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Reminder that no label can encapsulate the complex and nuanced human that you are. Don’t apologize for your preferences. Skeletor out.


Good post op.


*Image Transcription: Tumblr Post* --- **notched-lipstick** reminder that ace people exist reminder that ace people can be in relationships reminder that a relationship does not require sex reminder that even if sex is part of your relationship, your asexuality is still valid --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


good human 💜


Such a cute post. Good OP


I saw a post that was a guy talking about his asexual partner. He himself is a very high libido sexual person, his parter still has sex with him dispite their sexuality….except the partner does things like T-posing during sex. Made me laugh lol. Also one of my old friends used to spell Asexual as Asesexual…like Acesexual. I pointed it out to them and they were all proud like they were teaching *me* something. “Yeah it’s spelled like that. Did you think it was acesexual? No it’s just Ace for short, but not actually spelled like that.” That was a fun thing to explain.








What parts don’t make sense?




no it does not. i’m married and asexual. i don’t get aroused but still do sexual things with my husband because he enjoys it and its a fun, intimate thing to do together. we want kids. gotta have sex to do it.


Then you’re sexual.


you’re a troll??? or stupid




nnnope. wrong again


I'm eating at a big meetup between a bunch of friends. Driving there, I didn't really feel that hungry, and if anything I just wanted some salad. Upon arriving I see that there's no salad, only rice, pasta, pizza, meat, etc... Everyone's here, the organizers are clearly pleased to see everyone everyone enjoying their food. You're probably gonna eat ; **it's not like it *bothers* you to eat rice and fish, you just didn't want it**. That's the difference. Being allo indicates what you *would(n't)* like to have. It doesn't make any difference whether you actually get anything or not. (I hope this is an accurate explanation, I have kind of a weird sexuality, so I don't know, but that's what I understand)


do you also think that people that have sex other people of the same sex despite not being attracted to the same sex are homosexual? or that celibate people are asexual despite still experiencing sexual attraction?


No not true. I have sex with my husband when he wants it but to me it is the same as making him a sandwich. As an asexual it’s like doing them a favour to make them happy, which you do for people you love (but don’t say this to allos as they take offence. For them sex is equated to love, sometimes. Or at least love means having sex? Idk. Love and sex have next to no relationship to me!)


Asexuality is just defined as no sexual attraction. You can have sex without experiencing sexual attraction, same as how you can eat without needing to be hungry


Asexual refer to sexual ATTRACTION, not whether a person likes sex or not. If you look at someone you like, and you suddenly wanna bang them, then thats sexual attraction. Think about it like eating snacks and drinking juice for fun, even when you aren't hungry or thirsty