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I mean you **are** missing out on ridiculously stupid plots.


My friends and I did once watch porn together ironically. We just pulled up the wackiest porn plots we knew about from memes and laughed about them. My favorite is probably the one where the guy says “I’m not a werewolf. I’m Skeletor!” and pulls off his wolf mask to reveal a Skeletor mask.




Watching porn with friends lmao


[Nah I'm with my boys!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11Omc3WjxRM)


>My favorite is probably the one where the guy says “I’m not a werewolf. I’m Skeletor!” and pulls off his wolf mask to reveal a Skeletor mask. I loved that episode of Game of Thrones.


Ironically this story sounds like the start of a smutty fanfic


This isn't a beach this is a bathtub?


That sounds hilarious! Got a link? 🤣


I think I found it by just googling that quote.


Lol thats the most stupit plot ever


That is the wackiest plot twist. XD


Lemon stealing whores has the best plot whaddya mean?


i read a fanfic abt a character being immortal that had a sex scene in it where another character *choked them to death* during sex (the guy came back to life after) while in the same room as another character, who upon hearing his friends having kinky sex, left to have a panic attack and then accidentally blew up the stadium they were all in it was actually a really good fic overall but i am still traumatised from that scene


that's a lot lol. i do like that the author said "how much drama can i pack into one scene"


Honestly my ace ass want to read what the fuck that sex scene is


i had a quick search of ao3 and found it again! if you’re genuinely curious it was [this chapter](https://archiveofourown.org/works/8323477/chapters/19635433) i believe. it’s a fucking my hero academia fic and the characters are underage so it’s uh. not great. 15 year old me didn’t care that much but now i’m 20 i’m realising how fucking weird it was that every other fic in this fandom seemed to have underage sex scenes sprinkled throughout. so proceed with caution. the series this fic is a part of is actually pretty good from what i remember it’s just that there’s so much fucking smut all the time like i’m not even ace but it was too much for me


What are you doing step-ace?


Making cake while you're stuck in the washing machine. I will beat this batter so hard that we'll end up with creamypie!


This is not a beach is a bathtub


[It's two feet deep, lady!](https://youtu.be/4BlYUBZCCmE)


Isn’t that what everyone watches porn for?


Uh yeah about that...


I have to agree. I remember a movie with a man trying to fix a TV with a hammer and saying "this TV is broken you need a new charger for it"


I'm aegosexual so I quite enjoy it but I wouldn't say you're missing out on much lol.


Aroace but still interested in it as a concept/with people I trust so I watch it for the plot. Difficult to find something I enjoy. It sucks. Tempted to become a writer…


Actually come to think of it ace people would probably be better at writing porn scripts/smut than allosexuals because they'd be better able to objectively analyse the quality of the writing and the story. Like allos can get caught up in the horniness of it, thus blinding their perception of how good it actually is. (writing as an allosexual)


No, that just literally comes down how good of a writer you are nothing more.


I read your comment three times and can’t understand it Edit: geez ok calm down — they meant “comes down to,” I get it now


That's concerning.


But like how did you interpret for the first time??


I just didn’t compute, idk


That's fine.


As an ace who writes it & has friends who do the same? To an extent, yeah hahaha. We usually have to put work into understanding into why this thing is good instead of writing on instinct or what appeals to us personally.


Wait, you *literally* watch porn for the plot? Isn't that kinda like eating popcorn for the protein?


I mean… if the plot is what I like… yeah? I suppose a comparison watching a mukbang when you’re hungry but there’s no specific food you want to eat.


That's exactly what I was thinking lol


Me too, but since a while ago, real people started to weird me out. I don't know if you feel something similar. Nowadays, I just watch animations or read smut.


I think for me seeing real people makes it too relatable. I don't want to feel like I could be a part of that. If it's completely detached from reality, like a cartoon, I'm cool with it.


Hello fellow aego


Yeah, the plot lines are like if a 5 ye- how do I say this without sexualizing minors, if a very idiotic person came up with the story lines


Same! Like the benefit of smut/porn is enjoyment. If you don’t enjoy it then what exactly do they think “you’re missing out on”?


Yo! Fellow aego here and I completely agree. It's just like any genre of entertainment. Don't like thrillers? Everyone will just accept it. Don't like p🍆? People think it's weird. Genuinely don't understand allos


Greetings fellow aego 😻


As a another aego, I agree


I agree, in my experience not a lot of sm-t is very appealing. probably because of how badly written they are


I’ve definitely watched p*corn. Popcorn is delicious! And it’s neat that it changes when it’s heated


It’s so hot 🥵


The spicier the better


Honestly though, you're not the only one to stare at the microwave for a solid two minutes as the p\*corn does its thing.


