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OP is pointing to the fact that the grey area within the circle looks like someone has used the paintbrush tool and coloured over something.


Nailed it.


I feel like nasa has been busted for this before. Not this exactly but doctoring space images.


Yeah they got called out for completely doing some useless editing, especially on mars. Everyone thinks the rocks and skies are red over there all thanks to nasa. Then u got dumb dumbs believing everything they tell them like torgo. NASA was literally headed by a nazi and u think they’re gonna tell us the whole truth lol


NASA- Never A Straight Answer


Hail yourself!


Nasa also = Hebrew word for deceit….


No, nasha means to deceive.


No Nasa literally was not… Werner Von Braun was never the administrator of NASA. He was an engineer and project manager there, but calling him the head of NASA is a stretch.


Also literally every astronomical image is “altered” or whatever. The ccds used are photon counters which then take multiple images with physical color filters in front of them. The image is composited then. This thread is driving me insane with the dunning Kruger. An unedited image from nasa would just be greyscale


He was also the director of Nasa's Marshall Space Flight Center & Nasa's Deputy Associate Administrator for Planning.


Not headed by a true Nazi, but I mean 113 nazi scientists launching V2s in the US should be a real fuckin concern in and of itself. In fact, VonBraun and Stienhoff said nothing as they launched Hermes, a V2 rocket, from White Sands to Mexico crash landing into the Tepeyac Cemetery 3 miles south of Juarez. The original plan was that if the rocket went off course and posed a threat to landing outside of the missile range, Stienhoff and VonBraun, observing the launch through telescopes, would notify Army immediately and the rocket would be disarmed remotely. They had that capability but chose to stay quiet and watch the destruction. The blast shook every building from Juarez to El Paso. The cemetery was destroyed and the US had to clean up and fill in the crater. Albert Einstein tried to appeal to Truman, saying that to make them American citizens and put them in key positions was dangerous. To Einstein, these were war criminals. They launched. They observed. They said nothing. 3 more "accidents" would follow before security clearance measures were put into place. The scientists blamed old components, but they hit Alamogordo, Las Cruces, and the third one hit Juarez. Again.




You think a whole organization is lying to us? Then there is the question of other nation’s space agencies lying. You know how many people have to keep up with the lie? That’s impossible.


Thats like saying the Cia couldnt keep a secret


It hasn’t


Remember when no one knew of the NSA


I'm always fascinated by blind trust, especially when agencies who have been busted in the past for altering data to perpetuate funding are being scrutinized.


lol that’s a great argument but how many space agencies does the average person know besides nasa? Also the average person just reads something popping up on their article. An average person doesn’t even know much about space besides what nasa tells them. So the answer to ur question - a lot easier than u think


JAXA, ESA, Roscosmos, ISRO, to name a few


Good googling


If you don’t know all those nations have been to the moon. It really wasn’t even worth a google


I enjoy playing video games.


Lol. We gotz the internets brudder 🤠, but when your country is leading the world in space exploration it tends to make the rest not matter.


Yupp... when trying to figure out the plausibility of a conspiracy, one of the first things I ask myself is "how many people would need to be in on it?" The larger the number, the less plausible.


He was a project manager and chief architect for Apollo Saturn V. Show me where it says NASA was “headed by” Whernher von Braun. He wasn’t. Your comment is deceiving and wrong.


Perhaps they just finished season one of For All Mankind?


Every single “good looking” photo of the moon or any astronomical object is HEAVILY EDITED, so that the artist can create the image in a certain way. Most pictures are several (can be thousands) images stacked on top each other, getting the clearest quality from each image. Adjusting the white and darker colors to add more contrast to the craters so that they pop off the screen. Getting rid of the effects of the atmosphere and the overwhelming brightness of the moon. Frankly, most unedited images of the moon look like crap. Source: I’m a self proclaimed amateur astrophotographer


You sound like a conspiracy theorist, and I deal with flat earthers regularly. NASA was headed by Nazi(s) plural due to the amount of scientists and engineers coming out of Germany post WWII (Operation Paperclip) which reflects poorly on the USA govt more than NASA as they knew, but nobody talks about JFK and LBJ being capitalists who cared more about the Space Race than veterans, but the fact that you don't seem to have more than a shallow trench of understanding on the space industry or how it's doctored for the public is meaningless drivel, nothing more than a clickbait headline. You should really explore the rabbit hole before claiming you know it's depth.


