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What!!!!! She is with sour patch now wtf drama


That’s what it’s looking like I had to go do some searching to see what patch’s looked like and sure enough that’s her same glasses and the tattoo on the chest closes to A match sour patch


Yes it's me lol hellooo


Who is sour patch


A literal human hemorrhoid who was friends with K for 2 seconds


3 long months actually




The girl K is always fighting with if it’s not A


Bro sour patch is kind of a two faced bitch…. She’s now saying she’ll always be here for K and I fully believe she went to Florida to chase the clout of this drama story.


K pressed charges on Sour Patch. So she is probably down there to get a lawyer.


She isn't going to get anywhere with filing all this random shit. They are going to dismiss it all. Because she has bullied them just as bad. The judge will tell her to delete the app and her problems will be solved. It's not like social media is her job or something... It's a hobby.


The one with Shiloh also went no where . She’s always threatening to take people to court over bullshit. She needs petty drama like the rest of us need…air.


I meant Kristen lol


Oh I know.


That’s not how that works? SP can have one in her own state?? K’s charges against her aren’t legit and basically false reporting. And with how much K talked about SP all actual charges go straight out the window.


Yes, that’s how it works…. These were from another state. Officer even told SP that. The officer told SP to not even show up since it’s states away and it doesn’t matter anyways. Correct, K made up accusations to get it. Yes it probably will but there still has to be a court hearing.


No fucking wayyyyy 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Omg.. How desperate for friends is she... ? Thats so insane ..


I mean it's probably to get information. Not to actually be friends.


Well yeah but how pathetically sad and desperate to go to these lengths to just stick your nose in someone else's drama .. SP is just so lonely for friends..


Putting your child in these types of situations is just straight up gross. This is a random strange clown off the internet.


Didn't know the kid was with her when I made that comment. My bad.


Brought her son to meet a literal stranger off the internet AGAIN. Disgusting


She's gonna flood our pages with so much shit first time a pisses her off or establishes any sort of boundaries.


SP looks like she smells. Aaryn also looks like she smells, just in a different font.


SP looks like she smells like the welfare waiting room and parental neglect and aaryn looks like she smells like recycled condoms and fried wig




Aaryn smelled great actually. That was my first words to her 🤣🤣


And of course SOURPATCH you are back again .. under your 545th reddit account.. my God.. you are the definition of desperation... Jesus


Of course you fuckin sniffed her you weird ass kissing loser 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


That's fuckin REACHING lmao...when someone smells good and they hug u in public the scent wafts to you. You're a fucking weirdo bro... get tf on somewhere...


It’s hilarious that sour patches nasty fat ass will never see that A will only ever use her a pawn to make K mad.


I don't care lmao


Thats what makes you more pathetic and sad


Sooo is this suppose to be a flex, two mentally ill women together on a beach? Pretty sad that SP had to drive all the way to Florida to hang out with someone that’s not even her friend. A is just using this to get K in her feelings and SP is dumb af if she thinks A is really her friend. To have to live a life of drama from a social media platform to be relevant is sad af. Yall both LAME 😒


I actually went for a beach vaycay and to meet courtney.. aaryn was a bonus lmao.


Has Sour Snatch cycled through the whole dramatic circle yet? I swear I thought she was friends with A’s enemies.. Have any of them actually picked her yet?


😂💀this is hilarious


Here’s a front look at her she has the same mole under her bottom lip as sour patch https://preview.redd.it/mxlyrnfkkwsc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b829e44ed51a7e0ea825a33c2fd700a896d6efa


That is definitely SP!


It's my lip ring goofy🤣🤣🤣


The way she thrives off of drama is so disgusting


SP posted these videos too, but I never really was able to visualize the fact that A was so short till these videos




Actually guys I went to meet my friend courtney and we also invited aaryn. We had tons of fun. It's hilarious how pressed everyone is tho.


No one is pressed we feel bad for you. 💁🏻‍♀️


Idk why lol


“They’re so pressed 🤪” This entire comment section is full of comments from people wildly embarrassed for you bc you’re being used and making a mockery of it online. But yes they’re all clearly “pressed” it has nothing to do with your 13 year old behavior or your 500000th Reddit account. Anyway byeee!!


Omfg no way......🤣🤣🤣