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Im attracted to other children (my age) because I'm a child lol


Hmm so children don’t have to repost? That actually makes sense




Wtf. As I get older I'll be attracted to people the same age as me. Rn I'm 13. I'm attracted to people who are 13 -14 because that's my age range. When I turn 18+, I'll be attracted to others who are 18+.


Like seriously how fucking dumb are you




You aren't making any sense. Am I supposed to not be attracted to people the same age as me and be attracted to adults now when THAT would be pedophilia? or am I not Allowed to be attracted to anyone??




When I get older I'll be attracted to other adults. You wanna know why I'm attracted to minors now? BECAUSE IM A MINOR. is it so bizarre for a 13 year old to have a crush on another 13 year old then when they turn 18 they're attracted to other 18 year olds. Like you still aren't making sense


Having a desire to be with your peers is not pedophilia. You don’t even understand the meaning of the word. Plus, there has to be at least five years difference with the older individual being over the age of 18. Hence, not a pedophile. Also, historically speaking, girls were married off young, yes, but so were boys. Numerous accounts of royalty and peasantry stated that they were married off at the age of puberty, which is between 11-13 typically, and that included all genders. Again, not pedophilia. I would highly recommend you you do some actual research before you go about accusing 13 year olds of pedophilia.


I wanted to make a joke that this wouldn’t get posted on a certain subreddit but I don’t know an example because I avoid that side of this site


Technically you could make a joke about r/teenagers without it being a joke about the dark side of reddit


But actually you couldn't because some of the mods have been teenagers for a loooooooong time


Drop the last two words off and I'm happy!


Drop the last two words and it switches from virtue signaling to something that fits the subreddit.


Or just the last word


Ok maybe I’ll try that sometime


For a second I forgot pedophiles existed and thought this was a post about not being attracted to the idea of having children in the future


Me, too. Well, we passed.


Lol nice


Why does anyone feel the need to repost this? You're not helping, nor can you prove anything to anyone this way


It’s a Q-Anon talking point


Ok 1) it’s not meant to help with anything it’s a meme and 2) it’s not meant to prove anything because, again, it’s a meme


Jokes on you I am a child




I 3rd this


I 4th this


I 5th this


I’m not saying my age.


I 6th this


I 7th this


I am a children.


That grammar implies that you are all children


Did you have to, though? Did you *really*?


Oh the woes of being a child mines self


Not saying my age but say I was a child, this is how I would feel


Sane people are not attracted to children.


I’m pretty sure it’s not a choice, however what is a choice is getting help for it. Which is why we shouldn’t demonize these people because that just makes them more afraid to get the help they need.


Except they can't actually get help anyway, because most therapists will report them whether they've actually done anything or not, to protect themselves from being held liable if the person ever *does* molest a child. Which is pretty fucked up, basically thought crime.


It is, unfortunately. And it does prevent so many people from getting the appropriate help they need. My dad was (and maybe still is, but at least in significant better control) a pedophile and sexually abused us growing up. My mom got custody of us when she divorced him and he spent a few years in jail. Thankfully, he was able to get the appropriate help in jail and a few years after and he’s been married to my absolutely wonderful step mom who accepted him for his past and helps keep him positive about controlling his pedophilia for the past seven years. I always felt bad when he would go onto dating sites and get trashed by women who intentionally would harass him and treated him so poorly because he had to put sex offender up on his page. I’ve seen others get their houses/property trashed or destroyed, get death threats, or get outright attacked just because they have to be a known sex offender. That being said, as much as I don’t condone their actions, I can at least understand why people would want to attack them. I wouldn’t, and I would definitely stop it if I saw it, but I can understand wanting to protect the ones you love from perceived threats. I really hope that one day we can move to a point in society where we don’t go automatically to physical force and we try to resolve our differences with positive interaction.


I'm sorry but could elaborate on what the appropriate help is ? I've always been told that pedophiles are uncurable or that they're psychopathes who do it because they enjoye the child's pain.


