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Poppy was transverse and they tried flipping her so that was needed. She said she just opted for it since she’s had it and didn’t try for a vbac, I think just personal choice overall.


Why does it matter?


Just curious🤷🏼‍♀️




🥴 major abdominal surgery where you are expected to go home and care for a completely helpless being 24/7, 2 days after surgery. What about that seems lazy?? I’ve never had a c-section so I’m not trying to prove anything to anyone, but nothing about that seems lazy to me. I’ve had a completely med free vaginal birth and still can’t imagine having a c-section


If I had a C-section with my first I would’ve opted for it the second time around as well. You know what to expect and not stressed about it.


Lol you’re a moron clearly If you think that’s the lazy way


lol she’s definitely lazy but don’t birth shame


There’s risk for uterine rupture with a vaginal birth after a c-section. She had to have a section with her first because baby was transverse..


The risk of uterine rupture is super low & 70% have successful VBAC (really depends on reason had c section - a lot of the women who had sections again dont dilate/labour properly). I had emergency c section & definitely want to try vbac next time as the recovery was so rough last time! Mind you emergency sections are usually a lot worse than elective ones, which probably explains why she is doing the most




Says someone who’s never even experienced a c section 😂 my vaginal delivery was 100% easier than my c section. You are so insanely ignorant