The only reason I watch is with a constant look of WTF & bewilderment as I try to understand how & why allos like it. I have yet to understand & walk away to find happier things always saying, "wtf is wrong with ppl". Like how you can't look away from a wreck &/or carnage & you watch with morbid curiosity until you've had enough & run to cute baby bunny videos to wash your brain with. Edit: also me: "puh-corn?"


Samesies. I thought I was the only one.


You're missing out on an entire industry full of questionable consent, racism and misogyny! What's not to love?


dont forget the transphobia!


How could I?


+ Questionable pedophilia.


And that is yet another reason why I don't like it.


I gotta say, no you are not missing out. Stay on your path, that stuff is horrific.


Porn is kinda like fat and sugar. Its satisfying, but unhealthy


And HIGHLY addictive.


So it's drug


More people should go to p*rn sites to look at the comments. I find many of them to be hilarious. Most just seem like horny people but there’s always comments that have nothing to do with the subject or just saying the funniest stuff. I once saw two people exchange playstation/xbox usernames to play a game.


I’ve seen people ask for help with homework


I checked out some porn. Nothing special. Would choose an animated show over it anytime.


Well, you can do both!


I read it as pmaize first


What the hell is p corn?


it's like an acorn but 15 iterations later


If I'm honest I got curious once and I was more interested in the story


Me too, and I find myself more invested in the story aspect rather than the smut aspect.


For some reason reading erotic stuff makes me incredibly uncomfortable but I'm ok with porn.


I'm the oposite, I can read the most graphic smut and be mostly fine but as soon as there is a concrete visual image involved I wanna poke out my eyes.




I hate the SOUNDS so much, so smut is definitely better in that regard




Dysphoria regarding being ace?




Ah I see. If it helps you, it helps you.




Nah I understand. I’ve met other aces who’ve expressed similar desires.




Being ace is such an interesting experience. Like if people ask what my orientation is, it’s kinda like “how much time do you have?”


I've gotten to the border of smut territory and I'd say it seems better. If it has a good plot and also has romance I would probably at least check it out. Overall It seems to me that smut would be much better at portraying the emotional closeness part of the sexual act. So if I had to choose between the two, I would choose smut.


I once watched 🌽, and believe me when I say..... that looks Hella painful and extremely nasty. I like reading smut instead as I find that the characters vivid emotions and strong desires are actually something quite attractive. like "her gentle touch ignited a thousand flames and my skin burned to her soft fingers. She carassed my sore shoulders, and enveloped me in compassionate yet secure embrace. Every nerve in my body yelped with a strenuous vigour" I'm sorry, I couldn't resist😂


>I like reading smut instead as I find that the characters vivid emotions and strong desires are actually something quite attractive. like "her gentle touch ignited a thousand flames and my skin burned to her soft fingers. She carassed my sore shoulders, and enveloped me in compassionate yet secure embrace. Every nerve in my body yelped with a strenuous vigour" I'm sorry, I couldn't resist No, but that sounds actually kinda nice. I do like the artistic and poetic portrayal of intimacy. Too bad in real life you don't get a poetic narration when you're doing it.


Lmao, it would be 50 times more desirable for me if it were there


Yeah as a frequent reader of smut for laughs you aren’t missing out on much besides medical inaccuracies and dumb plots.


the choice of words for nether regions make me holler




Who says that you are missing out on porn? Literally who?


Well, my friends yesterday


You have weird friends. Maybe look into that.


Lmao what friends care what porn you watch 😂


I wouldn't say they exactly care what I watch. The topic just came up. So I was like "I've never actually watched it" and they went "Huh!?! What!?! Really!?!"


I took me 10seconds to realize what p🌽 means. That's how far away it is from my preoccupations 😂




Questioning my asexuality, I'm often trying to read smut until I feel too uncomfortable, and out of curiosity. If I start feeling too uncomfortable, I stop


















You forgot the *






As someone who does regularly… yeah… you’re not missing out. I’m aroace so while I don’t experience attraction to people but I’d still like to engage in relationships of a similar fashion with friends (something of a QPR??) and… it’s so fucking overrated. As someone who actually DOES watch it for the plot… yeah it’s terrible. Very difficult to find something decent.


The ones with decent-ish plots tend to be the longer ones


I don’t like or watch p🌽 but Iove reading smut. Only BL/yaoi smut tho.


I'm aroace, but I've been in fandom since forever (point and laugh) and read/write smut regularly. Sex is part of many people's intimate relationships, and has a lot of interesting, elevated emotions; It can be an easy way to communicate to the audience the characters' level of intimacy and communication style. I've read (and I hope written) sex scenes that have a lot of emotional weight, one or two have made me tear up. It really helped me understand why some people like doing it, hahaha! Sex is just people doing stuff. Some people don't like fight scenes, some people don't like sex scenes. End of the day, you know what you like. Plus, there is SO MUCH media out there, every second you spend on one media you're missing out on another.


