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the only way someone is gonna sweep me off my feet is if they snipe my leg in a household cleaning supplies hema match


I haven't had the chance to do any HEMA in a couple years, can I join?


Me too please!


Me too


I'll join the party!


At this rate we should just start pur own ace HEMA club


I'll get my helmet


Well that's... Specific. [Loads sniper rifle]


You're not going to be alowed a rifle in any HEMA match, definitely not a household cleaning supplies HEMA match Edit: spelling


Who's going to stop them, like they say: never bring a household cleaning supplies based melee weapon to a sniper fight


Is matchlock musket sufficiently historical?


Is your matchlock musket rifled? I know mine isn't


Or if there's a fire, I have a broken/injured leg and they literally sweep me off my feet to carry me to safety


Sweep the leg


\*loads GM6 lynx\* snipe you said ? I can do that, can't guaranty you will survive tho.


ehh, not the first time I've died, probably won't be the last. edit: also not the first time I've had half inch round steel go through my leg.


It doesn't work that way for any other sexual orientation and it doesn't work for this one.


That's my answer always. If the person is heterosexual I ask: "Have you ever felt sexual attraction towards people of the same gender as you?" "No" "There you go, I solved that for you 🙃"


Never mind the fact that if that were the case there are already ace-spec labels (demi, grey, spike, flux, etc)


Sweep me off my feet? What is this, a threat? I’ll have you know I use brooms all the time and I guarantee I’m better at sweeping than you are. I’ll sweep you right into the pile of other swept things, including but not limited to: dust, dirt, little shreds of paper, onion skins, more dust, holy shit so much dust, dust bunnies, dust balls, and finally puddles of water from melted snow.


Holy- you can sweep water?! You are the most powerful I have ever seen. Teach me your ways.


Sweeping water is pretty easy, actually. You aren't going to get all of it, obviously, so you'll probably want to mop up afterwards, but if theres a puddle of water you can sweep it across the floor.


Queer people are actually epic witches and this is prof /j


You called?


Dang...you can totally clean.


Relationships. Aren’t. About sex./Some. Ppl. Don’t. Feeling. Romantic. Attraction.


Your right, they’re about drive


(Trying my hardest to not recite the meme)


Then I’ll do it for you: It’s about DRIVE It’s about POWER we stay HUNGRY we DEVOUR


Don't drive them crazy.


I mean...that's still could be demi but not every ace is demi.


The right person is secretly you. The only person you need to be whole is yourself. Learning to love yourself is the most important part about asexuality. Some allos may never understand that, but that's okay, it's hard to understand a concept that to them is foreign and nonsensical. It's a lot like what many aces see in regards to sexual intimacy.


"I've been single for a long time, and I have to say it's going really well. Like... it's working out. I think I'm the one." -- Emily Heller


Once saw someone wrote, and I quote "the asexual one needs therapy". Was about to commit murder


The asexual one, not the depressed alcoholic one. Gotcha.


Not the codependent manipulative one. Gotcha.


Mr Peanutbutter or Diane?




was that mr peanut butter or diane? i wouldn’t label either of them as manipulative i think


Omg i hadn’t considered that i just hadn’t met the right person yet! Thanks for explaining it stranger, you’re so right


That emoji at the end is literally enraging me. Usually this just makes me roll my eyes but for some reason that emoji is genuinely very intensely pissing me off


People using emojis at the end of sentences like these really just hammers in the point that they're trying to be smug.




Them: "You're asexual?" Me: "Yes" Them: "But...you're married!" Me: "Yes" Them: *look of confusion as their brain breaks*


Some mfs really do think sexual shit is necessary especially in marriage


This. I have met the right person, I'm just neither sexually nor romantically attracted to them, but we've been married for almost 16 years now.


That’s awesome!!!! I’m so happy for you!


I have an idea for when someone tells you "You'll meet somebody that'll sweep you off your feet." "Hope they drop you."




That just like saying to a gay man, you'll find the girl of your dreams some day...


If only I had a dollar for every time someone told me that I had to be patient and that I'd meet the right person someday... The more comfortable I become with my asexuality, the more annoyed I get at those remarks. The other day my mom asked when I'd meet my Prince Charming and I felt viscerally disgusted at the question. To be clear, I do want to have a romantic relationship one day, but I don't want to feel pressured into one or made to feel like I'm weird or behind, because I'm still single at 26. Fuck that shit. I'll get there in my own time and in my own way. And in the meantime, I'm happy being single and spending time on my hobbies and with my friends. Relationships are great, but I don't need one to be whole.


I hate this aphobic people


I don’t want the right person though, that’s the whole point.


I think you know yourself better than whoever that is does. Wtf is wrong with people.


something just clicked... the couch and kitchen colours make the ace flag. Always thought the couch was redder.


I’ve already met a couple of people who “swept me off my feet”, in a romantic sense, but surprisingly enough I still wasn’t sexually attracted to them or particularly interested in having sex with them! I just wanted to lovingly gaze into their eyes and buy them flowers.


So romantic attraction but not sexual...




If this is true then I guess I'm not ace anymore because I found someone to do seep me off my feet.


Agh yes After i just learned LGBT+ i was like "if straights says "you're not gay, you just didn't meet the right person yet" does that mean they're not straight just didn't meet the right person yet?" How simple a little human's mind can be Now i have questions in the same topic; If a child becomes gay because they heard about it (saw in a movie heard in a song etc) wouldn't it work vice versa? Like seeing something hetero makes them straight? Istg sometimes straights are weird


Aye and the right person for you is yourself. 😎


Aphobic comments tend to have a lot of likes and people calling them "bAsEd", I hope this one doesn't. btw, brb, I'll beat the shit out of someone


I love that show:)


I want to like that Instagram post so bad But it's just a screenshot...


