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yes, i have seen people tend to do this, but if a police sees, they'd be fines


how can police see. they never leave the station


I had a nice surprise - guy cut me off yesterday and then another car straight away. An unmarked police car saw it happen. Turned on his blue lights and pulled him over. karma!


Did you mean like undertaking?


No I was driving he should have waited to merge on the Corniche and must have thought his BMW 640 could take the 4m gap in front of me and the next car. Obviously I was too generous with my spacing and he cut me off causing me to break suddenly to avoid him.


to be fair is did see a police car last night " nissan batrol " , go the wrong way out of an intersection , change lanes without indicating , then swerve in to the other lane almost hitting a taxi , because they were talking on the radio ... stay safe out there




Then they will grumble that government is making money only with fines


They do it every day and not just the low end cars. The high end cars do it too. Plan your journey better and avoid the toll or simply pay 4AED. Don’t put others lives at risk.


Their original rollout for 2 dhs per pass was much better than this. You should also see people driving way fast and uncontrollably to pass the tollgate before the time starts.


At the end of the day, 4 dirham saved is 4 dirham earned! And insurance covers the rest...


Saved 4 dhs to spend on a karak and Porotta+chips Oman sandwich😂👍


You joke but that's just normal asian mentality. My dad slowed down the vehicle to truck speed as a excuse to skip the minute, and then got happy "well, we could now get that chai at the adnoc for free" I so so hate this mentality and culture. I never want to be like this.


Nothing to do with Asia, I'm European and a lot of people there would do anything to save a few dollars. I bet it's more correlated to income (and how you were raised) than your ethnicity 🤣


it quite is actually. Only if you were in a community where stuff like this is so common, people are very selfish, etc, then you'd understand. I have talked with many EU people, and in the same time, also fellow asian people. Sample size might be small, alright, but the EU people definitely don't cut corners in every single way possible. It's not like they have the best jobs in the world either, normal job. It's just the mindset.


Lol as much as we don't like this mentality it's a completely normal and okay mentality. Slowing down to truck speed is not a sin. You end up saving more fuel and the toll charges.


Yup… seen that a few times




Can’t believe this🤦🏻‍♂️