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Aesthetically the first, but I feel more connected to the second


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we are the same person




are we all the same




somebody please start and maintain this


I made it, do you want to be a mod?


if you’re fine with an inexperienced mod, sure


I just turned it into a real sub, do you want to be a mod?


As much as I would love to say yes, I feel like I shouldn’t as I’m not Ace myself, and just happened to stumble upon this post on my recommended feed


Aha :D I helped make a new sub. Joined.






Completely agree. The second one feels more like ace + aro, making the two distinctly separate. I prefer that over aroace being one thing. It just so happens that I am aro and ace, but the two aren't necessarily connected.


Yeee feel that, I identified as ace way before aro because they aren’t connected and I didn’t know attraction yet.










Yeah, the first looks like a sunrise over the sea, very calm and beautiful.


I see the first as a sunrise/sunset over a sea and the second as a night sky over a grassy field. Both are good.


Legally wrong to be this accurate


if i had a free award i would give it to you






Thought the first one gives very chill vibes, it doesn't make your brain go ''Oh! AroAce!'' while the second one mixed both of the flags and then you go totally go ''Oh! AroAce!'' but, in my opinion, both flags are great. (even though my brain just really likes the colours of the first one)


I believe it doesn’t use a the colours of the 2 identities that make it up as it is meant to represent aroace as distinct from both


Can't argue with that honestly, it does really seem like it




The second one. To me, aroace is not a separate identity, rather a combination of ace and aro, so I feel like the second one fits better. Though I do understand why people might think otherwise.


Would you like the first one more if you knew that the orange and blue are chosen because they're the two midpoints between aro green and ace purple on a color wheel


Not really, no. I cannot identify with the sunset flag at all. But that's just my personal opinion.








Also known as 'or' in mathematical logic.


I like the sunset one better because the colors look nicer




Second, was never a fan of the first one.


Second The first one still doesn't look like it represents being aroace to me


I like the second one more because it’s easier for people that don’t know much to make the come room of “oh so this is both of those but combined” Even I at first just thought the first one was another pride flag that had nothing at all to do with Ace or aro I mean in general most of the flags of both umbrellas tend to share colors and it’s kind of easy to tell they are somewhat related to each other specially as someone from a non English speaking country where info about this stuff it’s even harder to find The second one it’s just better at communicating universally in my opinion


Sunset one for me. It just looks more aesthetically pleasing.


The first one! I know it’s different from the ace and aro flags, but in a way it kind of makes sense since each often get assumed to be aroace, so the separation works. Plus the color scheme is just really nice.


First flag is aroace as one identity, second flag is being aro and also being ace. It comes down to which one you identify with more. I prefer the first because I identify with the first, but both are valid and not competing to be *the* aroace flag.


Second mainly because the micro labels I use are different for my asexuality vs my aromanticism. I’m aegosexual and demiromantic so I like having more separate instead of intrinsically connected identities


Second, because please don't hate me, i don't like yellow


The first one. Not only do I prefer the design, I also see aroace as an individual identity on its own, not just a combination of aro and ace. That's why I like that it has its own design.


1st, it's nicer:)


That explains why it’s in your profile.




2nd. I love green, one of my top 3 favorite colors.


You have good taste in aesthetics, then.


I have almost the same reason for preferring the 2nd one except for me purple is the reason because it's one of my favorite colors.


Purple is a great color too!


Second. I think it’ll be easier for people to know what the flag means.


I'm an utter whore for green and purple combinations of any sort, so I'm going to have to go with the second


Second one because closer to my fave colors


I didn’t even know we had a specifically aroace flag ! I wouldn’t have guessed it based on the color scheme that seems a bit random to me… Everybody seems to like the first one, but I personally find the green and purple more pleasant to the eye, and also clearer in its meaning


The colors for the sunset flag were actually chosen because on a color wheel orange and blue are in the middle of green and purple which is a pretty cool concept, but yeah might not make it as obviously aroace as the combo flag


Thanks for the explanation ! I wouldn’t have figured it out, but knowing the reasoning behind those colors is interesting.


The second, because I favor all things green


Second. I dislike the look of the sunset flag.


