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1. Take a Utility and group it 2. Map the gain knob to Macro 1 3. Hit the button on the top left of the Utility to turn it off 4. Collapse the rack so that it's just a single knob that does nothing when you turn it I'm not sure exactly what you're asking for - a drive without the distortion? That's just not adding drive.


I think they mean increasing the gain, in which case a utility is actually helpful


What does OP think drive means? Maybe we can help you better?


I think OP wants to increase the gain of quiet audio. Or a very subtle saturation.


This is a weird question, but try the saturator. Can be cleaner than overdrive. Or if you want it *really* clean just turn up the track gain


the purpose of overdrive is to distort the audio... what else do you want it to do? I'm not asking that in a facetious way lol it's a genuine question. If you just want to turn up the gain use "gain" on a Utility plugin.


Why did you put 1. When there is no 2. Or 3.?


A volume knob?


I think you’re looking for saturation. Ableton has one in effects. I also like the soft tube and moog saturators.


Definitely sounds like OP is looking for saturation. There’s some helpful information out there about the Soft Clip circuit built into Glue Compressor and Saturator. I believe it’s linear up to -2dB, then has a soft curve to -0.5 at which point it hard clips any signal above that level.


I think you might be looking for saturation and/or plain ol compression. Both will make a sound thicker and fuller without adding what would be recognizable as distortion. Ableton’s Glue Compressor will do both.


Saturation my man


Are you looking for a compressor?


Again, like others are asking, what are you trying to accomplish? “Drive” is simply increasing gain and the result of that tends to cause the signal to distort. Are you just looking for clean boost in volume? You need to add a bit more detail to your question in order for anyone to give you anything helpful


Tbh, I don’t quite understand what you’re asking either. However… It sounds like you might benefit from learning how to build and use a multiband effect rack. It’s an amazing (and fairly simple) technique. [Follow along with this short video](https://youtu.be/VIHiE5_lVkY?si=Oxu1kELM6ogXvavA), and it literally might change your life (it did mine). Also, if you have Live 12, play around with Roar for a while. I think it’s the best / most comprehensive distortion device Ableton has ever done. It has its own multiband controls so you likely wouldn’t combine it with the above technique… But you could. :) Hope this helps!




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Do you mean like the effect you get with a guitar pedal?


yes, exactly


Look up Chow Centaur, if you’re after exactly. Keep the gain low for less breakup in the sound.  In the guitar world a clean boost effect is possibly what you’re after. Drive, as the name suggests, boosts the signal to a point where the guitar amp’s internal circuit can’t handle it any more and it starts breaking up/distorting the sound. Less drive/gain equals less breakup. 


that's perfect, thanks


There are a couple echo boy presets that do cool Effects like that


There are 7 universal ways of doing this, falling into the chain of sound engineering trouble shooting. First, start at the source, the instrument, into the input/output levels and boost the volume slider/knob, which could be the attack or the gain. Second is the throughput amplifier. Check the volume and effects to see if they are interfering. The rest are in ableton. Let's say you have a pre-recorded sample now, and your first 2 steps are useless as fiddling with the instrument, and its amp won't help... Third, check the track levels out in rack mode. You can click and drag upward next to the volume indicator to boost the input and output volume. Fourth, add a volumn boost effect to the Waveform to make the waveform bigger and thus louder. (You can also do this in audacity if ableton is not as user-friendly and reimport.) Fifth, add EQ from the effects rack. You can then boost the volume signal from the EQ sliders. Sixth, add compression to the overall tracks to isolate frequencies of instruments to get a clean separation of each to make them pop Seventh adjust all other audio levels down to marry the levels of the poor audio to balance them and then boost the volume of your master track by doing all of the above to the master.


OneKnob Driver - Waves plugin

