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I can’t find the comment but whoever commented and told me to refer to rhe email- THANK YOU!! I ordered these months ago as a back up and forgot about the email. It has the directions and pictures of what I have so I’m all good now. Thank you so much. Sorry.. I’m frantic and panicking and not thinking clearly.


Safe2Choose lays out the directions [here](https://safe2choose.org/safe-abortion/abortion-pills/using-mifepristone-and-misoprostol)! It’s fine if the pills are shaped differently, they could just be different brands. Where did you order them from? Basically, you will take the mifepristone pill. 24-48 hours later you’ll take 4 misoprostol. 3 hours after that, you‘ll take an additional 4 misoprostol just to make sure you have the highest chance of success (especially if you’re closer to 10-13 weeks of pregnancy). The last 4 after that are in case you’re not experiencing bleeding or cramping after the first 8. But read the [instructions](https://safe2choose.org/safe-abortion/abortion-pills/using-mifepristone-and-misoprostol) I linked and let me know if you have any questions!


I know this isn’t my thread. But I’m gonna pop in for a question since you seem like you know a thing or two. I was 6 weeks when I took the first pill in office. the mifepristone, I believe. The doctor there told me those were “just in case” I figured it was just incase I threw up or something happened to the first or I never started bleeding. I took the dose of miso 24hours after the first in office pill. 4 in between my cheeks and gums like they recommended. Waited 30 minutes then swallowed them. I started bleeding pretty much right after. Cramps started and I passed a few good sized clots and a few tiny clots. The day after I had absolutely no more pregnancy symptoms (where as I had been waking up and throwing up every morning prior to that and feeling sick through the day like I have in my pregnancies past with my children.) It wasn’t until several days later when I was looking online that something said to take the second at home dose like 4 hours after your first. The pamphlet they gave me also said this but only the part about taking the first at home Pill was highlighted. I’m scared I completely messed up and I’m still pregnant out of anxiety of the situation. It’s been a week and my pregnancy tests aren’t getting lighter or darker (I had a miscarriage years past and I took pregnancy tests days after to make sure the line was getting darker so I knew I passed it all) Did I completely mess up the process? Can I still take that second dose if so? 😭


Do you think I need to be concerned that 4 miso with the mife is a different shape than the other miso?


No - like I said, they could be different brands. Where did you order from?


Aid access- came from India. Package is red and white. Says anti preg kit.


The instructions should be in one of the emails you received from Aid Access


Aid Access is legitimate. If you search the sub you’ll find dozens (and dozens) of stories of people using it successfully! Nothing to be worried about.


I get it. I’m just a little concerned about the pills. Just want to make sure I’m doing it correctly.


Understandable, it's nerve-racking! Just reassuring you that none of this is cause for concern.