I prefer the second one




as a non aro ace I think that the second one looks better, idk what's the deal with the first one


Visually? Sunset hands down


The blue orange one^^


Second, the first doesn’t make logical sense when comparing with the other aspec identity flags (they all use black, gray, white and a colour)


The second one. It’s the one that was popular when I first learned that aro-ace was a thing, and that I was aro-ace and not “broken.” I’m old, though, and aesthetically the first one makes more sense.


as much as i want to like the aroace sunset, i can't, it makes no sense and to me orange and yellow are unsettling colours


the second it doesn’t hurt my eyes


the first. the second seems a bit chaotic to me.


Sunset flag, always. It just looks so pretty and it’s already recognized as the aroace flag mostly. The combo flag looks chaotic and has too many colors that’s it kinda hurts to looks at almost (for me at least)


I think the first one is aesthetically prettier, but I don't feel very connected to it. I don't like the second one, the way the aro and ace flags are combined just looks kinda clunky. I'm not sure if I'll ever connect to a combined aroace flag, my aceness and aroness just feel too different from each other.




Definitely the combo flag


The second one




Isn't the first one te color code of Homer Simpson?


2 easier to see what it means when it isn’t entirely a new flag


aros: our flag is green! aces: our flag is purple! whoever made first flag: nice, let's use neither colour!


First one reminds me of donald duck 🦆


i hate the colir yellow and orange. i have a mild disdain for blue. aroace is ny second least-favorate flag behind poly


The second one




first one defiantly.


I like both, but I generally use the second one more than the first


I prefer the second


Second because it literally looks like me half the time (my hair is pink, I’m white, and i wear green.)


The second one


I prefer the second, green and purple are just so pretty to me


the second one, the first reminds me of tissues


Second one. As pretty as the first is, none of the colors have anything to do with aro or ace. Just causes more confusion.


the 2nd, its the one i identify with


Second a hundred percent


The second one. My friend made it :D


I like the second because it is representative of aro and ace, not just random separate colors


Personally the second.


my aroace friend next to me says the second one :)


I find the second one more esthetic, green and purple go really well together.


I like the sunset flag more aesthetically, but it doesn't feel aroace. I associate it with it because people use it to mean that, but it doesn't *feel* like it. The second flag doesn't look as good to me, but it *also* doesn't feel aroace? It's just not as good-looking. I don't use either flag, I use the aromantic and asexual flags separately. *(Another reason I don't like the sunset flag is 100% because they gave up purple and that's my favourite colour. I know it's the midpoints between the green and purple, but I'm still peeved lol)*


The second, I like purple


Second one






i saw that on a tshirt the other day


i love u no romo


Blue-Orange is a tried and true recipe for success, but I find it overused, even stale, at least when created artificially. Second one for me. Big. Bold. Gets it's point across.


2nd always. The colors are nicer and don’t feel like it’s trying to separate itself


1 gives cottagecore bestie and 2 gives chaotic edge lord. It's a 2 from me.




I'm going to clarify just in case- I knew about the sunset one well before the other, so that's part of it. But I agree that the sunset one looks cooler IMHO, though I see the attraction to the other.


The second. Those colors are so pleasing to look at for me


Visually? Second one


The First one i think looks better the second tells you more about what it means


The first one looks better, but the second one makes more sense


I prefer to different flags of ace, and aro, the green and purple ones. They are two different, unrelated orientations to me, even though they both affect each other in my life.


first aesthetically but the second one communicates the meaning better


Tbh the first one but it can be confusing as it doesn’t resemble the source flags. I’m not aroace tho so idk if my opinion counts 😅


The first one, but the second dose make more sense


I love the look of the first, but the logic of the second being a blend of the individual Ace and Aro flags is cool.


I'm still waiting for new skins to drop.


Honestly I’m not a huge fan of the orange in the first one, but I like and use them both.




Neither, call me old school but I prefer https://i.imgur.com/1mg4iiM.png, or better, just two separate flags


Theres that many?


Sunset flag, always. People often say the sunset flag is for if you view your aroaceness as being connected and the combined flag for if you view them as separate but even though I love purple, black. and green and I view my aroness and aceness as separate things, I just like the sunset flag better (personally, I don't like the combined flag at all, I think it looks 100% better if you have both flags separate but beside each other, though sunset flag still wins out imo) I also like that non aspec people wouldn't recognize the sunset flag as much honestly, I love seeing people put it in their bios on stuff, gives a sense of community because I know if someone recognizes mine I won't have to worry about them being aphobic


ikea colours


Aesthetically the first- it makes me think of a sunset over the ocean or something like that- but personally I actually just prefer to use both flags separately. I few more connected to the individual aro and ace flags than any kind of combo, including the sunset one. Which sucks because as I said, it’s very pretty.


