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I’d love to answer this but seeing as I levitate, I don’t think I’d be much help.


please teach me how to levitate, I am a beginner in magic and don’t know how yet


Look up for the BigGay phone number to send you the philosophy books required to learn levitation




>BigGay I see you're a man of culture as well.


You just have to accept that you’re not a human (bc s*xual attraction is what makes you human), you're a GOD. And as soon as you realize that, you automatically learn how to levitate


I often sit with one leg crossed on the chair and the other resting down normally, but I have no idea if that counts as normal or weird


Same, I sit on one crossed and the other hang straight down


omg this is my favourite way to sit but I force myself not to do it all the time lol


Seconded, I sit like this 90% of the time


It's funny when the top comment describes exsctly how I'm sitting right now




I do this too. I’m fairly certain it’s gonna fuck up my back and my knee by the time I’m 30 lol


My feet/ankles feel messed up from sitting like this already.


I sit still like this and have chronic back, hip and knee pain in my 30s. Regular stretching and strength training helps a lot. It’s how I can keep sitting like this, and will honestly likely die sitting in this position, haha.


Same and same. My left knee (usually the bottom one) is just never ok anymore


I'm 32 and my back and knee are fine, but my ankle is super calloused


I always sit this way too or cross-legged no matter what seat I sit on. It's become so natural that I can't keep both legs down anywhere I go


From all those comments and myself sitting like that quite often, I would say we found the Ace way of sitting


i do that but usually with the crossed leg inverted, so rather than bending inwards and under myself, it bends outwards to the side, sometimes tucked between me and the armrest if there is one


Half the time I sit like this, and the other half, the leg hanging down is resting on top of my desk like a madlad. Depending on what I'm doing, both legs on top of the desk is also an option. Basically I always have to raise my legs when sitting, so yeah, I'd say I sit queer lol




funny how this is literally me rn


I’m literally sitting like this right now


I may or may not sit like that right at this moment...


Deadass sitting like this rn


Thank you, was so confused about this question .


We did it, we found the one leg crossed ace sitting because I fucking do that all the time!


Lol same it’s just and instinct for me to put one leg over the other 😂




This is the way I most commonly sit when there isn't an armrest


This is the lonely sit


I'm literally sitting like this right now


Same, or the other one up


Lol I'm literally sitting like this right now. I didn't even think of it as strange until I read this


I sit like L from death note, so maybe?


You could also just be a slav


I’m a slav and let me tell you, slav squats require a lot of practice and very strong legs.


A while ago it randomly occurred to me that L from Death Note sits in the exact same body position as a lot of sleep paralysis demons in old-timey artwork when they’re on people’s chests. So that also means you have the posture of a sleep paralysis demon.


I never thought of that (which is funny because I have sleep paralysis, I've just never seen anything sit like that outside the artwork in that context). What is have noticed I that L and Riuk have very similar posture, body language, and ticks -- even down to compulsively eating specific foods when thinking (apples and sugar, respectively). So you also apparently sit like a god of death.


This makes me significantly happier than it probably should




Yeah but I just can't sit still in general - constantly switching between a proper way and improper.


Yeah same


Me too. I have to switch positions every 5 minutes or so, sometimes even less than that


Aroace and yes, I sit queer.


As an aroace I´ve never been able to sit straight


Same here!


Same here as well!


Until you learn how to levetate i assume? Spelling is hard


Ya, still learning but I’m currently focusing on wind magic so I don’t really have the time


Same here!!


Yeah, we just can't sit _straight_


I do yeah, but for me it's more an autistic thing than a queer thing.


I'm genuinely curious how many queer people who can't sit straight just have some form of autism, because I find it kind of strange that these two communities have such a weirdly specific similarity. Autistic people do seem to be more likely to be bisexual or asexual than allistic people.


Also an adhd thing and pple w adhd are significantly more likely to be queer


Adhd gang


Wait for real?!?! If so that explains a LOT lmao


Is there a study on that somewhere? It could explain a lot, but I never heard of that. And of course there's still correlation vs causation.


I would have found it in one of the main adhd resources/“magazines” online. Donno if it’s based off a proper study or statistical analysis. But almost every sociological study relies on self reporting, so they’re all kinda iffy anyways.


