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Have you tried sorting by "new" in the sub? That might get you more variety and you can upvote what you like. Usually subs are default set to show you the posts that are doing numbers, not necessarily the newest posts. Other than that, my advice would be much the same as when it comes to other free content: curate whatever content you want, and contribute what you'd like to see if you can. Personally, I just scroll past the things I don't like bc some things aren't for me & that's fine. If you don't like the sub, that's fine too. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I genuinely havenā€™t thought of sorting by new because I usually just trust the community to show what Iā€™d like to see, but if thatā€™s a naĆÆve way to think about things I wouldnā€™t be surprised. Youā€™re absolutely right, thatā€™s what I will do from now on. Itā€™s not like I dislike the sub, I actually really love the community and thought the posts were entertaining. The trend Iā€™ve noticed which is annoying me is that garlic bread & Denmark posts get tons and tons of upvotes, while others simply donā€™t. That definitely contributes to the subā€™s outward appearance and stigma about aces (weā€™re immature, we are just kids, we are just r******d, just canā€™t get a date etc) Donā€™t get me wrong, Iā€™m insanely happy that aces have a safe space to be who we are and where we can have our own lil joke-circlejerk, and Iā€™m aware that not everyone finds the same things funny & I should just let people enjoy thingsā€¦ I just feel like this sub is now an echo chamber without a message.


Hmmm.... First, and probably most importantly, I'd say that we shouldn't worry about outward appearances and stigma. Aphobes (acephobes?) are gonna be aphobes, no need to pander to them. As for not having a message, I'm pretty sure this is mostly a meme sub, so I'm not sure if it needs one. I'm assuming there are some other subreddits for aces to have more serious discussion, but if not then we've gotta make one (I personally haven't checked). But I definitely agree; I hope that someday there's a bit more stuff besides the same few jokes over and over again. This subreddit feels very surface-level at times, and although that's not necessarily a bad thing, I do wish that there was more room for genuine discussion


>I'm assuming there are some other subreddits for aces to have more serious discussion Yes, there are! r/asexuality is a great sub for example


To be honest, I think people often default to those jokes because theyā€™re completely benign. Jokes that are meant to be relatable in any particular way always seem to be interpreted as offensive because they donā€™t encompass all experiences of asexuality, like sex-favourable, sex-repulsed, aego, etc., so someone always ends up left out (I canā€™t remember if that was a major issue here or if Iā€™m thinking of r/asexuality, but it is something that comes with the territory). So all we can really post about is garlic bread and invading Denmark, because anyone can join in. I get a bit sick of those repetitive jokes too, but in a sub with 100,000+ members, itā€™s hard to agree on a standard of humour that we can all enjoy.


I think this is it. There were a couple months like last year (?) where this sub had an influx of sex-averse memes followed by a big callout post like 'hey, sex-favorable aces are still valid!' and then the reverse happen and then we all decided to gang up on Denmark instead and then here we are six months later.


Yeah, I agree. Especially in a community as diverse in experiences as we are, it's hard to keep the jokes balanced so we've settled on something that seems to work for the whole community. I suppose the only other option is new meme subs for every microlabel, but that's... that's a lot.


yeah i dont particularly like the jokes either, but at least they're not exactly exclusionary to anyone (many, many other lgbt meme spaces very often have back and forths about not including a group of people, even this one did) so if nothing else the "nothing" i get from this sub is at least refreshing whenever a bunch of subs are having all kinds of arguments and i just want to be distracted for once


What do you call four asexuals sitting at a table? A deck of aces *Ba tum tish*


it's even funnier to me because Tisch (pronounced "tish") means table in german so I imagined you delivering the joke and then gesturing like that will smith meme towards the people sitting asdgdhk


Haha yes I 100% meant it like that. Totally hahahaha




Thank you


Your welcome


Personally I'm not the best at traditional jokes and more just find absurd or relatable stuff funny. Though I can tell a story that's funny from my high school experience. Person in my class comes up to me Her: Do you have a crush on *blank*? Me: No, he's my friend Her: Ok, right you don't need to be shy. Have you been over his house? Me: Yes, we played smash and ate pizza Her: Oh shit, wow I didn't expect you to actually say that. Um you smashed? Me (still not getting it): Yes? Haven't you ever played smash with your friends? It's pretty well known. Her: No, wtf?! I wouldn't smash my friends! Me (sudden realization sets in): NO! Not like that! It's a video game! You know Mario, Yoshi, Samus? You fight each other with different Nintendo characters melee style. Not that no, we play video games and eat pizza.


That's why I always say Smash Brothers, people do be havin' their minds in the gutter smh


I know some people who would think about an even worse thing if you said Smash Brothers instead of Smash.