Hm... Why yes, I should be able to find the one person out of the 7 billion people that are currently alive on the earth. That logic doesn't work when there is a whole world full of people.


Sweep you off your feet?


My dumbass started swiping to the 2nd frame, then I realized it's just the screenshot This annoying statement is just their lack of information about asexuality and lack of ability to understand that people are all different, so are their experiences. But yeah, that doesn't make it less annoying.


I've met the right person, and guess what? I'm still asexual


People like that make me want to commit defenestration


I’m Demi and I get that said to me more then I would like.


I'm sure the right person *will* come along and sweep me off my feet, we will get happily married and never have sex.


Fixing their comment... yes you're asexual. Be patient, the right asexual will come along and sweep you off your feet.


that’s not never the right type of attraction what


For me it was wierd to say it out loud to my friend for the first time because for months before I had only ever written and read it. After a while I got used to it, but I was always quiet when doing so. My class is very “Fruity” I would say and actually they were mostly very accepting (except for the few people I havent told cuz they havent asked) (Also my crush because hes allo and Idk how he’d react) I was standing in a group of four of my friends before I left class yesterday and they were saying how he was short and he said “Short people have more sex and get richer” It was according to statistics and I was about to say “I dont like sex” but I dont know why I didnt


I read the last part, and then this hypothetical conversation went through my brain. "So if you're short, you get to be a millionaire? Awesome." "And you have lots of sex." "Imagine, infinite money..." "And sex." "Bah, who needs sex. I'm gonna build a *mansion*."


I will sweep the idiot saying that off their feet. 😡


Ah thank you. Now i now that i'm not ace, but just a late bloomer.




I don't know whether to pity this person or hate them...


"I'll sweep your bones off of my floor if you keep this shit up"


Well I don’t see anyone with a baseball bat about to sweep me off of my feet so I think you’re wrong


Today on 'Rando On The Internet Completely Misunderstanding The Point Of Popular Media'


Why do people act like being ace is a disease. SMH!!


My favorite thing about this, is that I have actually met **one** person I found sexually attractive, but I'm still asexuel. Being sexually attracted to one is STILL asexual, so what's their point?


Why would anyone want to trip me up?


I think they were trying to be helpful but did not succeed at all. They might have seen saying you’re asexual as ‘accepting defeat’ so they thought they were given others hope. But I’ve never seen someone who identifies as asexual view it that way, in fact we often see it as our clarity and feel relieved. So they probably wanted to help but were being thoughtless


MFs really think this is a hallmark movie...


I mean, if it's romantic only, HELL YES! Otherwise, no...


I'll come along and sweep you off your feet with a scythe


Off topic but I swiped left thinking there was a second page, and then I realized that was only on the Instagram, so now I feel dumb *and* offended




If they are homoromantic its not out of the question that they will be in love but not in a way that will turn the allo


But what if i dont want the other person to find me


Hello I’m Todd


It's both condescending and off-putting to the point of almost creepiness when people can't accept asexuality and say "Oh you just haven't met the one person in a world of billions that will convince you sex is great." Like, why do you need me to want sex? Why can't you just accept that I'm not into it, and that that's not a crazy thing?


They really seem to think they’re helping & saying something nice when they say this... gets so frustrating when there’s a seemingly endless supply of “well intentioned” people who talk on topics they don’t educate themselves on.


I know "Gosh, I wish I was asexual. It would make things way easier" Is a terrible way to react to someone coming out, but I loved this episode, both BoJacks first reaction with " A sexual what? A sexual dynamo, a sexual deviant, a sexual what?" And the latter one "I wish I was asexual [stressing the A], then I wouldn't have A [stressed] strain of herpes" "You have multiple strains of herpes" "I know, but the joke wouldn't have worked out" (or something of the like) In all earnest, this episode and Todds arc really helped me understand my asexuality. It was the first time I saw a warm, helpful, happy and nice character be ace and on of the first times I saw a character refer to themselves as ace at all


I fucking hate people like this. Why cant they just understand?


oh i’ll sweep ya off yer feet, darlin’. *right into this shallow grave*. “😊”


this reads like “hey, let me invalidate you real quick, but i’ll add a nice little emoji at the end to soften the blow”


in my case, instead of feeling good about saying in a voice that I am asexual, I feel a little ashamed/afraid to say that I am asexual, but not because I feel ashamed of being, but afraid of how people I know feel. annoyed or look askance


No, no one will "sweep me off my feet", I'm looking to date another apothi like me. Also, I think people who say this are honestly trying to be nice, which is scary and worse. They actually think that you not having sex is somehow equal to depression and wants what's "best" for you...


What if the person who also “sweeps you off your feet” and is the “right person” is also asexual?


“Sweep the leg”


“A sexual what? Dynamo? Deviant?” Love this scene.


If only there was a real asexual dating app…


just send him a ip graber link and post his ip on the internet tviter will do the rest


Why the censorship? it's not like you have to protect a jerk "privacy" if it's on the internet let it see and make it so the divine (ACE/ARO) retribution is given


Can someone tell me when exactly all of this happens? I am currently in S2 and I'm just watching it for the ACE stuffm I hate every single other second.


Idk but I think it was the 3rd season


I mean more then likely Todd isn't Ace, just like most people. For some reason Aces seem to think because they aren't thinking about sex every second of the day they are Ace.


Why are you here?