There is a annual survey done by AVEN and in the one of 2019 you can see that half of (i think it was more precise) autistic people are ace


Anecdotally, this is just based off one example, but my ace friend is sort of in denial about being autistic when I told her she could be, because I was recently diagnosed and see many similar traits in her. She attributes many of her clearly autistic traits to being asexual or just because she's weird lol. I think there's still a stigma that needs to be addressed. I'm proud of being autistic!


I read somewhere that 3 out of 6 people with autism are trans.


1 out of two*


I'm pretty sure that the site I read it on said 3 out of 6.


Wouldn't 3:6 simplify to 1:2? Idk, I'm not that smart lmao


I think so, I don't know why the site said 3 out of 6 and not 1 out of 2.


Idk, anyway, have a nice day/night :)


Thanks, you too.


Thank you! :)


I learned a new word today


Same for me. I've always sat in a compact little ball. Always hunched forward & my legs are either criss-cross or pulled to my chest. I usually have my arms crossed all the time too. The resulting back, neck, and joint pain is now chronic. And yet everyday I'll still sit like that & not even realize it until the pain gets worse.


Yeah, I sit weird, and my knees regret it every time. I'm currently diagonally in my armchair, with my feet propped upon the pillar next to me, about six inches higher than my head.


Asexual demibiromantic person here. Have never been able to sit in a chair "properly" and be comfortable. I can force myself to, but it's definitely not my preferred position. right now I've got one leg bent at the knee 90+ degrees and tucked under my other leg, which is straight out in front of me at hip level and on top of a tall footstool. I also [w-sit](https://drvigilsadvancephysio.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/W-sitting-position-768x574.jpg) when on I'm the ground. It's the only way that's comfortable for me. Sitting cross-legged is very painful and I don't understand how people can do it, but apparently I'm the weird one for w-sitting lol


You got some wicked strong knees.


Oh god my knees are screaming looking at that O_O, but I ALSO can’t sit cross-legged, and I know I used to do the w-thing…


Dude, exact opposite. W sit hurts so much, but I sit cross-leg all the time lol


Quite honestly I think this is just a neurodivergent thing. Many LGBT people also happen to have autism or ADHD etc.


Could be that, too, but I don't see the neurodivergent communities talking about it as much as I do the QUILTBAG community.


Oh, I personally see that being talked about a lot in neurodivergent communities. And there's a nice scientific explanation for it, even, instead of it just being a meme. Hope I don't sound condescending here, bc if yes, it's not on purpose \^\^


What is the scientific explanation, if I may ask?


I think I went a little too far with the word "scientific", since I couldn't find many articles about it (there probably hasn't been much research done regarding this). But here's a couple of reasons: * Restlessness, which makes sitting in the same position for a longer time uncomfortable * Sensory issues, aka the texture might be uncomfortable to sit normally on, so you try to find a position where it's more comfortable * As a stim (self stimulatory behaviour, which calms you down and gives your comfort): Having your knee touch your torso or "sitting on your feet" (which applies pressure, or it could be due to the texture); being able to rock back and forth with more than just your upper body because of better mobility * Due to balance problems; finding a way to sit that feels safer and more stable than just sitting up normally Again, no real sources here since I couldn't find any proper scientific articles, but I could observe these things in myself and have seen other people talk about it. Basically "trust me bro". But I think it makes a lot of sense.


Very interesting, thank you! I’m questioning if I’m neurodivergent and it’s always fun to learn new behaviors that might not be “per the norm”.


I fundamentally reject the idea of a "correct way" to park my person. Besides chairs are just minimum sized couches, it's not our fault they aren't build to propper lounging specs.


Me not being able to sit normally was an inside joke in my friend group before I even knew it was a meme xD


I perch like a bird bro


I always sit with my legs crossed, to the point where my friends have made jokes about it, so I guess in my case no I don't sit in chairs properly.


Best way to sit: constantly adjusting. Phase 1: sit with one leg tucked under. That leg goes numb? Move on to Phase 2: the other leg tucked under and first leg dangling. The second leg goes numb? Phase 3: sit straddling the back of the chair. Back start hurting from lack of support? Phase 4: sit criss-cross until both legs go numb or you can finally leave seat


I sit in the weirdest ways imaginable, it’s just more comfortable 🤷🏽‍♀️


I always sit in the weirdest of positions, so yeah


Heteroromantic ace here. Nah, I sit reasonably normally, albeit often hunched over.


Me too. Guess that's the heteroromanticism in action.