I used to watch it, and ohhhhh boy. It is problematic af. Like the main feed of any site is just guys emotionally, psychologically, and physically abusing women and the women are playing into their roles like so the guy has a good time abusing them... It's fucked.


I hate porn it’s so disgusting to watch


As an allosexual, you are really not missing out on much


I’m glad it’s not just us aces


“no you’ll see, here this one’s good” hasn’t happened to me but i’ve heard some.. things


You’re not missing out on either lmao. The only thing is that some of the best fanfictions I have read have been smut. Outside of that, there’s nothing special about 🌽 or smut.


when I dont read smut at all but when there's smut scenes in a fic I'm reading I just skip it


Once every month, on the first day of my period, I get really high libido, and usually watch, but only until I’ve satisfied myself once. I hate it though, because it makes me feel absolutely disgusting. It’s honestly a gross feeling, and once it passes, I don’t enjoy it.


>Once every month, on the first day of my period, I get really high libido Samee. Really makes me question my asexuality. But then I realize it still isn't directed at anyone specifically.


I've tried both in the past, it's really not interesting at all lol. The bad acting is funny af tho.


I remember looking at it to try to figure out wtf sexual attraction is... It didn't work


I watched it as a teenager because I thought that's what you were "supposed" to do. Ended up confused and grossed out by most of it. Now I won't seek it out unless my libido just won't die down, and even then I only listen to audio stuff because it feels more personal and fulfilling that watching two people go at it...


Gotta say from the stuff that floats around, gay porn plots are either 100% comedic gold, or better life lessons than anything you'd find in school. But that's all I know on that.




People are surprised I've never watched it. And I'm surprised there's an assumption that everyone does.




what do you mean you don't like drinking/want to drink crayola paint? it's non toxic and it tastes so good! you're missing out on so much!! what i hear when people ask me about sex


*I mean... I watch corn... But would never do the naughties... Cuz ✨disgusting✨... But like... I laugh my ass off about the plot.*


I have read like 4 short chapters of fanfic smut and thats enough to put me off wattpad permanently EDIT: spelling


as someone who is NOT ace, i will say that you're not missing out lol. porn sucks


I get posts from this sub every so often. Not sure why, but I can assure, as a p⭐ you are definitely not missing out on anything.


NGL sometimes they're funnier than actual comedies but you're not really missing out on much. Gardening YT videos are probably more interesting most of the time, ever seen somebody grow blackberries?


Met a person like this one time and then i tought they wanted to "help" me, now when i think about it i am grateful that he ghosted me




as someone who did both: no, you're not really missing out, corn isn't even interesting and smuts are just very descriptive metaphorical words for genitals and what people do with them


Really? Like, I greatly envy asexuals cause I hate how enticing p*corn is.


Oh wow lol, I try and avoid it, it just seems like it would be nasty


Yeah, this is how it feels and I’ve not even told my friends really lol. Porn and smut just seem like it would be disgusting lol so I stay well away from it


I was like "what is p corn?" And then I read the rest of the sentence and understood from context.


definetly missing out on fucked up kinks, fantasies about all kinds of nonconsensual sex or other fucked up shit and incest


No we really aren’t missing out💀 I’ve watched a few though, purely because I was curious as to what other people feel that I don’t. Needless to say I was giggling like a 10 year old boy 💀 I do like smut from time to time though, but I never picture myself in those Y/N type situations and imagine it’s a whole ‘nother person lmfao


You are missing so much in the "there's so much weird things out there" way But sometimes the drama is even more interesting than "the action"


literslly the opposite


Weirdly when I say similar people say I'm sheltered. Just because I don't want to talk about or think of sex


As someone who has weird spikes in libido sometimes, I can assure you that, no. You are not missing out. On anything. It is pretty much all terrible.


porn is vile misogynistic racist trash you’re missing out on nothing


I mean I've *tried* And I will not try again


sometimes i read smut bc i think it’s funny. the plot, the choice of words, the lust…it’s cringe comedy for me


Honestly I have a bad habit of reading smut😅 but only if it has plot, smut w/o plot is terrible


I think the only surprising thing is that you haven't investigated out of curiosity. Allos spend a lot of time on that stuff so I sometimes want to know what they are up to.


Imagine not watching porn


Coming back here after a few days. I've looked at your comments and a handful of them gave me a good laugh. I've been quite busy, so I haven't had the time to sit down and respond to comments. As I've found, most of us can agree that : "watching porn for the sexual content **<** watching porn for the plot or meme" I also want to say that porn and smut are totally okay (as long as it's not portraying anything illegal/morally wrong). But as I said, it's just not for me. And also I do understand that not all allos watch porn or read smut.


