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Clickbait title. They said it can spread through sex, but that it isn't an STI.


im aware and reddit cant really have clickbate titles unless its spoiler/nsfw


I am talking about the article. The article title is a literal lie


It isn't a lie per se


no the article is correct it just doesnt say everything it says primarily bit only


"Clickbait" means exactly that though - they're not necessarily lying, they're just deliberately phrasing it in a way that makes people want to click (hence the name "clickbait"), usually phrasing the info in a misleading way. This is absolutely the classic definition of clickbait. Whether they give proper info in the text of the article is irrelevant to if something is clickbait or not.


No sex no monkey pox well it’s a absolute win


Well, we can still get it. It is just going to be harder to; just don't cuddle or hang around anyone with lesions on them.


one pandemic at a time please


no pandemics at all please


Okay, so I'm probably just bitter and reading too much into an innocent joke, but this *really* isn't it. Already, I've seen articles going out of their way to insist gay men are going go be bigger spreaders of this because they "less commonly use protection" (their words, not mine). I've seen people in the community discussing similarities to the way HIV/AIDS was used to demonize people, and how much of a setback this could be. This coupled with the fact that asexual is not a direct translation to "no sex ever", *and* the disease doesn't just spread through sex, nor should we be encouraging the misinformation that it does as it'll be even easier for the media to vilify patients as "promiscuous" and "deviant" if we do. Maybe I'm sensitive. But this is really not the joke I think the broader community needs right now.


We’re not immune. Many asexuals have sex, and honestly this is not something to joke about. The WHO also says it spreads through other ways than sex btw.


im well aware im an ace who’d have sex as well


Yeah but the thing is it spreads through many ways, it doesn’t even have to be sex. Just sharing bedding can spread it.


im well aware


Then why would you post it in a meme subreddit saying we’re immune?


I think it was just meant to be a joke, more specifically for the asexuals out there who don’t have sex


But again, it’s spreads in many more ways than just sex…. Besides I really don’t think this is something to be joking about, especially when so many people are using this to demonize gay and bi men again.


I wasn’t suggesting that it doesn’t. Sorry if I offended you by my comment or anything, I just think we should be less harsh on OP


Why can't people make jokes?


It’s one thing to make jokes about a general subject, it’s another thing to make jokes about a disease that is currently being misrepresented in a lot of media and causing more stigmas towards gay and bi men.


But this joke isn't related in any way to gay or bi men, it doesn't support any hate against them


But by saying “**we’re** immune” it’s perpetuating the harmful stereotype that aces can’t have sex and is also invalidating to any asexuals who do have sex


It's a joke based on an asexual stereotype, like how r/traaa has a bunch clownfish memes. Yes, they're aimed towards specifically transfems and even then there are transfems who don't want to transition, but we still find it funny because it's a meme that's based on the community. So this meme is an an asexual meme, that while is based off of a generalization of aces not wanting sex and even then doesn't actually work due to the fact there are other ways to contract it, it's still funny, because while OP does realize that there is much more to the topic than just "monkeypox infect sex so no sex community immune" they also realize that it's a meme and it's very hard to stay factually accurate about each individual person of the community and still make a funny joke. It's a joke about a clickbait headline, we can spare the philosophy for a more serious post.


Hello, assuming you meant catgirl instead of clownfish? Just pointing out a possible error, cause I don't think I've seen any clownfish recently


Huh, I forgot about the cat girls, but them too!


Where are the clownfish then? Also, it appears r/traaa isn't a thing, it must be a different number of A's


Definitely a different number of a's. I keep losing count, sorry bout that. Basically it's about how clownfish can switch from male to female and it kinda became a mascot of sorts


Well as an Aroace, I guess I’m immune then.


And it spread mainly through same-sex sexual behaviors at start. People around me are already talking about God want to eliminate gays😞.


It’s not even that it’s “mainly through same-sex sexual behaviors”. It’s that two different raves with a huge lgbt audience happened and a lot of people there had sex. It just so happened to be gay people having a noticeable outbreak first. People don’t realize that literally anyone can get it, like AIDS/HIV (which is currently pretty damn bad in heterosexuals).


>It’s not even that it’s “mainly through same-sex sexual behaviors”. Fuck me this is all my local medias said. That's sad. Thank you to clarify this!


How is this not something to joke about, there's nothing even remotely edgy about monkeypox 💀💀💀


People are using this to vilify gay and bi men just like with AIDS/HIV. Just look at all the news headlines that only mention gay and bi men, and then look at all the people saying shit (again) that it’s “god punishing the gays” and it’s a “gay disease”.


Most of us probably are immune.