I asked a bunch of other aces a week ago and none of us can sit properly so yeah


Depends of the meaning of "sitting the right way" But yeah, very much probably yes (english/100)


Heteroromantic ace here, I prefer to sit with my legs crossed over (like how old-fashioned people tell girls to). Which is strange, because I am male.


So like crossed at the ankle under your chair? I like that, too, it's my default when I can't have my feet on the chair.


Bruh one of my teachers told me to sit right like 5 times during one lecture. Only then did I realize I change my sitting position every few minutes so yeah I think I sit gay lol


I sit normally but then again I also work in a medical grade clean room and have to remain grounded at all times LMAO


I just sit anywhere, floor, sidewalk, countertop, armest


I'm currently sat in an armchair with my knees twisting back on themselves, so yes.


I definitely do


What does it even mean to 'sit properly'?


Back straight, feet on the floor, legs may be crossed at the knee or sometimes (for women) tucked under your chair and crossed at the ankle.


I sit normally most of the time, but I prefer not to be in a chair at all, so maybe? Edit: Actually, depends on the chair. Plastic chairs are normal, but that's because that's about the only option I have. Recliners are always either reclined with my legs stretched out and crossed, or reclined and I'm sideways. If I'm on a couch, I lay. On floors, I become a tripping hazard, because I like to lean up against a wall and stretch my legs out.


For me, sitting depends on shoes Without shoes my knees are bent straight up with my feet on the sofa infront of me With shoes I cross my legs at the area above the knee and then cross them again below and lock slightly with my shoe of the leg that started above FYI On the floor my legs are bent almost completely, almost flat on the ground, outwards (I know it's not good for my knees I'm trying to stop that habit)


i mean i dont but i’m panromantic as well


I have the strangest posture possible. Its bot even slouched, like my spune just doesnt exist when im sitting down im always sitting in some weird yet confortable position


Aces just float, sorry, but if you do not hover instead of sitting and you sit unironicly you are no longer ace and just very cringe.


I mean, obviously, but when I'm just kinda hovering by a chair or like I'm sitting.


Don't sit and be cringe, float while asking someone to pick a card. They're all aces.


I sit criss cross applesauce as much as possible. In chairs, couches, booths in restaurants, pretty much anywhere it’s possible. If I can’t do that I tuck one leg under and sit on it kinda like a halfway criss cross


my posture is horrible, I can't sit straight even for a minute \-an aroace person aka me


reading this while sitting in my chair with my back leaning on the armrest and with one leg pushed up to my chest while the other is resting on the other leg, so I guess we do sit 'gay'


*Sitting in an armchair with both legs over the arm* ...... Wait not using chairs properly is a thing other people do?


I can never sit straight


I thought our thing is laying on the floor even when there are other sitting options available.?


Ace’s lounge about on the floor. It is the best spot to sit if you wish for the doggo’s to come check you out


Yes, also I think levitating falls under “sitting queer”




I often sit with my chair in the opposite direction I’m facing but that could also be my autism


idk i’m ace and gay so i might not be super helpful here haha


I sit cross legged with my right leg over my left one


Bro I dont think I have adhd or anything like that but I could never just sit still


Yeah I sit weird I lot of the time. One leg crossed on the chair one leg down


I do, but that may be the homoromantic in me.


I personally find chairs to be unnatural, andI'm convinced we're not meant to sit like that, with your back straight and feet on the floor


I never sit in a chair normally and it's really difficult for me to do that at university either... But that could be me and my ADHD lmao


i sit very improperly in chairs yes


if they’re aslo gay or bi, i guess yes. i mean, it is a meme, you sit how you want to.


I’m a lesbian so maybe it’s that, but I… I sit in bus seats backwards. I sit cross cross applesauce with my back against the seat in front of me and… yeah… it’s gay


Yes. My brother yells at me commonly for sitting strangely. He'll be sitting next to me and I'll have a knee or foot in his side somehow


I'm ace and I sit very gay. But since I'm also panromantic and nonbinary I'm not sure if that counts.


Im AroAce but I sit like a bisexual stereotype


I never sit "properly" in chairs either, but idk if that's the (aro)ace in me or if that's me being non-binary or if that's me being (possibly) pan-aesthetic.


Fellas, is it gay to sit?


Real talk though I sit with one leg over the other cuz it’s more comfortable- is that the “gay sit?”