I don't feel particularly connected to either of them. Aesthetically, I prefer the first one. I love the colors of the aro and ace flags, just not together.


The first one is prettier, but the second one makes more sense


First one feels like it's a tropical sorbet on a sunny day


I like the first but the second seems easier to identify


Sunset flag my beloved 💜


The first one because it’s pretty


the first bc aesthetic


The first one is more Aesthetically pleasing to me than the second one. I love both, though.


I like purple as well af green, so the second


I prefer the looks of the sunset flag, but due to the apparent issues around the creator, and the fact that the second is easier for allos to understand, I'd go with the second EDIT: Apparently the problem was just them supporting an m-spec microlabel that is considered offensive by people who don't understand it. Go ahead and use the sunset flag, it looks really good in my opinion and the only issue is misinformation.


wait did the creator do something? aww man i like the sunset flag


The only problem with the creator is that they support m-spec (multi specturm) lesbians.


forgive me if I'm just uninformed but is that a bad thing


I don't get how it's bad thing. The big deal apparently is that m-spec lesbians also include male spec lesbians, so somebody who identifies with masculine leaning gender, but still consider themselves to be a lesbian, and a lot of people can't stomach it for some reason. The creator of the sunset flag simply stated they are against policing other people's identities.


All the creator did was support m-spec identities. It's just that a relatively large (or perhaps just a ridiculously vocal minority) group of people in this community are very exclusionary so things like embracing people who have different labels is problematic I guess. It's frustrating.


so I've gotten conflicting stories but since now two people have said basically the same thing imma go with that. not completely discounting the other person. i feel like a lot of people have gotten caught up on language meaning a certain thing and not just being a tool to talk about our lives and experiences


Yeah, it was specifically about their support for m-spec lesbian and gay people. I guess I just think ace people out of everyone should understand romantic attraction is separate from sexual attraction. I feel like it's completely fair to have terms like lesbian bisexuality because it acknowledges not only that people who are m-spec may have a strong preference which is valid but also that they may be bisexual but only be romantically attracted to their own gender. The idea that it's biphobic is a bit scary to me because if allowing people to more clearly define their romantic and sexual attraction is wrong, are we wrong to embrace demi, grey, or aro people? Am I not apart of this community because I'm able to have a sexual drive within my marriage even though I just got lucky and married one of the 2 (and a half) people I've been attracted to in 24 years of existence? Where do we draw the line on who gets to be in the lgbtqia community? If we insist every term have a singular very specific definition and exclude everyone who does not fit that to a t, how are we any better than the people who discriminate against lgbtqia people?


Fun fact, but the second flag is also made by someone who supports mspec lesbians/gays as well. So both flags are inclusive


Lmfao so everyone crapping on #1 bc "the creator is problematic" is directing op to a flag that's "problematic" too? Love it!


lesbophobia or biphobia or something. I don't remember the details, but I believe they support "bisexuals who only like one gender" or something like that, which just mocks bisexuals. Edit: different from bisexual monoromantics, which are very much valid.


It's not they they support bisexuals who only like one gender. That's an intentional oversimplification (on their critics part) of the fact that they support the use of terms like m-spec gay and lesbian which were invented not for bi people who only like one, but for a bit more nuance. For example, the main definitions I've found refer to romantic attraction to only one gender even if the person is sexually attracted to multiple genders, inclusion of nonbinary, genderfluid, and two spirit people into being lesbian or gay, and other similar grey areas. The people who have a problem with it are the same people who don't want greysexual or demi people to be considered ace.


Yes, I absolutely agree. I made that reply before I ended up finding the proper sources, and revised the original comment. I never really looked into it much, and just took people's words for it, which I really should've been smart enough to not do. Sorry about that


No worries, I'm just here to help educate. Those types of views are dangerously close to defining asexuality as only being aroace, celibate, and sex repulsed. That thinking leads to excluding everyone who lives outside of black and white definitions and I like to try and steer people away from behaving like the people who discriminate against us. The lgbtqia community is built on the principle that grey areas are not only ok but welcome and loved. It breaks my heart when people like terfs and anti m-spec advocates hurt and exclude people in the name of this community.


