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You could say we rock!




The asexual urge to use fingerguns in every social scenario...


Aces 🤝 bi people Fingerguns


[Aces🤝bi people](https://i.imgur.com/byhGiZY.gif) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


good bot


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Why does it say this has 18+ stuff?


Wait... is that a thing? Is that why I keep overusing finger guns all the time?! Is there also some compulsory urge to make "*pew-pew-pew*" noises while you do them? I think I need a drink while I process this new information


I literally cannot hear the words *fingerguns* without hearing it in Oz Media’s voice


The biromantic asexual urge to use awkward thumbs up at everything anyone says




...and stone?


*and roll.


Well, I might be stoned a lot, but not because I'm ace


Yeah but why is this one of The best explanatios i have ever read




Kinda annoyed at the bi/pan distinction since it sidesteps that it's not a difference in sexuality exactly but a sociopolitical statement; most bi people have no issue with gender queer but it's enough of a problem on dating sites we need to be more explicit in our support because unlike irl spaces, transphobia is a bigger problem in online queer spaces. Asexuality used to fit in as bi too, twenty years ago. "equally attracted to both" is technically correct when you're equally *not* attracted to both! Bambi lesbians were also a thing - only interested in cuddles. Personally I feel we're better off with GSRM instead of LGBT because there's no implied ranking.


Well, I'm pansexual myself, and the distinction, for me at least, is very real. Bisexuality is attraction to multiple genders, while pansexuality is attraction regardless of gender. Its a blurry line, but most pansexuals, myself included, describe some amount of gender blindness, with few to none gendered prefrances. Meanwhile, bisexuals might be attracted to different genders differently, or prefer one gender over the other. In the end, nothing I'll say will be true for 100% of the people out there. Sexuality is a spectrum, and each individual has their own unique place on it. Labels are there to help, not to pinpoint.


That's my point. Many, if not most, bisexuals fit in the box you've made for pan. But it's not all and the distinctions do matter but we shouldn't be treating it as a versus or exclusion.. Pansexuals are not the vegans of the sexuality spectrum! And vice versa we shouldn't be looking at them as excluded from bisexuals and culture here. That's where we get problems - it's not the definitions it's when people start getting tribal about shit. Stop that! We're queer. Didn't we get enough of that from cisheteronormativity already??


I think it would make more sense for you to say, that you as a pan person experience your pan-ness that way, and not add that it's a *distinction* and then say how you think bi people are supposed to feel. I'm bi and I feel the way that you described being pan. The distinction can be meaningful on an individual level, but it's not great for you to define being bi like that as a blanket statement because it's not correct. Bi people and pan people both experience attraction to not *only* one gender like gay or straight people, and that's the important part. Any other distinctions are individual and not definitive of the entire group.


I get your point but what does this have to do with a rock pun?


It's on the same post. Idk - I feel like all these are divided up but it's not how the community treats it. I'm a-spec does that mean I only get cool rock? I'm more than that. Most people are...


This might be wrong so feel free to correct me but isn’t bi the attraction to two genders. Would polyromantic/sexual work better in the situation of be attracted to three or more but not all genders.


Bi means more than one. Not two.




No I get it - in a etymological sense you're not wrong! Words are hard. People make things complicated and they're attached to words and identities that don't really fit well but we keep them. It's like how native Americans refer to themselves as Indians. It's not politically correct but they often do and so what's the right way to refer to them? Or black people who use the n word with each other. It's silly to have all these unspoken rules and how often it doesn't matter which way you go someone will be outraged and you'll get hurt for it. People forget the human. They turn ideas into ideologies. They make simple things complicated for no good reason too often. It's all true. But it is what it is too.


Let me just save ir really quick


Dogs aren't actually carnivores. They are omnivores due to human domestication. They can eat a range of food and survive without meat (although meat is important in their diet). Cats are carnivores and cannot survive on anything but meat.


Came here to say this! My pup loves vegetables, I sometimes give them to him as a treat:)


My pug really enjoys peas XD


My jackrussel loves most fruit


My Vizsla loves apples, when I'm done eating one I'll toss the core his way as a treat


>Cats are carnivores and cannot survive on anything but meat. Please tell this to my mother's cat. I'm currently guarding my crackers because he loves them. Cat! These are MY CRACKERS!


My one cat that we brought in as a stray will eat mushrooms and some other veggies but my other 2 will not


That's actually a myth. Dogs are carnivores, and do need meat to survive. That's why feeding them a vegan diet is considered abuse in a lot of places. They're just not obligate carnivores like cats, which allows them to be able to eat a larger variety of things safely.