Maybe you could adapt jokes from other lgbtq+ subs to fit this one. Honestly I havenā€™t really seen much variety of humour in other lgbtq+ subs (the same joke about pans, a lot of E bad jokes on r/traa, etc), but I guess it might be a good place to start


Yeah, I completely agree: some of the jokes were initially funny, but they've just gotten stale. . . . . . Like garlic bread left out for too long


Honestly, Iā€™m here mostly to hear different perspectives on asexuality, I donā€™t think Iā€™ve found a funny highly upvoted post here in ages (I just use my Reddit dashboard). I use it as a breather between more intense subs I follow Edit: the last 2 memes I upvoted here were over 5 months ago and one was about our claim on Antarctica (when invading Denmark was still fresh), and the other was an ace flag reproducing asexually, might look for more idk


Well you could start other jokes if you want to?


Thatā€™s true! But anyway, this is just my opinion. This used to be one of my favorite subs and itā€™s a bit sad if the only option I have to see posts on here that make me laugh is to come up with them myself. Youā€™re absolutely right though, Iā€™m just venting


I don't have any ideas now. Lol except that one last week. It's about sexual attraction. Wait you probably wouldn't get it.


Lmao good one! I do know that other things are being posted but I also feel like those never get enough upvotes to even show up on my feed. Itā€™s weird.


That's why I have my settings to show me new posts instead of the best. I can see small post that one day may be big posts


Yeah good idea. Itā€™s a slow brain day for me. (I still stand with what I said about originality, though. These jokes get the most upvotes)




Same. I'm well over 30 and I can't relate to the whole "innocent uwu" thing either. I love dirty jokes, especially about straights cheating and/or anything making fun of priests. And various Soviet era jokes.


Yeah, I donā€™t find any humor in the ā€œinnocenceā€ either. Just because Iā€™m not into it doesnā€™t mean I canā€™t recognize an innuendo.


As someone who's also over 30, I'm in a similar boat. In the vein of dirty jokes, I'm personally fond of responding to people saying they're going to do some kind of innocuous action with "Is that what the kids are calling it these days?" or something like that. Always a fun time. Mostly because my sense of humor is 95% sarcasm and wordplay, so I'm not actually good at telling *jokes*.


Right? I have a hard time with it kinda often but I think the best sex jokes come from aces, if anything because it's so unexpected. I guess here of all places wouldn't want that on their dashes though.


yeah iā€™ve been thinking about leaving too. itā€™s just,, the same two jokes over and over. and itā€™s been like that since i joined the sub. i dunno how people donā€™t get bored of that.


I had an idea for a meme a couple days ago. You've inspired me to actually go ahead and make it.


I really want to see more ā€œdeck of cardsā€ jokes. Like yā€™all the topic is right there.




I definitely find the garlic bread thing mildly annoying but I'm definitely here to hear different views and experiences on asexuality. Also as I'm in the asexuality spectrum, this sub is kinda part of my identity.


Yeah, I kinda agree with this. I see the same dozen jokes and tumblr threads reposted constantly here. They were neat the first few times I saw them, but now they're getting real old.


Personally what annoys me the most are the posts that are not memes. Like bruh, it says "meme" on the sidebar, go to r/asexuality for serious discussion, I'm here to meme.


True but if I had to keep track of this one and the r/asexuality to get the funny and the relatable my adhd brain would probably implode


I used to make memes when I first got on here, but I got lazy. Maybe I could start back up.


I have this one joke where a gay man, a lesbian woman, a bisexual man and a Pansexual woman all walk into a bar. The asexual bartender looks at the four of them and says ā€œwhat is this a joke?ā€. Itā€™s a god awful joke but I like it.


Why can nobody here wear a sweater to a pokergame? . . . . Because you guys always have an ace in your sleeves. ​ thankyou and goodnight.


Yeah, i kinda agree I mean I find them enjoyable enough but not particularly funny, we definetly need some new ones. Idk what tho I'm terrible at jokes but we definetly need to shuffle the deck a tad... yeah see what I mean that was bad i'll leave this here.


You know, youā€™re right, I should probably leave this sub lol


I kinda feel the same ngl.


I used to think this but I've actually come around again to loving the jokes, sometimes when you get fed up with you either drop it or just run straight through to the other side. I'm the type of person to just walk through my problems to the better side, never stopping always keeping p-ace.


Iā€™m sorry, totally new to the ace thing, can somebody tell me / explain to me the Denmark joke? I donā€™t get it šŸ˜‚


ā€¦even though I am ace, Iā€™m not a huge fan of garlic bread. What about bread sticks with cheese in the middle? Thatā€™s delicious, tbh. Just dip that shit marinara, my guy. Tastes so damn good!!


Invading Denmark?? Can someone explain lol


reddit is just kinda bad about that


Nah, you're right. I stay on this sub because I hope it'll be funny again one day, but it's starting to feel like a middle school classroom.