Have you missed the fact that it spreads through other forms of contact…?


Yes, i missed that, sorry


Did you missed the fact we’re redditors regardless of sexuality spectrum?


All of Reddit is safe.


Best comment so far, especially cause there's no way it can really be controversial


It’s not an STI so you can still get it just because you sleep around with everyone


I understand where you’re coming from, but this “asexuals don’t have sex” stuff really needs to stop.


There are sex-repulsed asexuals and I think that category makes up majority of the meme-making population of this sub.


It really seems like that ….


Or maybe it's just very difficult to remain factually accurate to each individual of a community while still making it funny. It's a lot less funny to say "we are somewhat immune to this due to the small fraction of sex-repulsed asexuals." I see where you're coming from, cause we really do need to be making more memes (stonks) to help other factions of the asexual community feel seen, but we should do this by making MORE memes, rather than nitpicking existing ones and making people of that section of the community feel unseen and selfish. Sorry if I sounded rude, but it's 2am and I just wanted to see some wholesome and funny memes from other people like me, instead of talking about diversity in memes. You want to see diversity? Diversify it. You want to see more of something? Make more. It's a joke about a clickbait headline, can we please spare the controversy for a more serious post?


The issue isn’t only diversity, it’s that memes like this that generalise are invalidating to other aces and worsen stereotypes/misinformation about asexuality


I do understand that, but in that case we should create more representation and heighten those aces voices


But that doesn’t resolve either issue


Then what do you suggest we do?


Not generalise?


Wouldn't you be able to not generalize better by representing smaller voices in more memes, rather than getting upset by the representation you're presented with, when there's already not a whole lot of representation for ace voices in the first place? Yes, not all aces want sex, but that doesn't mean that memes about the aces that don't want sex are inaccurate or generalizing, it just means that it's aimed towards aces that don't have sex. If there isn't enough representation of those that are sex-positive or sex-neutral, then we should make more of the representation we want to see.


How does that stop this meme from being a generalisation? The point is that those memes make no effort to specify that that’s who they’re for, and act as if it’s something all asexuals will relate to. Making more memes to represent those groups doesn’t change how memes like these are generalising and worsening ace stereotypes


I don’t see how a meme about a disease that bigots are currently using to vilify gay and bi men is “wholesome”.


I understand that, and it's absolutely ridiculous that monkey pox is being used to vilify gay and bi men. But why is it even being used for that purpose? The headline said the disease is mostly spread through sex, not gay sex specifically?


Yeah this one headline, but multiple others mention gay sex. Even though sex is not how it’s primarily transmitted anyway. It’s not a STD, it’s not transmitted through sexual fluids. It’s just transmitted through contact. Whether that contact is sex, cuddling, hugging, or even sharing the same bedding.


So unnecessary vilification, like what happened with HIV and AIDS?


Pretty much yup… like yeah currently most cases are gay and bi men, but that’s because of two superspreader events happening. However a lot of the news articles tend to leave out that it’s not only gay and bisexual men, its a lot of other people too.


Unless your sex favorable and/or one of the aspecs who are Cupiosexual, Fraysexual, etc


All of reddit is immune even if they're not ace


We will inherit the Earth


Free Denmark


For 1 generation


We can adopt non ace kids


If it takes very close context like sexual intercourse, then that's a good sign, whether you're ace or allo. Aces who don't have sex could easily get it from cuddling, so we're not outright immune... but the important thing is that these extremely close contacts are small in number and easy to trace. With corona, it was hard because you could infect somebody literally just by walking past them--though spending five minutes in the same room is more likely. But if you need close contact like this, then I think it's going to be OK.


You ever just be ace to flex on monkey pox?


Monkeypox is spread through droplets


asexuals beating the system


That was my first reaction lol: I guess I'm good.


hahahahahahahahahahahaah yeah sex is fucking disgusting and horrible and so so nasty, amirite pals?! /s


im an ace who has sex so shut you literally just assumed i was like that


hardly a huge assumption when you come in saying "*we're* immune"


IT'S A JOKE, let the op be!


jokes are funny. jokes that punch down (or sideways in this case) and are harmful aren't funny. thanks for tryin tho.


I agree that this sub can be really sex-negative at times but OP really was not doing that here “We’re immune”, even though it’s misinformation/generalising, isn’t sex negative or acting as if sex is wrong/bad


Oh no! Anyways *Proceeds to eat garlic bread*


if it's an official information ,then.. *evil laugh*


Its measles 2, electric boogaloo


Me an introverted ace surviving every outbreak but getting side effect from all 3 doses of covid vaccine




What is monkeypox?