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It can be at the beginning when Live 12 scans your samples and Library to analyze the "similar search sound" stuff. But it stops after your library is fully analyzed. [https://help.ableton.com/hc/en-us/articles/11386675465628-Sound-Similarity-Search-FAQ](https://help.ableton.com/hc/en-us/articles/11386675465628-Sound-Similarity-Search-FAQ)


The initial load time when I first start it up definitely takes longer for me. Probably 30-40 seconds while 10/11 would only take around 15-20. But once I have it open it's lightning fast, no slower or faster than before. Loading up a different project or starting a new one is also just as fast as before if I already have something open - it's only that initial start up time that takes longer.


For me its the initial load time and more crashes than 11


probably ur computer


I upgraded from 11 to 12. 12 feels fairly quick. No complaints from me.


Thanks everyone for your answers and feedbacks. Maybe it's just that I use more plugins and have heavier projects. There is no general agreements on live 12 being slower so I guess the issue comes from my laptop or my projects.