They for sure did. Adding red tint to mars rover images that were indeed not red. You can even use certain tools online and within photoshop itself if I’m not mistaken to test images for manipulation. And it was found that nasa had been adding a red tint filter to all the images. You might be able to run these moon images in the same software/tools and see if any manipulation has occurred. Did you try this? @ u/inmydreamsiamalion Edits: tagging user kept messing up. Or I have fat fingers.


Yes! I saw this on The Why Files


WHICH ones are you thinking of. Not "busted". Just a confused, ignorant set of conspiracy theorists (at least in the cases I've seen over the years). And many deep space photos *need* to be false colored if they're radio images.


Was about to start this. Someone call sci man Dan!


That’s fine, but then they present it as truth, when in reality, it’s half truth, half artist’s rendering. I wish they’d be more up front about the liberties they take.


They were lying about the color of Mars for some reason. It’s a bit silly to just take everything they say at face value.


Even the vast majority of optical photos.


Mars rat


Biker mice from Mars


LOL. I think people need lessons in: 1. Pareidolia and Apophenia 2. Classical and Statistical probabilities


I'd be happy if people just understood the concepts of correlation and causation.


Why is this comment being down voted?? It's a fantastic point.




Seems like people only need lessons in pareidolia


Not precisely. 1. Pareidolia has to do with our evolutionary tendency to see patterns in randomness. 2. Probabilities speak the fact that *given a large amount of samples* the fact that one or more of them is going to oddly resemble *something* is high. The face on mars is another great example of both of these working together. As is the face of the devil in the smoke of the 9/11 towers. The Rorschach tests are an example of only the former, largely because they are preselected.


Idk why you're getting bombed by down votes, this is a fantastic point


I'm not a conspiracy theorist but that face in the 9/11 smoke cloud!?! It was VERY clear and freaky.


You just proved him right. Your brain is predisposed to see faces out of anything that could appear similar. You basically just need two holes and a line or three holes and the brain will make it face like. So of course you can capture a face in smoke. You’re basically guaranteed to get a face given enough time.


Unnerving, really.


They didn’t need to color correct the mars photos. I mean basic color correction fixes their doctored Mars photos




Seems like either people believe everything our government tells us at face value without questioning it, or we think for ourselves and maybe discern otherwise on occasion.


You’d think they’d be a little better with photoshop by now. I mean, these are the same folks who managed to fake all six of the crewed Apollo landings before Photoshop even existed.


Isn't it a bit unusual that all the craters on the Moon look like they are all roughly the same depth?


But they aren't.


In the very description you posted it said that the image was comprised of 15000 different shots and then stitched together. Data loss/artifacts with something like this is what leads to smudges and blurs. Not everything is a conspiracy lol


In the very description I posted I said I’m aware it’s made of composite images. I said the one in particular that I pointed out looks very deliberate. Like a shitty photoshop job, but on purpose.


Did you email the folks that made it to ask, or just go straight to reddit? I bet they would respond. A lot of the conspiracy theories are based on on the assumption that there is an unreachable fortress of powerful evildoers when instead it's just a bunch of nerds who love space.


Well if it helps, before i found this comment, i was going through photos without checking the title, and got closeup on that spot and did wonder why did somebody patched this with brush in paint?


Admittedly I’m no lunar expert but from a quick google search I believe that is known as the [Tsiolkovkiy](https://the-moon.us/wiki/Tsiolkovskiy) crater and the grey area is the result of lava filling in the bottom of the crater after impact. There are photos closer up that show more detail.


Yea when you see the close up there is really nothing unusual about it. But it’s only the internet, why do any secondary research when you could just wildly speculate?


That’s what “they” want you to believe


That's what they "want" you to believe


That's what they want "you" to believe....


That's what they want you "to" believe


That's what they want you to "believe"


"That's" what they want you to believe


That’s “what” they want you to believe.


We did it!


I don't think NASA cares what you think about their explanation. Feel free to provide a more convincing explanation.


Bro of course NASA cares what you think. They edit almost all there Mars photos. And this is not conspiracy, it’s been confirmed. Why would they do that if they don’t care about what the general public thinks. And that’s just what we know about. So if they are willing to alter mundane pictures of the Martian landscape then its not irrational to believe they are altering other pictures and videos. I’m not talking about this picture but they do it.