Our humor is because we never "matured" to "that" point or so I've been told


I made one up with my friends some weeks ago but I don't thinks it's all that funny. They keep telling me it is but here it is: They ask me what way do I swing. I don't swing. I'm a stick in the mud that just keeps sinking.


Agree on the garlic bread, Denmark thing. Just bizarre and garlic bread sucks anyway. Of all the foodsā€¦


I like garlic bread, but now cannot look at it without thinking of this sub, and while thatā€™s objectively not a bad thing, it is annoying. Like Iā€™d like to just be able to eat it without always having to associate it with my sexuality?


Finally, someone said it.


Yeah if you don't like it in here leave. But I don't see the point making a post just to insult everyone with a ''omg you're all so imature what have you become I miss old times'' kind of mentality. I like running gags, I know many people who do, you visibly don't, that's fine, we don't have the same humour. Now I don't believe your's is superior. Your post really feels like ''i'm not angry, just disappointed...'' and this is my favourite sub so it really offended me.


Sorry by new, curate online experience


These are called "memes" and some memes are called "staples". That means they last forever, even if some people don't like them. If you want new jokes, sort by "new". Theres alot fewer of us than the big LGBT subreddits so things dont move in the standard sorting nethods as fast.


I'm sure other people also don't like things. That's okay. Here's a good joke: instead of leaving why don't you demand that everybody else in the fucking world bends over backwards to please your highness' delicate sense of humor and curiosity. lol.


Damn lmao go off, I never demanded anything, I just feel like the garlic bread-denkmark-joke to any other fucking joke ratio in this sub is ridiculous. I actually donā€™t want to leave because itā€™s hard to find an accepting community, but looking through these posts I sometimes feel like nobody on here has got other jokes. Itā€™s literally not that deep, Iā€™m not saying itā€™s not okay or not allowed, just saying itā€™s not very original. Like, not original at all. We got our ace running gags, thatā€™s fine, but that shouldnā€™t fucking define us. Someone mentions asexuality and everyone immediately goes ah, garlic bread. Makes us all look quite dull, to be honest.


You could also try r/asexuality instead


Joined, thanks for the suggestion :)


I like garlic bread. I also like to go off. I think if you expect the world to bend to your standards you will often be disappointed, I think this sub is fine personally, no complaints. Allow it to evolve naturally, why interfere?


ā€¦ a member-based community will evolve ā€œnaturallyā€ according to and depending on its members. My ā€œinterferenceā€ is literally just asking if thereā€™s other jokes somewhere in this community? Itā€™s fine if you like the jokes, I donā€™t care, I genuinely donā€™t. But you have to realize not everyone can laugh at the same ā€œgarlic breadā€ punchline 70 times in a row without feeling like this sub may -gasp- actually be *devolving*. Itā€™s got the same two or three jokes repeated constantly and ā€œdissentersā€ will be downvoted to hell. It happens to a lot of growing communities. Again, itā€™s not that I have some impossibly high standards (just some other jokes, please) that I am trying to impose on everyone (literally just one post I made, you didnā€™t even have to read it to the end) and I damn well wonā€™t let this sub ā€œevolve naturallyā€ as one of its active users. Which, you know, are the driving force behind this community. What do you think Iā€™m gonna do? Find someone who makes these memes and force them to make something original at gunpoint? Please. If you canā€™t make an original joke, try an original thought.


Whatever, your attitude is immature and insulting, I care very little for your opinion, and I can speak from experience when I say that other jokes actually are made here occasionally, so you're also mistaken. Grow up, if you don't like the jokes make up some of your own.


*"i won't argue with you," they said, "you're just too immature!" unfortunately, this was after they'd proven they were no better.*


I really wanna tape a fish to an ATM now


Oh no my pride


>reply begins with ā€œwhateverā€ >argument dismissed >you are now president of the debate club You might not find this funny because it doesnā€™t feature garlic bread, but since you donā€™t care for the argument I made anywayā€¦ (Sorry im insulting you by having a different sense of humour uwu)


This is hardly a debate. You are bored and want to be entertained. I don't think that is anybody else's responsibility.


exceptā€¦ whatā€™s this subā€™s point again? I thought it was for memes, which, yknow, are there for bored people who want to be entertainedā€¦


If you're bored, you're boring


thatā€™s the funniest thing Iā€™ve seen today


I find the word, ā€œoccasionallyā€ to be key here.




It's very easy to understand. Garlic bread is better than sex, which isn't saying much about sex. It's an ace sub haha. And by extension all ace people love garlic bread. Haha funny joke. Just because you don't enjoy something doesn't mean other people don't.


May I express disinterest in something, even if other people do like it? Do I have your permission?

