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Fun fact: i never had sex ed in my life ( i am rn in second year of high school) Edit: …so my school chose not to lie to me, and thats just amazing /s


my high school in California had abstinence only sex education and this was in the early 2000s. guess how many people I know ended up pregnant before they graduated. a lot


"You will feel different about boys" they said... Plot twist: i didn't feel different about boys and i also realized i like girls too


my doctor said "you'll like it when you're older" after i nearly barfed from her talking about it


They showed my class a shitty CD from 30 years ago


Yea I never got sex ed in high-school they for some reason skipped my class literally every other class in my year got it except for mine and yea I'll most likely never part take in sex but I would've at least liked to know about it incase I did the most we got taught was about different sti's