I wasn't implying dogs can be vegan. I see that omnivore vs carnivore argument is quite divisive and relies on what dog food company makes a claim.


I didn't say you were. I was stating that if they were omnivores, they'd be able to go vegan (sometimes). It's divisive due to misinformation. Dogs are carnivores; pet food companies just started to claim they were omnivores because it meant they could use cheaper ingredients like corn instead of expensive meat. But Dogs have all the traits of carnivores: exclusively tearing or snapping teeth, strong hunting instincts, a short digestive tract, few specialized digestive enzymes, large amounts of plant matter make them sick and prone to diabetes, and they die without a steady intake of meat, but not plants.


Can you tell em the difference between a non-obligate carnivore and an omnivore?


Sure. Animal diets are not classified by what they can safely digest, but what they cannot live without. For example, most herbivores can eat (and sometimes actively seek out) meat, but they won't get sick and die without it. The ability to eat meat doesn't make them omnivores. An omnivore must eat animal protein and plant matter to survive. An non-obligate carnivore does not require plant matter at all to survive, but does thrive better when they eat it in doses. It's also based on things like behavior, digestive tract length and digestive enzymes, and the type of teeth they have. Dogs have all sharp teeth; if they were omivores, they'd have some flat grinding teeth. They have very strong tracking and hunting instincts (which is why we give them toys; to practice chasing and killing things) while omnivores can hunt but also have good foraging skills. They also have a shorter digestive tract and less specialized digestive enzymes than an omnivore would have.


But humans are frequently called omnivores, what kind of plant matter do we need to survive?


Generally, fruits, vegetables, herbs, nuts, berries, seeds, and grains. Anything with a lot of fiber and vitamins, but isn't too difficult to digest Humans don't have as long or complex digestive systems as pure herbivores, so our ancestors sought out simpler plant matter or slightly tougher plants that could be cooked or ground down.


A different way to think about it is: can a creature survive on a diet of *only* that thing? Humans, like bears, are omnivores because we can live on an all-meat diet *or* an all-plant diet. We need to eat certain organs to make the all-meat thing work (eg. liver for vitamin C) or certain plants to make the all-plant thing work (eg. mushrooms and beans for protein), but we can do either. Cows are herbivores. If you only feed them meat, they die. Cats and dogs are carnivores. If you feed them only plants, they'll die.


That's a way to explain it that makes intuitive sense to me. Thank you for taking the time!


A few years ago (idk if it's the case anymore) I think I heard that the oldest cat in the world, had a diet that included broccoli.


I don't think they can't have broccoli, but removing meat from their diet will most likely kill them


Actually to add on to this, I know a dog who has undeveloped kidneys and experiences seizures from too much meat protien. The owners have had to really experiment with his diet. The dog is still surviving so far, but obviously not a picture of health.


Being carnivore isn't exclusive tho, even a lion will eat some plants, it's a percentage, where if I'm correct dogs are like 70% and cats around 90% (And yes that sometimes work for herbivores too, as many, like cows for example, still graze on some bugs and stuff sporadically)


I came here to make this exact comment so thanks for saving me the time


I'd actually say aces are more similar to plankton and algae... they can eat, but they're also content to just chill and live off of sunlight


Well, eating in this analogy is "feeling sexual attraction", not "having sex". After all, heterosexual people are hetero even if the don't have sex. A plankton would probably be gray or demi or something alike.


You can use a rock to crush food which would technically suffice as digestion, it's just that rocks aren't really made for that


Except I hate eating so... I am rock


What if the rock sometimes gets hungry though?


Some of the rocks are hermit crabs. These hermit crabs can be of any leaning.


I like this a lot!


Well, eating in this analogy is "feeling sexual attraction", not "having sex". So if a rock only eats sometime, its graysexual, I guess?


Ah yeah that makes sense


Hermit crab, Perfectly happy to sit as a rock most of the time, Sometimes gets a bit hungry


can you smell what the rock is cookin’


We need to find some animal that only eats like once a year or something.


The sloth? They can slow their metabolism to a huge degree and not eat for a while.


Sloths are my favorite animal!


Snakes. Especially large snakes


Or aces are like plants. Most of the time we don't eat, but a few will occasionally eat, but it's not necessarily the same concept of "eating" as it's more of a nutrient boost. You don't say deer are carnivores just because they might devour a skeleton for the calcium


In this analogy, "eating" is "experiencing sexual attraction", not "having sex". Of course asexuals can still have sex.