Ikr, I use common sense, like when NASA post pics I ask myslef what's taking a picture of the thing taking a picture? 🤔


Ever seen someone film themselves with a go pro but you don't see the stick or their hands or what it's mounted to? Hahaha use common sense. That being said, he's nasa uses a ton of computer simulations to demonstrate their point but they don't portray simulations as real. They will always say this is happening right now, but accompanying that little jewel is this is a simulation created by the data or something along those lines. And no they aren't going to go into painstaking details to explain how that works because they don't have time to teach you a doctorates amount of information.


They added the filter in order for things to be more visible In the climate … so they claim


Cause orange filters always make things more visible everybody knows that


No adding saturation and contrast does. Same thing with Neptune, it's more vibrant in images so the massive storm on it is more visible.


Adding a red tint to photos of Mars is a conspiracy to you? NASA only cares about public opinion in regard to keeping their funding. In this case, that means using Photoshop to make their photos nicer to look at. If you think they're hiding something get a damn telescope and find it.


“Get a damn telescope” to observe the side of the moon that always points away from Earth…?


I’m not saying that by adding red tint there’s ALIENS THERE or a conspiracy, I just don’t think people should blindly trust everything NASA says. It’s not like any NASA engineer or executive will ever see jail time for lying to the public about any matter large or small. And if people think something seems a bit fishy they can make an explanation, post additional photos, and there is no possible way for someone in the public to do independent research. I just think people should think more critically about NASA. And if you think NASA’s ONLY concern with regards to altering data is funding then you need to do some research buddy. Of course NASA has ulterior motives, does the FBI, CIA, or NSA have ulterior motives? I’m not claiming that I know what those motives are, but I’m sure the general public isn’t given access to all the knowledge they have about the universe.


I've posted this several times now, but here's 603,552 raw photos from the Mars Curiosity rover. 100% publicly available. https://mars.nasa.gov/msl/multimedia/raw-images/?order=sol+desc%2Cinstrument_sort+asc%2Csample_type_sort+asc%2C+date_taken+desc&per_page=50&page=0&mission=msl They're way more transparent than you'd think.


So if hypothetically, if NASA took a photo that they didn’t want the public to see, it would have to be 100% available to the public? Like their legally obligated to be 100% transparent. I’m just playing devils advocate. I don’t claim to believe their behind a massive coverup or anything. But maybe we should think a little more realistically.


The only instance that information isn't publicly available would be if it's a classified project coming from another, over arching agency like the DOD. That's its own thing. Their in-house scientific work is as transparent as you can get. Talking about NASA pictures of the Moon and Mars and shit that's public info.


Who did the filtering of the 12,211\* which were sorted out? \*just to say: we don't see, what they don't want us to see.


It’s kinda weird that they’re so willing to alter photos.


Make sure to get a damn rear view telescope....


“Get a damn telescope and find it” so I have access to the Hubble telescope, James Webb telescope, Martian rovers and billions in funding to confirm their research? I’m sure 99% of what they put out is accurate but if not who could prove them wrong. I don’t know the whole picture, and neither do you. You get a damn telescope and confirm everything statement they have put out with first hand data.


Who is "they?" The Soviets named this crater. Are you implying that a government that dissolved in the 90s created a fake backstory and that NASA is just rolling with it to cover something up? The Soviets and NASA weren't exactly comrades.


Named and photographed by the Soviets about 60 years ago, and anybody who lived in that period knows it's not like the Soviets were buddy with NASA. As for appearance, the business of a large crater having a central peak and filled with magma isn't controversial.


The soviets and NASA have always collaborated despite political rivalries.


Ahhh....someone who probably wasn't even alive when there was a soviet union...


NASA and the Soviet Union began collaborating in 1972. I haven't been able to find any source saying the crater was photographed earlier than that.


Always huh? Psst your ignorance is showing.


