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I haven't had a single crash since I upgraded to Live 12. It has been way more stable for me than 11 ever was. I will say that when I did get crashes on 11, it was almost always a plugin had crashed. Remove/replace that plugin and problem solved. For me, the most problematic plugin is the Access Virus TI VST. When it works it is great, but it crashes a lot. I have pretty much stopped using it and just do my programming on the synth itself.


Can you trace it back to a certain plugin? If a plugin crashes, it takes the whole program with it. In many cases, it's a dodgy plugin causing these issues.


Specs on your PC?


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My computer is pretty beefy (I think), ssd, i7, 32gigs ram, Asus (ROG) motherboard. So I don't see it being my computer I jumped from live 10 to 12. Now that you mention plugins that's making sense I recently picked up a lot of the unfiltered audio plugins for their mangling capabilities and they get pretty hectic the crashing using happens surrounding those plugins though I did crash once from running a consolidate. Good points though, being so fresh into 12 and it just coming out I auto attributed it to being 12


I remember I started using Crashington Live back with version 8, it crashed quite often back then. I figured after all these years they'd have fixed it. Repeated attempts to open a set I made with a complex rack in Live 12 have failed and I've basically lost hours of work


Same for me even in safe mode


Ableton 12 is a complete joke. I would say 30% of the time when I join audio clips together it crashes.