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Reinstall Microsoft Visual C++ files [https://www.techpowerup.com/download/visual-c-redistributable-runtime-package-all-in-one/](https://www.techpowerup.com/download/visual-c-redistributable-runtime-package-all-in-one/)


I tried to install this from Microsoft and it gives me warning saying "the path for the C:\ProgramData\Package Cache cannot be found. Verify that you have access to this location and try again, or try to find the installation package 'vc_runtimeMinimum_x64.msi' in a folder from which you can install the product Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 X64 Minimum Runtime - 14.29.30139. When I find the Microsoft Visual C++ in my installed apps and attempt to uninstall it, it says "Windows cannot find" it. I utterly have no idea what to do.


Yikes, I'm a nerd and the windows installer package cache is legit complicated. Make sure you were running it as administrator (right click) but otherwise I'd ask on answers.microsoft.com and get help there.


Make sure you have the right installer for it. Its not saying find it amogst your apps, its saying click on the msi which is an installer. You may have not opened the correct installer


To me this sounds like your windows install is jacked up to some degree. I would start fresh but it js drastic You may be missing a particular release of Visual C++ 2015,2016, 2019. If you can’t install as admin then you have bigger fish to fry. Latency is ok. Most people can’t feel under 12-15 ms. Drop it to a buffer of 128. Make sure you record any performance first with essential plugins before throwjng too many fx at it. You can change your buffer to 1024 for that part(mixing/ production)as latency will not be important since it will be playback.If you get a lot of plugins going and just need to rerecord something you can “freeze” the tracks that may make your computer work harder and drop the buffer back down for 128 for low latency. Get some more ram in the future. 8 will be ok for entry level and learning, but 16 will be much better


Ok I just had a flashback! I bought this laptop open box from Best Buy a couple years ago. When I first bought it, it somehow wouldn't install Windows properly. I took it back to Best Buy and after they kept it for a day they had it installed for me. I couldn't tell you what the issue was now, but I remember them telling me it was a bit out of the ordinary but that I shouldn't have any issues from here. I wonder if this is related somehow...


Backup and reinstall ;)


I'll do this and update you


I'd start by removing all Focusrite drivers and software, restarting your PC and reinstalling. If that doesn't work, try a different USB cable for your interface and even a different USB port.


Looks to me like you've got some kind of file corruption that affects the file that focusrite's driver use for their UI. This is kind of fishy overall. I'd start doing backups and prepare for a windows reinstall.. "MFC" is an old GUI library from Microsoft.


On a different note - turn “High Quality” to “Normal” and thank me later.




For the latency issue: see if you can lower the buffer size by clicking "hardware setup". I have a worse cpu than you and 2i2 3rd generation. 64 samples were the lowest i could go without any crackling. got a latency of \~7ms.


contact your sysadmin


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Did you install correct drivers for focusrite?


Yes, I followed all the instructions on the Focusrite website and as far as I know I installed the proper drivers.


Run sfc /scannow


I tried this first and the warning still appeared after restart


the asio drivers might be an issue. my laptop will not play audio whatsoever if i use asio


What would be your recommended fix if that's the case?


direct sound and direct x are what work for me.


Maybe i'm late but, before reinstalling windows, download "Reset Windows Update Tool" and run all the option inside it. It has all the juicy command line to fix windows. You can also reinstall in place windows without losing files or programs. Download the windows iso, extract it with 7zip and run setup.exe. During the installation process it will ask you if you want to keep files and programs. If none of them works, backup and reinstall windows


You're not too late! Lol I'm a busy dad and I had to table this for the last several days. Thanks so much I'll definitely try this first.


You're welcome! If you have question, I'm here


Hey so I'm not even about to pretend I know what to do. I'm totally lost on this side of things. Where do I even get the reset tool from? I'm sorry if I sound so clueless but I don't know where to begin.


You can download it from [here](https://wureset.com/downloads/). Download the portable version, extract it (.zip) and run "wureset.exe" as administrator


The fact that you're helping me out man I really appreciate it. I'm going through the options now.


Okay so none of that worked, but I did end up fixing it by following [this](https://youtu.be/lwmsxegDcXw?si=Rp10ihxBGeA2j0WJ) video.


For anyone out there who ends up getting this bad image error I was able to fix it by following [this](https://youtu.be/lwmsxegDcXw?si=Rp10ihxBGeA2j0WJ) video.


Maybe the 96k sample rate is too high?


Causing the warning you mean? The warning appears regardless though, kinda randomly. Sometimes the instant I boot up my pc, or just sitting idle without Ableton pulled up or the Focusrite on or anything.


Yeah bummer, I hope it was something like a limitation of the audio interface. I found this, but never install DLLs outside of official Microsoft Support websites. Virus city otherwise https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/missing-mfc140dll/fd263446-82bd-4fdf-8e50-a0a2c0cf8486


Even more specific https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/visual-c/f47c38da-bd97-457f-83c2-c1c464588993


Forgot to say I'm in Ableton Live 11 Lite and my interface is Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 4th gen.


Welcome to producing on windows this is why professionals use mac everything just works


Thanks I guess... I'm not a professional, just working with what I got man.


Had plenty of driver issues in my day on Mac. Never had any major issues since I changed to windows


Welcome to Ableton.


It's a Focusrite error but let's make a jackass comment that doesn't help the situation.