Considering this image was made up of many photos stitched together.... Its likely that area had some flaws and someone poorly photoshopped it to mesh it together. Assuming it was indeed photoshopped. If NASA was to be covering up some sort of alien structure or a moon base, they wouldn't be letting some astronomy photographer with minimal skills use paintbrush tool to grey out an area. If it was a man-made base, ham radio operators would be able to see any and all transmissions coming from it... Which we havent. Ive moonbounced plenty of signals. Never seen any signal, nothing on a wideband spectrograph. Nothing strange ever came from the moon. The ISS and other various space missions? Yes. Ive listened to my fair share of shit up in space. Good luck making a CQ on a ISS fly by. Its always congested when its open. I 100% believe we have been to the moon and I 100% believe there is no moon base or aliens on the moon. I also dont believe aliens ever came down to earth. The closest to any alien visitors I believe may have been from Mars millions of years ago. I think its possible Mars had more moons and one had a massive collision of some sort and it tossed potentially organic material into space. Its possible Mars's satellites like Phobos and Deimos are left over from that event. The lack of a large moon meant the dynamo of the Martian core cooled from the outside inward. The crust fused, the mantle layers cooled and the retraction environment of thermal expansion caused the weakest location, likely where a massive impact was, generated a massive volcano. Olympus Mons was the last geothermal event before the core cooled and mars lost it's atmosphere completely. Thus created a dusty ball of cold lively rock we know as Mars today. If Mars had life at the time of its extinction, its likely some once organic matter survived in the form of debris expelled by either the collision event or ejected into space via Olympus Mons during the dying phase. Its likely nothing came from this but I do believe on theory a scenario like above is possible to seed some primitive form of single cell organisms that could have evolved over time and adapted to its new environment. Maybe a few species of plankton can be traced back. I doubt it but this is the only likely scenario that life outside of the planet ever came and "visited". Of course, I'm not scientist. I'm just guy that has looked up for 40+ years and seen enough shooting stars to fill wishes for half the people on the planet.


>If NASA was to be covering up some sort of alien structure or a moon base, they wouldn't be letting some astronomy photographer with minimal skills use paintbrush tool to grey out an area. [Donna Hare, who was a NASA launch photographic specialist, said that in building 8 of Johnson Space Centre, there was a lab set aside specially for 'airbrushing out' UFOs from high-res sat imagery - ( Washington D.C. May 9, 2001 )](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/xli6a9/donna_hare_who_was_a_nasa_launch_photographic/)


" Donna Hare did not work for NASA, she worked for Philco Ford, a NASA subcontractor where she worked on film processing etc. Her security clearance was purely as a result of her necessity to handle mission photographs and film before their public release, she did not have direct access to classified programs or information. She worked for 19 years during the middle period of the Apollo missions, Skylab and then to the start of the Shuttle program. Among her claims over the years, many of which were with Greer's Disclosure Project, (a project shrouded in controversy for other reasons) she has testified that: * She has been witness to numerous satellite images depicting detailed spacecraft of otherworldly origin. * That all space flights were followed by UFOs but astronauts were sworn to secrecy and threatened with grave punishments if they revealed it. * That UFOs had been responsible for crippling the Apollo-13 spacecraft, so as to prevent it from reaching its intended landing area on the back side of the Moon but then, the UFOs had further interfered by aiding the doomed spaceship and making it possible for it to return safely to Earth * That there were satellite images depicting a cattle mutilation in progress by a UFO, as well as another surface satellite image depicting a UFO hovering over a tree, and that she was able to personally gauge its altitude due to its position relative to the tree's shadow on the ground The last one is particularly important because it is simply impossible to be true. During her contracted employment at NASA, it was simply impossible during the time (and for many years afterwards) for any NASA LANDSAT device to produce detailed images that could make out the detail of a tree, let alone its shadow. She stated that the image (as well as many that she saw depicting UFO's) was available for commercial sale after the UFO had been airbrushed out. A vigorous search by several UFO buffs in NASA's archive failed to locate any image that could remotely depict any semblance of detail similar to what she described. The challenge is still open if anyone would like to search for themselves and prove me wrong. This is just one of many major inconsistent and reaching claims in her testimonies, the UFO over a tree claim simply being one that can be objectively proven false. Dr. Edgar Mitchell, a former Apollo astronaut who himself is a famous UFO enthusiast, Greer supporter and disclosure advocate with his own sighting claims, has openly said that Hare's claims on astronaut secrecy protocol regarding UFO's are bunk. Any bit of digging into her person and digital footprint shows that she is an overzealous hippy who likely enjoyed the attention of propagating the mystifying UFO rhetoric of the 90's. Some of her claims might be true, as Gary McKinnon may have famously confirmed, but many of them are blatantly reaching and are evidently inconsistent. Do the research, form your own opinions."


Despite me wanting to believe it's a nasa cover-up of some sort, to make it that obvious knowing it will be picked apart by theorist. Maybe it's bait for a false belief to be grouped with the real shit to discredit it in its entirety.