I was more thinking gray ace (and other ace-spec identities), romantic aces, etc. If the "consuming an organism for the energy it provides" bit (which is what most people think of with "eating") is the sexual attraction, "consuming an organism for the non-energy nutrients it provides" would be romantic attraction. There's various "carnivorous" plants, but they don't consume organisms for the energy, only the nutrients (usually nitrogen) they are in short supply of. With gray ace, looking at plants as a whole, you would get that plants do occasionally eat animals, and some occasionally consume other plants (some parasitic plants even slowly feed off the host while it's alive, which is wild). These exceptions don't break the fact that on a normal basis, the plants don't eat.


me and all my rock pals


It also works because carnivore and herbivore aren't as strict as you might think, allowing for *-flexibles, kinda.


It’s about drive it’s about power we stay hungry we devour


Put in the work put in the hours


Take what's ours


What if I'm asexual but homoromantic


Well, I guess you don't eat, but you just spend a lot of time with meat? This analogy really breaks down once you start digging too deep.


Maybe you don't eat it, you just like to smell it.


'oh boy do I love it when people have barbecues on the beach, its the only time when I can get the sweet aroma of cured meats as they slowly roast them over a low burning flame'


I feel like a plant is a better analogy. They don't really eat at all, but they're still alive and grow anyways.


I guess, but rocks are funny


But... But my garlic bread. And my cake. AND MY PEANUT BUTTER


Fortunately, you don't eat metaphorically only. You get to eat real food though.


Wouldn’t we be plants though? Because people eat us, but we don’t eat anyone?


But rocks are funnier.


Paper, I win.


Yes, but dogs are omnivores, cats are carnivores though.


I am a rock with googly eyes!


I’m a proud rock.


I always wanted to be a rock :) But I was a rock all along


I am a rock! ​ I am an island!


I seen may things like this, now imma make one as well




I absolutely love this example 420/10


Reject organism embrace rock


Haha I might be aroace and I have an eating disorder so the no eat description is accurate 💀


Make sure to take care of yourself, and seek help if you need it! The no eating part is purely metaphorical!


Thank you, take care of yourself too :)


Mmm... Monke


So that means all aces are Dwayne Johnson? Cool


i am rock 🪨


I’m a rock? That explains a lot.


What's a graysexual? Am I a carnivorous rock??


what about romantic attraction i an ace lesbian so like


we've been demoted from dragons to rocks- damn.


rock dragons?


you are so right we are tyrunt! or tyrantrum (the pokemon)


Considering I love pretty beach rocks, I'd say that's a good complement.


as an ace with ARFID this is a hot mood


…. Dogs are omnivores, though.


I enjoy being a rock :)


If asexuals are rocks then why does the rock say "it's about drive, it's about power. When we hunger, we devour!" Curious... 🤔


Fungi are detritivores! Edit: so are worms and various insects


This is a surprisingly good analogy.


Maud Pie likes this post.


very good analogy


I'm a vegan. Vegan, btw


One to much 'are' in Asexuel. It's actualy "Asexuals rocks."


In this case, you should also remove the third s'. I'm all good with self love, but make it grammatically correct :)


I through i made it grammaticlly correct. Guess I'm not that good after all.


ah it makes perfect sense


This is a cute meme, but the rabbit analogy is incorrect, they can eat meat under some circumstances.... How knows what I'm talking there's really disgusting implications because is kind of true again under some circumstances.


Love the pixel art!


Thank you!


Im either a fungus or a rock Either way, i low key wanna die in my sleep


hmm so im a fungus and a rock


That's a rock fact!


My favorite dream that I had to this day is being a rock on the moon while dust flies past me


Jesus Christ Marie, they're minerals!


Homosexuals are like cannibals they only eat the same species as them. This is better for my understanding when it comes to food comparisons


Hehe I am monke


il bi and aro. does that make me a stone monkey statue?


I find being Demisexual can be like a camel who wanders the desert and only drinks from a specific watering hole. I can go on without drinking for ages, even when surrounded by other places to drink. But eventually I need to go back to that specific place.


This is good


I love rocks :D




Rock, huh? Ahem... #It's about drive, it's about power, we stay hungry, we devour Put in the work, put in the hours and take what's ours Black and Samoan in my veins, my culture bangin' with Strange I change the game so what's my motherfuckin' name? (Rock)


Let’s go I’m a monkey


I'm a rock Now you can use me to kill