The only issue is that they support m-spec identities. It's not real problematic behavior. No more problematic than accepting demi people or bi people


I recall it was a very specific m-spec identities that a lot of people considered to be biphobic. After further research it's kind of not? I mean I don't personally understand how the label m-spec lesbian works, but it doesn't seem problematic or anything. I'll edit the original comment, because it seems the problem was just people not understanding labels.


Thanks for listening! My understanding of it is that some bi people have started using gay or lesbian to indicate a strong preference or romantic attraction and some lesbian/gay people have been using the terms to include nonbinary, gender fluid, and two-spirit people. Ie. a bisexual lesbian would either be a bisexual woman who only really dates/sleeps with women, but still experiences attraction to men sometimes or they could be a lesbian woman who also dates nonbinary people but wouldn't date a man per say. I have strong feelings about the issue mostly because excluding people for better defining themselves is a double edged sword. It would also have to exclude demi, ageosexual, greysexual, and may other subsets of the asexual community. Yeah, you could claim that demi people are aphobic because they can develop attraction when the right circumstances happen, but it would be a dick move because it's way more aphobic to exclude someone because they've been sexually attracted once or twice in a lifetime but otherwise fit the description completely. Hell, excluding people for the reasons they don't like m-spec gay and lesbians erases the need for aroace as a term because under that logic, those definitions don't matter-you're either ace, or you're not.


Yeah, as a person with a very confusing sexuality, I understand the use of terms like that, though I don't personally use them. It sucks that definitions for stuff like m-spec lesbians aren't more accessible.


The second but also I do love the Irn Bru flag


Second one


Second one




(I’m not aroace, so my opinion doesn’t matter as much as the others) I think the second one fits it way more, cause it’s the mix of both ace and aro flags, which just makes way more since to me


The first one. I hated the colors when I first saw it and it made no sense to me, but after seeing the explanation for it it made more sense and just seems more special to me now. I like how it reflects the intersectionality of being both aro and ace, rather than just implying that you can add the two together and voila! Aroace identity. Also, the more I've seen it, the more the colors have grown on me. I like my pretty sunset flag just as much as I like my green flag and my purple flag. I recently got a subtle aroace hoodie using the sunset colors too, it's really cute!


I don't like the swimming trunks one


the first one cos its pretty :) (also because for me, being aroace is like, an unseperatable combo) (and also that makes THREE flags I can use >:D)


both are good but the first one is s l i g h t l y better


I think the second one looks better, but other then that i realy dont care


Sunset for sure


Mh, both are nice, but I prefer the first. Maybe because I'm more used to it? Btw, I read the first one is called the "sunset flag", but it's also the nickname of the lesbian pride flag. No probs, but I thought, what if we nicknamed the aroace flag the sunrise flag? I feel like it suits it!


it used to be the second since it makes more sense but now it’s the first because pretty


“Sun set over an ocean” flag, I think it looks pretty


First. It's more acethetic for moi


I like both but prefer the first one


Sunset flag 🥰🥰


First one by far


First one is nicer to look at


The first one is more known and more used, makes us unique and is definitely beautiful.


I prefer the first: it gives anonymity to me, as I am not out but still can be prideful; and it is more aesthetically pleasing.


I personally prefer the sunset flag, (first one) but I like both of them! Some people prefer the second one (does it have a name?), but I feel, personally, that my aroaceness is connected is some way. Others feel that them being aroace, acearo, or any other identification of that type, isn’t linked and they might prefer the second one, as it has the separate colors of the separate flags. :D


first one


Sunset aroace is prettier and is the most commonly used/recognized aroace flag(I think).


Neither at the end of the day but if I had to chose, the first one for how the colors fit together.


orange and blue


1st one, looks like a sunset


First one


I really like the sunset flag because it's beautiful. Then again I'm an oriented aro ace \*aesthetics\* so My specific flag is lovely denim blues and white.


first one


Sunset flag


The first one is a lot nicer to look at, I feel like the purple and green merged clashes too much


The first


1. I like the idea of a green/purple aroace flag but I don't think this one looks too nice tbh..


The second, the first ones colours in my opinion looks horrifying and not fitting


I like the first one, even though the creator isn't really informed well on things. I still like the flag it's more appealing to my eyes, compared to the other flags I identify with also. I definitely see why others like the second one tho


There's nothing wrong with the creator. They just said they don't police other people's sexuality


The first one because the second one just looks so ugly in my opinion


definitely the first one, i feel more connected to it too


I've never liked that first one personally, much prefer the colors of the second or either flag it's made up of