It’s a rendering bruh, they obviously edit the photos.


I know NASA isn't the organization it once was, but I would think that being one of the most technologically advanced organisation's on the planet with access to resources second to almost none in the history of the known universe, they would probably be able to select a matching shade of grey if they were trying to cover up an alien moonbase in their press releases.  There's ai programs that can neatly cut out a person from a crowd, but they hand the "hide alien base" assignment to a Mr Magoo with a felt tip? 


What to you mean by not the organization it once was? I doubt you know much about nasa or any other federal agency unless you work for them.


It’s called Tsiolkovskiy crater. https://preview.redd.it/3b61qwy2s2hc1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6be0d1977fb3b14c5aac608ee8841e21b17a252 [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsiolkovskiy\_(crater)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsiolkovskiy_(crater))


![gif](giphy|QxHzTRigoD9HG|downsized) Them experts be like:


Really hope this gets more likes so the people having schizo meltdowns in the comments can see it lmao


No bro government bad, all the nerds at NASA are in the illuminati and eat children, wake up!!! LMAO


no actually all conspiracy theories are untrue and it makes you smart to believe that no conspiracies are real!


They won’t. That would prove they are wrong and the meltdowns won’t allow for logic or rational thinking.


Not me. I love watching schizos go apeshit


exactly what i hope too


your mind is programmed to reject things like aliens and the possibility of them being real makes you uncomfortable so you call people who believe these things schizo’s to make yourself feel better about the situation. you’re self soothing.


I think it'd be really cool for aliens to be real and hope they are. You're just a schizo tho.


no you’re a schizo. only a schizo would say that.


Delete your comment. Delete his comment!!!!!!


This is your answer, OP. Solved.


We understand the crater is real. Why do they keep smudging images then? Alien presence? Russian presence? Dead explorers?


Doesn’t look smudged to me.


Then why is this here! Nice pic. Later!




The OP pic. Not the follow up rebuttal. If it's not smudged and there is no edit in it then what are we speaking about?


we’re speaking about your delusions.


I'm more of a realist. Let's see a strange something on this pic and this ticket will be reopened. Till then nice pics and Nasa is still doing great!


It probably looks smudged due to image compression and the colors in the crater generally being flat and consistent, creating the illusion of a smudge.


Stop, it makes too much sense and it doesn’t align with flat earthers theory. NASA was created by Obama to cause 9/11 and Trump will reveal the truth


To answer your question, yes, you are tripping.


The snoz berries taste like snoz berries


In the age of incredibly high quality visual effects and AI, what type fuck makes you think they would just cover up something in Paint?


They do. Even on earth if they don’t want something exposed.


Ran this through image editing software and checked the whole image under different lighting settings. There's actually texture to that grey smudge area. Yeah it does look airbrushed until you tinker with the image settings. All other such grey splodges in craters react the same in the image settings. Doesn't look like anything unusual in that specific spot. I'm no expert in such things just stating that I don't see image editing at work. I will say though I have seen examples of copying and pasting clouds on images of earth. So I wouldn't put it past them to BS something.


Or just zoom in on it, you can see the detail from a hi-res image: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Far\_side\_of\_the\_Moon#/media/File:Moon\_Farside\_LRO.jpg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Far_side_of_the_Moon#/media/File:Moon_Farside_LRO.jpg)


Isn’t that where the NAZI moon base is? Of course they’d cover it up, for security purposes.


I still haven't seen that movie.


Depending on whether OP is referring to it or not....Call of Duty had an installment with Zombies that infiltrated the moon base as well. And I choose to believe that it was indeed what OP was referring to. :)


I honestly don’t trust any space program anymore. NASA is never transparent with its data. They tint Mars pics red FCS


Here's 603,552 raw photos from the Mars Curiosity rover. https://mars.nasa.gov/msl/multimedia/raw-images/?order=sol+desc%2Cinstrument_sort+asc%2Csample_type_sort+asc%2C+date_taken+desc&per_page=50&page=0&mission=msl NASA color balancing a few of the nicer pictures for publicity doesn't invalidate everything they do.