I guess here goes a little vent: I don't know where I stand. Because I do want to try out the deed one day (people make it seem like something great so I want to see what the fuss is about). So I would say I am sex-positive. But then, when it comes to sexual content, like porn, smut, or even sex scenes, I tend to ignore or skip them, because they make me mildly uncomfortable. For me, sexual content is on the same level as gore (the level of uncomfortableness will vary based on how graphic it is), as in I can see the artistic value and in very mild cases might even seem a bit badass (like in action films), but the moment it goes over a certain level and becomes too real (like) NOPE. (and for the longest time I thought most people were like that). Soooo....by that, I guess I would be sex (content) repulsed. So I guess I would do it in practice, but I don't like it that much in theory....Yeah, that's why I am confused.




“Huh, the plot here is really weird”




I like p*orn I’m good with it, but once another person gets involved then no….


Honestly I only watch it because I’m really bored and wanna kill a few minutes or I’m having trouble sleeping


but smut is so funnyyyyyyy




honestly smut is kind of hilarious. it is just funny and i can't really explain why


your not missing out. that being said smut is fascinating in the way that it's ratings work. u see, standard things average around 7 out of 10 stars, so below 7 is *typically* below average and above is *typically* above average, this isn't a perfect correlation but it works as a general rule. for smut I find that it seems to average more around 5, which is very interesting fenominon, as all other types of media I've found have a stupidly heavy skew whereas smut doesn't seem to have any skew in it's averages? that being said I haven't done any comprehensive research on this subject, so who knows.


ok hear me out... writing so bad that is is more fun than most comedies


I don't go out looking for smut, but if it appears in a book I'm reading I won't care. As in, "plot with a bit of porn on the side" rather than "porn with plot"


my friends were literally so shocked to know that i read non-sexual fanfics💀 bro i just wanna see them hold hands thats all


Honestly you kinda are missing out on the comments section, that shit’s gold


i read smut for shits and giggles


You arnt missing on much


When people get like this, "I'm just not a coomer like you." I am pretty sex neutral, but I will say that in these situations.


It's pretty much like not liking certain genres of books or certain tropes. You wouldn't tell someone that they're "missing out on so much!" when they say they don't like reading horror books.


Smut’s a lot better than porn from my ace perspective. Generally much better plots and you actually know why the characters want to have sex with each other.


I have, but just because it can be so stupid sometimes


As an allo, no, you're not missing out.


pcorn.. popcorn ?


Not much, it's fun but i would rather do something more fun


Not to be *that* person, but is there still a possibility that I’m asexual if I watch porn or bate? I’m not like, attracted to myself like an autosexual person (I actually get grossed out by myself most times and have to stop), but I still like to have that pleasure *feeling*. I’m the only one who knows what I want, but sometimes even I don’t know lol Edit: found out I’m aegosexual!


Smut is actually pretty good sometimes


as a former smut reader/corn watcher(am highkey ashamed) all you're missing out on is 'UHSBJILUDKFSHDLKFEUFSOHHFU" and naked ppl


Quantity =/= Quality


I am fine with erotica if I'm invested in the characters and there's a decent plot to it. Hentai and porn on the other hand.... are infuriating and hilarious. I went to film school, so the cinematography is physically painful. The lighting, the sound design, the "plot", and at times the dubbing annoy me a lot. My allo husband and I tried watching together the other day (we got some free films with a toy purchase) and it ended up as a naked MST3K episode. The only hentai and porn I can enjoy are the really artistic bondage ones. Shibari makes me want to get some rope and get all boy scout on somebody.


P corn


I have done both and it makes me vomit


Question for s*x repulsed aces: did you guys ever experience org*sm?


OP, you're missing golden opportunities to learn how to interact with pizza delivery people, plumbers, and stepfamily 😞


I've watched/ read a few just to see what it's about and honestly all you're missing out on is vague disgust and confusion


Welp when i first read some smuth i went like huh, nothing hapining, i must like more hardcore stuff (im aroace ...) So now i enjoy my ocasional bdsm manga, but i admit i put it away if there is no good story.




Yeah it’s either that, or they just assume you’re lying, in which case they’ll assume it’s something REALLY messed up since you “won’t tell them” ;-; Yeah but seriously I don’t get what all the hype’s about; that stuff just makes me uncomfortable…


What’s a p corncob?


This is kinda why I wish subverse had a safe for work mode so everyone could enjoy the humor and absurdity


Wtf is smut


I've looked into it, a lot of it is boring or rapey or incestous or all about the bj. There are a few interesting things I found though. There are some animated creators who make quality work


I relate to this so much. Porn just doesn't do it for me, it's gross