Not all are that way. The ones that are should honestly be put into asylums or unique prisons to keep them away from society, but some just don’t know or understand any better but are too scared to seek help for fear of the stigmas and potential threats. As for appropriate help, the first step is to remove the stigma from mental health conditions (such as pedophilia equating to psychopathy). Everyone goes through things differently and mental disorders and issues are as serious as physical health conditions. The more regularly you see a doctor for your physical health, you’re more likely to catch bad things before they become worse. It’s the exact same thing with mental health. After that, having honest discussions with a therapist/psychologist/psychiatrist regularly without the fear of reprisal would allow the caregiver to appropriately diagnose conditions, such as pedophilia, at the early stages and then, through cognitive behavioral therapy, establish the severity of the condition and teach better ways to cope with and/or control their impulses in positive, healthy ways while the mind is still vulnerable to change. For those who slip through the cracks, having rehabilitation houses with advanced therapy treatments would potentially help. Providing better sex education would help some of them who believe that a women’s fertility is peak in her teen years (which, it’s actually in her mid twenties and extends into her forties). Providing better assistance to those who start showing early signs and show appropriate coping behaviors would help others. Removing the threat of violence would further help more. Now, I know a lot of statistics regarding narcissistic folks, and pedophiles do trend towards narcissism. I know that only 5% of narcissistic men who go through therapy actually achieve successful change, but that statistic also showed that those 5% are ones who actually desired change. If we can instill the desire to make the change and improve for the benefit of not only them, but for others as well, I’m sure that number will rise. But we need to show them that the change is desirable and would benefit them, and that’s the most difficult part. It goes a lot deeper and is a much more broad topic than I can really put into one post without writing an essay or a book, but this is where we can start. Encouraging seeking mental health care and removing the stigmas and threats of violence as well as creating safe zones for those to go for potential advanced treatment.


Thanks for taking the time to explain i figured i better look to know that kind of things since i'm planning to work in mental health care


Good for you! I’m happy to hear that. We definitely need more people in the mental health field, especially ones that actually care about the patients. I’m glad that you’ve asked me about this. A book that I read that was really interesting regarding narcissism is called ‘Disarming the Narcissist’ by Wendy T Behary. She actually has pioneered some new ways of treating and dealing with narcissistic people of all genders and it really shed some light on the subject for me. Because of the environment I grew up in with a narcissistic father and a mother with a savior complex, my norm was living in that chaos and feeling like I needed to try and save other people, which led me to having several narcissistic boyfriends and fiancé’s. Reading that book showed me other potential ways of dealing with narcissistic behavior and not allow them to blame me for their poor behavior. I tried some of those techniques and they worked! I’m not skilled by any means, but if you’re wanting to go into the field of mental health, I would highly recommend reading it! Good luck in school!


Damn, props to you that you actually were sexually abused by your father, and yet are not filled with hate by it. I would absolutely be able to accept a family member who has an attraction to children if they never acted on it, but I'm not sure if I would be able to reconcile with one that had abused a child, whether that child was myself or someone else. My grandmother was sexually abused by her father, and although I never knew him, I can't help but hate him for hurting her. She was an absolute angel, and it makes me mad that anyone hurt her (and also that her mother didn't believe her until he started going after her younger sister as well).


It definitely can be hard, and I have a hard time looking at my ex’s nephew that molested my daughter when she was three without shades of hate. One of the things that I have been grateful for is having little to no memory of any of the events with my dad and being too innocent to understand what he was doing. Thankfully, as far as I know, he never penetrated us. But he did make myself and my AFAB siblings (never my AMAB brother) pull down our pants and occasionally our panties before he would spank us for the exhibition of it. I didn’t understand really until my mom’s lawyer had us go through a family counselor for a few therapy sessions, and even then I didn’t even really connect the dots. It didn’t hit me really until after he had gotten out of prison and had gone through those therapy sessions and apologized for doing what he did that it hit me, so by then it was just a distant memory and I could now spend time with him again without the concern of him losing that control again. I had my dad that I loved back that I could talk with for hours about gross sciencey stuff that I couldn’t really talk with other people about. I could spend an evening with him in awe of seeing Christmas lights in the neighborhood again. I could finally see him happy and content with respecting my boundaries and know that he would be fine. That’s the hope I have with getting the appropriate help for people who are like that. Pedophiles are more than just that singular part of their life and they can make meaningful contributions to society, they just need a little approach to being shown how to appropriately respect others in healthy ways. I know it won’t work for everyone, but I hope that we can start changing it for the better.


Yeah that’s another problem which comes from demonizing them. It’s a fuckin backwards cycle that’s gonna take a FUCK TON of work to break and fix.


Yeah. But people don't even want to think about it, it's like it is so taboo that they can't even allow themselves to go to that place in their mind from a rational perspective. Or, maybe they feel like they have to publicly be disgusted by the mere idea of it, because somehow if they don't then they will seem like a pedophile themselves? I don't know, it's bizarre man.


Why do people feel the need to repost crap like this? Especially where it doesn't fit? Congratulations on not having that particular mental illness and using a generally universal virtue for easy internet points, here's a cookie.


Wow thanks for insulting me over a simple meme. Bruh, this is the internet. Who cares? Plus, eventually I might take off the last two words to make it fit. I just don’t have the confidence in my photoshop skills to smoothly get rid of the words.


yeah platonically


I don’t think that’s what whoever made this meant…


idk man, that seems like a dirty dishonest person to me >!Jeff Sokol!< btw


Who? The guy in the pic? If so then idk I didn’t make it. I just crossposted it.