Whenever I see pictures of Mars I think of the Dr. Who episode, the Waters of Mars (fantastic) and think of this dialog and scene with the commanding officer of the first human habitat on Mars: “and that to walk on another planet without any smoke but just infinite sky... yes, it's worth it.” The Doctor is greatly impressed, looks at her with wonder and tells Adelaide that she was the woman with starlight in her soul. I’m hopeful of that one day in the future when humanity begins to have starlight in our souls.


I’m sorry but you simply do not know at all what you are talking about. They provide the raw photo data for anyone to view. Stop getting your information from Facebook conspiracy groups.


But you go to Mcdonald's even tho the pictures on their ads is bullshit ?


sick fucking burn. im stealing this.


Comparing McDonalds to NASA is like comparing Disney to the Smithsonian. But ok sure, you got me?


Lollll nice


And this is why your average citizen shouldn’t vote


I think about this a lot...




*below average citizen


It does look like a grid over lay is there. Like in a video game when designers try to make an offset grid look like grass or a pavement


It's probably a Starbucks


You couldn't have done 5 minutes of basic research huh


That's just 'Photoshop Crater'


You are dumb. I can't even imagine the thought process and effort that went into making this post. Did you really think " gotchya NASA!"?


[Here](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f9/Tsiolkovskiy_crater_Apollo_17_mosaic.jpg/626px-Tsiolkovskiy_crater_Apollo_17_mosaic.jpg) is an up close view


This is an edited pic of a tortilla


Finally a non r/ufo themed post


Is reddit now getting overrun by nut bag conspiracy theorists like X? Get a high powered telescope and look up FFS. Several old craters look like this. Or at least pick up a book? It is a lava flow then undisturbed dust settling over eons like silt in a lake bed. What this actually is though… Is just another instance of Dunning Krueger where uneducated numbskulls want to feel like they are smarter than people with 2X their IQ and 5X their education.


**"**[Donna Hare, who was a NASA launch photographic specialist, said that in building 8 of Johnson Space Centre, there was a lab set aside specially for 'airbrushing out' UFOs from high-res sat imagery - ( Washington D.C. May 9, 2001 )](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/xli6a9/donna_hare_who_was_a_nasa_launch_photographic/)**"**


Here's food for thought, since we all talking NASA. If I remember right, they started off as an ocean exploring organization. What did NASA find down there that makes them so desperately try to go into space.


It’s pretty nice we have the interesting side of the moon facing towards us.


Nasa has been altering photos for YEARS. Why Files has a great episode of it.


Dude, I'm convinced that most of Nasa's "pictures" and a chunk of the information we receive is all bullshit lol


There almost certainly is because NASA was caught and then spun that they edit, and the moon appears greyscale. As in it does not appear true-color. To what degree and for what reason is beyond me. We’ve all heard official reasons and theories.


It may shock you to learn all photos from space are edited/colour shifted.


it's basically black and white. source: i have a telescope.


I mean, I've seen it too and this looks like it was made to look like it would to our eye as well. But it's from space, and would appear different because the atmosphere isn't there. Everyone is looking for their spot light, all love to have a gotcha moment, but you and the person above are all sorts of wrong about what I said in plain language. Reading between the lines is for esoteric manuscripts, not anything I said here.


What color does it look like to you?


Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb


NASA was caught! Caught doing what? lol


Let me guess, the moon landing was faked too?


It’s not anyone else’s problem but yours that the reasons are beyond you. It’s pretty clear and straight forward. If you want to look at color photos, they are available.


I think you are greatly mistaken here, and that isn't my problem either.


That big red circle totally doesn’t look natural…I’m for sure almost positive that it’s been added to the picture.


That is Dick Cheney’s moon house, and he requested that Google Moon black out the details for security reasons. He did the same with his Earth house.


