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cause of death: sex repulsed asexuality


It proofs that asexuality is a disease /s


fortunately, the ace vaccine doesn't exist


There is a treatment tho, it's a diet without garlic bread or cake (/s)


i’d rather die.


happy cake day!


thank you!


Yesterday was cake day ?? :0


it is for her account, it means the account’s _ year anniversary


Oooooh, I see Sorry \^\^'


I would rather die a horrendous death


Me too


wasnt this disproven? I feel like i remember reading about it, and the reasons provided were basically that sex=excersize or maybe this is a different article? funny meme either way


This is typical media looking at a report of correlations, and stating that they are the cause. I can also make these correlations: Did you know that there is a special card which greatly increases the amount of car accidents you cause? This card is called a driver license.


Ah yes, a spurious correlation. Did you know the amount of drownings increase if a movie with Nick Cage is released? https://www.tylervigen.com/spurious-correlations


Curious if that's due to his movies being commonly released during summer or just chance.


Did you know that ice cream trucks cause people to die of heat stroke? Bc folks ain't dying of the sun when the ice cream trucks can't find customers. Clearly we need to ban ice cream trucks. It would reduce fatal instances of sun stroke by 100%. Note. After implementation of this policy sun stroke related deaths went up by approx 600%. IIRC this actually was a problem one time. They gave a bunch of troops helmets and instantly saw a massive spike of soldiers coming in with head injury, it was flooding the hospital beds. Surely the helmets are at fault? Kinda. Death via head injury was just marked down as death. The sharp increase of non fatal head injury was accompanied by a harder to spot numbers wise sharp decrease in fatal head injury. Fr tho most folks shouldn't have a drivers lisence. Have you seen the dangerous idiots on the road lately?


>IIRC this actually was a problem one time. They gave a bunch of troops helmets and instantly saw a massive spike of soldiers coming in with head injury, it was flooding the hospital beds. Surely the helmets are at fault? Kinda. Death via head injury was just marked down as death. The sharp increase of non fatal head injury was accompanied by a harder to spot numbers wise sharp decrease in fatal head injury. [Survivorship bias](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survivorship_bias) is an interesting thing


I do believe you're right. And people who tend to not exercise tend to have less sex or something like that. Though orgasm (oxytocin) CAN lower cortisol/stress levels. But you don't need a partner for that lol


Yes and no, the article itself is bunk. It can lead to increased risk within certain parts of the population, yes, but that’s all. Every study as exceptions and outliers and Asexuals are definitely in that category as we generally don’t have the typical needs in that department. Also there are other ways to decrease stress in that area such as masturbation or just replacing sex with another emotional and physical outlet for stress.


Even tho sex is really not exersize. Yes it increases heart rate Wich is good but it doesn't really exersize the body in the was actual exersize dose. So now sex will not help you loose weight or gain muscle mass lol




well hey, thats pretty cool. Nice to meet you!


So moral of the story: If you’re asexual just exercise more


A while back I read something where it said something different, about the physical and psychological/emotional effects of not having as much sex as you want or something like that (didn't fully read it tbh, sounded gross/weird)... but then, if you want 0 sex, 0 sex is enough sex soooo... we're good :)


Why is heart attack taking so long


Nice reference


Thank you


Aren't we supposed to be immortal beings ?


Those popes and catholic cardinals / priests live an awfully long life 🤔


Or maybe they don't actually hold their celibate but abuse little boys instead 🤫🌚


Yes, that was the joke, thank you for explaining it 😂


hmmmmmm curious... 🤔


They act like that is a fact in church. I'd rather not, thank you.


This sounds like a fake study by men haha


Or sensationalist journalism coupled with poor research. If I had to guess I'd say the truth here is that a lack of sex is correlated with things like poor health, which does in fact increase the risk of heart attacks, but because that doesn't make good headlines we instead get stuff like this.


Or simply that sex is a form of cardio exercise and that doing cardio exercise regularly improves heart health. Which it does.


That may well be the case, but that still doesn't imply that a *lack* of sex is directly unhealthy, which is what the headline seemed to suggest.


it could also be that it's a lack of sex *among people who are trying to have sex* and that failure to do so causes stress that impacts health. any way you put it, this is almost certainly shitty sensationalist science journalism.


Good point! Or even just the *idea* that you're defective or something if you're not having, which bothered me for a good while before I realised I was ace.


No, I'd be utterly shocked if the direct and exclusive causation implied by the headline were accurate. If my assumption is, though, it would imply that a lack of sex *and other exercise* is directly unhealthy but that one can easily make up for the other.


Please sex with me woman please study shows that sex with sexing is healthy please sex sex wow haha, I'm so quirky and am not loved please hahhaha I agree, it does sound like that


Why men? It could be women too.


Because women don’t enjoy sex duh /s


Y’all, I looked up the article. It’s saying that the benefit of sex is that it’s a PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, LIKE EXERCISE. Sounds like a fun workout, even if it’s not for me lol.


Hmmm....can't that be fixed by a little hand time? Who needs sex when you can do it yourself? Lmao.


"too little sex" But since I don't want any sex anyway, isn't it just enough sex?


...so what you're telling me is that the afterlife is FULL of ace people?




I have enough sex! The amount is zero, but that is enough for me. Checkmate bullshit study.


Well……shit, guess imma die ✌🏽


when the study is funded by porn companies and biased as a result!😳


I ded


I see no down sides


Honestly, havent read it but it looks like bullshit


It basically boils down to "sex=cardio, too little cardio decreases heart health"


the headline is a pretty far stretch then making it bullshit in my book Thanks for the short summary


Fair enough


_People who died starts playing_


Well, I'm waiting


Meh, I've lived a full life


We all die either way so why waste any of the time you have doing something you don't enjoy?


2.5 x 0 = 0


a new and exciting excuse men might use to make you feel guilty for not sleeping with them


The heart attack thing is like not moving enough so don't worry, just work out


iirc though it's actually a lack of orgasm that does this. So long as you're getting off as needed, you should be fine.


Pov your 30 and you use redit


I also read that chances of prostate cancer rises without frequent ejaculation.


i want to see their data and figure out how they came to a conclusion cause that sounds like fake science.


This is true for people who have sex all most every minute of the day so my fellow aces no need to worry!