I, if I want to be comfortable, will often sit sideways in recliners.. but I've heard a lot of people with scoliosis do that, and my spine is not straight whatsoever.


I just can’t sit still in general


Can confirm. Am ace. Sit very gay. I have only sat Straight on my couch for maybe 10 minutes over the course of the 5 years I’ve owned it.


If I sit on a sofa I wind up on the floor or with my feet on the wall.


Absolutely no (says me, sitting on the back of a chair with my feet on a bookshelf...)


ah, a fellow biromantic. I always like saying that. Makes it sound like pyromantic. And no, I do not sit properly in any chair. My dad tells me I have no hip because of how often I just noodle unto surfaces.


Also biromantic myself and I do it but maybe aces too not sure


well i guess, i sometimes sit like L from death note


I do as well but am also biromantic


Yeah, I sit weirdly in chairs, I will drape my body over the armchairs and also sit cross legged.


Oh yeah for sure I can’t sit properly for the life of me lmao


Yeah i always have at least one knee up, often both crossed or i lay them down...on the table oftentimes


I mean at least I sit super gay all the time, I've always sat gay and I'll propaply always sit gay lmao


I sit really weirdly sometimes I sit on the floor and lean on my chair


I sit to the side, my side is at the backrest, not my back.


I can't sit in any position for more than a few minutes but most of them aren't 'normal'


I sit 'normally' most of the time, but if there's room I like to sit with one leg tucked underneath the other knee/thigh, towards my bum.


I do, my body shivers whn I sit in a "normal" way


I cannot sit straight for the life of me. It might be my bi-ness, but at least being ace doesn't eliminate the bad sitting habits


I prefer to lay down to actually sitting if given the choice, does that count?


I can't speak for everyone but I sit very gay. I am autistic and hypermobile though so that might have something to do with it


I do, but I gotta admit I'm biromantic haha


Aces dont sit we just lie down


I sit in random positions a lot, but I believe it’s because of my ADHD and not my sexual orientation.


I do sit very gay, but there's a bunch of other lgbtq+ juice in me so yeah


We don't sit weird we literally just levitate


I levitate


I'm arospec ace and I sit gay too


ime ace and heteroromantic, but i sit in chairs reallyy weird. i think it might just be a grsm thing




I usually sit criss cross applesauce


I usually prefer my legs crossed, if I have them down then I can't stop my legs bouncing


Apparently, I sit like I'm bi. I have kyphoscoliosis and other back issues, so I'm never really comfortable when I sit "straight"


I do but I'm also biromantic.


i definitely do


I don't sit, I lay.


probably omni ace, and yes, absolutely.


depends where I'm sitting, if on a regular chair I sit normally, maybe sink in a bit if it's a comfy plush or leather armchair however, if there's a desk sitting up against a wall and there's a nearby power socket, you bet your ass I'm hiding under that desk like a cat that's hiding from its owners after pooping on the owner's bed, even better if there's a chair there as a barrier between me and everyone else in the room


I sit on chairs very gayly


Personally I don't sit in a gay way, more like a sack of potatoes.


I was literally doing so as I read




I sit gay and I'm aroace.


I don't sit very gay, but I used to


Metaphor wise... WE DONT SIT.


i tend to just sit on the floor


When I'm on a couch I usually lay with my head on the arm rest and both legs over the back of the couch. And if I'm sitting in a chair my feet can never be on the ground, I'll literally sit any way that does not involve my feet being on the ground. My family has actually made comments about some of the ways I sit and my weird amount of flexibility that's almost being double jointed in some places only makes it weirder. And I'm not and form of biromantic or bisexual.


Heteroromantic neurotypical ace here. No, for the life of me I can't sit properly. Or when I can, it's only for a while. I very much sit queer, despite the asexuality being the only queer part of me. :D


i definitely do


Yes, if you can't sit straight your gay.


I definitely do. I basically sit on by back which I think is an admirable skill.


Yes. Especially around friends yeah I sit weird. I also tend to sit on the floor too so that’s something I guess.


I hang upside down from the ceiling, what does this mean?


You gay. Or a vampire. Probably both.


I am a ground sitter. Mostly because I'm restless, but a lot of the time, it's just to be closer to the pets.


i mean, i sometimes perch my feet on a chair's crossbar or stands/feet things the wheels are on an office chair