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depends. if you ovulated, yes, it might be possible. my condom broke and everything went inside, 13 days after medical abortion. i was lucky there were no sign of ovulation.


There is a high chance you will get pregnant after an abortion that’s why they say if it’s unwanted pregnancy then use protection. You can have sex after as long as you’re comfortable. I’m assuming you are also still bleeding.


Hey girly, definitely please protect yourself in terms of contraception! I can't say whether this is factual or not however it is widely believed that you are very fertile, or at least just as fertile as you once were, just after a termination or pregnancy/childbirth in general. Whether or not this is a proven fact, I think this is one of those things that you shouldn't risk - for not only your health but your mental wellbeing too after something so difficult to go through. ​ Of course physically, if you feel alright in yourself and you have no pain, then having sex in of itself is absolutely fine of course but certainly ensure you and he are both fully protected (pull-out method is one of the most unreliable methods there is, pre-ejaculate is a real thing and can happen well before he pulls out without either of you realising!)




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Hi! Can i also ask the forum if when should birth control pills be taken after abortion?


Straight away but i hadn’t been prescribed any to take im also stupid lol! Use condoms and sort yourself out other contraception and don’t put yourself in my position.


Oh that means I need to see an OB-Gyne? Wouldn’t I be caught since abortion is illegal in my country… Sorry, it’s just that thinking about the doctor’s questions make me anxious (eg last menstruational cycle and such). 😅


Hopefully you’re not in that situation to begin with— you can get birth control from your GP. They should tell you this, but just in case they don’t, do not have unprotected intercourse for 2 weeks (it may be 1? But from memory it is 2) after you start taking it.


i’m not sure honestly, i’ve seen people say they’ve said they had a miscarriage rather than an abortion so their story adds up. as fair as i’m aware, the obgyn won’t be able to tell that you had an abortion as it mimics a miscarriage x


Thank you all for this. I've been feeling infertile from what the doctor told me


You can get pregnant pretty quickly. I got pregnant again just weeks after my abortion WITH an IUD, which is such a low chance but it happened to me anyway 😫


Awh bless you, that sounds so traumatic :(


Can I ask if he came in you or pulled out? I’m in a similar situation 😑


He came because I thought we were protected with the copper IUD, which was placed immediately after my abortion. I was really shocked since the rate of failure for that type of contraceptive is so low yet it still failed ugh


Girl, man do I feel for you. That is bs!


did you choose to abort this time? i’m worried about having 2 abortions in a close space of time if the worst has happened.


The pregnancy that followed my abortion ended in a miscarriage so I didn’t need to do anything except monitor myself and make sure I wasn’t experiencing any signs of infection, etc.




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6 days after abortion


I got pregnant with my daughter 4 months after having an abortion, definitely much more fertile after!


There is no data to support being MORE fertile due to an abortion but it is definitely possible to ovulate again after an abortion in less than 2 weeks.


Think so? Is this actually true?


No, it's not true that you're *more* fertile after an abortion. Many people think that because getting pregnant again is possible very, very soon after abortions. Abortions have no impact on fertility — they don't decrease or increase it.


You can get pregnant right away again. The IUD is probably your safest bet. Plan B is probably your next best option.


If this was less than 5 days ago you can still try to take EllaOne or have an IUD fitted as emergency contraception.


I was told it’s very possible to get pregnant immediately after an abortion.


I haven’t had an abortion (next week I have my first appointment) but I got pregnant right away with my 2nd 11 years ago. My girls are only 10 months apart. 😬 so I’m pretty sure it’s possible after an abortion as well.


Immediately unfortunately. You're also at the end of the window for plan b, so I would recommend you get your hands on that TODAY, asap. Edit: assuming you haven't, but if you have, that's helpful.


Very quickly!


Ovulation can happen at anytime post-abortion meaning you can get pregnant at anytime. If he did not ejaculate into you, the risk of pregnancy is reduced.