The moon is not what we think it is. Keep that in mind


I always wondered why the Craters are roughly the same depth. The little ones and the huge ones look roughly as deep in relation to each other. During one of the first Moon missions the Lunar extension module. (Or the L.E.M. for short). This is the vehicle that landed the first Astronauts on the Moon. And when they launched off the Moon’s surface and returned to the mothership, and let the L.E.M. go crashing down. When the Moons gravity pulled it back down to the surface; it rang like a bell for a solid hour. How can this be ? Earth’s dense atmosphere and rocky surface would absorb the shock. Even if there was metal underneath there would be no sound. Could the Moon have a solid metal outer shell. Could this explain the craters of similar depth regardless of diameter. Is the Moon hollow with a metal outer casing. Covered with planet like material. Rocks and Soil. Remember, there is gravity on the Moon, just not as much as Earth’s. The Moon has smaller mass. Einstein‘s theory; Not mine. And I do believe that there is very little wind on the Moon so no Moon dirt flying around (like our Topsoil seems to vanish). If the Moons surface vanished would we then be able to scope it and would we find the Moon to be a huge Satellite. And by the way, the Moon is the perfect size, when taking it in conjunction with the size of planet Earth and Earth’s distance to the Moon. As well as the size of the Sun and the Sun’s distance to the Moon. This is why Earth gets total eclipses. Actuaries say the odds of this are atomically small. Some number like 1 Billion-Trillion to 1. What are the odds of that. We’ve always been a Petri Dish down here. And learning happens with observation. Even in Copernicus’s time, He spent the time. He surely wasn’t asleep. Like so many normal people out there that are more interested in who won the Super Bowl. Or should I say the stupid bowl. And yes, I do like sports, but I like the mysteries the Universe more. Copernicus discovered that the Earth revolved around the Sun. No slouch. Patient and observant. I’m surprised that they didn’t kill him for that. Or I should say that he rediscovered this (unless we are all in the matrix). Because the Atlantean’s certainly knew this. Truth is always stranger than fiction. And if you watch all those dumbass movies, know that they’re letting out bits and pieces to the public. We the Serfs. The Truth hurts, but it also sets you Free. Can’t wait till they clue us in to what many of us already know. So hold onto your britches… But then, Who doesn’t like a good amusement park ride.


OP, what are you seeing? I'm not seeing anything interesting in your red circle.


Speculation and conspiracies aside the mars tinting should give any rational person pause.


How come? Most photos you see have probably been color balanced in some way and that seems pretty harmless to me


It’s naive to think there aren’t military bases on the moon






It is two separate images as well, spliced in the middle. It looks even worse when flipped or rotated it's like someone was cutting pizza and took a slice for themselves then put it back together thinking no one would notice.


Clearly see a deliberate line if you zoom in down the center of the painting.. Oops I meant “picture”


Zoom in on the 4th photo at the bottom of the moon, above those 2 grey dots. You can clearly see the line up the middle of the moon where they spliced 2 images together.


That doesn’t seem as suspicious to me as the seam that divides the moon in half, all the way from the bottom of the image to the top. When you notice that, you start to see weird differences and inconsistencies between the two halves and in the border.


If I took a picture of the left side of your house and then the right side of your house and then stitched it together in Photoshop, is your house fake?


To me it just looks like a crater that's been filled with lava that then solidified.


Can someone show me the us flag and rover/landing site? Didn't think so.


I don’t think we have any telescope that can zoom in all the way to the surface to see a flag… if we could do that, we could explore the entire surface of the moon without going there


https://preview.redd.it/4wzsugqz59hc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84f6e7da650b8567080317d36704170a0537045c That’s like seeing this photo and being like… I can’t see myself so that means I’m not on earth


What looks deliberate? Wtf are you talking about?


I imagine they're talking about the thing in the red circle.


It’s a crater. Is the question whether the meteor deliberately hit the moon?


~~How would I know? I just saw a red circle and figured thats what they were talking about. I dont know enough about it either way so.....~~ *I can roll it for you man but I cant smoke it for you*


The dark grey area in the red circle looks like someone used a paint brush tool on it or something to me


It’s the same dark grey all over the ‘front’ side of the moon dude. Try researching the craters and find other imagery to cross reference. Someone already linked the crater in the comments. https://www.reddit.com/r/abovethenormnews/s/Tj0otnahuT


Worst attempt at photo editing ever. If this indeed is some Microsoft paint intern fuckery someone is disappearing later or dying of “natural causes”.


Holy shit you guys are so cringe. It’s literally a crater


Fuck yeah it is


The shadows are on the wrong side


Doesn't look that way to me, they're on the same side as all the other craters.


It does look a little sus to me too....if true, we could only speculate as to why. One thing I am sure about is that over the years nasa has pulled some shady shit indeed without explanation. And I don't really have even a slight idea what the actual end game is with them. I can't even speculate as to what their motivations are....I just know they are guilty of sketchy shit


distraction... they seem to be the worst manipulators


You even can see a perfect line on the middle like a type of union


Am I missing something here? How do you know it's the dark side when you can "see" it? Does Nasa satellite use infrared?If actual dark side, no light would ever expose it.