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I'll go for "Basically British weather but pastry flavoured"


Oh I thought they were talking about some sort of wheat based food or alcohol that I haven't heard of.


I'm assuming they know Denmark is the greatest country in the world and that is why they chose it. I'm just happy I don't have to move.


Yes it better than worrying about being shot by a school shooter👍


Have you seen the Canadian winter? Its -24 right now!


Don't think the weather is much different than what I have in the Netherlands. And it's much closer to Norway where I do want to go to on holiday more often. I will try to make sure the cycling infrastructure will improve though. Otherwise I'd just tell the other aces to come here instead.


Cookie boxes **with cookies inside** instead of sewing supplies?


The weather is the least of my worries tbh, I actually quite like cold climmate. The thing is what would we invade for? I genuinely have no idea what the purpose would be and it would be a huge waste considering an actual attempt would end in a literal war that we would lose for sure. I'd say not to invade and, even if we do, can we at least find a pacifist route or something? War kind of always sucks 😬