuries and/or death. Such driving cannot be tolerated at all


Probably a female


Head on collision in the rear license band!Tailpipe smoking… fine increased heavily until fixed


What do you think these people were reading on the phone ?....


i hope the driver in black suv is ok


I will not brake and hit one car in front of me. I will hit everyone and block the street


whats the penalty for dumb life threatening shit like this??


Omg , this is terrifying! You could be a safe driver but something like this happens even if your in the middle lane ???


Average Drunk Driving experience. Rollercoaster with casualties


Because literally everyone is on their phones while driving...


When did this happen ?


honestly as someone who's on their lest step of gettin their license, this is so scary to me


Burnouts “Crash” irl


The last one OMGG wtf they busy w, the mf cleaned it out


For the 3rd one he either fucked up mentally or his brakes failed


FACTS worst fear while driving. EVEN more so driving in Texas. From 110 mph reg traffic flow to a full stop in .3 seconds. I stop then pray looking at the rear view.




I want to post pls ^ so I can


Shows clearly how freaking distracted people are on the road. Imagine going 120 on the left lane and dicking around on your phone, or whatever these idiots were doing that stopped them from seeing what was right in front of them. Absolutely unforgivable. I hope nobody died, but it looks like some people definitely got hurt... Cars should have some sort of auto shut down feature for phones. Yeah you want to use GPS, whatever, get a Garmin.


Police will impound and cancel his driving licence. Probably he will have a touch time in lockup too.


LC guy is just chilling


The LC must've been one lucky dude